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Rock Band Network

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The highly successful Rock Band video game has announced a network that will allow record companies and bands to create tracks for purchase and play on the game. The word is that Zep is not keen on loaning out their masters to someone else. Now they wont have too. Every time my family comes over, my mom and aunt always ask me, "do they have any Zeppelin yet?" I am not a musician, just a fan. The closest I will ever get to feeling the "stage" is through Rock Band. I hope my favorite band in the world will understand that there are millions of dedicated fans just like myself. I will post the link to Rock Band Network and hope for some response. Zeppelin, I made it to London two years ago and your show was amazing. Your fans love you. Please make this happen for all of us who do play this fine game. Thanks.

Billboard article-http://www.billboard.biz/bbbiz/content_display/industry/e3i4d0b1b4303c83997ea8bf1f3ea673d95

Rock Band Network Details on site-http://www.rockband.com/rock-band-network

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Apparently, our forum "is full of elitist douchers" :lol:

As one of these elitist douchers, if LZ wants to be on Rock Band, that's fine by me. But I think its safe to say that will never happen.

Just like Page playing with a rapper and Plant playing country.

It amazes me how many on here actually believe they know what the band is thinking or going to do.

If Jimmy agrees or not is fine.

Once again we will play the waiting game.

To all those snobbish wannabe musicians who it would appear sspend most of their time online than playing music, I say get over yourselves.

Not everyone wants to learn an instrument.

Does playing Guitar Hero or Rockband make one a musician?

No, just like racing games don't make people better drivers.

What they do do is give a lot of fun and enjoyment to many people.

Does anyone remember laughter?

If the band does allow the games access to the music I can see all the know-it-alls coming out and saying, "It's their music they can do what they like......"

What are they going to do if the music is made available, stop being "fans" (fuck I hate that term)!?

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Just like Page playing with a rapper and Plant playing country.

It amazes me how many on here actually believe they know what the band is thinking or going to do.

If Jimmy agrees or not is fine.

Once again we will play the waiting game.

To all those snobbish wannabe musicians who it would appear sspend most of their time online than playing music, I say get over yourselves.

Not everyone wants to learn an instrument.

Does playing Guitar Hero or Rockband make one a musician?

No, just like racing games don't make people better drivers.

What they do do is give a lot of fun and enjoyment to many people.

Does anyone remember laughter?

If the band does allow the games access to the music I can see all the know-it-alls coming out and saying, "It's their music they can do what they like......"

What are they going to do if the music is made available, stop being "fans" (fuck I hate that term)!?

Personally, I'm not really for it or against it (that was supposed to be the tone of my original post, if I wasn't clear enough) and whatever they choose is fine by me.

I don't own Rock Band or Guitar Hero for that matter, so its not like I will be affected by this, if it does happen. As for me saying its 'safe', LZ has been stingy with its music rights we all know that. And with the recent criticism of Guitar Hero by Page, I would put my money on unlikely to not at all.

But you're right... we will never know for sure

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Just like Page playing with a rapper and Plant playing country.

It amazes me how many on here actually believe they know what the band is thinking or going to do.

If Jimmy agrees or not is fine.

Once again we will play the waiting game.

To all those snobbish wannabe musicians who it would appear sspend most of their time online than playing music, I say get over yourselves.

Not everyone wants to learn an instrument.

Does playing Guitar Hero or Rockband make one a musician?

No, just like racing games don't make people better drivers.

What they do do is give a lot of fun and enjoyment to many people.

Does anyone remember laughter?

If the band does allow the games access to the music I can see all the know-it-alls coming out and saying, "It's their music they can do what they like......"

What are they going to do if the music is made available, stop being "fans" (fuck I hate that term)!?

Thanks you. I don't see how using Zep music in a video game is worse than letting a rapper shit all over it.

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Thanks you. I don't see how using Zep music in a video game is worse than letting a rapper shit all over it.

And you too!

I have no problem with Zep's music being used any way the band allows, its their music.

I couldn't care less one way or the other.

Whether you like Jimmy's collaboration with Diddy and Tom Morrello (who is featured in Guitar Hero), or not, is your choice.

Frankly, I thought it was a good rendition of a re-imaginig of a Classic Rock song, both musically and lyrically.

Dunno about being part of THAT movie soundtrack though!

If Zep's music ever appears in Guitar Hero or Rock Band, so be it.

But if not, so what?, it's not the end of the world.

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Just like Page playing with a rapper and Plant playing country.

It amazes me how many on here actually believe they know what the band is thinking or going to do.

If Jimmy agrees or not is fine.

Once again we will play the waiting game.

To all those snobbish wannabe musicians who it would appear sspend most of their time online than playing music, I say get over yourselves.

Not everyone wants to learn an instrument.

Does playing Guitar Hero or Rockband make one a musician?

No, just like racing games don't make people better drivers.

What they do do is give a lot of fun and enjoyment to many people.

Does anyone remember laughter?

If the band does allow the games access to the music I can see all the know-it-alls coming out and saying, "It's their music they can do what they like......"

What are they going to do if the music is made available, stop being "fans" (fuck I hate that term)!?

Good reply Reggie...my sentiments exactly. Saved me doing a load of typing!!

Kind regards from Perth, WA


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Good reply Reggie...my sentiments exactly. Saved me doing a load of typing!!

Kind regards from Perth, WA


It's funny, cause when I am driving somewhere and Zep is on the radio. I find myself either singing or tapping my dashboard to Bohnam's drum beats. I'm sure I am not the only one. This gaming just adds another thing for us rock and roll fans. Now we dont have to just sing on our way to work, we can get our family together and spend time enjoying music.

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Hello. I'm afraid that most true musicians don't understand the positive impact that Rock Band has on people. For instance, I'm 31, married with a young son, normal guy... I can play the piano by ear a little, can't read music unless I sit down with a pencil and write notes out and then play them slowly till it all makes sense. Get it?

I am a consimer of music, 5000 songs on my Ipod, mostly Rock or Pop genre. I missed a lot of Zep cause I was born in 77 and when I first started listening to music (or when I can remember), much of their stuff wasn't new enough for current airplay and wasn't old enough for classic channels. Since I got XM, I've been exposed to more than Stairway to Heaven.

Of course, I think the music is great and I've bought a lot of it. But also, I want to mention that Christmas of 07, my brother in law got me to play Guitar Hero for the first time. I'd played video games all my life but had kind of avoided this series cause I thought the dance game was lame. I played that night and I was hooked.

I went out the next day and bought Rock Band and now I'm consumed with it.

And here is where artists & musicians get a little sideways: The prevailing thought is that kids are not learning to play guitar because they are playing video games. But I say playing Rock Band has exposed me to many technical aspects of music that I'd have never dreamed of encountering.

I can remember playing Dr. Feelgood by Motley Crue on Expert Drums (which would be the eqivalent of playing the song on a 4-piece electric drum kit w/pedal) then failing and turning to my wife and saying "He's doing that!!!?!" The triple bass movement with one bass note coming at an odd 16th overwhelmed me and I was kicked out. Here's a clip of someone acing it if you want to see what I'm talking about, you'll notice it in the first 30 seconds (the line across is the bass pedal indicator for those that don't know): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rryKyXut9GA

The other day as we were driving back from vacation, I heard Fell on Black Days by Soundgarden and appreciated the double bass beat intro that is only played on his first drum notes of the song. I'd have never noticed this before. And I can now appreciate the alternating time signature of the Toadies Possum Kingdom.

As far as guitar goes, I didn't know what a Hammer-On was. I thought solos were just people playing whatever they wanted to. I'm getting long winded here, but I actually bought an accoustic guitar and started picking a little. To date I can only play pieces of songs and maybe Come as You Are by Nirvana or some other basics. I'm getting away from my point, which is NOT to suggest that everyone who plays these games is going to buy an instrument...

What I am saying is, I was happy where I was: a 30-year old consumer of music with a decent job who owned an Xbox and still played Madden a couple hours a week during football season... who could sit at a piano 4 or 5 times a year & give you a little Journey or Billy Joel or maybe Hurt by NIN.

But because of Rock Band, my appreciation for (as well as my ability to play) music has multiplied several times. So maybe when I hear ZZ Top's Sharp Dressed Man, I see colored blocks scrolling through my head, but I'm happy about it.

The point is getting quality music into video games does not stifle musical growth. If anything, it broadens horizons (Green Grass & High Tides is now one of my favorite songs, and I'd never even heard of the Outlaws before playing this game), and I think it leads more people to instruments than it stifles away from them.

And I would love to have some Zep in Rock Band. It would expose more people to the tremendous art that is their music.

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Hello. I'm afraid that most true musicians don't understand the positive impact that Rock Band has on people. For instance, I'm 31, married with a young son, normal guy... I can play the piano by ear a little, can't read music unless I sit down with a pencil and write notes out and then play them slowly till it all makes sense. Get it?

I am a consimer of music, 5000 songs on my Ipod, mostly Rock or Pop genre. I missed a lot of Zep cause I was born in 77 and when I first started listening to music (or when I can remember), much of their stuff wasn't new enough for current airplay and wasn't old enough for classic channels. Since I got XM, I've been exposed to more than Stairway to Heaven.

Of course, I think the music is great and I've bought a lot of it. But also, I want to mention that Christmas of 07, my brother in law got me to play Guitar Hero for the first time. I'd played video games all my life but had kind of avoided this series cause I thought the dance game was lame. I played that night and I was hooked.

I went out the next day and bought Rock Band and now I'm consumed with it.

And here is where artists & musicians get a little sideways: The prevailing thought is that kids are not learning to play guitar because they are playing video games. But I say playing Rock Band has exposed me to many technical aspects of music that I'd have never dreamed of encountering.

I can remember playing Dr. Feelgood by Motley Crue on Expert Drums (which would be the eqivalent of playing the song on a 4-piece electric drum kit w/pedal) then failing and turning to my wife and saying "He's doing that!!!?!" The triple bass movement with one bass note coming at an odd 16th overwhelmed me and I was kicked out. Here's a clip of someone acing it if you want to see what I'm talking about, you'll notice it in the first 30 seconds (the line across is the bass pedal indicator for those that don't know): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rryKyXut9GA

The other day as we were driving back from vacation, I heard Fell on Black Days by Soundgarden and appreciated the double bass beat intro that is only played on his first drum notes of the song. I'd have never noticed this before. And I can now appreciate the alternating time signature of the Toadies Possum Kingdom.

As far as guitar goes, I didn't know what a Hammer-On was. I thought solos were just people playing whatever they wanted to. I'm getting long winded here, but I actually bought an accoustic guitar and started picking a little. To date I can only play pieces of songs and maybe Come as You Are by Nirvana or some other basics. I'm getting away from my point, which is NOT to suggest that everyone who plays these games is going to buy an instrument...

What I am saying is, I was happy where I was: a 30-year old consumer of music with a decent job who owned an Xbox and still played Madden a couple hours a week during football season... who could sit at a piano 4 or 5 times a year & give you a little Journey or Billy Joel or maybe Hurt by NIN.

But because of Rock Band, my appreciation for (as well as my ability to play) music has multiplied several times. So maybe when I hear ZZ Top's Sharp Dressed Man, I see colored blocks scrolling through my head, but I'm happy about it.

The point is getting quality music into video games does not stifle musical growth. If anything, it broadens horizons (Green Grass & High Tides is now one of my favorite songs, and I'd never even heard of the Outlaws before playing this game), and I think it leads more people to instruments than it stifles away from them.

And I would love to have some Zep in Rock Band. It would expose more people to the tremendous art that is their music.

What a great piece! I feel exactly the same way. Awesome reply!

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That's exactly it. People don't realise that the Expert Drums in Rock Band are in almost all cases the same as playing the song beat for beat on a four-piece set. I play guitar, and I play Rock Band. I played guitar before I got this game, and you really can't claim superiority playing the real instrument. The guitars in these rhythm games are instruments in their own respects, becoming quite intricate and difficult at higher levels of play. In fact there are alot of similarities to plaing the actual guitar in terms of note placement.

My point being, the Rock Band is an alternate way for people who don't really consider themselves musical to get up and play new things, experience and gain an appreciation for music they've never ehard before. The kids NEED Led Zeppelin nowadays, and Zeppelin would deprive the fans of this out of some misplaced pride or arrogance? Get with the future. Get with the now. I'm sure people still buy the CD's, but they're also pirated. ALOT. Not so easy to pirate Downloadable content for the 360 or PS3 is it? Children can pirate MP3s. If Zeppelin had their songs on Rock Band they'd be getting paid for each purchase. Do you know how VERY many people pray for this to happen? There are millions. Millions of fans, and possible new fans. To dismiss such an opportunity without fully understanding what the game has done for the music industry in general is utterly disgusting.

Look into it. Snap out of it, wake up. You can make alot of money here. "But it's not about the money, that makes us sell-outs blah blah standards... legends.. blah blah.." Then do it for the fans. So that a new generation of Aspiring musicians will know who Led Zeppelin IS for god's sake. As I said, I played guitar prior to my experience with the game. I did not play drums. Now I do. And I can damn well play every one of Zep's songs. People pick up instruments because of this, people tell their friends, they get into it, discover new music. EVOLVE the face of music history. The children are the future, not me or anyone else. Show them that you gave a damn and didn't snub it off as "some wacky fad." Welcome to the present day. Please enjoy your stay.

-- Made that way too damn long and rambling.

-- Zynnix, preacher of the "present ways."

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There won't be no Zep on RockBand. Page wouldn't let that happen.

Second, seeing a bunch of colored dots flying towards you in sync with Zepp Music will definitely kill the spirit of it. Think about it, you listen to Dazed and Confused and the only thing you associate the song with is a bunch of circles floating across a virtual fretboard and the sound of your right hand flicking the strum bar of a plastic guitar.

Kinda squeezes the magic out.

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There won't be no Zep on RockBand. Page wouldn't let that happen.

Second, seeing a bunch of colored dots flying towards you in sync with Zepp Music will definitely kill the spirit of it. Think about it, you listen to Dazed and Confused and the only thing you associate the song with is a bunch of circles floating across a virtual fretboard and the sound of your right hand flicking the strum bar of a plastic guitar.

Kinda squeezes the magic out.

Wait wait--I think a lot of people already had the "colored dots flying towards you in sync with Zepp Music" experience in the 70s.

Yeah we wouldn't want to bring them into a flashback now would we? B)

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Zeppelin will never be on Rock Band, so don't get hopes up. Page has always been very closed handed with the music...I don't think he's gunna let a video game have it anytime soon.

Completely agree. Nothing against Rock Band, but I for one will be very disappointed. I just don't want to see THIS band on a video game. I think it will take away from the music...but again just my thoughts.

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I'm very against this as well. They will lose their essence and mystique with Rock Band. Unless Jimmy has complete control over it, he won't do it. And by handing over the masters he loses that, even though this thread states he doesn't have to do it.

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What mystique? They've been around for over forty years. And there are lots of bands that are in music games that haven't lost their "essence"- including The Beatles.

Led Zeppelin would lose nothing if they were in a game. In fact they would probably gain more young fans. But that being said, it won't happen.

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