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Dam! I'm sick! Started yesterday when my voice was all out of whack, today I got up with a sore throat and now my nose is running a bit! Coughing and running a bit of a fever too.

Guss the rest of this week is now shot to hell as I feel like crud!

Eating soup and taking Cold and Flu medication as well as drinking orange juice.

Think I may go back to bed soon!

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Dam! I'm sick! Started yesterday when my voice was all out of whack, today I got up with a sore throat and now my nose is running a bit! Coughing and running a bit of a fever too.

Guss the rest of this week is now shot to hell as I feel like crud!

Eating soup and taking Cold and Flu medication as well as drinking orange juice.

Think I may go back to bed soon!

Hi 'BonzoLikeDrumer'

Give this a try,

Essential Oil of Peppermint-One Drop

Essential Oil of Eucalyptus-One Drop

Put both in to a Very Small Cup of Warm Milk and Drink, repeat ever Four Hours untill Symptoms Desist.

It does the trick for me every time.

Regards, Danny

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Dam! I'm sick! Started yesterday when my voice was all out of whack, today I got up with a sore throat and now my nose is running a bit! Coughing and running a bit of a fever too.

Guss the rest of this week is now shot to hell as I feel like crud!

Eating soup and taking Cold and Flu medication as well as drinking orange juice.

Think I may go back to bed soon!

That was me last week (over it now though). Try to get plenty of rest & take the meds & drink lots of liquids & hopefully you'll feel better soon!

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Dam! I'm sick! Started yesterday when my voice was all out of whack, today I got up with a sore throat and now my nose is running a bit! Coughing and running a bit of a fever too.

Guss the rest of this week is now shot to hell as I feel like crud!

Eating soup and taking Cold and Flu medication as well as drinking orange juice.

Think I may go back to bed soon!

My husband got the swine flu (H1N1) vaccination last Thursday and has been coughing and sneezing since then. He also had a sore throat and mild fever. They say that you can't get sick from a vaccination, but he was perfectly well before he got it. He is much better today. I am not getting this vaccination. I got the regular flu vaccination several weeks ago and I was achy for a few days afterward. I do not want to get sick from the vaccination. I think that I probbly already had H1N1 back in July/August when I was ill.

I do think that young people should be vaccinated for H1N1, as they are more at risk. There have been several deaths of young people here in Ohio from this flu. A Miami of Ohio University student died last week of it.

Sorry about your illness. sad.gif

Hope that you get to feeling better soon, BonzoLikeDrummer!

Sounds like you are doing all that you can do.

If you start to have any difficulty breathing, seek medical help right away.

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My husband got the swine flu (H1N1) vaccination last Thursday and has been coughing and sneezing since then. He also had a sore throat and mild fever. They say that you can't get sick from a vaccination, but he was perfectly well before he got it. He is much better today. I am not getting this vaccination. I got the regular flu vaccination several weeks ago and I was achy for a few days afterward. I do not want to get sick from the vaccination. I think that I probbly already had H1N1 back in July/August when I was ill.

I do think that young people should be vaccinated for H1N1, as they are more at risk. There have been several deaths of young people here in Ohio from this flu. A Miami of Ohio University student died last week of it.

Sorry about your illness. sad.gif

Hope that you get to feeling better soon, BonzoLikeDrummer!

Sounds like you are doing all that you can do.

If you start to have any difficulty breathing, seek medical help right away.

Thank you for the kind regard's a well wishes, Yeah I made the mistake of getting a flu shot in 2004. I'll never do that again! I was sick for over a month!

I get sick once or twice a year and that's about it, my chest has been bothering me some but I'm breathing OK.

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Thank you for the kind regard's a well wishes, Yeah I made the mistake of getting a flu shot in 2004. I'll never do that again! I was sick for over a month!

I get sick once or twice a year and that's about it, my chest has been bothering me some but I'm breathing OK.

You too, eh? The ONLY time I got a flu shot, back in 1977, I got sicker than a dog. Never again, man.

Hope you get to feelin' alright soon! A hot toddy helps too, BTW...

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Dam! I'm sick! Started yesterday when my voice was all out of whack, today I got up with a sore throat and now my nose is running a bit! Coughing and running a bit of a fever too.

Guss the rest of this week is now shot to hell as I feel like crud!

Eating soup and taking Cold and Flu medication as well as drinking orange juice.

Think I may go back to bed soon!

Oh, sorry to hear this, BLD! :( Get good rest and get well soon! :D

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Thank you for the kind regard's a well wishes, Yeah I made the mistake of getting a flu shot in 2004. I'll never do that again! I was sick for over a month!

I get sick once or twice a year and that's about it, my chest has been bothering me some but I'm breathing OK.

Hi BonzoLikeDrumer. Sorry to hear your not feeling well. Hope it passes quickly and you feel better soon.

I've never got a flu shot. I've heard too many stories about it not really working and people getting sick after having the shot. Not sure how true this may be but I've heard when they develop the vaccine it may not be quite right for the particular strain of flu going around during the season.

I think I only get sick about once a year and it's usually not too bad. I take alot of supplements (my husband teases me about that) and try to be vigilant at work not to expose myself to the sickies. No kids at home to bring it home from school.

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Man I know how you feel, the worse I've ever felt was when I had the flu bug until I had to go through 6 months of chemo therapy.

I'm happy to say that in 48 hrs when I turn the pump in I will be finished and get to ring the bell. :D

Hope you feel better soon, sick is sick what ever form it comes in.

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Thank's all, I got no sleep last night and only napped one or two time's today for an hour or two.

That's the worst about it, when I can't get at least some sleep! It's running it's course and I think my fever may be down a bit right now! Started taking some Tylenol early this after noon along with the cold and flu stuff.

Thank's for the meditation video eternal light, I'll watch it to night when my internet is free of charge!

Good news for you dzldoc! I hope you get better to man!

Barb, ledzepfvr, I try and sleep but my head ant cooperating with me! The flu shot's can be deadly to some, the one I got in 2004 had many compound's and one must have had a sulfa agent in it, as I'm allergic to sulfa compound's! Just glad I didn't die!

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Hey man, I feel your pain. I got horribly sick Saturday night at our band competition. I knew I had a fever, shivering violently all night & such. I was misrible all day Sunday & finally got back to school yesterday. I've had a bit of a cough, but mine was just really a fever.

Hang in there. If it's available, try some chamomile tea (I just get it at the grocery store) It really helps all over.

Hope you feel better soon!

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Thank's all, I got no sleep last night and only napped one or two time's today for an hour or two.

That's the worst about it, when I can't get at least some sleep! It's running it's course and I think my fever may be down a bit right now! Started taking some Tylenol early this after noon along with the cold and flu stuff.

Thank's for the meditation video eternal light, I'll watch it to night when my internet is free of charge!

Good news for you dzldoc! I hope you get better to man!

Barb, ledzepfvr, I try and sleep but my head ant cooperating with me! The flu shot's can be deadly to some, the one I got in 2004 had many compound's and one must have had a sulfa agent in it, as I'm allergic to sulfa compound's! Just glad I didn't die!

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Had a feeling your a DL fan! I like his bit on Marv Abert! Give'm the ball! Give'm the ball! Give'm the ball! Give'm the ball! :D

Today is better, my fever is all but gone and I can breath through my nose again! I'm out of cold an flu medication so I'm just taking Tylenol.

And, I have to thank eternal light for turning me on to the meditation thing! It really did help me relax! B)

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Man I know how you feel, the worse I've ever felt was when I had the flu bug until I had to go through 6 months of chemo therapy.

I'm happy to say that in 48 hrs when I turn the pump in I will be finished and get to ring the bell. biggrin.gif

Hope you feel better soon, sick is sick what ever form it comes in.

WooooooHoooooooo! Congrats Doc!! YOU are a strong man!

Doc talking to the big C: "F&ck ME?! NO, F&CK YOU!!!"

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My husband got the swine flu (H1N1) vaccination last Thursday and has been coughing and sneezing since then. He also had a sore throat and mild fever. They say that you can't get sick from a vaccination, but he was perfectly well before he got it. He is much better today. I am not getting this vaccination. I got the regular flu vaccination several weeks ago and I was achy for a few days afterward. I do not want to get sick from the vaccination. I think that I probbly already had H1N1 back in July/August when I was ill.

I do think that young people should be vaccinated for H1N1, as they are more at risk. There have been several deaths of young people here in Ohio from this flu. A Miami of Ohio University student died last week of it.

Sorry about your illness. sad.gif

Hope that you get to feeling better soon, BonzoLikeDrummer!

Sounds like you are doing all that you can do.

If you start to have any difficulty breathing, seek medical help right away.

Oh Buckeye! So sorry to hear this! How is he doing? My prayers go out to you.

P.S. I never get the flu shot either...nuh-uh. No thanks!!

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Oh Buckeye! So sorry to hear this! How is he doing? My prayers go out to you.

P.S. I never get the flu shot either...nuh-uh. No thanks!!

Yeah don't get it! You see the young woman who had some sort of rare nerve reaction from a fly shot? Man she's messed up!

Having trouble talking and when she walks she is all crippled up! But get this, she can walk backwards fine! And can run with no trouble at all!


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I feel for you all. I think I had H1N1 already, but they didn't have the fast swab test to see if that is what it is then. I just toughed it out. No Tamilflu.

Now it's running rampant here. One of my grandkids has it, a neice, a bunch of my kid's friends. I never ever get flu shots don't trust them. And I figure if I get it I'll have a stronger immunity to it. I may be wrong about that, but it's always been my gut feeling.

We are OUT of the vaccine here, hundreds line up and only a fraction get it.

Speedy recovery to all of you suffering. :console:

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I feel for you all. I think I had H1N1 already, but they didn't have the fast swab test to see if that is what it is then. I just toughed it out. No Tamilflu.

Now it's running rampant here. One of my grandkids has it, a neice, a bunch of my kid's friends. I never ever get flu shots don't trust them. And I figure if I get it I'll have a stronger immunity to it. I may be wrong about that, but it's always been my gut feeling.

We are OUT of the vaccine here, hundreds line up and only a fraction get it.

Speedy recovery to all of you suffering. :console:

That's why I didn't go to the Dr. The only one's getting the treatment are over 65 and under 5 years old!

I was taking over the counter flu stuff until two days ago but I'm only taking Tylenol now. :)

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