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Tiger Woods in car accident


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I don't care why you buy Nike products. I don't buy things because some famous celebrity is hawking them. I don't have that kind of money. Also, I don't care how much money you spent on said products. That figure is completely and totally irrelevant to me. If you buy things because some famous face/name is selling it and then they do something you don't like.....that's not my problem. I'd like to know why you think I should care.

Also, right now.....according to what I've been listening to on the news (radio, not TV), all Tiger has been charged with is driving recklessly, which he did. It's something like a $200 fine. Now the police want a search warrant to go through his house.....it's getting ridiculous. I don't care why his face got scratched up, I don't care if he's cheating or if he isn't. I don't know him, his life does not affect mine. If he's cheating, that's between him and his wife. Not me, not you, not anyone else. If he's not cheating and his wife scratched up his face for no reason.....then she looks like an idiot and better find a creative way to apologize.

And seeing as I'm 27 and Nicole Brown Simpson was murdered in 1994, I'm not too young to remember it. I watched the verdict come in with everyone else in my school. The two situations aren't comparable, though. OJ beat the fuck out of her for years and the police wouldn't do anything and then he killed her and the police fucked it up, the jury was brain dead and he got off. What does that have to do with Tiger Woods backing into a fire hydrant because his pissed off wife scratched up his face? Is he beating her on a daily basis? Has he consistently gotten away with various acts of violence against his family?

My question would be why a 27 year old college graduate is "not making any money"?

When I was 27 I was married; had no bills; paid CASH for two new cars; had just bought a home (putting 20%) down, and still had money left over to invest in the stock market.

...and I only had a high school diploma and was working at a supermarket chain.

By the way I own Nike stock. Have bought and sold it several times over the years, and it has always made me a lot of money.

As to the Tiger Woods incident: I blame his wife. A happy man at home doesn't look outside the marriage. It's all her fault.

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I really hope that his wife will be patient with him. Being mean to him is not going to endear her, and will only give the other one an edge. Naturally she is upset and that is to be expected, but anger management would be good. Next time just throw a pillow at the wall.

OMG. Elin is my HERO! I have no sympathy for Tiger, and only admiration for Elin.

Anger management...are ya kiddin me? As if there's something wrong with anger.

Imagine what Christmas morning will be like in THAT house?!? :o

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OMG. Elin is my HERO! I have no sympathy for Tiger, and only admiration for Elin.

Anger management...are ya kiddin me? As if there's something wrong with anger.

Imagine what Christmas morning will be like in THAT house?!? :o

:yesnod: I hate to say it, but TMZ does get it right once in a while, and I had a bad feeling they did this time. I feel really badly for his family.

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Well, I dont know about TMZ, but I do know that the National Enquirer gets it right because they get their stories the old fashioned way...They pay for them!

As always, the kids get hosed. This will prove to be no different.

Oh, I know. It's very sad. And especially despicable that he cheated on her while she was pregnant. <_<

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The best is one of his alleged mistresses got upset and felt betrayed when she found out there were others :lol: If he's doing it with you, he'll do it to you hello!!! Dumb dee dumb dee dumb

I like that Elin went all viking on him. It's not like it was a one time slip, a drunken error in judgment (though that's bad in and of itself). A conscious decision over months with various women is just astronomically arrogant. And stupid.

Here's an article about the privacy/public figure boundary:

Tiger profits from the culture he condemns

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My question would be why a 27 year old college graduate is "not making any money"?

When I was 27 I was married; had no bills; paid CASH for two new cars; had just bought a home (putting 20%) down, and still had money left over to invest in the stock market.

...and I only had a high school diploma and was working at a supermarket chain .

By the way I own Nike stock. Have bought and sold it several times over the years, and it has always made me a lot of money.

As to the Tiger Woods incident: I blame his wife. A happy man at home doesn't look outside the marriage. It's all her fault.

huh.gif Musta been skimming the til there eh Del?wink.gif

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My question would be why a 27 year old college graduate is "not making any money"?

When I was 27 I was married; had no bills; paid CASH for two new cars; had just bought a home (putting 20%) down, and still had money left over to invest in the stock market.

...and I only had a high school diploma and was working at a supermarket chain.

By the way I own Nike stock. Have bought and sold it several times over the years, and it has always made me a lot of money.

As to the Tiger Woods incident: I blame his wife. A happy man at home doesn't look outside the marriage. It's all her fault.

I think the economy may have changed over the years.

I don't blame his wife. He's not always at home, and temptation can be hard to resist. The warm and willing woman he meets during his travels usually doesn't do his laundry at home.

Most wives would agree, it isn't always as easy as it looks.

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If the roles were reversed (If he was the one that "went Viking"),would you say the same?

Most people wouldn't. I can't speak for her, but I'd be comfortable in saying that a good majority of people look upon women beating the crap out of cheating men as "Good for her, he deserves it!" but if the guy finds out she's sleeping around and he beats her up, he's an abusing scumbag who should get locked up for life. If she attacked him, she should suffer the same penalty that he would if she cheated on him and he attacked her. You wanna talk about the double standard re: celebrities vs. regular folk, how about the double standard re: men vs.women?

Here's an even better example: 35 year old teacher sleeps with 16 year old student. If the teacher is female and the student is male, the student gets a few pats on the back for "being a man" and the teacher gets a slap on the wrist. If the teacher is male and the student is female, the teacher gets put on a sex offender registry and the student gets counseling. Consent isn't even debated. It's always non-consensual when the teacher is male and consensual when the teacher is female.

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Most people wouldn't. I can't speak for her, but I'd be comfortable in saying that a good majority of people look upon women beating the crap out of cheating men as "Good for her, he deserves it!" but if the guy finds out she's sleeping around and he beats her up, he's an abusing scumbag who should get locked up for life. If she attacked him, she should suffer the same penalty that he would if she cheated on him and he attacked her. You wanna talk about the double standard re: celebrities vs. regular folk, how about the double standard re: men vs.women?

Here's an even better example: 35 year old teacher sleeps with 16 year old student. If the teacher is female and the student is male, the student gets a few pats on the back for "being a man" and the teacher gets a slap on the wrist. If the teacher is male and the student is female, the teacher gets put on a sex offender registry and the student gets counseling. Consent isn't even debated. It's always non-consensual when the teacher is male and consensual when the teacher is female.


All because of the principle that women are the weaker sex.

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huh.gif Musta been skimming the til there eh Del?wink.gif

Actually success is much easier objective within a political climate where the policies are geared towards growing the economy. I don't know anyone who did not prosper in the 1980s.

That's unless they were sitting around waiting for the goverment cheese to be delivered straight to their door. :D

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If the roles were reversed (If he was the one that "went Viking"),would you say the same?

Well double standards abound, for sure, but I didn't mean it in the literal sense that I condone violence towards the person, but I meant that I'm glad she didn't just sit there and take it just because he's Tiger Woods and all that that entails. It's a reaction that seems emotionally indicative of the extent of betrayal.

Jesper Parnevik (who introduced them) suggested for her to have used the driver instead :D

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All because of the principle that women are the weaker sex.

As long as that "principle" is upheld,there will never be true equality.

Well double standards abound, for sure, but I didn't mean it in the literal sense that I condone violence towards the person, but I meant that I'm glad she didn't just sit there and take it just because he's Tiger Woods and all that that entails. It's a reaction that seems emotionally indicative of the extent of betrayal.

Jesper Parnevik (who introduced them) suggested for her to have used the driver instead :D

There's other ways to not just "sit there and take it".

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A little cheap laugh...If you're Tiger Woods, do you eat another meal Elin puts on the table?!?

Seriously though, I'm a little torn about her staying for the money...I mean, what are the chances that Elin would ever be poor?

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Wanda Sykes did a sketch about it? Haven't seen it yet....

Oh I see. Well Rover posted a link over on page 2. But if you don't like my paraphrased bit of it, don't know how you'll feel about the rest of that sketch...

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