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Should they play after the O2 show?



224 members have voted

  1. 1. Should they do a tour after the O2?

    • Yes, they are Led Zeppelin!!!
    • No, they are 3/4 Led Zeppelin, and a kid.

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I really love Led Zeppelin but I've been thinking and watching stuff.

This isn't the same Led Zeppelin that started off with Good Times Bad Times.

Bonzo was THE drummer, yes they would be amazing to see live and stuff but it's not really them.

If you have the 2003 DVD there is an interview with Robert Plant and Jimmy Page.

Plant talks about how he wouldn't want to play with anyone else. I kinda feel that I wouldn't really be seeing Zeppelin.

Yes the O2 show is for Ahmet, but they arn't playing just to play a show, it's for the man who pretty much gave Zeppelin their fame.


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I really love Led Zeppelin but I've been thinking and watching stuff.

This isn't the same Led Zeppelin that started off with Good Times Bad Times.

Bonzo was THE drummer, yes they would be amazing to see live and stuff but it's not really them.

If you have the 2003 DVD there is an interview with Robert Plant and Jimmy Page.

Plant talks about how he wouldn't want to play with anyone else. I kinda feel that I wouldn't really be seeing Zeppelin.

Yes the O2 show is for Ahmet, but they arn't playing just to play a show, it's for the man who pretty much gave Zeppelin their fame.


How can anyone say they are not Led Zeppelin...The (kid) was taught to play drums by his dad when he was very young. It can't get any closer to the original Zep........Joe

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How can anyone say they are not Led Zeppelin...The (kid) was taught to play drums by his dad when he was very young. It can't get any closer to the original Zep........Joe

the server CRASHED for the O2 tickets.... OF COURSE THEY SHOULD PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm 31 years old, i never got my fair shot at seeing them play (i have seen al 3 separately though), but zep is such an important band to everyone, that seeing them live would be the ultimate music lover's dream. plus jason is a great drummer, and i'm sure bonzo wouldn't mind seeing him take the drums on this one.

Edited by mayorarce
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I think having John's son filling in will be the closest we will ever get to seeing Zeppelin reunite. Lets face it, we are all getting older and this could be the last chance to ever hear their music live on stage again.

If the bands chemistry is there again and they truly enjoy each others company in the up coming event it would be great to see them tour again. If the band is having fun, then their countenance will shine through and everybody will be the better for it!

Us devoted fans have waited along time and it will be very disappointing if they don't tour after this concert. I think most fans talk from their own ecocentric perspective, but the band might regret never even trying to tour for the rest of their lives.

So here it is, a chance to show the next generation what Rock n Roll was all about, not to mention a chance, if even for a moment, to bring so much happiness into so many peoples lives, isn't that what life is really all about?

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Other bands, good as they may be have toured without original members. A long time time has past, a repectable intreval I think and I hope the do come around.I agree with some of the other comments about Jason. He wasn't the original drummer but he learned his chops at his Dad's knee. It's in his DNA. Besides, what a fitting tribute to his father to carry on in his stead. So, if the stars align and there is a stampede of baby elephants on tuesday, causing a blind man to see and LZ to come out on tour, I'll be there. If I were you Iwouldn't miss it.

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YES! I was born the same year as Zeppelin and grew up listening to them thanks to my late brother. I would have been 11 when they played Knebworth and while getting to see Jimmy and Robert in '95 was special this is LED ZEPPELIN. It's not 3/4 LZ and two crap drummers a la Live Aid and if they were going to tour the rehearsals would have to produce better results than the Atlantic 40th set surely.

I'd love to see them live, I could die happy then.

And as for 'bowing out gracefully' I don't think anyne expects a full scale ongoing thing, but a final farewell tour billed as such could give Percy all the ammo he needs to stop interviewers asking him about reunions beyond The O2 because, let's face it a one-off gig is going to keep the "Led Zep to re-reform" rumours going for years.

Led Zeppelin for Glasgow 2008!


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That's silly. Of course they should tour!

I'm in my 50's and seen alot of great groups. My bigest regret is not having seen Zeppelin.

I keep telling people at work that if I can see Led Zeppelin I can die happy.

My adult life sucks but this will be a happy moment in it if I can see them.

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Hell yes, they should tour. And should start in TEXAS :D

well I live in California but I would gladly drive thru hell or highwater to downhome Texas(born in Ft.Hood, Dallas Tyler ,Austin...) Hook em Horns....Lets hope if they do a US tour they go everywhere so that new fans get to see them as well...my mom saw them in Dallas at some festival in 69 or so she claims but I am rambling on hehe...Zep has always rocked ,rocks and will rock!!! ;)

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Well, I voted no, but absolutely not for the reason stated on the poll.

Personally I just love the romance around the whole "one last gig" idea...going out with one last massive bang.

Sure, countless people are disappointed, but if they were to carry on touring afterwards, they'd have to tour themselves into the ground to please all the people that wanted to see them...and I just think that would be such a shame.

Going out with a bang has gotta be infinately than going out with a fizzle any day of the week.

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Well, I voted no, but absolutely not for the reason stated on the poll.

Personally I just love the romance around the whole "one last gig" idea...going out with one last massive bang.

Sure, countless people are disappointed, but if they were to carry on touring afterwards, they'd have to tour themselves into the ground to please all the people that wanted to see them...and I just think that would be such a shame.

Going out with a bang has gotta be infinately than going out with a fizzle any day of the week.

100% absolutely completely totally agree with the above post.

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I really don't think they should. Don't be like the Rolling Stones. Know when to take a graceful bow and exit stage left.

.........or The Who, or Yes, or Pink Floyd.........you can probably add more bands to the list too. I agree, the one great thing Zeppelin did was quit after Bonham died. For that they have my total respect. Their integrity remains intact.

No reunion, please?


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I really don't think they should. Don't be like the Rolling Stones. Know when to take a graceful bow and exit stage left.

That is very true, I would love to see them but the magick of the moment long ago can not be brought to this moment. I would actually like them to tour as The Knobs again. Don't call it Led Zeppelin but to be Led Zeppelin. I even think a New Yardbirds tour would be a great billing. That lets them play but lets history record it properly humour and all.

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I certainly appreciate the fact that they're playing at all, but of course I'd love for them to tour!! I was born in 1979, so I never got a chance to see them.

Anyway, Jason Bonham isn't a kid. He's older than me. And he was in "The Song Remains the Same". And of course he's a good drummer.

I get sad when I see a great band "reunite" with only one or two original members. They're not doing that! They're as close to the original Led Zeppelin as possible.

I really hope that they tour, and that they play in Texas.

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