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Robert Plant Charity Gig


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Thank you for posting the Tight But Loose article...it's interesting that people took different things away from the night

From the Tight But Loose review

"A brief humorous hurdy gurdy run through of Stairway To Heaven from Nigel led into Roberts opening performance. "

I'm happy the night honored so many people and moments...bless them :D

No kidding--the highlight of the event for me would have been Robert singing "I Bid You Good Night," which I love and have ALWAYS wanted to hear him sing, but the Evening Standard guy thought it was a South Seas lullaby??? And as for thinking they would somehow launch into STH by accident--I think the Standard sent the wrong reviewer! But great news that they raised so much money for a great cause.

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My friends and I have friends who attended this show. At the time of the show, those of us who didn't attend were talking about George :wub: - his music, his life, his birthday, never thinking that George's birthday and this charity gig would be in any way related. It was only after our friends returned from the show that we realized the little connection when one of them reported that "Robert announced, 'For George as it would've been his birthday' for the final song, My Sweet Lord." :wub: They described it as a very special event, in a very special place, filled with legends, both living and spiritual. £200,000 raised for Cancer Research - well done Robert.

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My friends and I have friends who attended this show. At the time of the show, those of us who didn't attend were talking about George wub.gif - his music, his life, his birthday, never thinking that George's birthday and this charity gig would be in any way related. It was only after our friends returned from the show that we realized the little connection when one of them reported that "Robert announced, 'For George as it would've been his birthday' for the final song, My Sweet Lord." wub.gif They described it as a very special event, in a very special place, filled with legends, both living and spiritual. £200,000 raised for Cancer Research - well done Robert.

Great result for such an important cause to so many . What a great song to finish the evening off...massive !

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Sorry, but not really worth listening to :) It semms unrehearsed like one in the comments said...

From the blog of London Oriana Choir Blog. :P

The grand finale was a rendition of My Sweet Lord, on George Harrison’s birthday, for which we were joined on stage by Beth, David Gray and Newton Faulkner. This was our potentially most disastrous number, as we’d had no rehearsal with two of the soloists. And indeed there were a couple of “gulp, just keep smiling!” moments, but it was great fun and by the end the audience was roaring along.

The whole article is very interesting, you can read it here:


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Aqua, thank you for posting the clip...I think if fun was had that's the key and in the same vein of Harrison's vibe and probably let out a lot of tension lol I secretly for some reason thought it was going to be something different black tie or something haha

Glicine double thanks for posting the link to the blog...it was nice to read about the night from someone involved and there. I bet it was a never forgetting moment for many.

I hope more songs come out...I'm really wanting to hear Robert ;)

but even with all the music and moments the light can't be taken away from the cause and reason why everyone was there :)

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My friends and I have friends who attended this show. At the time of the show, those of us who didn't attend were talking about George :wub: - his music, his life, his birthday, never thinking that George's birthday and this charity gig would be in any way related. It was only after our friends returned from the show that we realized the little connection when one of them reported that "Robert announced, 'For George as it would've been his birthday' for the final song, My Sweet Lord." :wub: They described it as a very special event, in a very special place, filled with legends, both living and spiritual. £200,000 raised for Cancer Research - well done Robert.

Bravo .....Robert ..you are the best...

Juliet xo

PS I will never forget seeing the Beatles on The Ed Sullivan show in 64...on a small black and white tv in a small Canadian town...

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Thanks glicine and aqua for posting the videos and the links and to all who have contributed. I thought Farmer In The City was magnificent.

What a great charity event and that they raised awareness and money for the event....very noble indeed.

Edited by Deborah J
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Youtube started crapping out on me, so this is the first chance I've had to hear how AMAZING this is. A wonderful arrangement, a wonderful voice, and a singer who really knows how to use it. Astonishing stuff.

What Aqua said! I love where Robert's taken his voice, both here and in projects leading up to it. And to do it for such a worthy cause, too. Very fitting. Much respect and gratitude to all involved.

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Robert's voice on Farmer in the City was absolutely exceptional. I thought the choir was a little overbearing but Robert knew how to handle it and just brought his voice way over on top of them. He was hitting insane notes on that song! HE is absolutely a siren. I would love it if he would put it on his new CD.

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Hi All,

Wow, Go Robert, fantastic gesture to help those really in need.

Glad i got that over with.

I thought i would let all the usual Gob Shites get this one going and then i could jump in with some witty banter and some heartfelt facts, if that's alright with all the Gob Shites that is? :o

It was a show by the Rich and Famous for the Rich and Famous as far as i can tell, people had to bid for a ticket, i bid up to £2000 and the organisers laughed at my feeble offer, so another working class lads dreams bites the dust hey? :mad: I expected exactly what i got, nothing. :huh:

I believe that these Super Rich Celebrity Fame Hunters would do better to put their Money where their Mouths are by giving Generously themselves rather than expecting Totally Devoted but Gullible Fans to foot the bill every time for "THEIR CHARITIES" and using those said events to have a BIG CELEBRITY GET TOGETHER and a nice BIG PISS UP AND SLAP UP MEAL. :party:

And lets not forget all the HANGERS ON that GET IN FREE, GET FREE DRINKS, GET FREE MEAL, GET A FREE CAR TOO AND FROM THE EVENT, all that money could go to the Charities and the already Rich and Famous could give a little more of their not so hard earned dosh and pay for it themselves. Or am i "havin a laugh mate?" :hysterical:

No disrespect to Robert or Jimmy or anyone else that does Charity Work, but doing what you do in you daily job isn't my idea of Charity Work.

What i and many others do, for nothing more that our personal satisfaction and to really make a difference, we can honestly say "WE" made a difference to somebody's life, and it was not "OUR MONEY" but "OUR TIME", that is what is most needed in this world today.

Regards, Danny

PS, Well done Robert, you are a Diamond Geezer and a Gem amongst Gems.:thanku::beer:

PPS, anyone know what the tickets went for in the auction?

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OK, I'll bite--how do you know he hasn't spent large sums of his own money on this cause (if his history is anything to go by, he has)? Plus he may be doing what he does in his daily job, but he's giving his services for free, when many people (such as you) would have paid HIM rather than the charity large amounts to hear him--not to mention he's paying his own expenses. And I'll take your word for it that all those people got in free, but that's not how it usually works at these large charity events.

But from the beginning of the thread, the poor guy has been attacked for doing a concert to aid cancer research. :blink: We've heard all the arguments, it's getting old.

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OK, I'll bite--how do you know he hasn't spent large sums of his own money on this cause (if his history is anything to go by, he has)? Plus he may be doing what he does in his daily job, but he's giving his services for free, when many people (such as you) would have paid HIM rather than the charity large amounts to hear him--not to mention he's paying his own expenses. And I'll take your word for it that all those people got in free, but that's not how it usually works at these large charity events.

But from the beginning of the thread, the poor guy has been attacked for doing a concert to aid cancer research. :blink: We've heard all the arguments, it's getting old.

Hi Aqua,

I didn't say he doesn't spend large sums of his own money on charities did i? I haven't seen his tax returns for the past 40 years either, whatever he spends his money on is his business, and i wasn't slagging him off either was i? ;)

But i would like to bring to the peoples attention that don't know just how much snobbery goes on around charity events and work. When only about 10% of donations actually go to the people that need it i feel very aggrieved and angry, and the other 90% goes to running the charity, paying for the Patron, hospitality and other nonsense.

So now you dig at me for offering my very hard earned cash to the cancer charity (not to Robert himself as you implied) and if i had been successful i would have gone without a family holiday this year and next, and what for? to get one last glance of my teenage idol "Robert" before my time of dying comes, and let us not forget Aqua that not only this Argument and Topic, but you and me are getting Old too. :o

Kind Regards, Danny

PS, Just to add if you didn't already know, i HATE all Very Rich People that chase Celebrity through dubious Charitable means, and i don't class Robert or Jimmy as one of these. :)

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I believe that these Super Rich Celebrity Fame Hunters would do better to put their Money where their Mouths are by giving Generously themselves rather than expecting Totally Devoted but Gullible Fans to foot the bill every time for "THEIR CHARITIES" and using those said events to have a BIG CELEBRITY GET TOGETHER and a nice BIG PISS UP AND SLAP UP MEAL. :party:

This was clearly the part I was responding to. This man does put his money where his mouth is for "his charities," as you put it.

And if you'd have been prepared to fork over that kind of cash to see him at a charity performance, you'd presumably have paid an equally large amount of money that night to see him perform for his own profit.

Nice job of stirring, though, you're probably the best at that now left on the forum. ;)

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