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Are Led Zeppelin really the best band ever?

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Im wondering........who would command 20 million request's for application for tickets to see a band's one off comeback? The answer is the one's who did Led Zeppelin

Absolutely!!!! And we were there.

From day one Zeppelin for me have been the greatest band ever, never any doubt in my mind.

As good as Queen were they aren't even in my top 10 bands, come to that neither are the Stones or The Beatles.

But its all subjective isn't it really.

I was well chuffed when Zep got the vote and recognition.


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  • 1 month later...

These polls are subjective. Music moves many people in many different ways. Led Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones are my favorites. Some of the quotes are showing no respect for the Rolling Stones. The Stones are very good songwriters, especially Keith Richards. The Stones started the Rock n Roll lifestyle thing and really took live music to a new level with their 69-70 tour. People view them now as old, but go back and hear a bootleg from 1972 and there is no way Led Zeppelin would blow them off the stage. They were a very hard rocking band on that tour and the 72-73 tour. They had a guitarist named Mick Taylor from 69-74 and he was just as good if not better than Jimmy Page playing the guitar. He wasn't a showman like Jimmy, but he could really play. Ask Jimmy what he thinks about him. Listen to Philadelphia Special 1972 and people will realize the Stones were a hard rock band in those days. If the Stones disbanded in 1980, they would get 20 million people to want to see them play live today. Don't forget about Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, Elvis, Muddy Waters, Howling Wolf, Robert Johnson and many more who paved the way for these bands and had a lot of influence on them. I love both bands but you have to give credit to other bands. In my opinion these are the two most influential bands. I am glad I was able to see these musicians play live. In October, the Rolling Stones are finally releasing Ladies and Gentleman from their 1972 tour, check it out, it's a great live recording. Music is a great thing to have in the world, it's amazing how many musicians can bring out the emotions in people. Some feel it, some don't.

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Comparing the Beatles and Led Zeppelin is like apples and oranges. Both were and still are iconic... but in their own ways. The Beatles will always have a special place in my heart because they were the first "old school" band I ever really loved.. but no one--NO ONE--has moved me as emotionally as Led Zeppelin. They were innovative, daring, and amazingly groundbreaking without compromising their own unique artistic integrity as musicians. "Hey Jude".. fantastic song. "The Rain Song".. SOUL-SHATTERING song. No contest, for me.

I think you're absolutely right! I also think that it's quite funny that you posted on my birthday ;)

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When people think about whether the Rolling Stones are the greatest band ever people automatically think about how long they have been going for and what they represent.

With the Beatles it was about how groundbreaking, fresh, new and exciting they were.

With Led Zeppelin people think about their music. Musically they are without question the greatest and through their music they show a clear message that they are the greatest band ever. Musically they went places no other band has gone and no other band will ever be able to go.

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These polls are subjective. Music moves many people in many different ways. Led Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones are my favorites. Some of the quotes are showing no respect for the Rolling Stones. The Stones are very good songwriters, especially Keith Richards. The Stones started the Rock n Roll lifestyle thing and really took live music to a new level with their 69-70 tour. People view them now as old, but go back and hear a bootleg from 1972 and there is no way Led Zeppelin would blow them off the stage. They were a very hard rocking band on that tour and the 72-73 tour. They had a guitarist named Mick Taylor from 69-74 and he was just as good if not better than Jimmy Page playing the guitar. He wasn't a showman like Jimmy, but he could really play. Ask Jimmy what he thinks about him. Listen to Philadelphia Special 1972 and people will realize the Stones were a hard rock band in those days. If the Stones disbanded in 1980, they would get 20 million people to want to see them play live today. Don't forget about Chuck Berry, Buddy Holly, Elvis, Muddy Waters, Howling Wolf, Robert Johnson and many more who paved the way for these bands and had a lot of influence on them. I love both bands but you have to give credit to other bands. In my opinion these are the two most influential bands. I am glad I was able to see these musicians play live. In October, the Rolling Stones are finally releasing Ladies and Gentleman from their 1972 tour, check it out, it's a great live recording. Music is a great thing to have in the world, it's amazing how many musicians can bring out the emotions in people. Some feel it, some don't.

I love the Stones also, but not one member of the Stones is better than their counterpart in Zeppelin (some might argue Robert and Mick).

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With Led Zeppelin people think about their music. Musically they are without question the greatest and through their music they show a clear message that they are the greatest band ever. Musically they went places no other band has gone and no other band will ever be able to go.

Oh come on. They were a blues rock band. They weren't the first and they won't be the last. There were a lot of other groups/artists from many different genres both when Led Zeppelin was making music and then afterward that did innovative and unique music.

Edited by Electrophile
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You're right there, Jimmy Page=King. Many have tried to emulate Zep, but failed dismally. I've been listening to this rock music stuff for 40 years now, I've pretty much heard it all, and Zep are totally in a field of their own, and that's simply all there is to it. Nobody TOLD me to revere them. Nobody TOLD me that, 38 years after first getting into them, I would still be of the opinion that there has NEVER been a band who would come close to their power, majesty and diversity. Anyone who disagrees with this is a cloth-eared buffoon with a head full of man-custard. And you can ignore Electrophile's predicatable nay-saying too. She's only about 20, and she's a Floyd Fanatic ferchrissakes. What the hell does she know about ROCK? Nothing, that's what. But be thankful for small mercies. If you think her posts here are sociopathic, you should see what she gets up to over on Pink Floyd Online. Shudder......

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Electrophile, keep posting,everyone's entitled to their own opinion. Some people on this board are very immature with their comments. I don't think the Stones are the greatest because of their longevity, I personally think they are way past their peak (65-75). I don't think longevity plays a roll in how great you were.

I'm just stating that there are many other bands out there that came before Led Zeppelin. Led Zeppelin did emulate many artists, to say everyone emulated them and they can do no wrong is a sycophant. I am glad Robert doesn't want tour, because he realizes things will never be the same as they were 30 years ago and he doesn't want to wind up like the Stones. I saw the reunion and I saw the Stones three months earlier at the O2 and while I enjoyed both bands, they are way past their prime. Robert knows this and Jagger doesn't. Keith said in a recent interview, you can't run around in your yellow tights forever.

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Honestly no I don't think they are but I'm not sure who would be considered "the best" either. The thing that made Zeppelin so great though is the fact that they really did move away from the blues rock base that they started out with and went to other things musically. In my humble opinion that's what made them so much better than most other bands of the era. That's what made them unique.

As to "the best ever", this is about music and not sports. I don't think you can measure such things in art. That's why I really really don't like musical polls.

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Honestly no I don't think they are but I'm not sure who would be considered "the best" either. The thing that made Zeppelin so great though is the fact that they really did move away from the blues rock base that they started out with and went to other things musically. In my humble opinion that's what made them so much better than most other bands of the era. That's what made them unique.

As to "the best ever", this is about music and not sports. I don't think you can measure such things in art. That's why I really really don't like musical polls.

:P To bad for you then. The music polls are the salt & pepper of the internet. :)

// But you are absolutely right.

Edited by zdr
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You're right there, Jimmy Page=King. Many have tried to emulate Zep, but failed dismally. I've been listening to this rock music stuff for 40 years now, I've pretty much heard it all, and Zep are totally in a field of their own, and that's simply all there is to it. Nobody TOLD me to revere them. Nobody TOLD me that, 38 years after first getting into them, I would still be of the opinion that there has NEVER been a band who would come close to their power, majesty and diversity. Anyone who disagrees with this is a cloth-eared buffoon with a head full of man-custard. And you can ignore Electrophile's predicatable nay-saying too. She's only about 20, and she's a Floyd Fanatic ferchrissakes. What the hell does she know about ROCK? Nothing, that's what. But be thankful for small mercies. If you think her posts here are sociopathic, you should see what she gets up to over on Pink Floyd Online. Shudder......


Edited by Ady
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Yes they are. I give Led Zeppelin the edge over The Beatles as the greatest band of all time because of their clear superiority in the area of live performance. The two bands are pretty close in terms of songwriting - I'd give a slight edge there to The Beatles but only slightly. But live its not much of a contest - Zep by a long long way. The way Zeppelin stretched out songs live, the way they played improvisationally was far beyond what The Beatles could have ever done.

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Of course it's subjective, but I certainly think so. Every member of Zeppelin is an all-star, but somehow Zeppelin is greater than the sum of its parts. I've heard every Beatles album multiple times, and the only thing I think they're better at than Zeppelin is writing lyrics. Musically, I don't even think it's close.

Edited by MMAharaja
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IMO, The Beatles will always be the quintessential band of all time because there will never be another act that broke as much ground as they did. Right place, right time in history. Only Elvis compares with those circumstances.

Elvis and the Beatles were certainly popular. But mainly because they were able to appeal to white audiences and the mainstream media.

If you take away what I would call the "little darlings factor" and compare them to other groups; then we may have a meaningful discussion. I would say that Chuck Berry was much greater than Elvis, and Dylan was greater than the Beatles.

As far as Zeppelin goes: I could never say they were the "greatest band ever". Just one of several great bands from that era.

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Are Led Zeppelin the best?? good question, but as has been said before, music is very subjective, how is it subjective? well that all depends on the person listening to it at the time, the mood they are in, their whereabouts. I totally agree with statements from the band members themselves when they say that each album is like a snapshot in time reflecting the mood of the band, where they were and what they hoped,

I have been listening to Zeppelin since I was 11 years old, I'm now 46, I've grown up with this band, and had you asked me if Led Zeppelin were the best group ever some 20 odd years ago.. without hesitation I would have given it a "hell yes" response, but now.. well things are different, one thing I have learned as I have got older is that comparisons between groups in the music field is pointless, Yes I have grown up with Led Zeppelin, I feel their music, I can find a song from Zeppelin for each and every mood I want to reflect, but, I have also expanded my listening pleasures with other groups too, and there is a tendency to compare at first, but seriously, I can put it this way, I am not a beetles fan, never have been, but that does not detract any value from the talents of the band, and even though I am not a fan, i would not make any statement against their talents, so as such I have a list of groups and individuals that I listen to they are if you like my own personal best of the best that have soldiered on in the music industry, and that list is as varied as my life as been, with artists such as Nina Simone, Billie Holiday, Ten Years After, The Doors, America, Yes, Emerson Lake and Palmer, Some Rolling Stones, Some Deep Purple, Pink Floyd, Fleetwood Mac, U2, Eros Ramazoti, Amr Diab, Anggun, Padi... the list is almost never ending, but out of all of these named and many others not named, it was Led Zeppelin that encouraged my taste in music, for that i will be forever thankful. There is no distinctive or absolute best when it comes to music, but what you can do is have your own bests of that make up a tapestry of music that relates to the tapestry of your life,

Asking if Led Zeppelin is the best group ever, is like asking what's your favourite Zeppelin track? because when I am asked that question, well my answer would be... when?? truth is, my favourite track from Zeppelin changes.. right now, ive been giving Tea For One some serious listening to, where as before.. lets say a few months ago.. it was Four Sticks, ..

I Love Led Zeppelin, they are up there among the greats, there are quite a few that deserve to be up there, they moulded and shaped the music from the late 60's through to the start of the 80's, Robert Plant has continued and i personally feel that his best work is embedded in the Fate Of Nations album,.

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