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Ross Halfin July 20, 2010 Jimmy Page photos


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After reading a few lines from his daily log, I've gotten the impression that this guy is sort of a prick........

Yeah he seems like quite the spoiled character...

Jimmy's becoming a bit like all those teenagers on MySpace and Facebook, with a thousand useless pictures of him in different poses :P

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Jimmy's becoming a bit like all those teenagers on MySpace and Facebook, with a thousand useless pictures of him in different poses :P

And how many of these teenagers are doing a photo-shoot for the cover of Guitar World magazine?

Edited by snapper
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Everytime I read one of Ross's blogs, I want to punch him in the face even harder. Again Rossy, you take pictures of rock stars. You are not one yourself. STFU!

I really cant stand Halfwit. Never known anyone to have such a high opinion of himself, He really needs a wake up call. He'll get to mouthy to the wrong person one day. God knows why Jimmy likes he's company, It has actually lowered my opinion of Jimmy a little lately. Edit..Not opinion I suppose I mean respect as a person, Not musician though.

Edited by No1ZeppelinFan
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Everytime I read one of Ross's blogs, I want to punch him in the face even harder. Again Rossy, you take pictures of rock stars. You are not one yourself. STFU!

Sounds very familiar. I feel the same way every time I read one of your posts. STFU



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After reading a few lines from his daily log, I've gotten the impression that this guy is sort of a prick........

I just hate this preposterous twat. During the 1995 P&P Forest National show in Brussels he blocked my view during 15 minutes, kept insulting his poor assistant during his balcony shoot and send a security guy on my back cause I was taking some shots too (small rangefinder camera, 50mm lens ).

Just wished I pushed his precious Nikon gear from the balcony while he was shooting.

Edited by duckman
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I just hate this preposterous twat. During the 1995 P&P Forest National show in Brussels he blocked my view during 15 minutes, kept insulting his poor assistant during his balcony shoot and send a security guy on my back cause I was taking some shots too (small rangefinder camera, 50mm lens ).

Just wished I pushed his precious Nikon gear from the balcony while he was shooting.

Hi 'Duckman'

Your experience with Halfin doesn't surprise me. At the premieres for 'It Might Get Loud', he was trying to stop fans taking photographs (outside in the open) when Jimmy was turning up at the theatres. He uses his association with Jimmy to keep himself in the limelight.

I laughed at his diary entry for 11 June 2010 when he posted a new photograph of himself to try to attract women (his girlfriend dumped his earlier this year). He said "Here you go girls, slightly well-used, free and single..." At the same time, he put the new photo on his Facebook page - the sweet smell of desperation.

He is mainly interested in women from the Far East. May I suggest to him that he visits the Edinburgh Festival because the LadyBoys of Bangkok are doing their annual show, and these guys may be the only ones that find RH in any way attractive.

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I am resisting getting in on this bash fest of Mr. Halfin but at last, I can't help myself. I thought he was quite something else last year after the Induction Awards in Cleveland. You should go to his diary, if you can access that time. He went on about fighting with other photographers at the ceremony, like he's the only one entitled to take a picture. Honestly, I really think the guy has issues. One funny thing, he said that immediately after the ceremony he and Jimmy flew to NY on a private plane. But when I went to the Museum the following day of the award ceremony, the guy working at the Museum said Jimmy had been there for a private tour that very morning. So how was he in NY and in Cleveland at the same time? Was the Museum guy mistaken or does Ross just make up stuff? Anyway, either way, Ross is disturbing. Can't understand why Jimmy hangs out with him - must be a shortage of good photographers.

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I am resisting getting in on this bash fest of Mr. Halfin but at last, I can't help myself. I thought he was quite something else last year after the Induction Awards in Cleveland. You should go to his diary, if you can access that time. He went on about fighting with other photographers at the ceremony, like he's the only one entitled to take a picture. Honestly, I really think the guy has issues. One funny thing, he said that immediately after the ceremony he and Jimmy flew to NY on a private plane. But when I went to the Museum the following day of the award ceremony, the guy working at the Museum said Jimmy had been there for a private tour that very morning. So how was he in NY and in Cleveland at the same time? Was the Museum guy mistaken or does Ross just make up stuff? Anyway, either way, Ross is disturbing. Can't understand why Jimmy hangs out with him - must be a shortage of good photographers.

Hi wholelottajimmy!

I do not want to appear to be disrespectful to you, but I have some info which may change your opinion of Ross, if only a little bit.

Jimmy was seen at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Annex in NYC, I believe it was the day after the RRHOF Induction Ceremony in Cleveland. There is a video posted on Youtube of him there. Maybe the guy at the museum in Cleveland was referring to this private tour in NYC? Also, I know for a fact that Les Paul left Cleveland by private jet that very night after the Tribute concert for him was over (I have this info from one of our forum members who's husband's private jet company flew Les home to the NYC area). So it did not surprise me in the least when Ross said that he and Jimmy left Cleveland the night of the Induction ceremony. Jimmy had to be secluded in his hotel in Cleveland and could not get out and about because of being recognized and approached by his fans, which I assume he does not enjoy, unlike other rockers who do. NYC is so much larger and he could move about more easily without being recognized, however the person who made this video clearly recognized him. Incidently, I visited the RRHOF Annex in NYC one week after Jimmy did, and the place was deserted. It was located down a side street that had no traffic, so it was fairly quiet there, an ideal place for Jimmy to visit. I am assuming that the person who made this video worked at the Annex. The NYC Annex is now closed, by the way, due to lack of business. Ross' diary entry for April 5th says that they visited the Annex that day.

It is still possible that Ross was not telling the truth and they did visit the RRHOF in Cleveland that morinig. Or by "morning", the guard at the RRHOF could have meant 1AM or so, prior to their leaving Cleveland by private jet, although Ross' diary says that they left at 1AM. It appears that the RRHOF people really take good care of the celebrities that come to Cleveland. They reserve the entire Ritz Carlton hotel for them so that they can be isolated from their fans, and I would assume that if Jimmy wanted to visit the Rock Hall at 1AM, then I assume they would make the arrangements, LOL. I have no reason to not believe what Ross said about leaving. And there would be no reason for the guard at the Rock Hall to lie about it, either. He may have been mixed up on the day of Jimmy's visit due to all of the hoopla there at the Rock Hall. And Ross' diary said that they visited the Rock Hall in Cleveland on April 3rd (The Induction was on April 4th):

April 3

Got up at dawn to have breakfast with Jimmy. We ran into a fresh-faced Ronnie Wood just arrived from LA. Then a my sexy assistant Kazuyo arrives just in from London, 'Alright my son, what's going on?' she asks with masterful use of Japanese English.

I remember I came here with Iron Maiden when they opened for Rainbow in the early 80s. The photo on magazines on April 1st of Clive Burr and Bruce Dickinson was taken here. I also remember Ritchie Blackmore getting handed an upper set of falsh dentures by a man in the front row and playing slide with them. The photos on my gallery of Blackmore with Iron Maiden and backstage tuning up in his socks are also shot in Cleveland.

The weather is so vile I can see about twenty feet out of the window. Go to the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, which is much better than I expected, and Howard Kramer who showed us around really knew his stuff.

Went to a rehearsal at Cleveland Public Hall, an old hall that Hendrix and The Doors had played in the day. Shot Jeff Beck playing with Jimmy. It was okay to shoot in a messy kind of way with camera people setting up etc. Saw Anton Corbijn who told me he flew into Paris with the band (Metallica) on a private jet - imagine if poor Anton had to fly commerical in that awful First Class. We talked about Golden Earring and Anton promised for the third time to get me a Dutch photo book on them.

Now Metallica had a party, not a record company party, but a party with everyone who'd ever worked for them there, give or take a few. I went with Rock'n'roll John Bionelli and our two charges, Joe Perry and Jimmy Page. As we got to the hotel lobby we saw Lars and Kirk and families. Kirk brought his mother over to meet Jimmy and Joe. She looked at Jimmy, 'Hey, it's Aerosmith!' she cries, ignoring Joe and smiling at Jimmy. 'Hey sorry,' says Kirk, 'she's eighty-two.'

The party is at The House Of Blues which Metallica have taken over for the night. Rock And Roll has the look of a man in love when he sees Kazuyo. 'Shittttt, good food and big women,' John says, tucking into a plateful of ribs. I see Tony Smith, Patrick Pentergast, the very lovely Linda Walker, Ron Laffitte (Metallica's first fan and now manager of Chris Cornell, who told me Chris is now sponsered by KFC), even Johnny Z and Scott Ian and Charlie from Anthrax. And of course, Steven Wiig, actor, lover, and fighter...

It was a nice night out, I didn't work except for taking a photo of Jimmy, Joe and various Metallicas, - by doing that every knobhead with a camera and a phone thought it was open season.... Kazuyo took some photos of Anton and I, and me caressing John Bionelli in between ribs - it was a great party.

Here is the video. I believe at one time the taper had a commentary with it and stated the date of Jimmy's visit, and if I recall correctly, it was on Sunday, the day after the Induction Ceremony.

I can see why people don't like Ross, but as I have stated before, I do find him to be an interesting person and like the fact that Jimmy has him as a friend. After all, we are reading his diary. We are reading a person's private thoughts made public (I don't know why someone would want to make something like this so public.) He does do alot of name-dropping and some egotistical boasting in it, but he also has some interesting insights, too. It is the only way that we know what Jimmy is doing in his day to day life. I appreciate this and hope that Ross keeps on posting away! I really enjoy reading his diary and seeing his photos.

Edited by BUCK'EYE' DOC
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Hi wholelottajimmy!

I do not want to appear to be disrespectful to you, but I have some info which may change your opinion of Ross, if only a little bit.

I can see why people don't like Ross, but as I have stated before, I do find him to be an interesting person and like the fact that Jimmy has him as a friend. After all, we are reading his diary. We are reading a person's private thoughts made public (I don't know why someone would want to make something like this so public.) He does do alot of name-dropping and some egotistical boasting in it, but he also has some interesting insights, too. It is the only way that we know what Jimmy is doing in his day to day life. I appreciate this and hope that Ross keeps on posting away! I really enjoy reading his diary and seeing his photos.

Hi, Buck'eye' Doc.

You haven't offended me. As I said on this site before, I think it's positive to share different viewpoints. As long as everyone is respectful and courteous, I appreciate hearing other's opinions, and your posting is certainly interesting. I guess the problem for me is that everyone should be entitled to their privacy, so I won't go on about where Jimmy was or wasn't, but in terms of the video on Youtube, I believe the timing is before the inductions in Cleveland. I'm thinking he was probably at the Cleveland Museum on the morning of the award show. That's my guess. As for Ross, yes he certainly does do a good service in enabing us to see what Jimmy's up to. So, I have to agree with you on that.

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