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LZ.Com Halloween - movies that scared you as a kid?

Rock N' Rollin' Man

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It - Movie adaptation of Stephen King's novel by the same name. One of the scariest/creepiest movies I saw as a kid. First half only though the rest where the kids are now adult is pretty much crap.

Two classics:

Alien - Especially the John Hurt explosion scene.

Halloween - Have seen it countless times by now.

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Jaws; scared me to death and because of the suspense, is probably my personal scariest movie ever. :o I still think of it when I am swimming in the ocean.

(The Shining, Amityville Horror and The Exorcist are tied for second).

I wasn't a kid, but the Amityville Horror cured me of seeing anymore scary movies. Ever.

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The original Creepshow. Especially, the story called "The Crate". No doubt that is the scariest and most gruesome thing I've seen in a movie. The scariest part is right at the beginning of Part 8.

Here you go and judge for yourself:




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I don't do horror movies. Most of them are ridiculously stupid and fake and aren't anywhere near as "scary" as they purport to be. I prefer psychological thrillers to gore, as the former requires you to think and become absorbed in the plot, whereas the latter is just in-your-face blood and random half-naked women screaming while running through the frame.

As such, I didn't watch a whole lot of "scary" movies as a kid and I still don't to this day. Give me something like Hitchcock's Vertigo or Rear Window -- now THAT'S how you do "scary".

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I don't do horror movies. Most of them are ridiculously stupid and fake and aren't anywhere near as "scary" as they purport to be. I prefer psychological thrillers to gore, as the former requires you to think and become absorbed in the plot, whereas the latter is just in-your-face blood and random half-naked women screaming while running through the frame.

As such, I didn't watch a whole lot of "scary" movies as a kid and I still don't to this day. Give me something like Hitchcock's Vertigo or Rear Window -- now THAT'S how you do "scary".

Very true. There was no one better at this than Hitchcock. A true master of his craft. Vertigo, The Birds, Rear Window and Strangers On A Train are my favorites of his.

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I don't do horror movies. Most of them are ridiculously stupid and fake and aren't anywhere near as "scary" as they purport to be. I prefer psychological thrillers to gore, as the former requires you to think and become absorbed in the plot, whereas the latter is just in-your-face blood and random half-naked women screaming while running through the frame.

As such, I didn't watch a whole lot of "scary" movies as a kid and I still don't to this day. Give me something like Hitchcock's Vertigo or Rear Window -- now THAT'S how you do "scary".

I've had a similar experience. When I was a kid I didn't watch very many scary movies because I was a major weenie and thought they'd be too scary - imagine how disappointed I was to learn how corny most of them actually are when I started watching them later on. I don't like gory movies, though, but usually those aren't scary, just really gross. Definitely give me some Hitchcockian suspense over a gut-ripper any day.

One movie that scared the bejeezus out of me at the time was a sci-fi movie called Event Horizon. I saw it when I was 11 or 12, and I haven't seen it since, so I'm not sure if it was REALLY that scary, or if it was just because I was young and impressionable (I mean, hey, at that point it'd probably only been a couple years since I thought The Brave Little Toaster was scary), but at the time, holy crap did that freak me out.

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Well, any thriller by Alfred Hitchcock! Yikes! :unsure: My mom adores his work! She also loved "The Exorcist" :blink:

Yes Kiwi, Hitchcock is the master of suspense without all the gore of horror movies which I don't really care for. One 'horror' film I saw recently which is made in the style of Hitchcock with no gore or fake CGI is The Orphanage directed by Guillermo Del Toro who also directed Pan's Labyrinth. The film is in Spanish but has English subtitles. It's a very good ghost story and a lot of the suspense scences are a homage to Hitchcock. You should defintley see that one, although I warn you that it is very sad! :(

I saw The Exorcist for the first time last year when my partner got it on DVD, and it was such an anti-climax. I found myself laughing in a lot of the scences that are meant to be frightening! :D

I never really watched horror movies as a kid either, I just wasn't interested in them. The only film that I can think of that scared me when I was younger is Poltergeist. I was also on the edge of my seat watching Jaws for the first time. :unsure:

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When I was little, I was scared of that movie House. There was a part where the main character's wife (or ex-wife) crouched down beyond the kitchen table to pick up a bullet that had rolled onto the floor, and when she came back up, she was a monster! :o Scared the crap outta me! I've never seen the movie all the way through.

I was also horrified every time I saw the ads in the video stores for Silent Night, Deadly Night:


Horrible! :o

There were horror movies I loved as a child, though! I loved An American Werewolf in London, but it will keep me away from any British moors, cuz there's werewolves out there... :unsure: And maybe big cats!

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Well, being born in 1950 and we would always go to the Harding Theater in SF for the Sunday horror shows I would have to say that movies like:

The Thing



Day The earth Stood Still

The Wolfman

The Mummy


would always scare the hell out of me.


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Well, being born in 1950 and we would always go to the Harding Theater in SF for the Sunday horror shows I would have to say that movies like:

The Thing



Day The earth Stood Still

The Wolfman

The Mummy


would always scare the hell out of me.


These aren't psychological thrillers like Hitchcock but, still very entertaining and mostly are very good movies which I still enjoy.

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These aren't psychological thrillers like Hitchcock but, still very entertaining and mostly are very good movies which I still enjoy.

As a kid they just scare the crap out of you. I remember that Candid Camera where they filmed little kids watching scary movies and it's amazing to see their reactions. I'm sure I was the same way. :lol:

The Blob was also a scary one, plus:

The Fly

The Tingler

War Of The Worlds

Creature From The Black Lagoon

The Black Scorpion

The Hideous Sun Demon

I Was A Teenage Werewolf


The Screaming Skull

It! The Terror From Beyond Space

The Abominable Snowman

I was literally horrified but couldn't stop going to see them.


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What blew my young fragile mind around the age of 6 or 7, were the black and white werewolf or wolfman movies. The time elapse transformation from human to animal scared the ever loving shit out of me. Heavy stuff at that age. That sure ain't the Little Joe Cartwright on the Ponderosa.

Lately, not as scary, but trippy, trippy movies I happened across on HBO or Showtime fairly recent, both Stephen King.

The Mist and Thinner. How King comes up with this stuff... I'd like to know.

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