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If you're a Zeppelin fan you've done the following:

Joe Schmo

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1. Done the air drum roll with John Bonham at the end of Whole Lotta Love

2. And the beginning of Rock n Roll

3. You know that, man for man, there has never been a more musically talented band ever

4. You've wondered why, oh why, couldn't they have toured JUST ONCE in the last 25 years

5. You've strummed your thumb and forefinger together along with John Paul Jones during that bass riff in Good Times, Bad Times

6. And Dazed and Confused

7. Wondered, "If Bonham hadn't died, how long would they have stayed together?"

8. You, along with Robert Plant, have screamed, "You've been bad to me, woman but it's coming back home to you" while listening to Your Time is Gonna Come

9. Tried to play the opening guitar riff on Over the Hills and Far Away (Even I'VE done that and I have zero musical ability)

10. You can't imagine anyone besides Robert Plant being the lead singer of that band

11. Felt your heart race while Jimmy Page whales on the guitar in Dazed and Confused

12. And Nobody's Fault But Mine

13. And The Song Remains the Same

14. And...well....you get the idea

15. Cliched as it is, you NEVER get tired of hearing Stairway to Heaven

16. The first time you heard the words in Misty Mountain Hop, you thought to yourself, "What the HELL are they talking about?"

17. Even though they didn't sound that great, you still thought it was pretty cool when they reunited at Live-Aid

18. Thought that John Paul Jones was very underrated and in many ways, the lynch pin of the band

19. Marveled, and I mean TRULY MARVELED, at how talented a guitarist Jimmy Page is

20. Said to yourself, "If I were to win the 100 million dollar lotto, I would pay Zep whatever I had to in order to get them to play a concert at the local neighborhood bar by my house."

Well, there's my short list. I'm sure if I thought about it I could come up with several more. Anyone have any of their own they would like to add?

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wailed along with Robert on the opening of Immigrant Song

sang "Does anybody remember laughter?" and "I hope so" while listening to the studio version of Stairway

shouted "John Bonham, MOBY DICK DICK DICK" at the beginning and "JOHN BONHAM! JOHN HENRY BONHAM!" at the end of Moby Dick

corrected anyone who wrote or made reference to "LED ZEPPLIN"

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1: Spent hours spinning the pinwheel inside the cover of Led Zeppelin III.

2. Built a shrine to Led Zeppelin in your bedroom. Complete with incense and a flag of the fallen angel.

3 Carried the tab songbook "Led Zeppelin Complete" wherever you go until it wears out.

4. Played Stairway to Heaven backwards both on vinyl and digital formats.

5. Still continue to play Stairway to Heaven whenever you pick up a guitar.

Edited by Evermore
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1. Done the air drum roll with John Bonham at the end of Whole Lotta Love

2. And the beginning of Rock n Roll

3. You know that, man for man, there has never been a more musically talented band ever

4. You've wondered why, oh why, couldn't they have toured JUST ONCE in the last 25 years

5. You've strummed your thumb and forefinger together along with John Paul Jones during that bass riff in Good Times, Bad Times

6. And Dazed and Confused

7. Wondered, "If Bonham hadn't died, how long would they have stayed together?"

8. You, along with Robert Plant, have screamed, "You've been bad to me, woman but it's coming back home to you" while listening to Your Time is Gonna Come

9. Tried to play the opening guitar riff on Over the Hills and Far Away (Even I'VE done that and I have zero musical ability)

10. You can't imagine anyone besides Robert Plant being the lead singer of that band

11. Felt your heart race while Jimmy Page whales on the guitar in Dazed and Confused

12. And Nobody's Fault But Mine

13. And The Song Remains the Same

14. And...well....you get the idea

15. Cliched as it is, you NEVER get tired of hearing Stairway to Heaven

16. The first time you heard the words in Misty Mountain Hop, you thought to yourself, "What the HELL are they talking about?"

17. Even though they didn't sound that great, you still thought it was pretty cool when they reunited at Live-Aid

18. Thought that John Paul Jones was very underrated and in many ways, the lynch pin of the band

19. Marveled, and I mean TRULY MARVELED, at how talented a guitarist Jimmy Page is

20. Said to yourself, "If I were to win the 100 million dollar lotto, I would pay Zep whatever I had to in order to get them to play a concert at the local neighborhood bar by my house."

Well, there's my short list. I'm sure if I thought about it I could come up with several more. Anyone have any of their own they would like to add?

btw, its wails, not whales

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Nice list. Here's one to add to it:

You've cried and screamed like a 2 yr. old teething baby with diaper rash and colic because you didn't win the "lottery" and you're NOT at the fucking show right now and you know for a fact that a fair percentage of people that ARE at the show aren't NEARLY as big a fan as you are!

I think that covers it.

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sang "Does anybody remember laughter?" and "I hope so" while listening to the studio version of Stairway

corrected anyone who wrote or made reference to "LED ZEPPLIN"

Yes! To both of these...although, likewise, "Does anybody remember....forests?" :)

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I sing the entire TSRTS version of Stairway to the studio version. I also play my own improvised version of Stairway based off the TSRTS version on keyboard. (yes, solo included) I've done almost all of that stuff ... but I cracked up laughing at number 9. I tried playing that intro so many times on guitar. I can play it at a warped pace; some things I can only play fast, others I can only play slow.

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How about if every time you see a road sign that says "Plant Entrance" you tell whoever is in the car with you,"Hey, that's where Robert lives!"


Oh MY GOD! Oh no!!

I laughed my fucking ass off at that one. In fact, I am still laughing my ass off at that one. I can just see me saying that, and my friends or family just pretending that they didn't hear it because it's so stupid. When that usually happens, I'm like: "Did you hear me? I said..." :hysterical:

sang "Does anybody remember laughter?" and "I hope so" while listening to the studio version of Stairway

Yes! Excellent one! I have done that numerous times myself.

What about the "stop" in the studio version of "Out on the Tiles?" I can't listen to it without singing "stop." :P

...evidently;I'm not a Zeppelin fan. :rolleyes:

What should I do about this pesky tattoo? :huh:

Get a big, fat Stones Toungue to cover it up. B)

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"8. You, along with Robert Plant, have screamed, "You've been bad to me, woman but it's coming back home to you" while listening to Your Time is Gonna Come"


"sang "Does anybody remember laughter?" and "I hope so" while listening to the studio version of Stairway"

LMAO, I do this too... I try and refrain when I'm with people who wouldn't know what in the fuck I was talking about though. :lol:

"What about the "stop" in the studio version of "Out on the Tiles?" I can't listen to it without singing "stop." "

Ha! Me neither. :D

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yup, im a zeppelin fan. pretty much everyone of those are true except the last. ive never thought of that.

how about saying "f*ck!" everytime before you play the song Friends on your acoustic

or having the little conversation with yourself:

"shall we roll it jimmy?" ....

"nah leave it yeah..." haha

i also like copying all of page's little "mannerisms" when i play guitar, just like his hand waving thing when he plays theremin, or the violin bow mimic on dazed. or the mischievious stance from kashmir, etc... i know a lot of them

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I thought of another one. You hear "Heartbreaker" on the radio. Being the Zephead that you are, you have been conditioned to expect it to go right into "Livin Lovin Maid." Then when it DOESN'T (commercial, song by a different band), you think it sounds strange. It's like you're waiting for the other shoe to drop and it doesn't.

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I've done all of them. In a city about an hour away from us they have a plant that says *Fill in city name* Plant and when I was really little I thought Robert Plant really lived there. Needless to say I was disappointed when I found out he didn't.

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"8. You, along with Robert Plant, have screamed, "You've been bad to me, woman but it's coming back home to you" while listening to Your Time is Gonna Come"


"sang "Does anybody remember laughter?" and "I hope so" while listening to the studio version of Stairway"

LMAO, I do this too... I try and refrain when I'm with people who wouldn't know what in the fuck I was talking about though. :lol:

"What about the "stop" in the studio version of "Out on the Tiles?" I can't listen to it without singing "stop." "

Ha! Me neither. :D

I'm so glad I'm leaving :stop:

I thought of another one. You hear "Heartbreaker" on the radio. Being the Zephead that you are, you have been conditioned to expect it to go right into "Livin Lovin Maid." Then when it DOESN'T (commercial, song by a different band), you think it sounds strange. It's like you're waiting for the other shoe to drop and it doesn't.

:lol: When I started listening to my Zeppelin on my MP3 player in the car, I'd get all confused because my MP3 player doesn't play the tracks in order they were put on the albums. I usually choose "shuffle all" or "shuffle" under the Zeppelin title. :lol:

Here's another one

I've perfected the way to pound out rythmns on my dashboard and steering wheel when I'm driving. I get a lot of stares in traffic. :lol: It keeps me happy though.

I'm particularly good at being Jimmy and JPJ at once on "Bron-Yr-Stomp." :lol: I get embarassed when I realize someone's watching me. :blink::blush::ph34r:

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2. Built a shrine to Led Zeppelin in your bedroom. Complete with incense and a flag of the fallen angel

LOL...When my wife and I were newly married 20 years ago, I did this to our spare bedroom in our apartment. I put up all my Zeppelin posters and framed pictures from my collection centered around the official tour poster a friend bought for me in Japan. When she came home the look on her face was priceless. I asked her what she thought and her reply was it'll do but I was thinking of paint not wallpaper!

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yup, im a zeppelin fan. pretty much everyone of those are true except the last. ive never thought of that.

how about saying "f*ck!" everytime before you play the song Friends on your acoustic

or having the little conversation with yourself:

"shall we roll it jimmy?" ....

"nah leave it yeah..." haha

i also like copying all of page's little "mannerisms" when i play guitar, just like his hand waving thing when he plays theremin, or the violin bow mimic on dazed. or the mischievious stance from kashmir, etc... i know a lot of them


I just CAN'T wear the guitar as low as he does!! Pagey always looks so cool!

I've tried but my arms just aren't long enough- can't play anything without it up higher.

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Haha, done may of those, particularly singing "does anybody remember laughter?".

Another: You smile to yourself and get a warm feeling when you hear the name of the Coventry City and Wales footballer Robert Page.

Not sure if this is particularly relevant, but I can no longer hear Communication Breakdown without instantly reaching for my phone, as I had it as my ring tone for such a long time!

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