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The Show Has Ended! Led Zeppelin Refueled, Reborn!

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The Guardian gave the performance 5 stars!


Led Zeppelin

***** London 02 Arena

Alexis Petridis

Tuesday December 11, 2007

The Guardian

In his musical memoir 31 Songs, the author Nick Hornby recalls seeing Led Zeppelin live in 1975, during their legendary five-night residency at Earls Court.

At the time, Led Zeppelin were unequivocally the biggest band in the world: two years previously, they had smashed attendance records set by the Beatles across America - but according to Hornby at least, the experience was so unedifying, so preposterously self-indulgent that he felt compelled to "nip out" of the show during one extended instrumental interlude, went to a nearby pub, enjoyed a pint and a game of pool and returned to find Led Zeppelin still soloing away.

Hornby's tale offers a salutary reminder that the band's return to live performance after 27 years might not necessarily be a source of unalloyed delight, the phrase he uses to describe their performance is "a bit boring" - but it would be brave soul indeed who dared offer such an opinion tonight.

Depending on whose estimate you believe, somewhere between 20 million and 200 million people attempted to avail themselves of tickets for this show: the 18,000 who succeeded are understandably not in the mood for anything more complicated than worship.

The three remaining members and Jason Bonham, deputising on drums for his late father, take the stage to a reception so ecstatic that a cynical voice might suggest they may as well immediately turn round and go home, their performance having clearly been taken as read.

That cynical voice might belong to singer Robert Plant, whose own career is positively blooming: his recent album with country singer Alison Krauss is the most acclaimed of his post-Zeppelin works and who has given every impression of taking part in the reunion solely because it commemorates the band's former label boss and mentor, the late Ahmet Ertegun, and much against his better judgment.

Resolutely downbeat amid the frenzy, he has described the show as a chance "to go out there and say look, we're not immortal, this is how it could be. This is it, do you really want this?"

If nothing else, you could never accuse him of adding to the mountain of hype surrounding the band's re-formation. He certainly doesn't perform like a man entertaining serious doubts about anything - for all the pre-emptive discussion in the media about his inability to hit the notes he once could, Plant sounds fantastic, and retains an utterly magnetic and startlingly lithe presence on stage, kicking his microphone stand to the ground, dancing with a rather cheering abandon, even setting aside his celebrated distaste for the band's most famous and overblown song and having a stab at Stairway to Heaven.

But watching Led Zeppelin, it's hard not to wonder if the frontman's reticence isn't fuelling the other members of the band. Their previous reunions have been brief and shambolic: a rotten set at Live Aid, an under-rehearsed appearance at a record label birthday party.

Tonight, however, after a tentative, feedback-scarred opener of Good Times Bad Times, it's difficult to believe this is a band who have barely played together for the best part of three decades. They sound awesomely tight.

The riff that powers In My Time Of Dying is authentically churning and queasy, Ramble On sounds not like a song that's been brought out of mothballs for a benefit concert but wrigglingly, obscenely alive; Trampled Underfoot's conjunction of jittering funk and squealing, metallic guitar seems more bizarre and beguiling than ever.

Page in particular has been open about his desire to make the reunion more than a one-off arrangement and you rather get the feeling they're attempting to bring Plant round to the idea by the sheer force of their playing: even Dazed And Confused's lengthy passages of feedback seem less like the po-faced indulgence of a self-important guitar god than something rather thrilling and experimental.

Whether Plant is won round in the long term remains to be seen, but for last night at least, it seems to do the trick. His between song-patter remains self-deprecating: "this is a song we first heard in about 1932", but at particularly intense moments, the three of them huddle together before Jason Bonham's drum riser. There's even an argument to suggest that the reformed Led Zeppelin might be slightly leaner. The kind of excesses that once sent Hornby scuttling off in search of a nearby solo-free hostelry have been trimmed out of necessity: as Page has pointed out, it's almost physically impossible for men in their 60s to play three and a half hour sets. Depending on your perspective, that's a pity or an unexpected bonus of old age. Either way, anyone nipping out last night would have missed something faintly remarkable.

Edited by dig zoso
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Somehow, my old screen name disappeared.

Regardless, I'm sitting here drinking Singha, slightly weepy and oh so very glad I have a husband who understands.....

I was 13 the last time I saw them and it meant so much. Most people don't understand what music can mean - but after reading this thread, I know that y'all do. Cheers to those who saw the show tonight, and cheers to those who know absolutely what magic there is in a song.


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Wow the site is slammed.I'm sitting here watching the guys on VH1C and reading the reviews fro you lucky fuckers who got to go.I feel like I'm 13 again at 46.1st Zep show was at the LA Forum during HOTH or PG I honestly cant remember.The surge of news/interviews/them playing is just fantastic.The Who and Zep are my 2 fav bands ever.I got to see the Who with Moon and without him recently.So I hope Zep decides to go for it too.I was pleasantly surprised by how good the Who were.Thank you all who went for sharing with us your experience..I cant wait to hear more.I'm pumped at even the idea they might do something.The outdoor is open now!



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Cant wait to compare the reviews of those who were there once the dust settles and they can give us there take on how it compares to old footage in TSRTS.

So much for predicting Rock n Roll to open. Im a bit surprized that they opened with GTBT.

From the footage that is out there already, looks like a really slick production in terms of the footage that has been shot. It will be good, but unfortunately without the charm of TSRTS - only 4 cameras and very intimate. However this one seems to give a good impression of the scale of the event itself and the atmosphere.

As for why they played Good Times Bad Times - it's the first song off the first album, as good a reason as any to choose the show opener I would think.

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"'Kashmir# was wonderful. Jimmy looks a bit old now, but Robert Plant looked great," said John Trull, a 54-year-old Londoner. "I saw them in Bath in 1970. They were better then than now, but this was still amazing."

"It was a good gig. The ultimate Zep gig. I saw them at Knebworth, and this was better. The voice is still there. And it wasn't raining," said "Chaz", who had travelled with his friend "Dave".

Caroline Picker, 40, summed up the mood amongst fans.

"The atmosphere was electric," she said. "I've only heard two songs before, but it felt amazing."

"Robert has a lovely backside," added her friend, Dawn Anglin ©

Why were those people at the gig and I, whose favourite band LZ have been most of my life, could not be there? where is justice in this life??!

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To Mr. Jones and all that have posted, I graciously Thank You! I tried in vain to win tix on the local radio station to catch this show and after reading all this, I have a big grin and can't wait for the DVD. Being a huge fan for many years and catching Page & Plant on their 2 tours as well as Page playing with the Crowes, this is as real as it gets. I certainly am optimistic but a bit skeptical about a tour next year but sure hope they go for it as us in the States will go crazy as you all in London have. I am surprised a bit that they played Stairway since Plant has been against it for so long but I guess the specialness of the night & a bit of Jimmy's influence made it happen. The setlist is great and of course they could have played other things, but I feel they covered their career with super selections & with a few nuggets thrown in. Look forward to reading more about the show tomorrow. Thanks again from Rhode Island!!!

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WHAT A FREAKING GREAT SET LIST......I WOULD HAVE cried my eyes out as soon as they started to play SINCE I'VE BEEN LOVING YOU

as others mentioned, sure hope there will be a DVD (sooner than later!!! )


not that they see this but just in case one of their "people" do!! :)

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Okay , I will start off by saying to all who attended - I AM SOOOO JEALOUS!!!!!!!! I wanted to see these guys in person for about 17 years now , and I am so bummed not to be able to see them . I am really hoping to see some sort of tour this summer , and barring that , at least I am hoping for a DVD of this one . Sounds like the majority of the world missed out on a killer concert!!

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I hope they don't forget the end of world tour bit... Japan, Australia and New Zealand... otherwise it's a ticket to the States if this comes off !

I'm new and for weeks have been excited and proud that the band who's music shaped my life has made their stand for the world to see! I have been surfing for hours now pouring over what I could find about the show. Man I'm just #&%'N Happy for them and the Reunion. To all you faithful this night is a gift to us too!!!

Edited by Electrical Ed
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By far the best thing that has happened post 1980. They kicked ass, and looked to enjoy the moment. I think Jason played well, and if this goes further great, and if not, thanks for a special moment.

By the video clips, I'd say it's great that they put some effort into this show, as opposed to Live Aid, and the '88 show. I think it's a 50/50 right now, but I think if people show up at Robert's gigs with Krauss, it will be like it was in the '80's and '90's and Robert won't have any part of it.

By the way, I lost my old screen name, JimmyV, it's been a long time since I last posted here. Great to be back....

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I'm new and for weeks have been excited and proud that the band who's music shaped my life has made their stand for the world to see! I have been surfing for hours now pouring over what I could find about the show. Man I'm just #&%'N Happy for them and the Reunion. To all you faithful this night is a gift to us too!!!


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For over 2 hours today, I was glued to my PC at work, refreshing every few minutes as the show began 1pm left coast time. I couldn't get onto this site so I was relying on PZ & RO for information.

Saying 0that, WHAT AN AMAZING, F%$#& SHOW!!! OMG!!! I was so excited even though I wasn't there. The pictures are wonderful; the clips are awesome, the boys looked oh so good!!!!

I, for one, was not surprised the boys could do it. I knew they would be awesome, amazing, awe inspiriing, mind blowing....I can go on....I'm still on cloud nine!

So keep those reviews, pics and clips coming!!!!! :thumbsup:

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