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Christchurch Hit By Earthquake After Shock 6.3


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I have to second Reggies thoughts. Hope all our Kiwi friends and their families are safe and sound.

Me too.

Christchurch is such a lovely city, so sad to know that it has been hit by an earthquake. :( I sympathise with all the people of NZ, I was in Santiago (Chile) last year as the huge earthquake hit the city, it was a nightmare, the worst moments of my life. I know what you, my Kiwi friends, are feeling right now. Sending the best thoughts on your way.

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No, it's not like living on a flood plain, where there are ways to divert water, drainage systems, dams, pumping stations, etc. etc. Many people who live on flood plains have never been flooded.

There are very few places in the world where you can be assured of being safe from natural disasters. Bad enough that these people have been hit by an earthquake, without blaming them for living there.

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No, it's not like living on a flood plain, where there are ways to divert water, drainage systems, dams, pumping stations, etc. etc. Many people who live on flood plains have never been flooded.

There are very few places in the world where you can be assured of being safe from natural disasters. Bad enough that these people have been hit by an earthquake, without blaming them for living there.

I agree! I remember the story some years back of a 90+ year old Japenese seismologist who stated that quakes CAN BE foreseen at least 24 hrs (if not more) before they hit.....well, he was branded as being a madman!!!

With regards to people living in potentially hazardous areas, try telling a resident of San Francisco to abandon his home and city........."we're waiting for the Big One to hit......":):)

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My heart goes out to the people of Christchurch. When an earthquake hit in September, last year, I was hoping that Christchurch will be safe at least this year! Sadly, that wasn't to be! :( The extent of the damage is just shocking and pretty hard and bitter to swallow! :(

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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Right in the rim of the "Ring of Fire". As unfortunate as it is, it's to be expected.

It's like living in a flood plain, it's not a matter of if, it's a matter of when. You will be flooded.

If you don't wanna get hit, stay out of the pit.

I will be lying if I said that I wasn't offended by your comments! This is a thread to express sympathy at a time of a crisis of epic proportions. Please try to be a bit more sensitive!

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I will be lying if I said that I wasn't offended by your comments! This is a thread to express sympathy at a time of a crisis of epic proportions. Please try to be a bit more sensitive!

Sadly we're all at the mercy of Mother Nature wherever we choose to live Kiwi. The people of Christchurch or New Zealand in general can't be blamed for living in an earthquake zone. When these dreadful events happen we should just offer as much support and sympathy as possible. I really feel for the familes of those who have lost loved ones and the people that are still trapped under buildings.

Edited by Magic Fills the Air
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I don't see anywhere in the title of the thread that this is "supposed to be about sympathy for the victims". It just mentions the fact of the earthquake.

I'm not going to pretend to have personal sympathy for people I don't know. I said it was sad, but it comes with the territory. I'm not going to live in some crime infested area and not expect incidents. I'm not going to live in tornado alley and not expect cyclones.

And I stand by my 'floodplain' remark. Man CAN control, to a point, floods but not completely. Nature will ultimately win out there as well as earthquake prone areas.

I realize life is nothing but a gamble and if we make it past natural disasters or manmade ones, we'll eventually succumb to old age. You can minimize risk, to a point, at the same time realizing the dangers. I personally live near a fault zone too and could be struck. I dont expect 'sympathy' from those I don't know, maybe a general "that's sad", like I expressed.

Also, given a first choice of anywhere I'd like to visit, it would be New Zealand, matter of factly. I'd venture a chance there knowing the natural dangers and lie in the bed I'd be making.

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I will be lying if I said that I wasn't offended by your comments! This is a thread to express sympathy at a time of a crisis of epic proportions. Please try to be a bit more sensitive!

good to know you are ok

i see you are in a different area.........glad to know you are relatively safe

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good to know you are ok

i see you are in a different area.........glad to know you are relatively safe

Thanks for your concern! Much appreciated! :) I live in Auckland, which is a city where the chances of an earthquake occuring are close to nil. Christchurch on the other hand, is sadly, more earthquake prone. :( The South Island (Southland) is more vulnerable to earthquakes than the North Island (Northland).

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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I don't see anywhere in the title of the thread that this is "supposed to be about sympathy for the victims". It just mentions the fact of the earthquake.

I'm not going to pretend to have personal sympathy for people I don't know. I said it was sad, but it comes with the territory. I'm not going to live in some crime infested area and not expect incidents. I'm not going to live in tornado alley and not expect cyclones.

And I stand by my 'floodplain' remark. Man CAN control, to a point, floods but not completely. Nature will ultimately win out there as well as earthquake prone areas.

I realize life is nothing but a gamble and if we make it past natural disasters or manmade ones, we'll eventually succumb to old age. You can minimize risk, to a point, at the same time realizing the dangers. I personally live near a fault zone too and could be struck. I dont expect 'sympathy' from those I don't know, maybe a general "that's sad", like I expressed.

Also, given a first choice of anywhere I'd like to visit, it would be New Zealand, matter of factly. I'd venture a chance there knowing the natural dangers and lie in the bed I'd be making.

You can stand by your floodplain remark until you're blue, you'd still be wrong. But the larger point is simply that the people of the South Island deserve support, not finger-pointing for their stupidity, when the finger could just as well be pointed at any one of us.

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There are very few places in the world where you can be assured of being safe from natural disasters. Bad enough that these people have been hit by an earthquake, without blaming them for living there.

My nephew was just outside Willits, CA last night and there was a 4.4 quake he said. But the 'Ring Of Fire' does hold true all around the Pacific Rim.

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You can stand by your floodplain remark until you're blue, you'd still be wrong. But the larger point is simply that the people of the South Island deserve support, not finger-pointing for their stupidity, when the finger could just as well be pointed at any one of us.

Agreed ! Let's face it, if we were to use the floodplain theory then the whole west coast of North America should consider ecacuating.

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I don't see anywhere in the title of the thread that this is "supposed to be about sympathy for the victims". It just mentions the fact of the earthquake.

I'm not going to pretend to have personal sympathy for people I don't know. I said it was sad, but it comes with the territory. I'm not going to live in some crime infested area and not expect incidents. I'm not going to live in tornado alley and not expect cyclones.

And I stand by my 'floodplain' remark. Man CAN control, to a point, floods but not completely. Nature will ultimately win out there as well as earthquake prone areas.

I realize life is nothing but a gamble and if we make it past natural disasters or manmade ones, we'll eventually succumb to old age. You can minimize risk, to a point, at the same time realizing the dangers. I personally live near a fault zone too and could be struck. I dont expect 'sympathy' from those I don't know, maybe a general "that's sad", like I expressed.

Also, given a first choice of anywhere I'd like to visit, it would be New Zealand, matter of factly. I'd venture a chance there knowing the natural dangers and lie in the bed I'd be making.

Maybe you can't find it in you to sympathise with total strangers who are going through something so horrid like this, but, to me, this is something which is very personal. Why? Because I almost moved to Christchurch myself about 4 years ago, to pursue my studies over there, eventhough I live in Auckland. Joining the University of Auckland instead of the University of Canterbury (which by the way, is located painfully close to where the earthquake struck) was perhaps one of the most fateful decisions I have ever made in my life! Who knows? Had I actually moved to Christchurch, I don't think that I would be sitting in my room right now typing out this post. I might have been one of those people trapped beneath the rubble, at this moment or I might even be dead by now, for all you know! To make matters even worse, my mom, who is a university student like myself, who is doing an online course, has two classmates who are living in that city! Both of them are mothers too and both have families! She still hasn't heard from them yet and she is very worried! So, yes, under these circumstances, I still stand by my previous comments to you! I'm sorry but that's just how I feel!

Edited by Kiwi_Zep_Fan87
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I guess I could've been slammed by that Mack Truck barreling down the road today too, but luckily I saw it coming. Sure the New Zealand earthquake is personal to you for the reasons you mention. If I didn't see the news or read the internet I wouldn't know a thing about it. I wouldn't be affected in any way. So as you say that you stand by your previous comment to me, fine, I stand by mine too. I don't know those people and other than a cursory "oh that's sad", it's not part of 'my' world to be bothered.

Oh and Aquamarine and ally, go tell those people in New Orleans who relied on the manmade dykes and may have never seen floods as they were in Katrina that I'm turning blue because I was wrong. Go tell all those people along the Mississippi in 1993 that who relied on manmade dykes that I turned blue because I was wrong. Some floodplain inhabitants might get by in their lifetime without catastrophic floods, but many won't. Do I get to remain fleshtone for all the floods that do occur ?

Here, tell these people who weren't really even in the floodplain that their fries and burgers won't be soggy after a good inundation.


Mississippi River out of its banks in Festus, Missouri. The spot where this photo was taken is nearly 1.5 miles west and 30 feet above the river.

I bet those folks never in a MILLION years would've thought they'd be threatened 30 feet above the river.

YOU are wrong about NOT comparing natural threats and our ability or NOT to control them. You obnoxious, arrogant humans!

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Agreed !  Let's face it, if we were to use the floodplain theory then the whole  west coast of North America should consider ecacuating.

All it will take is one HUGE landslide like one that happened on Molokai that sent a gigantic tsunami that DID inundate the entire West Coast eons ago. Hey, we take our chances but to not realize the inherent dangers of HIGHLY dangerous locales is boorish at best. Man can't ultimately control nature, nature only allows us.

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YOU are wrong about NOT comparing natural threats and our ability or NOT to control them. You obnoxious, arrogant humans!

I realize you've never been able to stand the idea of being wrong, but the fact remains that the vast majority of people who live on a floodplain will NOT be flooded, and you're pointing to the very newsworthy exceptions. Earthquakes are clearly a different proposition, which doesn't alter the fact that it's impossible to find anyplace to live where earthquakes can and will never happen, so it's pointless to blame their victims.

That's all the arguing with you I plan to do, btw. My best to everyone in NZ.

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