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2011 NFL Football Thread


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Well, at least the Raiders can say they control their destiny...even though their schedule is brutal, win the games they should and they should hold off the surging Broncos for the Division.

How far the Raiders go in the playoffs depends on the matchups(if we have to play New England in the first round, forget it) and if Carson Palmer and the receivers can get their timing together...and most important, the health of Darren McFadden.

San Diego did us no favours by gagging against the Broncos, but I still ain't buying the Tebow hype. Eventually, teams will accumulate enough tape on the guy and figure him out. Does anybody really believe he could keep up in a scoring duel against the likes of Tom Brady, Drew Brees or Aaron Rodgers?

Remember the names of Scott Moore and Matt Cassell?

The top 5 teams to me right now are Green Bay, New England, New Orleans, Baltimore, and Pittsburgh.

Oh, and all you Giants fans? Don't worry...even with the way the Saints annihilated your team on national tv, the NFC East is in such disarray that I still think the Giants will win the division.

Edited by Strider
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The Raiders can beat the Broncos, just stay in a basic 3-4 defense and Tebow will be helpless. Both the Jets and Dolphins went to a prevent defense for reasons only known to themselves and got beat because of it.

Tebow might be a great kid but he's horrible as an NFL style quarterback. If the Raiders keep it basic they'll win.

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The Raiders can beat the Broncos, just stay in a basic 3-4 defense and Tebow will be helpless. Both the Jets and Dolphins went to a prevent defense for reasons only known to themselves and got beat because of it.

Tebow might be a great kid but he's horrible as an NFL style quarterback. If the Raiders keep it basic they'll win.

The Chargers should have won their match up with the Broncs but they have had an offensive implosion. Nick the Kick Novak leaked left, so to say.

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Edited by Black Dawg
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The top 5 teams to me right now are Green Bay, New England, New Orleans, Baltimore, and Pittsburgh.

Oh, and all you Giants fans? Don't worry...even with the way the Saints annihilated your team on national tv, the NFC East is in such disarray that I still think the Giants will win the division.

You know this week they play Green Bay, so there is a 99.9% chance they fall to 6-6 - with 2 games vs. Dallas and another vs. the Jets. But then again, the NFL is so unpredictable during the month of December. The way the Giants didn't even show up against the Eagles and the Saints the last 2 consecutive weeks makes you wonder if they are going to have another end of the season meltdown like last year! Tough call.....

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^^^Yes, even at 6-6, I give the Giants a shot. The Eagles and Redskins are terrible...the Eagles imploding as we speak, hahaha!

And I just don't trust Romo and Dallas to put a win streak together...they're too Jeckle-and-Hyde for me. You never know which Romo you're going to get.

Seriously, 8-8 could actually win the division this year.

The Raiders can beat the Broncos, just stay in a basic 3-4 defense and Tebow will be helpless. Both the Jets and Dolphins went to a prevent defense for reasons only known to themselves and got beat because of it.

Tebow might be a great kid but he's horrible as an NFL style quarterback. If the Raiders keep it basic they'll win.

Hate to break it to you, but the Raiders blew it against Tebow, too...they should've followed your advice. Yes, if I were the DC, I would stack the box with 8 guys and tell them to stay in their lanes and force Tebow to throw to beat you.

He might get lucky and hit a couple passes, but QBs like Tebow cannot consistently hit their receivers...you never see them with pass completion percentages of 65-70%. Just like with Vince Young and Michael Vick. That's why you never see them win shootout-style games; they're not able to throw consistently enough to score 30-40 points.

Raiders blew it the first time they played Denver; let's hope they learned their lesson the next time and stack the line.

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I got home just in time to see Ronnie Brown signed with the f'in Eagles also! WTF?! The only thing I keep sayin to myself is they still don't have a run stopper, they are getting players on the backside of their careers and Vick is injury prone running around and taking the hits he does/will. Then who do they have, Young? That's waay too much pressure for that head case!

I love it when I'm right! The Eagles looked like a severely beaten team last night. Bickering, sloppy play, etc. LOVE IT!!!

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You know this week they play Green Bay, so there is a 99.9% chance they fall to 6-6 - with 2 games vs. Dallas and another vs. the Jets. But then again, the NFL is so unpredictable during the month of December. The way the Giants didn't even show up against the Eagles and the Saints the last 2 consecutive weeks makes you wonder if they are going to have another end of the season meltdown like last year! Tough call.....

I'm going to the Giant game Sunday, the way they've been playing lately, I started tailgating Tuesday. :drunk:
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I'm with you Walter...my schadenfreude is kicking in bigtime! Losing to the Seahwks? That's hilarious!

First the Miami Heat, then the Philadelphia Eagles...let that be a lesson to anyone bragging about how many titles you're going to win or being a "dream team" before you've actually accomplished anything.

How soon the dream can become a nightmare.

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I'm going to the Giants/Packers game on Sunday too. With the Giants playing for their lives you would think it ought to be a great game. The weather won't be bad either so it should be a good time.

I don't think they have a shot against Green Bay though.

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If it was in Green Bay, I'd say the giants have no shot, but since the game's in New Jersey, maybe they have a chance.

The Packers have such a commanding lead in their division they might be prone to phone one in and lose one of these days. Unless they really care about going undefeated.


RIP Chester McGlockton

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Anyone else getting the feeling that the wheels are starting to fall off Detroit's once-promising season?

Ndamukong Suh lost his appeal(rightly so) and now Detroit won't have their key defensive player for their game at New Orleans and then at home versus the Vikings. Maybe they can still win at home vs. Minnesota but NO WAY they beat New Orleans on the road without Suh.

Now, the wld card could be slipping away...they're fighting for a spot along with Chicago, Atlanta, Dallas and/or the Giants. After such a great start, it would be a shame if the Lions fall apart at the end.

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Strider, the wheels are falling off everywhere in the NFL! All the teams you listed lost this weekend, seems like nobody in the NFC wants to make the playoffs!! It will obviously come down to N.O. and G.B. for the championship game.

The AFC is almost as crazy! Sorry about your Raiders, but I knew that was coming yesterday. Hopefully they will get their playmakers back soon, before they fall behind.

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Strider, the wheels are falling off everywhere in the NFL! All the teams you listed lost this weekend, seems like nobody in the NFC wants to make the playoffs!! It will obviously come down to N.O. and G.B. for the championship game.

The AFC is almost as crazy! Sorry about your Raiders, but I knew that was coming yesterday. Hopefully they will get their playmakers back soon, before they fall behind.

Ugh, watching the Raiders lose to the bleeping Miami Dolphins was painful...what a wretched effort! How do you let Reggie Bush run like that? Now we're tied with the Tebow Broncos...and they have the tiebreaker on us by virtue of their earlier win over the Raiders. And NOW the Raiders get to go to Green Bay? That's another loss right there! Sheesh!

The NFC is between Green Bay and New Orleans. Frankly, New Orleans doesn't stand a chance at Lambeau in January, so barring an epic collapse down the stretch by Green Bay that allows New Orleans to host the conference championship, it's Green Bay all the way to the Super Bowl.

The AFC is more wide open...any one of four or five teams have the ability to make it: New England, Baltimore, Pittsburgh...even the Jets or Houston.

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Houston, really? I don't think the Jets are good enough to knock of Baltimore or Pittsburgh this year, but that's why they play the games....

I thought the Raiders beat Denver in week 1, so that would make the head-to-head 1-1. I don't know their divisional record, which would be the next tie breaker. Tebow has to play the Pats in a couple of weeks, so that may offset the Raiders this weekend. But you guys have to get McFadden, Ford and Moore back - SOON!

Green Bay will be tough to handle at home in January, but their defense definitely showed some cracks against New York this past weekend. Plus the Packs running game is not strong at all. I am still sticking with my preseason pick - Green Bay v. Baltimore for the Super Bowl.

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Seems like nobody in the NFC wants to make the playoffs!! It will obviously come down to N.O. and G.B. for the championship game.

The Niners shut out the Lambs, won the division and will probably meet either of those teams in the playoffs somewhere down the road. :^)

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Houston, really? I don't think the Jets are good enough to knock of Baltimore or Pittsburgh this year, but that's why they play the games....

I know, Houston...crazy, right? But that's how wide open I feel the AFC is this year. Obviously Baltimore, New England and Pittsburgh will be the oddsmaker's favourites.

But look at all the injuries Houston has had, and they're STILL tied for the AFC's best record at 9-3. If they can somehow manage to get a first round bye, and get some of the wounded back for the playoffs...who knows? And if Houston somehow gets home field advantage throughout, that would definitely tilt things in their favour.

Neither New England, Baltimore or Pittsburgh have dominated the conference...they've shown weaknesses and each have 3 losses. In the playoffs all it takes is a team getting hot at the right time.

That's why I include the Jets. During the season their focus and execution is too inconsistent for them to dominate. But we've seen in the past how they can turn it on and get it going in the playoffs. So I wouldn't count the Jets out yet.

As for the Raiders...yes, we need McFadden and the others back soon or we're in dire straits...and I don't see no Sultan of Swing coming to the rescue.

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The Niners shut out the Lambs, won the division and will probably meet either of those teams in the playoffs somewhere down the road. :^)

Not to rain on your parade, Redrum, for what the 49ers have done is remarkable compared to last year. Harbaugh was a genius hire, and the fact that he resuscitated both Stanford AND the 49ers seemingly overnight shows the likes of Norv Turner to be the overrated boobs they are.

But, and this is a big BUT, if the 49ers have to go on the road for either GB or NO, they are doomed. They can't survive in the frigid cold of Lambeau and are not built for a track-meet shootout on the artificial turf of the Superdome.

They need to finish ahead of the Saints, at least. Bon chance.

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Looks like Pittsburgh dodged a bullet last night. Big DB better get healthy in a hurry though - the 49'ers defense is no joke. He cannot get away with that type of play and beat them next week. Plus he runs the risk of really being injured. A bad thumb and now left ankle/leg are not going to fare well during the month of December and beyond. Oh well...... :)

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Looks like Pittsburgh dodged a bullet last night. Big DB better get healthy in a hurry though - the 49'ers defense is no joke. He cannot get away with that type of play and beat them next week. Plus he runs the risk of really being injured. A bad thumb and now left ankle/leg are not going to fare well during the month of December and beyond. Oh well...... :)

Pittsburgh still comes away with a win. The crows need to keep pace. Ravens' 3 losses are looming large now.

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“I don’t like going to Detroit,” Jared Allen said, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune. “I’ll be honest. It’s gloomy, it sucks. Everything is brown and then there is snow on the ground. There’s like brownstones everywhere and I’m like, ‘Awesome.’ I don’t know, I couldn’t do it. If I had to live in Detroit, I think I’d just drown myself in the river that was across the way."

....and many people have Jared.

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Looks like Pittsburgh dodged a bullet last night. Big DB better get healthy in a hurry though - the 49'ers defense is no joke. He cannot get away with that type of play and beat them next week. Plus he runs the risk of really being injured. A bad thumb and now left ankle/leg are not going to fare well during the month of December and beyond. Oh well...... :)

I don't place too much stock in Thursday night games, Walter...the short week almost guarantees you're not going to get a team's best effort. The fact Pittsburgh won is all that counts.

By the way, who is DB?

Now, if the Raiders don't lose by more than two touchdowns to the Packers, I'll be surprised.

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