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Favorite color?


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Funny (sad?) how your favorite color can transform into a discussion into cancer.

At the beginning I read all this talk about pink and it surprised me at how popular it was. Then the big C word. I'm fully aware of it's relationship with cancer, my dad, 3 bouts of it, a massive stroke and he still works to this day. 72 years old. Fortunately my sister was an oncology nurse on dad's first go round and she was the one to spot it (skin cancer). Deep down I guess pink is on my list too.

My t-shirts are black

My jeans need to be blue

My guitar is candy apple red

My car is silver (so's my truck!)

My house is all earth tones inside

Yup, that's my favorite color!

Edited by MINI_Zoso
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if i had to pick one, it"d probably be green, but i really love seeing dark blue, dark green and purple together, like in stained glass windows.

i"d love to one day have my own home and decorate with colours like that. being a renter, i have had some terrible colours to have to live with. and each time i have to move, it's a different colour scheme! i have given up trying to get furnishings to match :blink:

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  • 1 month later...

^^ Hi Fool! :wave:

I'm so sorry for your losses! :( Cancer affects so many lives and families irrespective of age and gender, that's for sure! And that really sucks! :(

On a happier note, I must admit, Black is one of my favourite colours too! I also like a bit of Purple B) My mom sometimes describes my wardrobe as "exceptionally gothic", because I have so many black, purple and brown t-shirts and not many brightly coloured stuff, honestly! :lol: Green is a cool colour too! It reminds me of natural landscapes like a meadow in the countryside! :D I don't particularly care for orange though! :wacko:

That's interesting. :) I dress often in all black. That's just because I like it but I have to admit too that it's also because of music influence, mostly Black Sabbath. Some people even thought that I might be a goth, but though I kinda like gothic fashion, it isn't and I am not. It is just a classic black clothing. And yes, though my clothing mostly consists of darker colours, I wear birght clothes too.

I'm sorry for your lossess too. I just couldn't go without saying.

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Well, whaddyaknow...pink is my favourite colour, too. And in that exact shade, too...goes well with my blue eyes. ;)

Been known to wear hot pink on occasion as well.

Strider, I dare you to wear this outfit.hysterical.gif

But you might not have the same girlish frame that Jimmy has to pull it off.


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Strider, I dare you to wear this outfit.hysterical.gif

But you might not have the same girlish frame that Jimmy has to pull it off.

Well, mine weren't velvet like Jimmy's, but I did have a pair of pink jeans that I would pair with either a grey or lime green Izod or Polo shirt. I also had green pants that I would wear with my pink polos or oxfords.

What can I say...I LOVED pastels!

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  • 3 years later...
  • 1 year later...

I don't think black is really a color is it and I find it odd that you would pick that as a response.

My favorite color is blue but sometimes I think want to change my choice, but making changes makes me feel uncomfortable.  I really admire people who are bold enough to pick orange as their favorite color; I just don't think I could be that over the top, and of course I would be afraid of being ridiculed for a color choice like orange.

Some people like yellow but that reminds me of bananas and I hate the smell of bananas. Bananas are also sort of embarrassing because when they are in your lunch sack it makes the bag a weird shape.

I think the color purple is evil, but that is just my opinion.

But if black is not a color, then what is it? Where did it come from? Why do I like a non-existent color (colour for Brits). It might be odd for me to pick that, but it is comforting. If enough people jump out of an airplane and block the sun, the shade is cozy and snug. So maybe my favorite colo(u)r is shade.

Orange is the new black. If orange is your favorite, it is said you are prone to fun. B

Blue is a good choice. It is said people who like blue are genuine and sincere.

The smell of bananas are ok with me as long as they are not in a paper bag with a tuna fish sandwich that has leaked and made it stink.

Purple is my least favorite color. I try to torture and kill it in every way.



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Just agreeing with you about the pink.

Purple might be evil, but this color creates physical weakness in people. It is a colo(u)r that all men should avoid. If you are working out, lifting, you best not have a pink wall in front of you. It can be hazardous to your health. Pink is kryptonite to a man. http://www.joachimstraining.com/pink-makes-you-weak-but-red-helps-you-dominate/



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I can't really pick between Deep purple, darkish green and aqua. And I love all those three side by side. 

I thought that white is a combination of all colours (color for yanks), and black is absence of colour.....

Black is not the absence of color. I know many people that would say different. Let's get down to the bottom of this, because it's been giving me a headache. It's real! People can die their hair that color (colour for Aussies) :P . Now if you close your eyes in a dark room, what color do ewe see? Don't tell me I have to  :hidinginwall:This little emoticon man is hiding in what coloUr room? Feels good to discuss a topic again. :lol: Thank you. I can sleep now. *Hugs* :friends:

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Black is not the absence of color. I know many people that would say different. Let's get down to the bottom of this, because it's been giving me a headache. It's real! People can die their hair that color (colour for Aussies) :P . Now if you close your eyes in a dark room, what color do ewe see? Don't tell me I have to  :hidinginwall:This little emoticon man is hiding in what coloUr room? Feels good to discuss a topic again. :lol: Thank you. I can sleep now. *Hugs* :friends:

I'm not sure who told me that, or when... probably an old wives tale?

Nighty night :)


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I can't really pick between Deep purple, darkish green and aqua. And I love all those three side by side. 

I thought that white is a combination of all colours (color for yanks), and black is absence of colour.....

Go with Deep Purple and join the Dark Side with me. :lol: You have a point about black being absence of colo(u)r. I've heard about this as well, so you're not alone. But when I burn crayons to make art, I sometimes pick one that has the word black.

crayon_black_1.jpg I'm going to ask you a question, since you're so smart. :P What color is a zebra?

Edited by apantherfrommd
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