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Intelligent Design or Pure Chance.........


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Regardless of that, a relationship characterized by fidelity as if the Divine had intervened will still be the main show whichever way you slice it, temptations and all, because you have a higher level of trust; sometimes that kind of relationship stands firm as if an angel is watching over it. Because all flesh is eventually consumed and turned to dust, in the end you have only soul and whatever dwells within it, good or bad. Besides, in Islamic and Judaic traditions they have taken several wives many times over, and it all eventually boils down to one. Amazing how that works. Or as someone once said, Valhalla, I am coming.

Indeed, I don't see why we need: a physical place /church) to celebrate the divine union between a man and a woman, another human being saying what the "rules" are (priest) and a piece of paper (marriage register) to say that we are divinely united...do you<???!:):):). In a way, the Las Vegas way of uniting two people in marriage is not all that bad :):):):)!!!!

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Indeed, I don't see why we need: a physical place /church) to celebrate the divine union between a man and a woman, another human being saying what the "rules" are (priest) and a piece of paper (marriage register) to say that we are divinely united...do you<???!:):):). In a way, the Las Vegas way of uniting two people in marriage is not all that bad :):):):)!!!!

The Las Vegas way is not all that great either. Never has been, except the Southwestern United States occupies an area that historically the natives considered to be spiritually renewable and the tribes would gather there to celebrate in the spring, and Las Vegas is in that vicinity. But Las Vegas and the surrounding desert have been spiritually compromised by the murders and similar crimes that have happened in the desert, some very recently. There is a wonderful side to Las Vegas and you can have lots of fun in Las Vegas, certainly, and the desert is a marvelously beautiful and serene place. But you must not be blind.

When you see a priest present that should tell you something. First, you're not in heaven yet.

The priest is a bridge between heaven and earth. He's a mixture of good and bad, but he has offered his life as a sacrifice to the Creator as a means to eternal life and redemption, asking the Divine to cleanse him of his iniquity.

He also performs the rite of holy matrimony to bless the physical union between man and woman, to sanctify the soul of the union and any offspring that may issue.

In Christianity, there are three holy, spiritual rites of initiation, baptism, communion and confirmation.

Holy matrimony is separate from the rites of initiation. It's not just a piece of paper.

In the end, whatever is holy remains holy, and cannot be destroyed if Heaven recognizes it as one of its own. Whatever Heaven has joined cannot be destroyed.

Regardless of how many wives you take, if Heaven has joined you to them, then the union will remain eternally, because Christ the Redeemer Himself is present in that union. In the end they are only one.

If Heaven has not joined them to you, they will not successfully serve in the role of wife in your life, and they are not your destiny in that regard. Perhaps they will be friends or teachers, but not meant to be joined physically to you. And those not joined to you physically by Heaven can destroy you if you engage in unholy fornication with them. If you find yourself consumed by jealousy or self-destructive behaviour because of them, that is a clue that you may need to reconsider your choices. You choose the people who bring good into your life, and learn from the bad carefully, always asking the Divine to guard your soul.

Often a church has been consecrated and has a spiritual opening to Heaven as you gaze upward through the ceiling, where the souls of those departed from this life shall rise to seek the Creator once again. Some of the physical locations of the various churches remain sanctified in Heaven's domain, and others have been defiled as the Destroyer has defiled the souls of humanity, yet Heaven can reclaim them. Wherever a church has been consecrated, there is a spiritual opening to Heaven. Some of the locations of the churches have weak spiritual openings and some have strong ones.


Edited by Silver Rider
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Hi Catherine96,

If you are refering to Jesus walking on water i can help you there, as a fisherman his deciples would have used corn for fish bait, and if you use corn flower in enough quantity you can virtualy walk on water with it because it is a Non Newtonian Fluid that allows you to walk on it without sinking.

This proved a problem after he was crucified as the holes in his feet would leak the fluid through, this was remedied by the use of chewing gum though.

Another Bible Story Clarfied by BIGDAN. ;):slapface::lol:

Regards, Danny


hail marys!! to the confessional, now!

as much as i love God, the above post made me laff out loud...

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let's hear your best option, slave to zep

The Amish are aware of many dangers on the internet that most of us take for granted, and limit its usage - sounds like a good idea to me.

We all need to open up, be honest, love - and constantly examine our motives for being on this planet, Slave to Zep. Like (similar or comparable to) ourselves, it's definitely not the best place, nor can it ever be, yet there is always room for improvement.

my best option? how about everyone in the world letting go of the whole idea of religion, and concentrating on just getting along with eachother, before we destroy the planet completely.

the amish limit the use of the internet? i thought they didn't use technology at all? my mistake, i thought their whole idea was to live as people did back in the days before electricity, let alone the internet, but i was just supposing that, so if i'm wrong about that i'm sorry. that is was my last comment was in reference to also, that i didn't think the amish way allowed alcohol, but again, i could be wrong about that too.

i am open and honest, love. i don't have a motive for being on this planet, i was just born here.

do you?

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my best option? how about everyone in the world letting go of the whole idea of religion, and concentrating on just getting along with eachother, before we destroy the planet completely.

Well, Lady Gaga is in Rome today, but that's probably not going to help people get along with each other ... :unsure:

the amish limit the use of the internet? i thought they didn't use technology at all? my mistake, i thought their whole idea was to live as people did back in the days before electricity, let alone the internet, but i was just supposing that, so if i'm wrong about that i'm sorry. that is was my last comment was in reference to also, that i didn't think the amish way allowed alcohol, but again, i could be wrong about that too.

The Amish have been ridiculed and abused for ages, but they do have good ideas, please read this link

Do the Amish use computers and the internet?

i am open and honest, love. i don't have a motive for being on this planet, i was just born here.

do you?

Well, I do hope to make myself, my family, society and this world a better place to live in - somehow - but it sure isn't easy. I sure don't want to be a slave or just exist! People need to wake up and realize that we can't live like Epicurus or Osho if we hope to hold our world together, because marriage and pollitical office are necessary on this planet - where there are also children.

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So far so good but what does this have to do with church ceilings? I presume the soul would rise at the moment of death, and deaths seldom occur in a church.

Because the church has often been consecrated. Even though a death may have occurred elsewhere, the soul seeks Heaven. Sometimes the soul will look for a church because it can't find an opening to Heaven in an unholy place where death and decay hang like a suffocating shroud. A bird can't fly underwater; it must reach the sky in order to become airborne. The soul naturally seeks new life. Often a funeral rite or memorial takes place in a church, where a disembodied soul finds it easier to navigate and connect to the Divine and is not so much like a fish out of water; especially if the Gospel has been spoken there for a long time. Souls do not always rise; some remain earthbound and haunt the places where they dwelled during their former lives.There are places in the world that uplift the soul, and places that don't.

Church ceiling at 0:02 and 1:20.


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Well, Lady Gaga is in Rome today, but that's probably not going to help people get along with each other ... :unsure:

The Amish have been ridiculed and abused for ages, but they do have good ideas, please read this link

Do the Amish use computers and the internet?

Well, I do hope to make myself, my family, society and this world a better place to live in - somehow - but it sure isn't easy. I sure don't want to be a slave or just exist! People need to wake up and realize that we can't live like Epicurus or Osho if we hope to hold our world together, because marriage and pollitical office are necessary on this planet - where there are also children.

thanks for the link, sweetredwine.

i hope you didn't think i was ridiculing the amish, i wasn't. i just thought that they didn't use technology, and that if you were suggesting that the amish is the way to go, then you would have to give up your computer, that's all. i don't ridicule people for their beliefs, and i would ask the same in return. i may not agree with your beliefs, but i would never ridicule you ( or anybody else ).

and i hope that i, too make this world a better place, not worse.

please don't make fun of my name on here ( slave to zep ). i am not a slave to anybody in real life, the name just means that i love zeps music so much, that i feel like it is a master over me. get it? it's nothing sinister at all. it's just a bloody name on a message board.

i don't believe marriage is necesary on this planet at all, but having said that, i am engaged to be married, hopefully this year. because i want to. i am past child-bearing age. i am getting married because i love my fiance so much i want to be his wife.

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How about everyone in the world letting go of telling everyone else what to give up and who and what to concern ourselves with? It's got about the same chance - zero.

i thought you were finished with this thread? ( or was it the other one ? ) :P

i wasn't telling everyone what to do, sweetredwine asked what i thought was the way to go, and i answered her. but that is exactly what organized religions do!

i really believe from the bottom of my heart that religion causes more harm than good, more bad feelings, unrest, and even war. IMHO!

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I always thought that in Christianity the idea was not that a church or a temple was needed to be consecrated, but the person. And besides the definition of "church" is not about the building anyway.

Either a person or a thing can be consecrated.

Consecration, in general, is an act by which a thing is separated from a common and profane to a sacred use, or by which a person or thing is dedicated to the service and worship of God by prayers, rites, and ceremonies.


The consecration of a bishop marks the plenitude of the priesthood, and it is probable that on this account the "Pontificale Romanum" places the ceremony of episcopal consecration immediately after that of the ordination of priest, Tit. XIII, "De consecratione electi in Episcopum".


At the consecration of a church at least one fixed altar must be consecrated. Altars, permanent structures of stone, may be consecrated at other times, but only in churches that have been consecrated or at least solemnly blessed.


Historic church to recall rise from the ashes

Published on February 15, 2011

By Amy Woolvett



This Feb 14 will mark 40 years since the oldest consecrated church in British North America was destroyed.

But it is not the fire that the people at the Shelburne Christ Anglican Church will be remembering but of the incredible story of a community coming together across denominations and municipal borders to help in a time of great adversity.

On Feb 17 at 7:00 pm, the Anglican Church will hold a service of thanksgiving for all of the many groups and individuals that helped to put out the fire and rebuild the church afterwards.

Fire departments that aided putting out the fire 40 years ago including Shelburne County fire departments and the Liverpool department and are invited to attend the service as well as the community and many neighbouring churches that came forward both during and after the fire to help.

“There was all kinds of assistance offered,” said Rev. Edward Trevors. “It was another testimony to how this town is…the way everybody came together to help out.”

Even its consecration tells of the strength of the church members.

In 1790, Bishop Charles Inglis was forced to take refuge in Shelburne Harbour when a storm hit the seas while on his way to bless St. Paul’s Anglican Cathedral in Halifax.

Learning of the Bishops unplanned arrival the parishioners led Bishop Charles to their church so that it could be consecrated, knowing that this would be the churches only opportunity.


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In the end, whatever is holy remains holy, and cannot be destroyed if Heaven recognizes it as one of its own. Whatever Heaven has joined cannot be destroyed.

Regardless of how many wives you take, if Heaven has joined you to them, then the union will remain eternally, because Christ the Redeemer Himself is present in that union. In the end they are only one.

If Heaven has not joined them to you, they will not successfully serve in the role of wife in your life, and they are not your destiny in that regard. Perhaps they will be friends or teachers, but not meant to be joined physically to you. And those not joined to you physically by Heaven can destroy you if you engage in unholy fornication with them. If you find yourself consumed by jealousy or self-destructive behaviour because of them, that is a clue that you may need to reconsider your choices. You choose the people who bring good into your life, and learn from the bad carefully, always asking the Divine to guard your soul.

Hold on.....you're not being too Christian here.....sounds more like Islam showing thru....Christianity says that you can have ONLY one wife (at a time:):):):)

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Indeed, it wasn't meant to be, but thru the ages since the dawn of Christianity, puny men and women have reduced it to just a piece of paper:):):)!!!!

That is a mere illusion. They are not capable of destroying what Heaven joins. What is holy in the eyes of Heaven will always be holy.

Hold on.....you're not being too Christian here.....sounds more like Islam showing thru....Christianity says that you can have ONLY one wife (at a time:):):):)

In the end there can be only one, however many there are. I studied Islam when I was in high school, and also Christianity. Christianity is my first religion that I was raised in, having been baptized in the church as a baby.

Perhaps some Christians are narrow-minded, but do you think that God is narrow-minded? And He loves you, even when others forsake you.

So I don't worry if it is Islam. Islam is and has been one of the great religions. For me it is secondary to the one in which I was raised. But men are not God, though they may like to think they are.

And however many wives they may take in this world in any context, there is still only one, as the Creator intended.

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That is a mere illusion. They are not capable of destroying what Heaven joins. What is holy in the eyes of Heaven will always be holy.

In the end there can be only one, however many there are. I studied Islam when I was in high school, and also Christianity. Christianity is my first religion that I was raised in, having been baptized in the church as a baby.

Perhaps some Christians are narrow-minded, but do you think that God is narrow-minded? And He loves you, even when others forsake you.

So I don't worry if it is Islam. Islam is and has been one of the great religions. For me it is secondary to the one in which I was raised. But men are not God, though they may like to think they are.

And however many wives they may take in this world in any context, there is still only one, as the Creator intended.

Fact is NEVER mere illusion:):):)!!! I love the sacrament of matrimony, but the so-called "christians" didn't thru the ages:):)! So what you're saying is that I can go to bed with as many maidens aS I like and still NOT be a sinner in God's eyes????! Go say that to the representative of God on Earth (the POPe) and see if he agrees to that :):):)!!!

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Every single scientific discovery since Galileo has minimized man's role in the Universe, especially in a religious sense. The Stars and the Sun do not revolve around the Earth. The Earth was not created in six days. Man does not have dominion over the animals...we just pompously think we do. Do you see a trend over the last 500 years ? I get absolutely dumbfounded when someone today examines the trail of recent scientific discoveries that render all of these crazed religious notions of the past as bullshit, but yet people somehow still believe that God loves you so much that he gave up his only Son for us to kill so our sins could be forgiven.....and if you only believe that, you'll live forever ! Do you think that 'everlasting life' promise might play slightly into people's biggest fear.....Death ?

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Every single scientific discovery since Galileo has minimized man's role in the Universe, especially in a religious sense. The Stars and the Sun do not revolve around the Earth. The Earth was not created in six days. Man does not have dominion over the animals...we just pompously think we do. Do you see a trend over the last 500 years ? I get absolutely dumbfounded when someone today examines the trail of recent scientific discoveries that render all of these crazed religious notions of the past as bullshit, but yet people somehow still believe that God loves you so much that he gave up his only Son for us to kill so our sins could be forgiven.....and if you only believe that, you'll live forever ! Do you think that 'everlasting life' promise might play slightly into people's biggest fear.....Death ?

i'm not scared of dying and i don't really care

Blood Sweat & Tears

Bye bye life

Bob Fosse

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Fact is NEVER mere illusion:):):)!!! I love the sacrament of matrimony, but the so-called "christians" didn't thru the ages:):)! So what you're saying is that I can go to bed with as many maidens aS I like and still NOT be a sinner in God's eyes????! Go say that to the representative of God on Earth (the POPe) and see if he agrees to that :):):)!!!

No, not what I'm saying. It's really up to Him what's wrong and right. In the end there is still only one. What part of one don't you understand?

In any case, the sacrament of holy matrimony is meant to sanctify the soul of a union that is expected to yield offspring.

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No, not what I'm saying. It's really up to Him what's wrong and right. In the end there is still only one. What part of one don't you understand?

In any case, the sacrament of holy matrimony is meant to sanctify the soul of a union that is expected to yield offspring.

Hi Silver Rider,

I can only agree with all that you say, whilst Spider is nothing but a Philistine, and a incoherent one at that. :o:thumbsup::yesnod:

Regards, Danny

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