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The song remains the same, 10 years gone, Trampled under foot, heartbreaker.

White Summer/Black Mountain Side (Page's best live solo of 1979)

Trampled Under Foot

Stairway to Heaven (sloppy, with Plant singing out of tune but still great)

Black Dog

The song remains the same, 10 years gone, Trampled under foot, heartbreaker.

ipb.global.registerReputation( 'rep_post_559085', { domLikeStripId: 'like_post_559085', app: 'forums', type: 'pid', typeid: '559085' }, parseInt('') );

This is very encouraging. Especially for me White Summer/Black Mountain side, 10 years gone, heartbreaker and trampled underfoot. I'm glad to hear there's more professionally recorded nuggets. Learned by now not to hold my breath for more official video, but one of these days

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Fantastic stuff guys....I was going to go Knebworth with a friend,but he had to go on holiday with his foke's and couldnt go and as I was young at the time (17) my Mom wouldnt let me go alone..she said "you can see them when they come round again" :boohoo:

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Not at all. A good show, but not up to the peaks. RAH or LA 1972 had to be the 2 best shows.

Considering the fact that setlist of the Knebworth shows was much better than those of RAH and LA 1972, the 4 August concert can really hold its own with the earlier ones.

Edited by Taro
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Major Major, have you ever seen the bootleg video for the shows? I have.

Dude, MM was THERE!!! Being AT the concert trumps whatever bootleg you've seen.

I have this argument all the time with young trainspotting whippersnappers: watching or listening to a recording of a concert, whether official or bootleg, IS NOT THE SAME AS BEING THERE!!!

Plus, MM said Knebworth 79 was the best concert HE'D SEEN...he didn't say it was the best Zeppelin concert they ever did, just the best one he saw in person. It's his personal choice, just as it's my personal choice if I say June 23, 1977, June 25, 1972, March 12, 1975, or whatever date is the best Zeppelin concert I ever saw.

You can come back and point out all the mistakes and flaws you hear on the bootleg or whatever, it's not going to change my mind.

What you see and hear at the actual concert is different, and supersedes, any recorded representation of said concert.

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Look, I have my opinion and you have yours. I am not saying you have to agree with me. You can think that Knebworth was the best and I can think it was excellent but not their best. Presence can have his opinion too, but even if he says so I don't have to agree.

Are you saying that I can't have an opinion of a show I listened too unless I was there?

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Let me put it this way. Knebworth is one of my favorite shows but how I like a show is like generations of a tape. To me, LA 1972 and RAH are the master and Knebworth 8/4 is 1st gen. If I had to choose between these shows, it would have to be Knebworth. The atmosphere must of been great.

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  • 1 month later...

Have the dvd with both dates. I've said it a million times but Knebworth is hands down my favorite "Live era" of Zeppelin. I absolutely love pretty much every song performed. Just my two cents.

On the 11th Jimmy pretty much went down hill pretty bad after Kashmir, by In The Evening his playing was Hard To Watch. I agree it was a Good Set List I just have a hard time watching the 11th show although Jimmy did pick it up a notch during the encores but his playing wasn't even in the "TIGHT BUT LOOSE" mode by the second have of the show.
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On the 11th Jimmy pretty much went down hill pretty bad after Kashmir, by In The Evening his playing was Hard To Watch. I agree it was a Good Set List I just have a hard time watching the 11th show although Jimmy did pick it up a notch during the encores but his playing wasn't even in the "TIGHT BUT LOOSE" mode by the second have of the show.

Jimmy was what we call a multiple substance abuser at the time. Not only was he smacked out from 77' - 83' but he also had a problem with alcohol. It was probably a combination of the two that affected his playing to such a extent. I believe that is why he played so brilliantly on Easter Sunday, April 10th 1977. This was the final Chicago show after three previous shows, the third was cancelled about 40 minutes in due to Jimmy's "illness." When they came back for the final show we had a totally different Jimmy. I would not doubt he may have gotten close to the real Stairway to Heaven on the third show and as a result sobered up for the next gig. Also, according to friends who saw subsequent shows this began what was probably the best leg of the tour on a consistent basis. Maybe Jimmy laid off the smack for the second leg of the tour and then thought he could handle it during the third leg which I believe started with the disaster of Seattle.

I have to give Clapton props for his better judgement than Jimmy had, at least during Clapton's "lost weekend" period of heroin addiction he did not perform live.

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Jimmy was what we call a multiple substance abuser at the time. Not only was he smacked out from 77' - 83' but he also had a problem with alcohol. It was probably a combination of the two that affected his playing to such a extent. I believe that is why he played so brilliantly on Easter Sunday, April 10th 1977. This was the final Chicago show after three previous shows, the third was cancelled about 40 minutes in due to Jimmy's "illness." When they came back for the final show we had a totally different Jimmy. I would not doubt he may have gotten close to the real Stairway to Heaven on the third show and as a result sobered up for the next gig. Also, according to friends who saw subsequent shows this began what was probably the best leg of the tour on a consistent basis. Maybe Jimmy laid off the smack for the second leg of the tour and then thought he could handle it during the third leg which I believe started with the disaster of Seattle.

I have to give Clapton props for his better judgement than Jimmy had, at least during Clapton's "lost weekend" period of heroin addiction he did not perform live.

I agree he was a multiple abuser let's not forget the Massive Amount.s of Coke, Pot, 714's-Ludes,Valium,etc-this list could go farther! That is why by 77 Peter had the Good Dr.Badgley on Board although I Wonder this had to be very hard for Dr.Badgley because of as Richard Cole states The 77 Tour was the tour where DRUGS were "Over-The-Top" & that was one of his Major-Concerns at the start of the tour(although his own Habit was as Bad as anyone involved).

As far as Clapton's Judgement maybe? I have seen Clapton & Page on numerous occasions and hand's down without doubt I would take a Page show(maybe not like Tempe Laugh's) over Clapton's show's hand's down even when Page was in Deep 77-84. Page had such a GREAT STAGE PRESENCE he was without a doubt the NUMBER-1 ROCK-STAR OF THE 70'S. I didn't say the number 1 Guitarist but on Stage Live you had to be there! Let us not forget that the DRUG-USE of the 70's was the norm unfortanately & we all lost so many great talent's. Jimmy knew his limit's that's still not to say he is lucky to be here but he did also take in alot of nutrients also with his so called "BLENDER" during the 77-tour.This has been discussed on so many occasion's we could go on for day's about his drug-use. I saw them in Baton-Rouge in 77 & i can honestly say it was up there on par with the L.A.Forum Show. I was also going to the 77-Superdome show!!! Let's get back to Knebworth!!!!

The setlist was a Good-One it actually did cover a good spectrum of their career to that point as Robert had put that same point out at the Earl's Court show's in 75. A cross section of the ZEP MUSIC-some LIGHT,some Dark, & to ME ALL-GREAT! At Knebworth i would have liked to see a Small-Acoustic Set and a couple more song's from Presence Which i think is a Great Album. With that said it was such a Massive Show & Gamble after not performing for 2-years that it should have been better.Let's face it we all know that Zep had bad nerves at the beginning of their show's & usually took a couple of song's to kick-in and this was the case at the first show the 4th which turned out to be really good for the 2-year lay-off. The second show on the 11th was a different story? I was very dissapointed not just at Jimmy's playing but Robert's voice was also weak. They came on at least to me alot more confident on the 11th but the show was just very below Zep-standard's and I Think Robert once again was thinking does he really want to do this? Note no activity for about a year? If they would have started a small tour of Europe say a month after Knebworth who know's what might have been.

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Question: How did the new arrangement of Whole Lotta Love from 7/24/79 and the Knebworth shows come about? It's so different from past versions, that it makes me really curious.

JIMMY AND JONESY were fooling around with this new RIFF-SECTION during there rehearsels for the Knebworth Show's It did add that different laid back vibe "you need LOVE" Which was O.K.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Being new to this forum, please dont be harsh on my comments here!!

I was at the 11th concert aged 18. As a lifelong zep fan this was my one and only chance to see my heroes. I have to say, I have seen many bands live, and yes I realised that the standard of playing was not of the standard I know they could produce, it was still a phenomenal experience for me. My own personal views on Jimmys guitar playing is that live, from what Ive seen and heard, he never seemed to be the 'cleanest' guitar player there has ever been, but personally I think this misses the point. What makes JImmy so brilliant is his inventiveness and improvisation. I can only IMAGINE what it must have been like to see the whole band 'pulling it off' on one of there finest nights. Though now 51 and family bound as it were, I dont get the time to see live music now, which is really sad, but count myself lucky to see the likes of Zep at Knebworth, Floyd do The Wall at Earls Court, U2 supporting Rory Gallagher on thier first tour etc. Ive seen some great gigs, and although Knebworth on the 11th may not be their greatest moment. I can assure you the night and the band connected with many, and it was a day I will gladly never forget!!

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Ive seen some great gigs, and although Knebworth on the 11th may not be their greatest moment. I can assure you the night and the band connected with many, and it was a day I will gladly never forget!!

I agree with that.

It was the one and only time I saw the full band, but I loved every moment of their show.

I saw many festivals at Knebworth and many years later, in 1990, it was great to see a some of the greatest bands of Knebworth past back on the ame stage.

Happy days indeed!

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The show from the 11th is actually quite good, it simply suffers from constantly being compared to the show from the 4th, which is a little better. Try listening to this show without watching the video, it's much harder to tell where the mistakes are.

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