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There's a few others here that sound like they'd be fun to take to concerts: MissMelanie, planted, missytootsweet, Magic Fills the Air, MadScreamingGallery, Hotplant, Kiwi_Zep_Fan, Electrophile, Aquamarine, LakeofShadows...am I forgetting anyone? :lol:

Hell yeah! Let's all travel to L.A. when Jimmy tours(smiley_pray.gif) this Fall/Winter and see the man play at the Greek. party.gif(I do expect you to tour, you Limey bastard!)guitar_mood.gif

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You sound like a trouper, imPLANTed! Definitely would have preferred taking you to concerts instead of some of my other GF's. There's a few others here that sound like they'd be fun to take to concerts: MissMelanie, planted, missytootsweet, Magic Fills the Air, MadScreamingGallery, Hotplant, Kiwi_Zep_Fan, Electrophile, Aquamarine, LakeofShadows...am I forgetting anyone? :lol:

And that sucks about your bump-on-a-log SO. What concert was it?

In my taping days, I definitely went to lots of shows solo, unless I knew for sure the girl could take care of herself and didn't get bent out of shape if I didn't pay attention to her every single minute.

And, to be clear, I wasn't referring to YOU when I made that crack about ZeppFanForever being one of those knuckleheads with the M-80's.

Can't wait to hear more of his wacky tales!

Original badgeholders. :)

MadScreamingGallery and I were at the Robert Plant and the Band of Joy concert in Austin, TX last July.

Unfortunately I wasn't a badgeholder then, although we both did get to watch the Golden God rehearse. :) Wish you had been with my friend and me in NY for RP and the BoJ in September - we did the same thing. ;)

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Original badgeholders. :)

Unfortunately I wasn't a badgeholder then, although we both did get to watch the Golden God rehearse. :) Wish you had been with my friend and me in NY for RP and the BoJ in September - we did the same thing. ;)

I was at the Bowery show too. I was the one who yelled out "Memphis" to RP, when he was talking about all the different American music, before introducing a song and he even responded back to me. Great about small venues, when things like this can happen.

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lol what a cool thread this turned out to be^^ I must admit I haven't been to many concerts in my lifetime as most of the acts I'm into are either retired, dead or don't come to my neck of the woods (thanks a lot Mr.Plant dry.gif ). I normally take my dad as he's really cool and likes to rock out..And thanks for wanting to take me to a concert Strider. when zep re-unite we can negotiate a meeting :P (as if..)

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You sound like a trouper, imPLANTed! Definitely would have preferred taking you to concerts instead of some of my other GF's. There's a few others here that sound like they'd be fun to take to concerts: MissMelanie, planted, missytootsweet, Magic Fills the Air, MadScreamingGallery, Hotplant, Kiwi_Zep_Fan, Electrophile, Aquamarine, LakeofShadows...am I forgetting anyone? :lol:

Strider, you are really making me blush now! :blush::yourock:

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I was at the Bowery show too. I was the one who yelled out "Memphis" to RP, when he was talking about all the different American music, before introducing a song and he even responded back to me. Great about small venues, when things like this can happen.

Hi SuperDave, I'm sorry I didn't know at the time that you were planning to attend the show too - if I had, I certainly would have introduced myself. I'm sure our paths must have crossed that night, either outside on line or in the venue itself. I never travel to see bands but I since I going back to the city that weekend to visit family and attend the 9/11 memorial, an old friend helped me get tickets. BB is a wonderful little venue and, as always, Robert was very energized by the crowd. ~MSG

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Hell yeah! Let's all travel to L.A. when Jimmy tours(smiley_pray.gif) this Fall/Winter and see the man play at the Greek. party.gif(I do expect you to tour, you Limey bastard!)guitar_mood.gif

Well if Jimmy plays the Greek, I'll be there for sure. We can all be "freaks at the Greek" :D

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You sound like a trouper, imPLANTed! Definitely would have preferred taking you to concerts instead of some of my other GF's. There's a few others here that sound like they'd be fun to take to concerts: MissMelanie, planted, missytootsweet, Magic Fills the Air, MadScreamingGallery, Hotplant, Kiwi_Zep_Fan, Electrophile, Aquamarine, LakeofShadows...am I forgetting anyone? :lol:

Wait...what about Silver Rider?

I'd say you have to be in a serious, well-established relationship to safely take a girlfriend to a show. It's bad enough being accused by a new, needy GF of looking at other girls in the pub or on the street, but when you take someone to a show and they start bitching about you being more interested in the band than them, it's just not acceptable.

I've had several great gigs ruined by unwisely chosen female companions, but the worst was the first time I saw the Sisters Of Mercy in 84. At the time, these guys were my GODS, and I'd been looking fwd to the gig for weeks. But I made the mistake of taking a new gf with me. She didn't like the Sisters - in fact, she didn't like any proper rock music. The only common ground was that she was a speed-freak. Anyway, against my better judgement, I took her along...and just as the dry ice started to billow and the band took the stage, she told me she had a tooth-ache. No response - I was totally focusing on this marvellous spectacle. Thankfully, just as she started to say 'But it really hur....', they slammed into 'Burn', and I couldn't hear her anymore. But instead, she started poking me. Then, during the pause after the 2nd song, she told me she wanted to go home. Sorry honey, no way - go get some iced water, and sit down at the side. Which is what she did, for the rest of the show. I think I went to check on her a couple of times, and found her with her head down and crying.

After the show, on the walk back to the car, she berated me for not giving a shit about her (I did, actually, but clearly not enough of a shit), and she started deliberately dragging her knuckles along a brick wall in a bizarre attempt to elicit a shred of sympathy from my stony heart...and then, when we got back to my flat and I patched up her bleeding hand, she was miraculously ok again, and demanding sex :blink:


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Wait...what about Silver Rider?

I'd say you have to be in a serious, well-established relationship to safely take a girlfriend to a show. It's bad enough being accused by a new, needy GF of looking at other girls in the pub or on the street, but when you take someone to a show and they start bitching about you being more interested in the band than them, it's just not acceptable.

I've had several great gigs ruined by unwisely chosen female companions, but the worst was the first time I saw the Sisters Of Mercy in 84. At the time, these guys were my GODS, and I'd been looking fwd to the gig for weeks. But I made the mistake of taking a new gf with me. She didn't like the Sisters - in fact, she didn't like any proper rock music. The only common ground was that she was a speed-freak. Anyway, against my better judgement, I took her along...and just as the dry ice started to billow and the band took the stage, she told me she had a tooth-ache. No response - I was totally focusing on this marvellous spectacle. Thankfully, just as she started to say 'But it really hur....', they slammed into 'Burn', and I couldn't hear her anymore. But instead, she started poking me. Then, during the pause after the 2nd song, she told me she wanted to go home. Sorry honey, no way - go get some iced water, and sit down at the side. Which is what she did, for the rest of the show. I think I went to check on her a couple of times, and found her with her head down and crying.

After the show, on the walk back to the car, she berated me for not giving a shit about her (I did, actually, but clearly not enough of a shit), and she started deliberately dragging her knuckles along a brick wall in a bizarre attempt to elicit a shred of sympathy from my stony heart...and then, when we got back to my flat and I patched up her bleeding hand, she was miraculously ok again, and demanding sex :blink:


:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

Wow, what a doozy!

Thanks bouillon...for not only for reminding me of my own wacky GF @ concert moments, but for reminding me there actually was a nanosecond when Sisters of Mercy were thought of as GODS.

I saw Sisters of Mercy 3 times back in the daze...but that, along with any gf stories is for another thread.

Much as I love the trip down memory lane, there WAS a question in my post the other day, namely:


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there WAS a question in my post the other day, namely:



The answer is no. Mike Millard did record this concert but his recording didn'y start until SIBLY. The reason being he either had the recorder off or the pause button on, & didn't realize it until SIBLY.

The source for the bootleg lp FBO is from a different taper. Somewhere on the internet i saw a comparison of all AUD sources (5 or 6 I think) & what lp's/cd's were sourced from these different recordings .........if I find it again I'll post it for you....but I do know the lp version of FBO is not Mike Millards.

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The answer is no. Mike Millard did record this concert but his recording didn'y start until SIBLY. The reason being he either had the recorder off or the pause button on, & didn't realize it until SIBLY.

The source for the bootleg lp FBO is from a different taper. Somewhere on the internet i saw a comparison of all AUD sources (5 or 6 I think) & what lp's/cd's were sourced from these different recordings .........if I find it again I'll post it for you....but I do know the lp version of FBO is not Mike Millards.

Thank you zep head. I never knew there were so many sources for the June 23, 1977 show. I knew the September 4, 1970 had many different sources, but all the other LA Forum bootlegs seem to come from the same one or two sources, Mike Millard being the primary source for the 75 and 77 shows.

Of course, when I first got my cassette copy of the first part of the For Badgeholders Only album, and later the actual albums themselves, in 1977, I didn't know who Mike Millard was. I didn't find out about the Millard tapes and what he did to get the quality of recordings he got until the late-80 's, when all those Led Zeppelin bootleg guides started coming out.

"Listen to this, Eddie" had become famous worldwide, and because it was then common knowledge that Millard had taped just about every big rock show at the Forum from 1975 on, and because the sound on my For Badgeholders Only lp's was so good, I naturally assumed it had to be Millard's tape.

Even when I read that he had mistakenly left the pause button on for the start of the June 23, 77 show, it didn't cause me to question the source of my For Badgeholders Only albums. Because the albums start with Sick Again, and don't include TSRTS, that tied in with what I read...I figured he didn't realize his mistake until after TSRTS. Later, when some stories about Mike Millard and the Badgeholders show suggested he missed everything from TSRTS to SIBLY, I figured people got the info wrong...I've learned never to trust what you read on Wikipedia and the internet.

Which brings me to today...it was just such an internet music blog where I read that the Dragonfly For Badgeholders Only albums were not sourced from Mike Millard's tapes. Since I had found this blog to be usually pretty accurate before, I gave this bit of info more validity than normal.

Which is why I came here, thinking Sam, or Steve, or any one of the bootleg obsessives here, would be able to confirm or deny.

So now that you've confirmed it's not Mike Millard, I have several questions.

1.) Who was the source...does anyone know his name or where he's from?

2.) Did he tape other shows, Led Zeppelin or otherwise?

3.) If there are 5 or 6 different sources for the June 23 show, what about the other nights? Why isn't there a better source for the 22 show then?

4.) Did some special message get sent out to the taping community that Keith Moon was gonna show up at the 23rd? Is that why there's multiple sources for that show and not the others at the Forum that week?

5.) Why were the LA tapers so much more on the ball than New York or Chicago tapers? With the exception of the 22nd, the whole week of the 77 LA Forum shows are available in good to great quality sound. Contrast that with the run of MSG shows in NY in 77...I have yet to hear a decent audience tape from those MSG shows.

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I've got a three source mix that sounds pretty good. 'Sgt Page's Badgeholders club band' is the best that I've heard though.

I originally had the FBO on vinyl with TSRTS missing and his quite good audio quality. A few years ago I did obtain "Sgt. Page's..." and I too would say that's the best quality version I've heard of the show. Very happy with it.

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5.) Why were the LA tapers so much more on the ball than New York or Chicago tapers? With the exception of the 22nd, the whole week of the 77 LA Forum shows are available in good to great quality sound. Contrast that with the run of MSG shows in NY in 77...I have yet to hear a decent audience tape from those MSG shows.

Yeah, for some reason the west coast audience tapers captured a lot more shows in much better quality than the east coast tapers. This is going back to 69 even. Look at how many great audience tapes we have from the Cali shows:

1/5/69, 4/24/69, 9/4/70, 9/14/71, 6/25/72, 5/31/73, 6/2/73, 6/3/73, plus the Millard 75 and 77 LA shows. Contrast that to the decent New York audience tapes: MSG 9/19/70 evening show and 2/12/75.

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As far as I know, these are the various audio sources for this show,

Source 1: Taper unknown - Complete available source first used on the Dragonfly LPs "For Badge Holders Only (Parts 1 & 2)"

Source 2: Taped by M. Millard - Complete available source first used on Rockwrok's "For Badgeholders Only (Parts 1, 2, & 3)"

Source 3: Taped by B. Goldberg - Opening songs from this source first used on Tarantura's "Good Night Moon Light"

Source 4: Taped by C. Gabe - Middle section from this source first used on Tarantura's "Good Night Moon Light"

Source 5: Taper unknown - Incomplete 75 minute source first circulated through fan-list tree

Source 6: Taper N/A - Soundboard fragment of Page's Guitar Solo first circulated by Presence

Source 7: Taper unknown - Most recently circulated source* Could be a mislabeled copy of any of the above ones.

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As far as I know, these are the various audio sources for this show,

Source 1: Taper unknown - Complete available source first used on the Dragonfly LPs "For Badge Holders Only (Parts 1 & 2)"

Source 2: Taped by M. Millard - Complete available source first used on Rockwrok's "For Badgeholders Only (Parts 1, 2, & 3)"

Source 3: Taped by B. Goldberg - Opening songs from this source first used on Tarantura's "Good Night Moon Light"

Source 4: Taped by C. Gabe - Middle section from this source first used on Tarantura's "Good Night Moon Light"

Source 5: Taper unknown - Incomplete 75 minute source first circulated through fan-list tree

Source 6: Taper N/A - Soundboard fragment of Page's Guitar Solo first circulated by Presence

Source 7: Taper unknown - Most recently circulated source* Could be a mislabeled copy of any of the above ones.

Wow, 7 sources! That's a lot for one show. I know the 9-4-70 Forum show is rumoured to have somewhere up to 9 sources, and certainly the 71 Japan tour had many tapers out in force.

Does anyone know the record for most different sources from one Zeppelin concert? I've gotta think, with over 200,00 in attendance, it's got to be the August 4, 1979 Knebworth.

As for Badgeholders, I've got two sources then: the first source used for my Dragonfly vinyls; and Millard's tape, which I have on EVSD's For Badgeholders Only and on Genuine Masters DVD-audio of For Badgeholders Only.

If only Millard had been at the Bath Festival in 1970.

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Does anyone know the record for most different sources from one Zeppelin concert? I've gotta think, with over 200,00 in attendance, it's got to be the August 4, 1979 Knebworth.

Perhaps the O2 concert from 2007, even though it's technically not Led Zeppelin?

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5.) Why were the LA tapers so much more on the ball than New York or Chicago tapers? With the exception of the 22nd, the whole week of the 77 LA Forum shows are available in good to great quality sound. Contrast that with the run of MSG shows in NY in 77...I have yet to hear a decent audience tape from those MSG shows.

I suggest you try the June 11th show, the source that ends during Kashmir is a great recording imo.

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Well we do have the SB from June 7th even though it's not an aud. Very good show imho. Although their isn't much else in good quality from MSG in '77. There's a few songs from one of the shows in SB format. It may be from the 10th. I have this and the cd is called "Silver Coated Rails" and contains the encores from the final show in Berlin on July 7, 1980 and some from Earls Courts on May 24, 1975 as well.

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Well we do have the SB from June 7th even though it's not an aud. Very good show imho. Although their isn't much else in good quality from MSG in '77. There's a few songs from one of the shows in SB format. It may be from the 10th. I have this and the cd is called "Silver Coated Rails" and contains the encores from the final show in Berlin on July 7, 1980 and some from Earls Courts on May 24, 1975 as well.

The SBD fragment is from the June 11th show, which also has a good audience source.

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