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Famous people you hate


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I'll be brief: I saw a few minutes of his tv show once where he had an obviously mentally challenged older woman take off her blouse, then proceeded to mock her body (and her mental state, with cuckoo clock sound effects) with his goonish male side-kicks.

And when the young Texas singer Selena was murdered, he ranted on about how soulless that kind of music is, and made racially insensitive comments. After a 21 year old girl had been murdered, this is. The man is scum.

Even though it appears to be something that you and many others find to be offensive, nobody is made to do anything against their will and someone who could possibly be mentally challenged would have to have someone else bring them in and approve of what transpired. I am not going to argue, and I am not accusing you of arguing either, I just wanted to see what you despise about Stern. The Selena thing was completely misinterpreted....but again, if you want to dislike him that is your choice. I just wanted to know what caused your feelings to go in that direction. Thanks for answering my question.


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You may be referring to the episode in Extras where Gervais takes this piss out of girl with Cerebal Palsy. A most low thing to do even for humour. It was a shame he chose to do this because I do like Extras but not neccessarily the bits with him in it.

No, I was talking about Howard Stern. One shouldn't say his name, like Voldemort.

Quoting Walter: "...nobody is made to do anything against their will and someone who could possibly be mentally challenged would have to have someone else bring them in and approve of what transpired."

I think the mentally challenged person was someone they found on the street or who wandered into the studio, I don't know what the set-up was, and I don't see how it matters much. It was Stern's tv show, he's the one who bears responsibility for the ugly and anti-social shit that went down. If you can't see what's wrong (exploitive, cruel) in that scenario, there's nothing more to say.

This is not a personal attack on you, Walter - I'm just amazed there are so many people who defend that cretin.

Edited by FireOpal
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What does he represent?

You mean you don't know? I'd say misogyny for one and a mean spiritedness towards others that's inexcusable. Some folks may find humor in that but I don't. No matter how nice of a person he may be when the mic is off, the person he appears to be when it's on is an inflammatory, low live piece of shit so naturally that's the perception the majority of people are going to have of him. Obviously people like David Letterman have an entirely different read on the man, especially since Howard is such a frequent guest on his program but that's not the image Stern projects via his public persona.

Edited by Jahfin
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I will change the channel with lightning speed if I ever see either of these people on the boob tube. Thankfully, that isn't a problem as I haven't switched my television on in well over a year.


I have seen the woman on the bottom, the red head but I honestly do not know where I have seen here or who she is? Nancy Grace really can be annoying but she is a strong advocate against scum bags like Peterson who killed his wife. So she cant be all bad.

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I find these Stern comments to be very interesting! Two things, consent must be given/signed for anyone to appear on the show - especially when on a tv show. Second, it's a comedy show and should be taken that way, not seriously.....to each his own.


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I have seen the woman on the bottom, the red head but I honestly do not know where I have seen here or who she is? Nancy Grace really can be annoying but she is a strong advocate against scum bags like Peterson who killed his wife. So she cant be all bad.

The redhead is Kathy Griffin.

She's a comedienne, and she's gotten a show of her own on Comedy Central, I believe.

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Anyway, just for you, here's a nice, classy picture of her. God knows they're hard to find.


Good lord, man...if THAT is what she looks like "nice and classy", I'd hate to see what she looks like otherwise. What a mess....and another one of those Oompa-Loompa's with orange skin. Yuck.

Ok, now that I'm here I might as well get off my high-horse and admit there are people I hate...

The people responsible for the railroading and miscarriage of justice of the West Memphis 3.

Wayne Satz, Kee MacFarlane and everyone involved in the prosecution of the Virginia McMartin Pre-School case.

John Gray, hack pseudo-psychologist writer of those annoying "Men Are From Mars" books.

John Edwards, or anyone who claims to talk to the dead and takes advantage of other people's grief.

Andrea Dworkin. Set the cause of feminism back a hundred years.

Terry Richardson, scumbag photographer.

American Apparel founder Dov Charney, scumbag pervert.

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I do not believe one word you say. I have read dozens of your posts where You actually do say and do show a very mean spiritedness towards fellow Led Zeppelin fans. If you do not find any humor in that, then I ask you why do you seem to constantly post comments that are very inexcusable and inflammatory and sarcastic towards other Led Zeppelin fans? I would easily guess that that is your nature. A lone Sociopath who hides behind the anonymity of a computer screen. From what I have read of some of your posts I am very surprised that You have not been banned years ago. Just by your avatar alone, You seem to be giving everyone the middle finger. I mean, how mature is that? As for you saying you have not turned on your television for over a year or so, I say that you are full of s**t.


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I do not believe one word you say. I have read dozens of your posts where You actually do say and do show a very mean spiritedness towards fellow Led Zeppelin fans. If you do not find any humor in that, then I ask you why do you seem to constantly post comments that are very inexcusable and inflammatory and sarcastic towards other Led Zeppelin fans? I would easily guess that that is your nature. A lone Sociopath who hides behind the anonymity of a computer screen. From what I have read of some of your posts I am very surprised that You have not been banned years ago. Just by your avatar alone, You seem to be giving everyone the middle finger. I mean, how mature is that? As for you saying you have not turned on your television for over a year or so, I say that you are full of s**t.

Personally, I don't like posters who leave or are banned and then return pretending that they are new here.

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I do not believe one word you say. I have read dozens of your posts where You actually do say and do show a very mean spiritedness towards fellow Led Zeppelin fans. If you do not find any humor in that, then I ask you why do you seem to constantly post comments that are very inexcusable and inflammatory and sarcastic towards other Led Zeppelin fans? I would easily guess that that is your nature. A lone Sociopath who hides behind the anonymity of a computer screen. From what I have read of some of your posts I am very surprised that You have not been banned years ago. Just by your avatar alone, You seem to be giving everyone the middle finger. I mean, how mature is that? As for you saying you have not turned on your television for over a year or so, I say that you are full of s**t.

Personally, I don't like posters who post morally bankrupt bullshit in other threads here and then try to come across as the voice of "reason" when they find something they don't like.

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Personally, I don't like posters who leave or are banned and then return pretending that they are new here.

I agree with you there Knebby. I don't understand how someone could be that out of control to the point where they get banned and then come back, unashamed, and do it all over again. Life is too short to act like that!

To clarify my earlier statement, when I first joined this forum in '07 Jahfin was the 1st member to rip me with a profanity laden response, for little or no reason. That is why I believe his earlier post was ridiculous about Stern being "mean spirited" and that it was "inexcusable" - when he did it regulary for years on this site.

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I agree with you there Knebby. I don't understand how someone could be that out of control to the point where they get banned and then come back, unashamed, and do it all over again. Life is too short to act like that!

To clarify my earlier statement, when I first joined this forum in '07 Jahfin was the 1st member to rip me with a profanity laden response, for little or no reason. That is why I believe his earlier post was ridiculous about Stern being "mean spirited" and that it was "inexcusable" - when he did it regulary for years on this site.

I had a similar early experience (if I remember correctly) Walter. Must be a special initiation............ :rolleyes:

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I guess she is just above me to much to answer me. Oh well. I expected as much.

I just looked on here Rick - sorry I didn't respond to you in your expected time frame but I was busy with life. I'm not shocked to see you back - hope this experience is a better one for you.

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No you haven't...

Yes I have. And you get to recognise people's styles. There are at least a half dozen people posting regularly on this site right now who were here before under different names. There are so many it is usually hardly worth mentioning.

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