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Religion? (Keep it civil)



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  1. 1. Religion?

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I recall seeing Page and Plant touring with an Egyptian orchestra. It's also been reported that Arabic music is one of the strongest influences Jimmy will attest to.

"Egyptian" doesn't necessarily mean "Muslim", surprising comment given that you branded the exclusion of Islam as an example of bigotry. The people running that country now have little tolerance for Coptic Christians who were also Egyptian the last time I checked.

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i believe that all religions began because they tried to explain actual happenings and beings.

some called them GOD, others ALLAh, BUDHA etc etc

i believe they were visitors from other worlds, and because they had different looks, and " powers " etc ie they came from heaven ( the cosmos ) they could create thunder ( the engines of their vehicles ) and lightening bolts ( laser beams ) etc etc the people of the time saw them as " GODS ".

that is what i believe.

current religions can cause more harm than good.

i said CAN.

'Slave' I can total understand that, why should we Earthlings be the only Beings in such a vast Universe...

I don't follow any Religion just try to be a good person and treat others as I like to be treated. I have no problem with what another people believe in, as long as they not Extremist and causing harm to others... Each to their own...

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'Slave' I can total understand that, why should we Earthlings be the only Beings in such a vast Universe...

I don't follow any Religion just try to be a good person and treat others as I like to be treated. I have no problem with what another people believe in, as long as they not Extremist and causing harm to others... Each to their own...

hi fool :)

if everyone were more tolerant of one anothers beliefs, the problems of the world would be greatly reduced.

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Well, I'm supposed to be Protestant but I definitely do not practice religion or go to any church but deep down I do believe there is a God.

But some of my beefs with religious history are:

The Salem witch burnings

The war in Ireland over religion

Insane Bible thumpers

Insane Koran thumpers


Whatever happened to 'God Is Love?'


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Well, I'm supposed to be Protestant but I definitely do not practice religion or go to any church but deep down I do believe there is a God.

But some of my beefs with religious history are:

The Salem witch burnings

The war in Ireland over religion

Insane Bible thumpers

Insane Koran thumpers


Whatever happened to 'God Is Love?'


The Salem witch trials drive me crazy. They were a stupid stupid thing but Hollywood has turned the actual history on it's head. They were a series of civil trials which lasted about six months. Most of the accused were judged innocent and of the 30(ish?) people (men and women) found guilty most were hanged. Usually when I see anything on TV about it it's a bunch of crazy hate monger Puritans in the church with their torches screaming "Let's kill the witches!" Then the run through the streets burning every innocent woman who talk in public or shows her ankles. It really trivializes the actual injustice that took place by making it an exagerated parody of actual events.

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The Salem witch trials drive me crazy. They were a stupid stupid thing but Hollywood has turned the actual history on it's head. They were a series of civil trials which lasted about six months. Most of the accused were judged innocent and of the 30(ish?) people (men and women) found guilty most were hanged. Usually when I see anything on TV about it it's a bunch of crazy hate monger Puritans in the church with their torches screaming "Let's kill the witches!" Then the run through the streets burning every innocent woman who talk in public or shows her ankles. It really trivializes the actual injustice that took place by making it an exagerated parody of actual events.


Time to read history,.....

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Hossam Ramzy (the leader of the group) is actually a scientologist.

Well there you go, interesting. I wasn't suggesting that they were Christian. Just pointing out that not all Egyptians are Muslims, even though the Muslim dominated government makes it very uncomfortable to be a religious minority in that country.

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I was talking about: The Nag Hammadi Library, not the organization running the website.

Nah, I mean the leader of the musicians Page and Plant toured with (whose name is Hossam Ramzy) is a scientologist, not the guy who runs the website.

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  • 4 weeks later...

A couple of months back, I attended a Meditation Retreat at a Buddhist monastery, and I liked it. I'm an Athiest, so I don't subscribe to their beliefs, but I find their way of life intriguing.

Guys, don't forget that the Western Media's exhibition of Islam is terribly bent and warped. It focuses on extremists in the Sunni and Shi'ite sects but ignores moderate Moslems and moderate Moslem sects, like the Sufis and the Ismailis. Most Moselms, like most Christians, don't really "practice" their religion, they pay it lip service and that's about all.

I'm sure most of the fellows in the Page/Plant Cairo Orchestra were ostensibly Muslims. Oh, and if you want to hear some Led Zeppelin influenced Middle-Eastern "world music," I highly suggest you give a listen to the band Junoon. They're a Sufi Rock Band very influenced by Mssrs. Page and Hendrix.

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Robert Plant has been sympathetic to Mali, he has played there numerous occasions. Since that country is Muslim I assume there's an important and loyal Zeppelin fanbase in the country.

Islam is an important religion, a few years ago I read a thick volume by John L. Esposito, it shows how Arab countries were at the forefront of technological and scienfic innovation at some point during their History.

Yes, that point would have begun during the "Dark Ages" of Europe, when Islam was a shining light of medical, astronomical and mathematical knowledge. Without the Moslem preservation of the Greek classical texts, very few would have survived until today, it was the Christians who sytematically destroyed these great texts.

Guys, don't forget that the Western Media's exhibition of Islam is terribly bent and warped. It focuses on extremists in the Sunni and Shi'ite sects but ignores moderate Moslems and moderate Moslem sects, like the Sufis and the Ismailis. Most Moselms, like most Christians, don't really "practice" their religion, they pay it lip service and that's about all.

I'm sure most of the fellows in the Page/Plant Cairo Orchestra were ostensibly Muslims. Oh, and if you want to hear some Led Zeppelin influenced Middle-Eastern "world music," I highly suggest you give a listen to the band Junoon. They're a Sufi Rock Band very influenced by Mssrs. Page and Hendrix.

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