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I'm watching the highlights on ESPN and I still don't know what the hell Lions coach Jim Schwartz was thinking going for it on 4th and 1 instead of kicking the field goal that would've tied the game.


Paul, there's a lot of lousy coaching going on in the NFL lately. :bagoverhead:

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Actually I was happy the Jets won yesterday. Not just because I had the Jets in my picks, but also because one of the recent trends I hate the most in the NFL is the head coach of the opposing team waiting until the last second to call time out before a field goal attempt.

The Dolphins blocked the Jets field goal in Overtime to stay alive...OH NO! Wait a minute, the Dolphins asshole coach called time out! The block is invalid, the Jets get another chance and this time kick it through for the win.

Way to go Dolphins! Fucking losers. Any coach that still does this useless tactic(I counted at least three victories that were turned into defeats last year because the idiot head coach called a time out) should be FIRED ON THE SPOT!!!

Wake up coaches...it doesn't work!

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I agree Strider....I hate coaches who pull that T.O at the last second to "freeze" the kicker. I was rooting for Miami, but when they pulled that shit, I was glad they lost.

The Jets are lost with or w/o Reevis. Rex Ryan is a clown. How he got the job in NY is a mystery. He belongs in a small market or the circus. Oh wait, he created a circus with the jets.

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I agree Strider....I hate coaches who pull that T.O at the last second to "freeze" the kicker. I was rooting for Miami, but when they pulled that shit, I was glad they lost.

The Jets are lost with or w/o Reevis. Rex Ryan is a clown. How he got the job in NY is a mystery. He belongs in a small market or the circus. Oh wait, he created a circus with the jets.

That time out shit is the worst rule in pro sports. How can you let a coach call a timeout when a team is in motion running a play. Miami blocked the kick. then they get fucked by that rule and lose and fat ass Sporano and Ryan acted like the classless idiots they are and were jumping around like little kids that just won the Super Bowl. We were not prepared to start the season. Things will be different when they come here in the freezing cold in January. That rule must go. The kickoff rule also. They are ruining the game with rule changes, refs that are blind and stupid and their arrogance. They are sticking the middle finger up at us and the paying public suckers that we are and saying screw us. You are going to watch our product anyway so we do not care. We are not going to pay them and we can do whatever we want. Strength in numbers is the only way to go after corporate greed. But getting people to do something and stick together and communicate is near impossible it seems. If they keep throwing 30 flags a game and I have to watch some zebra that wants to get famous, I am going to turn the fucking thing off pretty soon. A message needs to be sent. Belechek, though I am delighted they lost, had good reason to do what he did. They hit my Bills with 13 st penalties and half of them were pure bogus shit. Just incredible to watch. I was waiting for them to put on Browns jerseys and get their fucking pom poms out.

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Yes it was an interception. Although my Seahawk-loving friend certainly didn't see it that way, haha.

Maybe this is karma to make up how Seattle got screwed by the refs in Super Bowl XL.

There have been so many bad calls these last three weeks. Hell, even before the blown call on the Hail Mary throw, there were bad Pass Interference calls on both Seattle and Green Bay.

Angry fans will have some effect, especially if there's a drop in attendance and TV ratings. But the one thing that will send a shiver through the League office and light a fire under Goodell's ass to settle the beef and pay the refs what they deserve is if Las Vegas says they cannot trust the integrity of the games and take the NFL off the sports books.

THAT would send shock waves reverberating everywhere.

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How about that cheap shot Jennings took across the middle last night. That would piss me off big-time ! I feel like I'm watching the NFL of 30-40 years ago....guys chucking receivers all the way down the field...every game is like "The Longest Yard". There's so much offensive holding going on in these games it looks like a square dance ! The Refs are making the NFL look real stupid because the negotiations are playing out on the field instead of at the table. If I were their attorneys, I'd just instruct them to sit at the table and grin. Thing is, the longer they sit out, the harder it's going to be for the players to re-adjust once they come back. It's going to take a penalty fest just to get the players back in line.

I just came back from Green Bay, Wisconsin. I always wanted to go, so I shot down from the U.P. for a visit to the stadium and a drive thru the Door Peninsula. Went to the Packers Hall of Fame, which was a pretty extensive museum. Best part was dedicated to "The Frozen Tundra", which featured an awesome video. I also got to watch about 50 years of film clips of the LIons' secondary getting burned thru the years. It was 52 degrees out and the wind was howling off the lake at about 30 mph....and as I walked towards Lambeau thru the parking lot, I shivered thinking about how cold this joint must be in January. As for the city itself, it's a fucked up little village. Sorry if that hurts anyone's feelings, but except for the stadium, I was not impressed. The much heralded Door Peninsula should be skipped as you make your way to the U.P of Michigan. In fact, the true wilderness along Lake Michigan pretty much begins North of Green Bay.

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According to this article, anywhere from $150 to $250 million dollars was shifted because of the ref's blown call in the Seattle-Green Bay game last night. GB was a 3.5 point favourite. If the refs make the right call, GB wins by 5 and covers the spread. Instead, chaos reigns and those Packer bets turn to losses.

Danny Sheridan, a long-time odds-maker, had an even higher estimate; he suggests up to $1 billion was bet on the game last night. A number I find far-fetched.

Either way, because of one bad call, millions and millions of dollars were lost.

Here's the article:


Finally, the last lesson learned(hopefully for Jennings' sake) is one that every Defensive Back is taught from Pop Warner to the NFL: On last-play Hail Mary's, DO NOT try to intercept the ball; BAT IT DOWN!!!

Edited by Strider
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According to this article, anywhere from $150 to $250 million dollars was shifted because of the ref's blown call in the Seattle-Green Bay game last night. GB was a 3.5 point favourite. If the refs make the right call, GB wins by 5 and covers the spread. Instead, chaos reigns and those Packer bets turn to losses.

Danny Sheridan, a long-time odds-maker, had an even higher estimate; he suggests up to $1 billion was bet on the game last night. A number I find far-fetched.

Either way, because of one bad call, millions and millions of dollars were lost.

Here's the article:


You all know me and that I like to gamble. But I sat this one out. I did not have a strong feeling either way. Figured it to be low scoring and Seattle to put up a fight, but Seattle is too much of a mystery for me to dive in. I did not see the play. But a tie always goes to the offensive reciever. That rule is set in stone and has siince the beginning of football. So I do not know why they are bitching? I have to see it. Man there are some real sick gamblers out there to bet on a game like that. Are you kidding me? Ha

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I think if you see the play Rick, you'll know why everyone is bitching. M.D. Jennings caught the fucking football and had control of it with both arms going down to the ground. At best, Golden Tate had one arm on the ball when M.D. hit the turf. So that tie goes to the offense shit goes out the window. I haven't had much problems with these replacement officials, but last night was atrocious.


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I think if you see the play Rick, you'll know why everyone is bitching. M.D. Jennings caught the fucking football and had control of it with both arms going down to the ground. At best, Golden Tate had one arm on the ball when M.D. hit the turf. So that tie goes to the offense shit goes out the window. I haven't had much problems with these replacement officials, but last night was atrocious.


Well they called 13 st penalties against my Bills, half were pure shit and tried their best to hand Cleveland the game. But they were just not good enough to beat us. I fear Belechek may intimidate them Sunday and get too many calls going his way. These guys are worse than the regulars and they suck too. Football has the worst officiating of all the major sports.

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Watch the play, Rick. It shouldn't be that hard to find as the Seattle fiasco has BLOWN UP everywhere, with replays non-stop.

It was NOT a tie possession...Jennings had the interception and the ball against his chest. Golden Tate, after he committed offensive pass interference by clearly pushing a Packer in the back with both hands, merely had one hand on top of Jennings' hand as they fell to the ground.

Somehow in the scuffle at the bottom of the pile, Tate ended up with the ball. One ref signaled touchdown while the other ref signaled touchback. Both refs, it should be noted, were nowhere near where they should have been to make the call...both of them had to run a long distance before they reached the play location.

The NFL has egg on its face. Roger Goodell's legacy is now tarnished for good. Between the Saints bounty-gate fiasco and now the scab refs debacle, he's moving into Gary Bettman(Three lockouts/work stoppages on HIS watch!) territory for WORST COMMISSIONER IN SPORTS!

I for one will be watching much less NFL until they fix this mess and pay the refs what they deserve.

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Watch the play, Rick. It shouldn't be that hard to find as the Seattle fiasco has BLOWN UP everywhere, with replays non-stop.

It was NOT a tie possession...Jennings had the interception and the ball against his chest. Golden Tate, after he committed offensive pass interference by clearly pushing a Packer in the back with both hands, merely had one hand on top of Jennings' hand as they fell to the ground.

Somehow in the scuffle at the bottom of the pile, Tate ended up with the ball. One ref signaled touchdown while the other ref signaled touchback. Both refs, it should be noted, were nowhere near where they should have been to make the call...both of them had to run a long distance before they reached the play location.

The NFL has egg on its face. Roger Goodell's legacy is now tarnished for good. Between the Saints bounty-gate fiasco and now the scab refs debacle, he's moving into Gary Bettman(Three lockouts/work stoppages on HIS watch!) territory for WORST COMMISSIONER IN SPORTS!

I for one will be watching much less NFL until they fix this mess and pay the refs what they deserve.

Ill go look for it. Bettman still has him beat though. IMO> Who ever thought the NHL would not play. Its just bullshit. As for the other comment about the 70s, yes, but instant replay is needed in this sport. If you are going to get it right, its needed in all sports, except maybe basketball. Football and hockey for sure.

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