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2012 NFL Thread


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I don't know if I've ever looked as forward to a Monday Night Football game as I am for the one coming up this week. We're going to see just who is the top dog in the NFL and I believe Houston is a complete team in all the important phases of the game. No slight to New England, they are great too, I just think the Texans have a little bit more. We'll see how things turn out.

Very possibly a preview of the AFC title game. Unless of course the Bills run the table and Fitz puts on his superman cape.

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Haven't seen any knives used in murder/suicide situations....but see guns used in that scenario weekly. This is coming from an individual with a concealed weapons license - so it's not like I'm against being a responsible gun owner. But don't act like easy access to a gun doesn't make a murder/suicide much more likely than any other form of a murder weapon.


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IF that was a murder/suicide attempt, then Bob Costas was right.

Seriously, this is a football thread so if we need to keep hashing this out - start a new thread for it.

Paul, I agree - this Monday's game is definitely gonna have a playoff feel to it.

Seems like most of the playoff positions are already claimed, now it's a matter of home field and positioning for a first-round bye.

Edited by Walter
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IF that was a murder/suicide attempt, then Bob Costas was right.

Seriously, this is a football thread so if we need to keep hashing this out - start a new thread for it.

Paul, I agree - this Monday's game is definitely gonna have a playoff feel to it.

Seems like most of the playoff positions are already claimed, now it's a matter of home field and positioning for a first-round bye.

Dont forget one thing. The \Giants won the Super Bowl with a 9-7 record. To me, something that is unthinkable, but it happened. The difference from the top to the bottom in this league is not what it used to be.

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You're correct Rick! Anybody can get hot and make a run at the Super Bowl and some teams, like the Giants, seem to relish going on the road - instead of being at home.

I certainly do not want the Giants or New England in. But the AFC may come down to the monday night game? I do not think Denver is that good. Only riding Manning. Not good enough to beat a good team. Hell, if Buffalo had Manning they would be far better than Denver. Remember how badly we beat them last year? Houston I am not completely sold on. New England has the coaching and has been there. But I do not think there is a single team that is unbeatable. I am cheering for Atlanta to win it. I believe they have a chance. They are very balanced and are the best team in the NFL in my opinion slightly. Cant count Baltimore out either in the AFC. You look at a team like the Lions, they could be so much better. They have talent big time. The coaching is not good enough IMO. Look how they have lost most of their games. In the last two minutes. I am hoping that the Bills go after Alex Smith who is certainly fed up in San Fran. Very stupid what they did there, and I believe they will pay.

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I agree with a lot of what Rick and Walter said.

Although I picked NE for the Monday night game, I am starting to think Houston will probably win. For all the talk of how great Belichick is, where was his genius when they were in the SB for a perfect season? The Giants were all over Brady like a cheap suit in the first half, so the Pats come out in the second half with...nothing changed. Hmmm....(Personally, I would have had Richard Seymour be the running back a few times on short yardage, see how that goes). But w/e, it's a long time ago....

Wow, if Buffalo had Manning!!! Rick, you'd be a much happier guy right now, and Buffalo would prob be in the driver's seat of the AFC East. Bills def should go after Alex Smith, and I agree, SF will regret that move.

The Lions, the Lions. I believe they've got most of the pieces, and when the final pieces click, they're gonna be very good.

Lot of coaching changes coming. Latest rumor for Gruden is he goes back to Oakland, which I think is an excellent move for him. He made them respectable before, if he could do it again, then he'd deserve that oversized reputation he has.

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I agree with a lot of what Rick and Walter said.

Although I picked NE for the Monday night game, I am starting to think Houston will probably win. For all the talk of how great Belichick is, where was his genius when they were in the SB for a perfect season? The Giants were all over Brady like a cheap suit in the first half, so the Pats come out in the second half with...nothing changed. Hmmm....(Personally, I would have had Richard Seymour be the running back a few times on short yardage, see how that goes). But w/e, it's a long time ago....

Wow, if Buffalo had Manning!!! Rick, you'd be a much happier guy right now, and Buffalo would prob be in the driver's seat of the AFC East. Bills def should go after Alex Smith, and I agree, SF will regret that move.

The Lions, the Lions. I believe they've got most of the pieces, and when the final pieces click, they're gonna be very good.

Lot of coaching changes coming. Latest rumor for Gruden is he goes back to Oakland, which I think is an excellent move for him. He made them respectable before, if he could do it again, then he'd deserve that oversized reputation he has.

Well thanks In the Evening, very rare anyone agrees with anything i have to say. To me the worst team to win a Super Bowl in the modern era was that Steelers team that beat Seattle and the Ravens have to be a close second only because they did it purely on defense. I will say the Chiefs team that won SB IV was the worst to ever win one. Sorry Len Dawson, but to me that was the second biggest upset in the history of professional sports, only behind Namath's miracle vs a very very good Colts team led by Don Shula. And the hockey miracle on ice does not qualify, it was not professionals playing that game technically.

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Well, the Raiders aren't getting blowed out. I guess that's a positive.

The AFC West Theory lives!!!!

I have said this before. I read it in a magazine in the late 80's or early 90's, forget which. But they said its over 90 percent over the last twenty years. I have kept watching it over the years and its absolutely mind boggling. The last time it was in effect it won. It could win tonight. The Raiders fall into the category. What is says is an AFC west team playing another AFC west team and getting POINTS AT HOME is just incredible.

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The Raiders rising up & stuffing the Broncos on 1st and goal from the 1 yd line. Raiders are hanging around.

You cannot play defense any more in this league. . Just look at the damn ref and he will throw the flag. I am sick of all these fucking interference penalties. Granted the dumb bastard has to know if you are not looking for the ball you are getting called. The Raiders aree just awful. I thought they would play better on national TV and with all being so hopeless and them being loose. They stink. Stink, stank, stunk.

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Well thanks In the Evening, very rare anyone agrees with anything i have to say.

Even a stopped clock is right two times a day. ;)

So Atlanta is your team, Rick? Interesting.

With the exception of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, I never, NEVER want a team that plays in a dome stadium to win a Super Bowl. Football is meant to be played outdoors on nature's own grass(insert your own joke here, chillumpuffer/Bong-man).

That's why I have utmost respect for teams like Buffalo, Green Bay, New England, and Chicago that resisted the trend towards domed stadiums. Unlike those pussies Minnesota and Detroit. It's no wonder those two teams have had nothing but futility since tucking their tails between their legs and running indoors.

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