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Stupid things people you know have siad about Led Zeppelin

joe (Liverpool)

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I remember when I was in the 5th year at school (1970), one of my classmates and I were talking about Led Zeppelin and he said that they were too commercial !! (he had heard Livin Lovin Maid for the first time), and told me that they only did it to get on Top Of The Pops. What a fuckwit, I told that they had never released a single in the UK and that they weren't going to release any in the future either. Anyway the next time I seen him was on our schools cross country run (every Monday during summer months), and he was being thrown into Aintree canal by a group of his "mates". Anybody else heard some half witted attempts to belittle Zep? Apart from Keith Moons - They will go down like a lead balloon.

P.S. The header shold have been "SAID" not siad !!

Edited by joe (Liverpool)
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At least get your Keith Moon story straight. What Keith said wasn't in regards to Jimmy-Robert-Jones-Bonham...it was a jest made when Jimmy was discussing forming a group with Moon, Entwistle, Jimmy, Nicky Hopkins and I think Jeff Beck, too. This was long before Jimmy actually formed Led Zeppelin, so how could Moon slag a group that didn't even exist yet? You create more mountains-out-of-molehills than just about anybody here.

As an aside, I've read in various sources that Entwistle claimed to have been the one to utter the famed "go down like a lead balloon" remark, not Moon. Obviously a bar argument that will go on forever, seeing how both parties are deceased.

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My Dad. 1973 - I remember talking to him about an upcoming concert I had tickets to. Told him I was going to see Led Zeppelin (Seattle). I'll never forget the look he gave me. He said "who is that" , Does he live around here?" It wasn't worth explaining. I went to see Zeppelin and he went back to his Glen Campbell 8-tracks. He was a great guy - just didn't have any interest whatsoever in rock and roll.

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I had a neighbor who told me she saw Led Zeppelin when they came here (Kansas City) on their last reunion tour (yes, she said REUNION TOUR) they did a few years ago. They played all their big hits except for Stairway To Heaven.

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On one of the guitar forums I used to visit, one dude actually started a thread called "Page is Clod". See, this dude considered himself a serious jazz guitarist and anyone who thought of JP as more than a hack was not a "real guitar player"

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My sister once asked me to put on one of my Eddie Zeppelin albums. I said what???? She said, you know that Ed Zeppelin guy..

I assume she was confusing Led Zeppelin and Van Halen. When I a kid I used to confuse those two too for some reason.

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After leaving Knebworth the morning after the 11th Aug show. I stopped at the first service station we came to to get petrol, an AA guy looking for new custom asked me and the missus if we'd been to see " That Graff Zeppelin"

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I knew a fellow studying guitar at the university level around '79 or '80 who commented that if Jimmy Page didn't take 'speed', he (Page) could be a pretty good guitarist.

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I remember when I was in the 5th year at school (1970), one of my classmates and I were talking about Led Zeppelin and he said that they were too commercial !! (he had heard Livin Lovin Maid for the first time), and told me that they only did it to get on Top Of The Pops. What a fuckwit, I told that they had never released a single in the UK and that they weren't going to release any in the future either. Anyway the next time I seen him was on our schools cross country run (every Monday during summer months), and he was being thrown into Aintree canal by a group of his "mates". Anybody else heard some half witted attempts to belittle Zep? Apart from Keith Moons - They will go down like a lead balloon.

P.S. The header shold have been "SAID" not siad !!

At the recording of "Beck's Bolero" in May 1966 featuring the Musicians Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones, Nicky Hopkins and Keith Moon (John Entwistle though invited to play Bass declined fearing the wrath of Pete Townshend) it was discussed that the line up should go on the road, to which Moonie remarked that it would go down like a "Lead Zeppelin". So Page kept Moonies comment at the back of his mind for over two years before forming "Led Zeppelin"
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On one of the guitar forums I used to visit, one dude actually started a thread called "Page is Clod". See, this dude considered himself a serious jazz guitarist and anyone who thought of JP as more than a hack was not a "real guitar player"

Yeh but only series Jazz players think that they are series, the rest think their crap, for all the 7th#5b9 chords etc combined with the melodic minor scale etc they havent actually come up with a decent tune that stands up, where as Jimmy's stuff holds up even if some of it was elementry stuff, its the way its played. :)

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Yeh but only series Jazz players think that they are series, the rest think their crap, for all the 7th#5b9 chords etc combined with the melodic minor scale etc they havent actually come up with a decent tune that stands up, where as Jimmy's stuff holds up even if some of it was elementry stuff, its the way its played. :)

Actually make that the altered scale over that chord just in case a (yawn) Jazz hack is reading this.

Actually the altered scale is the 7th degree mode of the said Melodic minor, so again just in case the Jazz police are here...yawn

Edited by yeldd
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That guy looks insanely like my uncle so it half counts. :D

This is something I've never understood.

Regardless of what it sounds like when it's played backwards, how are you supposed to hear it UNLESS you listen to it backwards?? :blink:

I have, however, always been convinced that Zeppelin and many other bands use subliminal stuff - tracks recorded above and below the level of conscious human hearing - which is how you often get such a visceral feeling listening to them.

I mean, they use 48-track machines.

That would be 12 tracks per member if they used them all.

It would be an almost confusing wall of sound.

I've always imagined recording extremely intricate tracks above the conscious level, and very primitive, seductive tracks below the conscious level.

Tracks that - were you to hear them consciously - might not even sound appropriate to the song, but on a subliminal level would mesh to enhance the overall "feel" of the song.

Weird, I know.

But I still believe it.

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I had a neighbor who told me she saw Led Zeppelin when they came here (Kansas City) on their last reunion tour (yes, she said REUNION TOUR) they did a few years ago. They played all their big hits except for Stairway To Heaven.

That's a common/understandable remark from someone who's just a fan of their music in general (knows they wrote Stairway, etc.) , but not a FAN like one who visits here and has more than just average knowledge of the band. I work with a guy who went to see Page/Plant in 98'. He got upset (along with his wife) because they didn't play Stairway..Said it was the worst show he'd ever been too (because they didn't play any songs he wanted to hear)..

I tried to explain a few things to him (being the Zep fanatic I am), but he seemed to wanna go to his grave with that dissappointment from the show-so I just changed the subject.

Some people actually believe that the P/P tours were "reunions"...they could probably care less about the absence of JPJ, or the fact that Zeppelin had other songs besides Stairway.

Edited by Rock Historian
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That's a common/understandable remark from someone who's just a fan of their music in general (knows they wrote Stairway, etc.) , but not a FAN like one who visits here and has more than just average knowledge of the band. I work with a guy who went to see Page/Plant in 98'. He got upset (along with his wife) because they didn't play Stairway..Said it was the worst show he'd ever been too (because they didn't play any songs he wanted to hear)..

I tried to explain a few things to him (being the Zep fanatic I am), but he seemed to wanna go to his grave with that dissappointment from the show-so I just changed the subject.

Some people actually believe that the P/P tours were "reunions"...they could probably care less about the absence of JPJ, or the fact that Zeppelin had other songs besides Stairway.

This is a good point that I didn't think of, however, I do remember her saying that Jason Bonham was playing the drums. Was he involved in the Page/Plant tour? My best guess is she got high and saw a cover band and couldn't tell the difference or it was a Page/Plant show and she was really confused.

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Jason wasn't involved in the P/P project. Michael Lee played drums.

That's what I thought. This gal was a little loopy. She was a nice person and I liked her but she was a little not all there.

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That's what I thought. This gal was a little loopy. She was a nice person and I liked her but she was a little not all there.

Yeah I have spoken to a few(about Zeppelin) like that around here too....

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