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Gay Marriage, Freedom of Speech and Chicken Sandwiches


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I wish I could, but bigotry just isn't funny . ATB ;)

No, I hear what you're saying. Perhaps amusing was a poor choice. It's an election year, otherwise, we would NEVER be talking about this, I promise you. 'Nuff said.

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The Feel/Fill A Chick protests aren't until Friday.

Good to know. But seeing as how I hadn't heard of them until now, I guess I'll just keep doing what I've been doing.

Not buying their product.

Edited by planted
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So if you don't know this story yet, here's the basics.

Some clown thought it was a great idea to film himself waiting in the drive-through of a Chick-Fil-A after ordering a free water, in order to take the opportunity to berate the young girl working the window.

So he basically goes hyper-jerk on her, she handles it like a champ, and he posts it on the interwebz to show how clever he was telling off some minimum-wage teenager, and is promptly eviscerated for being a Level 80 Douchebag.

Apparently, after a short time he thought better of his actions and removed the vid, but alas, others were kind enough to copy and re-post the vid for him.

Now it becomes clear why he had second thoughts.

Turns out he was the CFO of a medical supply company.

Said company caught wind of his documented bullying on video and promptly fired his ass.


Maybe he can get a job working the drive-through at Chick-Fil-A.

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So basically because Cathy disagreed with them they are going to be A-holes and try to offend people. I'm all for speaking your mind and protests or what have you but they are going to do this for no other reason other than to upset people.

Edited by DAS
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It's supposed to go something like this:


This is precisely what people mean by "just don't rub my nose in it."

Heteros don't sit around CFA or anywhere else kissing - it's a place to eat.

So they'll be ordering water, taking up table space, and generally trying to offend the sensibilities of those that don't agree with their lifestyle.

And they somehow think this will garner MORE support for their agenda?

No, of course they don't think it will.

They are driven more by an almost adolescent desire to shock others, much like teenagers relish cursing incessantly in the presence of strangers.

BTW, we should be so lucky as to catch 2 fairly attractive women kissing ever-so-lovingly as depicted in the photo above.

I fear the vast majority of people (at least here in the south) will be stuck with hairy, balding men with bad porno-staches face-planted against each other, or pear-shaped women with trucker chain wallets, dirty fingernails and fe-mullets locked in a slobbering, breathless morass of triple-chins and bad acne.


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BTW, we should be so lucky as to catch 2 fairly attractive women kissing ever-so-lovingly as depicted in the photo above.

Don't want to rub it in, but I do the HVAC work at a roughly 70% girls college. We have draw straws to see which of goes to the dorm rooms when the fan coil units are not operating properly. And I'll let you in on a little secret - we fully control their operation at our building, using computer BMS systems. Even the ones that are not lesbians are frequently cuddling or dancing around in barely nothing. Can't even describe what the night shift gets treated to - lets just say panties are quite optional at 2 in the morning.

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Don't want to rub it in, but I do the HVAC work at a roughly 70% girls college. We have draw straws to see which of goes to the dorm rooms when the fan coil units are not operating properly. And I'll let you in on a little secret - we fully control their operation at our building, using computer BMS systems. Even the ones that are not lesbians are frequently cuddling or dancing around in barely nothing. Can't even describe what the night shift gets treated to - lets just say panties are quite optional at 2 in the morning.

You, sir, have my utmost admiration.

I salute you.


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You, sir, have my utmost admiration.

I salute you.


My wife has accused me of being a workaholic, since I've never taken a personal or sick day.

BTW - if anyone has a used panty fetish, PM me with your specifications. I offer same day delivery on black girls ones. No asian available - those are "keepers".

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This is precisely what people mean by "just don't rub my nose in it."

Heteros don't sit around CFA or anywhere else kissing - it's a place to eat.

So they'll be ordering water, taking up table space, and generally trying to offend the sensibilities of those that don't agree with their lifestyle.

And they somehow think this will garner MORE support for their agenda?

No, of course they don't think it will.

They are driven more by an almost adolescent desire to shock others, much like teenagers relish cursing incessantly in the presence of strangers.

BTW, we should be so lucky as to catch 2 fairly attractive women kissing ever-so-lovingly as depicted in the photo above.

I fear the vast majority of people (at least here in the south) will be stuck with hairy, balding men with bad porno-staches face-planted against each other, or pear-shaped women with trucker chain wallets, dirty fingernails and fe-mullets locked in a slobbering, breathless morass of triple-chins and bad acne.


Oh no, two women kissing! Why, it's the end of the world! Watch out for the plagues of locusts and frogs, and the rivers turning to blood. Wait, do you hear that? I think the Four Horsemen are coming any minute......

Discrimination offends MY sensibilities, I really don't care who is being discriminated against. There could be a group called "People Against Short Handicapped Lesbian Black Muslim Dyslexics," and if they were a group that was receiving donations from ____________, I would no longer patronize that business. Simple as that. I would also support Short Handicapped Lesbian Black Muslim Dyslexics showing up and protesting outside that establishment, so that other people knew where the money they give them goes.

If Chick-fil-A wants to donate to groups catergorized as hate groups by the SPLC, that's fine. They have every right to give their money to whomever or whatever they want. People in turn, also have the right to boycott or protest Chick-fil-A doing that. Saying they shouldn't violates their right to free speech. The same as saying Chick-fil-A can't donate to who they want, violates their free speech. Unlike some people, seeing two people of the same sex kissing doesn't make me want to vomit, because I'm not a 6 year old child. I can say that while I'm not attracted to women, other women are, and that doesn't affect me one iota.

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So basically because Cathy disagreed with them they are going to be A-holes and try to offend people. I'm all for speaking your mind and protests or what have you but they are going to do this for no other reason other than to upset people.

Civil Disobedience....didn't know the only form of protest that is acceptable is the type that doesn't upset others! :rolleyes:

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That's a shame - I wouldn't mind a few.

You'd think that, having an Asian wife, I'd already have a plentiful supply. But my wife never wears them :(

Ahhh... Big bait catches big rat!

Word is you're all talk, and have no balls. But you evidently know things that I haven't mastered, yet. And I'm sitting a stash so plentiful that I'm using striped knee-highs to clean oil burner blast tubes. It's your move, my new friend...

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Discrimination offends MY sensibilities, I really don't care who is being discriminated against.

Please, tell me - who is being discriminated against?

If Chick-fil-A wants to donate to groups catergorized as hate groups by the SPLC, that's fine.


The Southern Poverty Law Center - a "non-profit" organization that spends TWICE AS MUCH of the money it receives in donations on further fundraising than it does on actual legal services.

One audit revealed they spent 89% of the money they receive on administration (salaries, fundraising etc.)

Even other LIBERAL organizations scoff at their validity -

Stephen Bright, a director of the Southern Center for Human Rights, a leftwing Atlanta-based group that opposes the death penalty, put it bluntly in a 1996 letter to SPLC founder Morris Dees, in which he denounced the latter as a "a fraud and a conman," and upbraided Dees because "you spend so much, accomplish so little, and promote yourself shamelessly."

In other words, the SPLC's bread and butter are derived by "identifying" hate groups as a means to continue their tax-free fundraising.

Being Pro-Family does not make you a hate group.

Otherwise GLAAD should be categorized as an anti-hetero hate group.

People in turn, also have the right to boycott or protest Chick-fil-A doing that. Saying they shouldn't violates their right to free speech.

Where did I say they shouldn't?

I only commented on the immaturity of their underlying motive.

Unlike some people, seeing two people of the same sex kissing doesn't make me want to vomit, because I'm not a 6 year old child. I can say that while I'm not attracted to women, other women are, and that doesn't affect me one iota.

Try not to be so totally humorless.

It's pretty obvious the last 2 sentences and accompanying "barf" graphic were a joke.

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"The Intelligence Report is the Southern Poverty Law Center's award-winning magazine.

The quarterly publication provides comprehensive updates to law enforcement agencies, the media and the general public.

It is the nation's preeminent periodical monitoring the radical right in the U.S."

So, only the right wing requires monitoring?

That certainly sounds like a reliably un-biased source for information. :whistling:

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