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Led Zeppelin to receive Kennedy Center Honor


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I agree she is the closest to Janis Joplin there is. I absolutely love her. I have been listening to her for over 10 years. I was thrilled to see her there. Kudos to Jeff Beck for insisting that she be the singer on that song. I don't think she has gotten the musical credit she so richly deserves.

I couldn't agree more. She toured with him in 2006. He has done a lot over the years to promote young talented musicians.

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It’s nice to read everyone’s take on the show. They did edit out a lot! The show was about 3½ hours long. (7:30 - 11:15, with a 15 minute intermission) There was some "dead" time while they were changing out some of the equipment in between each musical act. The Zeppelin musical tribute was easily 45 minutes long (with NO commercials!).

All of the intros were much longer. Robert DeNiro went into more detail about his history with Dustin Hoffman. Tina Fey, who was hysterical, did a bit about Dave’s time at NBC and how he was the only person on earth who could go on TV each night and make fun of his boss and they not only paid him for it, they thanked him for it. Jack Black’s intro was longer and oh so funny.

As I’ve already said they edited out BD by FF. Actually, it’s best that they chose to air RNR because Taylor screwed up the words to BD (sacrilege in this particular setting, in my opinion). Also, Kid Rock was awesome singing BIGLY...much better than Ramble On (again, my opinion). Maybe they those chose Ramble On over BIGLY because it’s more popular? Who knows?

As everyone has pointed out, the songs that they did show were even edited, which was disappointing. I loved it all though and you know, I didn’t even notice the bowler hats on the choir until I saw it on TV. That was really a touching tribute!

Strider - you asked about the video clips. I think they kept all of those intact, except maybe the Zeppelin clip was a little longer. I wish I could remember every second of the show, but I was so overwhelmed at the time. I was like a little kid, sitting there with a silly grin on my face the whole time! :) I do hope they release the uncut version on DVD!

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You might have to scroll back a few pages to find it. This one - above - was yanked from the official Flickr White House page. I don't think I saw any pictures from that particular event at the State Department.

Found these two from the Kennedy Center Luncheon from Hollywood on the Potomac.



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I wonder if there any pictures of Jimmy Page, Robert Plant and John Paul Jones talking to or shaking hands with Robert De Niro? Surely the four of Them must have met and exchanged pleasantries with each other before or after the Kennedy Center Honors presentation.

I would assume that all the presenters that came onstage to pay tribute to all the Honorees would have all met (or at least congregated) "backstage", like I said, either before or after the actual event (that would also include the President of the United States and his family).

I just have this thing about My Favorite Group meeting and/or already knowing My Favorite Actor because They are the Best at what They do. This may sound silly but seeing a picture of Them all together would really make me a very Happy Person.

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  • 3 months later...

Just watched this again on the big screen with a killer sound system, and the emotions came flooding back. I am so excited to see Jason and Heart this Thursday. One of the friends I am going with used to open for the James Gang in 69 and toured with a few great names in the early 70's so to say he is fun is putting it mildly....and I know it is going to be amazing. He nor the other friends have seen Jason yet, so I can't wait to see the expression on their faces. The other two friends are business professionals in the Atlanta area, but still rockers:-)


The Zeppathon: PRICELESS :peace:

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry for the late post but I thought I'd share a video of me meeting Plant and Page (among others) at the Kennedy Center Honors last December. It was quite the experience meeting the Idols of my youth. Unfortunately I didn't get the exchange with Jonesy on the clip but I did make up for it with other members of Rock's elite. Enjoy:

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They cut it out of the show but you should see how gracious Jeff B was on stage to play before the President....he like said something to that effect...what an honor or I can't believe I'm here....The really should make the complete show available online...some moments were incredible; especially Ann Wilson's pause in the middle of Stairway that was like 30 seconds that got cut to 3 seconds!

That's Jeff for ya :)

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wow thank you so much...I am at second 45 in the background!

now I have to figure out how to cut and paste my 2 second appearance in the background. I'm the tall dark haired (widow's peak) guy in the Tux behind the reporter....I watched the stars pour in the Red Carpet before I headed in for the show. If you have access to any pictures during the after party (dinner)...I would greatly appreciate it. I found this site today on my Labor Day off!

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Some of my pictures from the Reception after the Kennedy Center Honors. Quite a night...I think it was better than when they honored Sir Paul (2010) and Daltry/Townsend (2008). Although meeting Steven Tyler was pretty cool in 2010!


Edited by IMetLZ
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