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Men are...


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1. Men are like Laxatives. They irritate the shit out of you.

2. Men are like Bananas. The older they get, the less firm they are.

3. Men are like Weather. Nothing can be done to change them..

4. Men are like Blenders. You need One, but you're not quite sure why.

5.. Men are like Chocolate Bars. Sweet, smooth, & they usually head right for your hips.

6. Men are like Commercials. You can't believe a word they say.

7. Men are like Department Stores. Their clothes are always 1/2 off.

8. Men are like Government Bonds. They take soooooooo long to mature.

9. Men are like Mascara. They usually run at the first sign of emotion.

10. Men are like Popcorn. They satisfy you, but only for a little while.

11. Men are like Snowstorms. You never know when they're coming, how many inches you'll get or how long it will last.

12. Men are like Lava Lamps. Fun to look at, but not very bright.

13. Men are like Parking Spots. All the good ones are taken, the rest are handicapped.

My apologies to the handicapped and all those smartasses lovely people who've seen it all before... My personal favorite is #11...:rolleyes:

I know this is just for a laugh and everything but I have to say that I find things like this very annoying!

All that "ooooh men, what are they like?!!"...like they're all the same.

It just annoys me!

And things like this in crappy magazines and everything:


...it's just so corny!


And it's like loads of women wanna jump on the bandwagon and have a little laugh about it all the time but it's just...argh.


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You know MEN it has occurred to me, never really grow up, they have their mother doing everything for them till they grow up, then they get a girlfriend,or a wife and she does everything for them and so it continues, I am so glad I am free, and not a MAN, am strong,and independant,lot going for that.

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(pssst.....Chicken....see my first post in this thread....)

Haha...oh yeah. That's very true.

And I resent it being assumed that we all "need one"! :huh:

I'm certainly no feminist either though.

This just falls into putting people in boxes which bugs me in any context.

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You know MEN it has occurred to me, never really grow up, they have their mother doing everything for them till they grow up, then they get a girlfriend,or a wife and she does everything for them and so it continues, I am so glad I am free, and not a MAN, am strong,and independant,lot going for that.

Yeah, I know what you mean.

But they are cuddly. Especially when they're asleep. :rolleyes:

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You know MEN it has occurred to me, never really grow up, they have their mother doing everything for them till they grow up, then they get a girlfriend,or a wife and she does everything for them and so it continues, I am so glad I am free, and not a MAN, am strong,and independant,lot going for that.

Kind of makes men seem like a bunch mentally deficients who don't know how to do anything....I for one can actually take care of myself without depending on someone else! Shocking! I know, and I'm only 16. I may choose to be lazy sometimes, does that mean I can't do something? No.

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You know MEN it has occurred to me, never really grow up, they have their mother doing everything for them till they grow up, then they get a girlfriend,or a wife and she does everything for them and so it continues, I am so glad I am free, and not a MAN, am strong,and independant,lot going for that.

That's an awfully big brush you're using there desirezep. You can't seriously think all men are like this?

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Yes---most men are not like the list posted. :lol: But most of the men I know can use each one of those to apply to him throughout one time or another of his life...(but don't most women have generalities that can be applied to them every once in a while, too?)

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Men are not all bad. I kinda like them. :D They are hard to figure out though. The only thing I can say for certain is that I don't like to date guys with hair shorter than mine, because it just seems like the shorter the hair, the more uptight and judgemental, or at least, that's my experience.

Edited by ~Bonnie~
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Men are not all bad. I kinda like them. :D They are hard to figure out though. The only thing I can say for certain is that I don't like to date guys with hair shorter than mine, because it just seems like the shorter the hair, the more uptight and judgemental, or at least, that's my experience.

So, if you dated a guy who had long hair and you got on really well, then out of the blue he cut it all off... Would you call the whole thing off? :unsure:

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So, if you dated a guy who had long hair and you got on really well, then out of the blue he cut it all off... Would you call the whole thing off? :unsure:

I think that'd be stupid. If I really liked the guy I wouldn't care if he cut his hair off.

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So, if you dated a guy who had long hair and you got on really well, then out of the blue he cut it all off... Would you call the whole thing off? :unsure:

no, unless he cut his hair for the wrong reasons....not that I'd never date a guy with short hair, but I definately prefer the long-haired mentality. ;)

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no, unless he cut his hair for the wrong reasons....not that I'd never date a guy with short hair, but I definately prefer the long-haired mentality. ;)

There's a long-haired 'mentality'..? I thought it was just laziness... :whistling:

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