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13 Year old Gives Obama and Romney a Report Card!

Charles J. White

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All of the accomplishments fighting terrorists are 100% thanks to George W. Bush. Obama has been gradually choking the defense budget and stopping anti-terror programs. Bush gets an A, Obama gets a D only because he didn't actively help Bin laden escape. I think it's very unfair that the #1 thing that George Bush accomplished, and the thing he took the most heat over but chose to do anyways because it was right, sees all the credit go to someone else. I also think Romney should have gotten a grade on healthcare also since he was the first person to enact something like this in America. Other than that I think it was pretty good job. Most adults don't know that much about who they're voting for.

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All of the accomplishments fighting terrorists are 100% thanks to George W. Bush. Obama has been gradually choking the defense budget and stopping anti-terror programs. Bush gets an A, Obama gets a D only because he didn't actively help Bin laden escape. I think it's very unfair that the #1 thing that George Bush accomplished, and the thing he took the most heat over but chose to do anyways because it was right, sees all the credit go to someone else. I also think Romney should have gotten a grade on healthcare also since he was the first person to enact something like this in America. Other than that I think it was pretty good job. Most adults don't know that much about who they're voting for.

The defense budget has increased every year over the past 4 years, so choking the defense budget is not true. Bush, by attacking Iraq, caused thousands more people to sympathize with people fighting against coalition forces and therefore advanced the idea that Americans in that region were infidels - so another untrue claim. Oh yeah, 9/11 happened on GW's watch, so I guess he should get an "A" for that....:rolleyes:

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This man has been constantly taking money from the military and trying to end programs that fight terrorism. This is the man who said our troops were terrorists who kill innocent people. The advancements being made in the war on terror are thanks to Bush. And blaming Bush for 9/11 is not fair. If you don't like his response that's one thing but blaming him for it is wrong. We may as well blame FDR for the holocaust and Washington for slavery.

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Again, defense spending has gone up every year of the current administration. Your second sentence has no merit or basis. Your third sentence is completely opinion and not even quantifiable. As for the rest of what you said, all I can say is :wtf: Bush's administration had been in office for almost a full year when 9/11 happened, where else would it fall? The holocaust on FDR? Don't even know where you are coming from on that one.... I have backed out of the political discussions on this site and can't believe I got sucked in again, but statements like these cannot go on unchallenged, otherwise they are believed to be the truth.

Back to the young teen's report card....

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This man has been constantly taking money from the military and trying to end programs that fight terrorism. This is the man who said our troops were terrorists who kill innocent people. The advancements being made in the war on terror are thanks to Bush.

I seem to remember a guy named George Bush who once got on nat'l tv to tell all Americans that he really didn't care what Osama Bin Laden was doing. He then backed up his stance by dismantling the very intel team that was supposed to find him. Mr. Obama promised in the 2008 debates to find him and bring him to justice. He kept his promise. This left the Republicans with that great caveat of 'we got the intel thru torture'. As we end two wars that George Bush started, I see no reason to increase military spending at this time. The enemy has changed, and the demands of the military need to change accordingly.

I find it most interesting that the "Red States" also happen to be the very ones that spend more gov't money than they produce with tax revenue....yet they are the very people prepared to vote Obama out because of others living off the public tit.....but you're young and from Kansas.....I understand !

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13 Year old Gives Obama and Romney a Report Card!!

This girl makes alot of sense. You cant deny it. I cant believe it is two weeks to the election and we finally have a political debate here? Uh oh. Remember the last one? Bannings galore. Anyway, good post, and please send me the link.

Disregard. I copied and pasted it. And put it on my Facebook

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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Actually there has been plenty of political debate going on here(see the American Election thread which is up to 20 pages or so), but many of us just choose to ignore it, as we come here to relax not get in fights.

Besides, I already know who I am voting for, as do most other people, so there's no reason for me to want to argue about the election as it's been decided for me ever since the GOP nominated Romney. Plus, I hear enough about politics in my real life during the day, that the last thing I care to discuss when I log on to this place is politics.

Anybody still undecided at this point is an attention-whore. They love the attention and importance the media pays to them.

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All of the accomplishments fighting terrorists are 100% thanks to George W. Bush. Obama has been gradually choking the defense budget and stopping anti-terror programs. Bush gets an A, Obama gets a D only because he didn't actively help Bin laden escape. I think it's very unfair that the #1 thing that George Bush accomplished, and the thing he took the most heat over but chose to do anyways because it was right, sees all the credit go to someone else. I also think Romney should have gotten a grade on healthcare also since he was the first person to enact something like this in America. Other than that I think it was pretty good job. Most adults don't know that much about who they're voting for.

I have heard lots of people in the military say after the last and final debate-they said they found it embarrassing to have Obama as a commander in chief. The last debate was about foreign policy and he has no record so he started talking about teachers and schooling haha only because they are the idiots who give his campaign money. He sat right there and lied about going overseas and apologizing to other countries for America and bowing down to them. That Lip-tard needs to be shown the door on 11-6. He doesn't care about people on food stamps and without jobs- his dumbass wife goes on very expensive vacations while people are suffering-what a wench. Edited by DavidZoso
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No one here honestly believes we are stronger or safer than we were four years ago. Obama has certainly ran up a massive debt in every aspect of government but he has still gradually been undoing many of the good things Bush did to fight global terrorism. Whether you like it or not Obama has been a massive failure. I can also tell Bong-Man read much of what I've said about the election in the past because I've debated against Romney and the Republican party almost as much as I have the Democrats so a crack about red States and young Republicans doesn't matter or apply to me.

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No one here honestly believes we are stronger or safer than we were four years ago. Obama has certainly ran up a massive debt in every aspect of government but he has still gradually been undoing many of the good things Bush did to fight global terrorism. Whether you like it or not Obama has been a massive failure. I can also tell Bong-Man read much of what I've said about the election in the past because I've debated against Romney and the Republican party almost as much as I have the Democrats so a crack about red States and young Republicans doesn't matter or apply to me.

I am still a registered Dem but may go independant? I am for Romney all the way and I will cross party lines to vote for him. Obama sure had no answer for skipping Isreal on his trip did he? He is a Muslim sympathiser. Just go listen to the 13 year old girl. Hell, I do not see the Obama breast beating I saw here four years ago. I sure hope he gets beat. I know my vote wont decide it. Ohio and Florida and Carolina will be big players. It would be a miracle to see NY go red, not since Reagan. And not likely now. They say its dead even, the polls anyhow?

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I am still a registered Dem but may go independant? I am for Romney all the way and I will cross party lines to vote for him. Obama sure had no answer for skipping Isreal on his trip did he? He is a Muslim sympathiser. Just go listen to the 13 year old girl. Hell, I do not see the Obama breast beating I saw here four years ago. I sure hope he gets beat. I know my vote wont decide it. Ohio and Florida and Carolina will be big players. It would be a miracle to see NY go red, not since Reagan. And not likely now. They say its dead even, the polls anyhow?

Right on -Romney said he had Israel's back but Obama went on David Letterman when they wanted to meet with him. I see he is gonna be on Jay Leno- and that is funny because Jay makes fun of him big time. Obama could care less about Israel because he is a closet Muslim.
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Right on -Romney said he had Israel's back but Obama went on David Letterman when they wanted to meet with him. I see he is gonna be on Jay Leno- and that is funny because Jay makes fun of him big time. Obama could care less about Israel because he is a closet Muslim.

closet muslim? wow buddy...you should lose your right to an opinion for making such an ignorant remark. But tell me, say somehow all the conspiracies people like you make are true, and the president was a muslim....would that make him a bad person? Does being a muslim automatically make someone a terrorist or a terrorist sympathizer? If we had a muslim running for president would they just HAVE to be in cahoots with the radicals?

Edited by FunkyPhantom
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Right on -Romney said he had Israel's back but Obama went on David Letterman when they wanted to meet with him. I see he is gonna be on Jay Leno- and that is funny because Jay makes fun of him big time.

The Celebrity In Chief!

He must think show business is his only hope?

:^) :^(


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closet muslim? wow buddy...you should lose your right to an opinion for making such an ignorant remark. But tell me, say somehow all the conspiracies people like you make are true, and the president was a muslim....would that make him a bad person? Does being a muslim automatically make someone a terrorist or a terrorist sympathizer? If we had a muslim running for president would they just HAVE to be in cahoots with the radicals?

I am not Racist but if he came out and it was true- he LIed again- what he is good for- nothing but lies- He said he was a Christian but hasn't decided on a church to go to in the 4 years he has been in office. Like I said..
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closet muslim? wow buddy...you should lose your right to an opinion for making such an ignorant remark. But tell me, say somehow all the conspiracies people like you make are true, and the president was a muslim....would that make him a bad person? Does being a muslim automatically make someone a terrorist or a terrorist sympathizer? If we had a muslim running for president would they just HAVE to be in cahoots with the radicals?

The truth of the matter is that there is good reason to believe that. Included in said category are various pictures and quotes from the man himself. Do I believe he is a Muslim? No, I think he holds no religious beliefs. I think he is the typical politician who will pay lip-service to whatever dogma he has to to get elected. But I do understand where the idea comes from. And BTW, claiming someone should lose the right to an opinion is a terrible thing to say. Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they are wrong or should be censored.

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:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

No shit , huh!

I think it's called Planet Donthaveaclue

Any type of dissent from the all-mighty and infallible Democrats is evil and displays ignorant stupidity that deserves harsh punishment. The first thousand times Liberals insulted and threatened me it bothered me. It doesn't anymore.


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I am not Racist but if he came out and it was true- he LIed again- what he is good for- nothing but lies- He said he was a Christian but hasn't decided on a church to go to in the 4 years he has been in office. Like I said..

muslims are not a race. Its a religion. Its the same as saying I am a catholic or you are a christian. And Romney knows plenty about lying too, being the flip flopper that he is. As someone said above, stick with the devil you know....

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Trivia Fact: For many centuries Muslims were viewed as both a race/nationality and a religion. They were commonly called Turks and the name denoted someone of Turkish decent and/or of Islamic faith.

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muslims are not a race. Its a religion. Its the same as saying I am a catholic or you are a christian. And Romney knows plenty about lying too, being the flip flopper that he is. As someone said above, stick with the devil you know....

I'm glad Americans didn't stick with the "devil we knew" in 1980.

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