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What Made You Happy today?


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Getting son and daughter off to school to become educated

Depending on the school, that's debatable, hehe.

It is an absolutely gloriously stunning day today...a day meant to be spent outdoors. So that's what I'm doing. Sorry you people back in the Midwest and East are freezing.

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You are 100% correct! Too bad more parents don't share your opinion....

I don't claim to be 100% correct, but I am the worlds foremost expert on my opinion. My dad is a teacher, as are several other family members.

It's your education. Own it.

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I am a teacher also and my school requires parental participation, otherwise you can go back to whatever school you came from. That's why I love where I am and what I do, we have built a great little community and have a real sense of family here - something I don't see in other schools in this area. That's just a part of why we are effectively educating these kids.

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just spent 2.5 hours at the local pool with an old friend. we have been going twice a week for awhile now, and we have now added aqua fitness for 1 hour each friday.

we are both hoping it will help with our health problems ( we both have bulging discs and arthritis).

feeling good!

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Friday afternoon. Picked up my nephew up from school...me, my brother and his kid headbanging to Hammerhead's "Meanderthal" cranked to 11 in the car on our way to get ice cream at Scoops. Maple Lemon Captain Crunch and Salty Chocolate. Look at the delight on my nephew's face. Friday morning I was feeling low...but how can you not feel happy looking at that kid's face?


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