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Bill Clinton tried to get Zeppelin to reunite for Sandy benefit concert


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No apologies from me. Whilst you insist on using the phrase "ongoing retirement party" you are showing no respect and thus deserve none.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, right? Not everyone is able to get into Robert's renditions of classic Zep songs.

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To stay on topic, I'm glad they chose to do whatever they wanted - it's their choice. They didn't go to New York/Washington DC as a "working band", rather as a band that was receiving honours it rightly deserved.

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True, true. Especially when the same insult is given over and over again, only to incite reactions from others. Next....

To stay on topic, I'm glad they chose to do whatever they wanted - it's their choice. They didn't go to New York/Washington DC as a "working band", rather as a band that was receiving honours it rightly deserved.

completely agree on both points

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How on earth can you call it a "retirement party from rock" when the man has just continued to produce music of all forms? You have a right to your opinion, but I just can't agree on the words used. All I know is I am looking forward to seeing him again in July. It is still his voice on the stage.

Music of all forms? Exactly, just don't call it Rock n Roll...that's all he was stating. Plant's current muse isn't Rock n' Roll at all and that's fine, enjoy the show; I'll save my money thank you and that's my right too. :coffee:

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I think this all boils down to the fact that different things matter to different people.

The other year, there was a big storm and our fence blew down and crushed our pet rabbit. Devastated as we all were, I wouldn't have dreamed of contacting the boys to ask them to play a benefit. Sensational Shape Shifters maybe. But not Led Zeppelin.

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They're all English. A US President really doesn't mean that much to them.

How would you actually know that? Led Zeppelin are English by birth and origin but they have embraced the "American" culture and landscape ever since they stepped onto United States soil way back in December of 1968. Robert Plant has a residence in Austin, Texas and I am sure Jimmy and John Paul have some form of residence somewhere in the nation. Jason Bonham also lives in Florida (although I admit I do not know when, where and for how many months of the year).

Led Zeppelin, as an Entity, have made untold Millions and millions of American Dollars ever since that first day. They have made more US dollars than they have ever made of UK pounds.

Led Zeppelin has been in and around the United States of America ever since Richard Nixon was President. They may never have been a "political" group (and I respect that about them), but they are not blind to American politics.

Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Ronald Reagan, George Bush (the first), Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton, George Bush (the second), George Bush (the second), Barack Obama, Barack Obama.

Led Zeppelin were awarded the Kennedy Center Honors last year and were given special access to President Obama. (Or President Obama was given special access to Led Zeppelin).

How can you say that "a US President doesn't mean that much to them"? If any of them have personally told you that, and you have said proof of that, then I would believe you. Otherwise, I assume you are just speaking of what you believe, and that is not considered fact.

Edited by kingzoso
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What the hell does money have to do with this?

As for your curiously random listing of ex-presidents, I don't think it would make any difference if all eight of them got down on their knees and begged. The same would probably be true of our last 8 prime ministers.

The Queen though, now that's a different matter.

Led Zeppelin, as an Entity, have made untold Millions and millions of American Dollars ever since that first day. They have made more US dollars than they have ever made of UK pounds.

Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Ronald Reagan, George Bush (the first), Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton, George Bush (the second), George Bush (the second), Barack Obama, Barack Obama.

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What the hell does money have to do with this?

As for your curiously random listing of ex-presidents, I don't think it would make any difference if all eight of them got down on their knees and begged. The same would probably be true of our last 8 prime ministers.

The Queen though, now that's a different matter.

My curiously random listing of ex-presidents was not random. It was chronological. A random listing may have been:

Harding, Truman, van Buren, Lincoln, Hoover, Grant, Adams (Father and Son), Kennedy, Coolidge, Taft, etc...

Now that IS a random selection.

Can you honestly name the past 8 ex-prime ministers of the United Kingdom without having to Google the answer?

I can name Chamberlin, Churchill, Thatcher, Blair and Gordon (and remember I am an American). I know that these are not the past 8 PM's in order but that is what I know. I am sure there some "English" folk that would not or could not even think of or name any of them like I did.

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Sure, your list was chronologically accurate. The random part was that you listed them at all. Why? Are you attempting a low-rent Mt Rushmore here?

Maybe I can't list the last 8 PMs, but if I can't, that would back up my point that different things matter to different people. Let's see....going backwards:

Cameron, Brown, Blair, Major, Thatcher, Callaghan....(struggling now)....Wilson, Heath.

How did I do? Not that I care.

My curiously random listing of ex-presidents was not random. It was chronological. A random listing may have been:

Harding, Truman, van Buren, Lincoln, Hoover, Grant, Adams (Father and Son), Kennedy, Coolidge, Taft, etc...

Now that IS a random selection.

Can you honestly name the past 8 ex-prime ministers of the United Kingdom without having to Google the answer?

I can name Chamberlin, Churchill, Thatcher, Blair and Gordon (and remember I am an American). I know that these are not the past 8 PM's in order but that is what I know. I am sure there some "English" folk that would not or could not even think of or name any of them like I did.

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it was a stupid request. Are they supposed to support every bit of storm damage sustained by a country in which they dont even live? THe US government could pay for all the damage with one weeks payout of the "war" we are in.

Not at all a stupid request. It was a fair question and a fair answer. Nothing ventured nothing gained.

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How would you actually know that? Led Zeppelin are English by birth and origin but they have embraced the "American" culture and landscape ever since they stepped onto United States soil way back in December of 1968. Robert Plant has a residence in Austin, Texas and I am sure Jimmy and John Paul have some form of residence somewhere in the nation. Jason Bonham also lives in Florida (although I admit I do not know when, where and for how many months of the year).

Led Zeppelin, as an Entity, have made untold Millions and millions of American Dollars ever since that first day. They have made more US dollars than they have ever made of UK pounds.

Led Zeppelin has been in and around the United States of America ever since Richard Nixon was President. They may never have been a "political" group (and I respect that about them), but they are not blind to American politics.

Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Ronald Reagan, George Bush (the first), Bill Clinton, Bill Clinton, George Bush (the second), George Bush (the second), Barack Obama, Barack Obama.

Led Zeppelin were awarded the Kennedy Center Honors last year and were given special access to President Obama. (Or President Obama was given special access to Led Zeppelin).

How can you say that "a US President doesn't mean that much to them"? If any of them have personally told you that, and you have said proof of that, then I would believe you. Otherwise, I assume you are just speaking of what you believe, and that is not considered fact.

i didn't say AMERICA doesn't mean that much to them.
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I will write non partisan only rom now on... I swear I think meeting US president did mean quite a bit to the 3...but I am guessing maybe this was a last minute request and they may have booked other plans. I know Robert, Robert and Alison and ,now Patty, and also Jimmy have done TONS of charity work. Everyone likes money.of course but T Bone Burnett referred to Robert as "the most unselfish man in music" in CT back in 08 when I saw Robert and Alison. I suspect this wasn't a spurn at all.

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