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Know any band member alias' ?


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Well, Stevie, oh plagarism king, I know plenty about Zeppelin, and I used to post plenty in the "top" forums until someone ran all of the people who I interacted with away. Does anyone know who those people are? Bueller, Bueller?

I would rather not discuss Zeppelin related things with you because you are incapable of telling anyone where you learned about your information, etc., and you become irate if ANYONE disagrees with you, no matter what the subject/disagreement is. What Whyhalla said about Wiki in an earlier post is 100% true.

It's funny that when someone calls you on your mass bullshit, you don't apologize, you get irate. EVERY SINGLE TIME.

I wasn't really even saying that I was avoiding you by not coming into these forums on the "top," so why did you go from ZERO TO IRATE in less than ten seconds? More than anything, I've actually become sick of reading about the O2 and debates on whether Zeppelin's going to reform, and reading all about everyone blaming one Zep member or another for the reason why they didn't tour after the O2. I just skip most of those threads.

Because there are too many people in this forum who aren't capable of talking about many of the topics "up here" without going around in circles or starting fights, I've tried to stay out of them. I pop in every once in a while and read, but I don't fell too compelled to post.

...and for the record, I recall you telling LZF715 that she wasn't "a real Zeppelin fan" because she was too young.

EDIT: I want to let you know Steve, that I've never said that you don't know what you're talking about.

Edited by manderlyh
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What I am saying is I can't be all things to all people, nor have I any wish to be. I have been more than accomodating on this forum, but it is tedious exchanging posts with those who either aren't paying attention to responses given or have wandered into fields of interest well beyond their intellect. I don't have to go about this suffering fools gladly.

Who named you king? You don't run this board. If you don't like what someone says, don't comment. There are plenty of other people who are more than happy to answer a new person's questions.

Honestly Steve, your holier than thou attitude is really unnecessary. You are no better than anyone else here no matter what you may know about the band.

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What I am saying is I can't be all things to all people, nor have I any wish to be. I have been more than accomodating on this forum, but it is tedious exchanging posts with those who either aren't paying attention to responses given or have wandered into fields of interest well beyond their intellect. I don't have to go about this suffering fools gladly.

Where did I claim a crown? Where did I claim a board? Where did I claim holiness? Or is it that I have the right as a member in good standing to respond to posts made to said forum, particularly those directed towards me? That is it. Precisely. I do.

Band aliases...anyone?

Er - you don't think the above post is an example of you thinking you are better than the rest?

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...yes, but notice who all the aliases were posted by. The boogeyman. Welcome to the kiddie table, Cecil.

4 aliases posted, none by you.

1 alias substantiated by you (MacGregor)

Finish that foot, and get all the cheese from between your toes kid. B)

I'm tired of your grandstanding ways, and so are others. I think there's a collaboration going on here to demonstrate this to you.

And THAT is key..... :)

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...yes, but notice who all the aliases were posted by. The boogeyman. Welcome to the kiddie table, Cecil.

4 aliases posted, none by you.

1 alias substantiated by you (MacGregor)

Finish that foot, and get all the cheese from between your toes kid. B)

I'm tired of your grandstanding ways, and so are others. I think there's a collaboration going on here to demonstrate this to you.

And THAT is key..... :)

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There is a difference between an alias and a nickname - they are not the same.


1. An assumed name

2. Another name


1. A descriptive name added to or replacing the actual name of a person, place, or thing.

2. A familiar or shortened form of a proper name.

I believe this foot is yours....and never do math in public.

Yeah....Ok, claim to have posted all the aliases in the thread, then when called on it, turn to some BS semantics.

Applying this logic, you only just now posted an actual alias or two for Peter Grant.


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I find you very annoying,and a little bit of a know all.

I think you have met your match so to speak, I know certain things about lz that I would never

tell on this forum, a case of I never kiss and tell.

you just post here to be above everyone and everything else, you may know a lot, but your information comes from internet s sources, or books, how else would you know so much.

this is not an arguement, we are after all talking about a group, from a long time ago, unless you were really around at that time, can you know, exactly what you are truly talking about.

for an update, there are people like you, who are rude, and think they know it all, as I stated, anyone with nothing more to do all day than research a certain subject, in your case Led Zeppelin, would know it all, or think they do.

My advice to you is simply Get a Life, Get a Life, and live it, with so many things available about this group of nearly 40 years old, it is in past, you have great knowledge, but you do need to give respect to other people on this forum, and stop showing off. As I said, I know things and stories about Led Zeppelin that I would never ever tell here, I respect them enough not to.

I suggest you quit being the know all, and be a little laid back, in the long run it will do you good.cool.gif

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My take on the naming of Them Crooked Vultures was clearly presented as a theory. I lurked from '96-'07. If this hadn't become the official board I

probably wouldn't have bothered to contribute. Use of the term "newbie" towards myself or others did bother some but not me. I fielded quite a few

newbie posts and did my best to provide answers. Insofar as megalomaniac or complete twat I don't concern myself with it either way. Disappointed

to see your post has nothing to do with band member aliases, but then I'm not surprised.

Oh.. Stephen, Stephen, Stephen. Please, please forgive me if I went of post.

You've given some pretty lame explanations to my questions but I'm pleased you confirmed you where a little lurker. Not quite comfortable enough to put forward any of your 'wealth of knowledge' in fear that you may be 'put down' by others more knowledgeable than you? I presume that between 96 and 07 you were doing some sort of basic computing course learning - the finer arts of cut and paste, and now that you have these skills your out of control. Perhaps you were a megalomaniac after all. I do have my doubts though.

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I have known a few people with aliases with this in my time

Narcissistic Personality Disorder


The essential feature of Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a pervasive pattern of grandiosity (either in fantasy or actual behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy that begins by early adulthood and is present in a variety of situations and environments.

In order for a person to be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) they must meet five or more of the following symptoms:

Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

Believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

Requires excessive admiration

Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations

Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others

Is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her

Shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder In-Depth

Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder have a grandiose sense of self-importance. They routinely overestimate their abilities and inflate their accomplishments, often appearing boastful and pretentious. People with narcissistic personality disorder may blithely assume that others attribute the same value to their efforts and may be surprised when the praise they expect and feel they deserve is not forthcoming. Often implicit in the inflated judgments of their own accomplishments is an underestimation (devaluation) of the contributions of others.

People with narcissistic personality disorder are often preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love. They may ruminate about "long overdue" admiration and privilege and compare themselves favorably with famous or privileged people.

Individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder believe that they are superior, special, or unique and expect others to recognize them as such. They may feel that they can only be understood by, and should only associate with, other people who are special or of high status and may attribute "unique," "perfect," or "gifted" qualities to those with whom they associate. Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder believe that their needs are special and beyond the ken of ordinary people. They are likely to insist on having only the "top" person (doctor, lawyer, hairdresser, instructor) or being affiliated with the "best" institutions, but may devalue the credentials of those who disappoint them.

Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder generally require excessive admiration. Their self-esteem is almost invariably very fragile. They may be preoccupied with how well they are doing and how favorably they are regarded by others. This often takes the form of a need for constant attention and admiration. They may expect their arrival to be greeted with great fanfare and are astonished if others do not covet their possessions. They may constantly fish for compliments, often with great charm.

A sense of entitlement is evident in these individuals' unreasonable expectation of especially favorable treatment. They expect to be catered to and are puzzled or furious when this does not happen. For example, they may assume that they do not have to wait in line and that their priorities are so important that others should defer to them, and then get irritated when others fail to assist "in their very important work."

This sense of entitlement combined with a lack of sensitivity to the wants and needs of others may result in the conscious or unwitting exploitation of others. They expect to be given whatever they want or feel they need, no matter what it might mean to others. For example, these individuals may expect great dedication from others and may overwork them without regard for the impact on their lives. They tend to form friendships or romantic relationships only if the other person seems likely to advance their purposes or otherwise enhance their self-esteem. They often usurp special privileges and extra resources that they believe they deserve because they are so special.

Individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder generally have a lack of empathy and have difficulty recognizing the desires, subjective experiences, and feelings of others. They may assume that others are totally concerned about their welfare. They tend to discuss their own concerns in inappropriate and lengthy detail, while failing to recognize that others also have feelings and needs. They are often contemptuous and impatient with others who talk about their own problems and concerns. When recognized, the needs, desires, or feelings of others are likely to be viewed disparagingly as signs of weakness or vulnerability. Those who relate to individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder typically find an emotional coldness and lack of reciprocal interest.

These individuals are often envious of others or believe that others are envious of them. They may begrudge others their successes or possessions, feeling that they better deserve those achievements, admiration, or privileges. They may harshly devalue the contributions of others, particularly when those individuals have received acknowledgment or praise for their accomplishments. Arrogant, haughty behaviors characterize these individuals.

People with narcissistic personality disorder often display snobbish, disdainful, or patronizing attitudes. For example, an individual with this disorder may complain about a clumsy waiter's "rudeness" or "stupidity" or conclude a medical evaluation with a condescending evaluation of the physician.

Courtesy of ledded1's mental health archive

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How's it goin "Zepp-4-Life". Hope your doing well. It's actually Red E. Lewis & The Redcaps as I had deliberately mispelled it on another forum to prove my point when it appeared here. Mike Millard surruptitiously marked his audience recordings and I've done the same here to prove my point!

All is well and thanks for asking, hope the same for you, but from the looks of this thread you're in deep.

I did borrow your info from a previous post, failed to say so, but knew you would know.

It wouldn't be the first time.

At that point in the thread, the Nelson Storm hadn't been mentioned so I threw it out there.


SAJ - your thoughts, knowledge and patience here are appreciated.


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This is why I ( a very young and not knowledgeable 'fan') slightly moved from the top of the forum to the bottom. As much as I was interested in reading ''Zeppelin mysteries'' and all, it's better to avoid Mr. Jones' part of the board (or territory/you name it) these days.

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i am 47, but still consider myself a " newbie ". 99% of what i know about led zeppelin i have found out via this forum in the last few years. prior to that all i knew were the records and the band members names!

i am thankful to all of you more knowledgeable members who bother to answer my ( and others ) questions, you aren't ever obliged to. it must at times be time consuming, so i want to say right here and now "THANKYOU, ALL OF YOU ".

with regards to all this recent quarrel .... perhaps in future posters could ( should )always say when their info is taken from another source, and state that source? and also state when it is from personal/first hand?

just a thought. :)

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If you want to believe the old board was some sort of summit of the Gods please cherish your rose-colored memories. I was actively contributing to For Badgeholders Only (FBO), collaborating on books and had involvement in various other projects at the time. Today, I'm completely accepted by all whom I meet and hold my own just fine on more specialized boards, as well as this one. I honestly couldn't give a toss what you think of me or my posts, and it seems to me your the uncomfortable one for I'm posting about Led Zeppelin, never about you, yet you continue posting about me.

Edited to add: Let the record show I've just placed the consistently off-topic, irrelevant and trolling Whyalla on my permanent ignore list.

One for Whyalla: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCk1FqEswp0&feature=PlayList&p=CC282D071436391A&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=18

Deary, deary, deary me Stephen. Have I got under your skin? And I'm on ignore now, how exciting. I doubt you'd be able to resist having a look back for a reply.

By the way, I've only had the two posts connected to you this year. That's hardly continuous posting is it. But I did think that you were of better stock than this or is it the fact that I don't dance to your narcissistic drum?

I wont bother looking at your little youtube link. It's probably very childish and trivial. Did you submit it? Thought so.

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for an update, there are people like you, who are rude, and think they know it all, as I stated, anyone with nothing more to do all day than research a certain subject, in your case Led Zeppelin, would know it all, or think they do.

My advice to you is simply Get a Life, Get a Life, and live it, with so many things available about this group of nearly 40 years old, it is in past, you have great knowledge, but you do need to give respect to other people on this forum, and stop showing off. As I said, I know things and stories about Led Zeppelin that I would never ever tell here, I respect them enough not to.

I suggest you quit being the know all, and be a little laid back, in the long run it will do you good.cool.gif

Hello BEBE!

I think I was one of the first to welcome you to the forum. it's always great to see people take interest in LZ music, or music in any form.

I have never met Steve, but I have been trying to read most of the threads on the forum as I just joined June of this year. I have been a LZ fan for 4 decades.After reading most of Steve's post (haven't had the time for all yet)...I do not see where all of this bashing is coming from.

If someone new joins he always answers any question they may have.He as far as I can see has given credit to where he gets his information from. I don't consider his tone as showing off. He seems to spend a huge amount of time to answer questions from anyone. I have also come across many post, where he will tell someone to let him research something he is not sure of and he will get back to them. So I don't find him a show off.

This forum would miss his postings and we are lucky to have someone who takes the time as he does to contribute great information. I don't believe that Steve's postings on the information are IN ANY WAY disrespectful.

Have you met him? If not how do you know he doesn't have a life?

I certainly do not mean to offend anyone, as I have stated I love this forum, But I see a lot of bashing here that is uncalled for IMHO.

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Hello all...

As a newbie, let me just first say how much I enjoy his forum. I've been a fan since 1978 or so. Never seen 'em. Damn! Anyway, I have noticed there to be a lot of nit-picking toward SAJ, and I don't get it. He has been extremely welcoming, and has taken some time to help me with a few things. Doesn't have to do any of it. We all have lives that take us in a million directions, but I come here to learn about this band and their music. A pleasant escape from the ratrace known as life...I gotta tell you, the boy got some brains!! AND, has shown impeccable taste...haha

Look, we don't and shouldn't all agree on everything. But, as Deborah said, we would really miss him. Everybody has something to add, and should be treated with respect. Right?

Take your shots...

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Hello BEBE!

I think I was one of the first to welcome you to the forum. it's always great to see people take interest in LZ music, or music in any form.

I have never met Steve, but I have been trying to read most of the threads on the forum as I just joined June of this year. I have been a LZ fan for 4 decades.After reading most of Steve's post (haven't had the time for all yet)...I do not see where all of this bashing is coming from.

If someone new joins he always answers any question they may have.He as far as I can see has given credit to where he gets his information from. I don't consider his tone as showing off. He seems to spend a huge amount of time to answer questions from anyone. I have also come across many post, where he will tell someone to let him research something he is not sure of and he will get back to them. So I don't find him a show off.

This forum would miss his postings and we are lucky to have someone who takes the time as he does to contribute great information. I don't believe that Steve's postings on the information are IN ANY WAY disrespectful.

Have you met him? If not how do you know he doesn't have a life?

I certainly do not mean to offend anyone, as I have stated I love this forum, But I see a lot of bashing here that is uncalled for IMHO.

Sorry to disagree Deborah ( Hi by the way :wave: but Steve can be extremely disrepectful at times to those who don't agree with him or he feels are beneath his intellect or understanding of some of the minutiae of Zeppelin info, fact or fiction. Read the posts and see how rude and disrespectful he can be towards some people ( not all granted) Its fact.

If you appreciate what Steve posts thats fine, most of us who have had disagreements with Steve over the past couple of years have recognised and acknowledged some of his contributions to the Zeppelin information world. Some question the accuracy and validity when sources are not made clear but there are other people who have been on the forums who have very valid and more factual information but they have been shot down quicker than Mr Bolt can run the 100m. Many people have shared valuable information down the years and it should be about sharing stuff.

Steve is well known for delving deeper into things than most of us would bother with doing but he enjoys that but for me it doesn't need such rudeness when people don't understand of accept his points of view.

But its an indivdual thing and if he pleases you with his contributions then OK but I would question your understanding of what is a dispresectful statement.

By the way there are and have been some major arguments and disagreements on the board over the past 2 years especially ( not necessarily anything to do with Steve) but you have missed some beauties and some very nasty argumentts too(I have had my moments around here too, given and taken).

Some people around here will argue black is white.

So Steve isn't alone in his reponses but i wish he and others would recognise that just because someone knows less doesn't mean they are thick. Sorry Steve but it is the way you treat people at times, other times you are respectful and courteous and grateful for information given on the board that you weren't aware of so it proves you can do it.

So one tip Deborah is to suspend your disbelief at times and develop a thick skin, it helps, trust me. :D

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Hello all...

As a newbie, let me just first say how much I enjoy his forum. I've been a fan since 1978 or so. Never seen 'em. Damn! Anyway, I have noticed there to be a lot of nit-picking toward SAJ, and I don't get it. He has been extremely welcoming, and has taken some time to help me with a few things. Doesn't have to do any of it. We all have lives that take us in a million directions, but I come here to learn about this band and their music. A pleasant escape from the ratrace known as life...I gotta tell you, the boy got some brains!! AND, has shown impeccable taste...haha

Look, we don't and shouldn't all agree on everything. But, as Deborah said, we would really miss him. Everybody has something to add, and should be treated with respect. Right?

Take your shots...

Planted, welcome but see my previous post ;)

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Sorry to disagree Deborah ( Hi by the way :wave: but Steve can be extremely disrepectful at times to those who don't agree with him or he feels are beneath his intellect or understanding of some of the minutiae of Zeppelin info, fact or fiction. Read the posts and see how rude and disrespectful he can be towards some people ( not all granted) Its fact.

If you appreciate what Steve posts thats fine, most of us who have had disagreements with Steve over the past couple of years have recognised and acknowledged some of his contributions to the Zeppelin information world. Some question the accuracy and validity when sources are not made clear but there are other people who have been on the forums who have very valid and more factual information but they have been shot down quicker than Mr Bolt can run the 100m. Many people have shared valuable information down the years and it should be about sharing stuff.

Steve is well known for delving deeper into things than most of us would bother with doing but he enjoys that but for me it doesn't need such rudeness when people don't understand of accept his points of view.

But its an indivdual thing and if he pleases you with his contributions then OK but I would question your understanding of what is a dispresectful statement.

By the way there are and have been some major arguments and disagreements on the board over the past 2 years especially ( not necessarily anything to do with Steve) but you have missed some beauties and some very nasty argumentts too(I have had my moments around here too, given and taken).

Some people around here will argue black is white.

So Steve isn't alone in his reponses but i wish he and others would recognise that just because someone knows less doesn't mean they are thick. Sorry Steve but it is the way you treat people at times, other times you are respectful and courteous and grateful for information given on the board that you weren't aware of so it proves you can do it.

So one tip Deborah is to suspend your disbelief at times and develop a thick skin, it helps, trust me. :D

Hello ledded1,

Your point is noted. Steve has always been helpful when I have asked for information. I stay off of the political threads as those in my opinion are the really heated ones and a lot of us agree to disagree. But Steve's knowledge of LZ is in my opinion the most valuable on this forum. I have learned more from him on this forum and I have been a DIE HARD fan for most of my life.

I enjoy being here and when someone starts to get out of line (what I believe to be rude), then I just ignore them. I don't take it personal, I just move on. I am here for the knowledge and the fun and we have threads for all to enjoy.

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