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It Might Get Loud - John Frusciante over Jack White

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Am I the only one who thinks John Frusciante would've been a much better suited candidate over Jack White? His funk influenced playing would've seriously counterbalanced with Zoso's bluesy rock 'n' roll and Edge's delay picking.

Zoso is already a blues/rock 'n' roll giant himself, so he's an undisputed king. And I feel JW's style is too similar to his, merely a modern take on his sound if you will.

The reason I'm asking this on a LZ forum is because White Stripes fans will blast me for such a statement. I'm not sure if RHCP or U2 fans are up for discussion.

Any other candidates that would've been a better substitute to JW?

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JP and The Edge are the musical architects of their respective bands - they are part of the main songwriting partnership, and their respective instrumental contribution (plus Pagey's production genius) are hugely important to their bands' signature sound. I don't know that Frusciante has that kind of authority in the Peppers. People usually think of Anthony and Flea as driving that particular bus.

Jack White is an auteur. He's the head honcho in every band he's in.

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Lol, are you kidding??? Jack White is whatever, but...

The Edge? What a joke. I still can't believe 'The Edge' was still apart of that. Baffles me. Lousy guitarist for a lousy band. U2 is the perfect example of garbage, disposable music. They are the leader of that.

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Lol, are you kidding??? Jack White is whatever, but...

The Edge? What a joke. I still can't believe 'The Edge' was still apart of that. Baffles me. Lousy guitarist for a lousy band. U2 is the perfect example of garbage, disposable music. They are the leader of that.

I'm not a U@ fan, BUT, I almost became one after IMGL, The Edge impressed me in that film, not a huge U2 fan , but come on give credit where it is due, and DONT DIS JACK WHITE, he is anything but whatever, BUT we agree to disagree CHEERS

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Lol, are you kidding??? Jack White is whatever, but...

The Edge? What a joke. I still can't believe 'The Edge' was still apart of that. Baffles me. Lousy guitarist for a lousy band. U2 is the perfect example of garbage, disposable music. They are the leader of that.

I use to feel the same way about U2, but one day back in the 90's ,me and a friend were getting stoned and wondering what to listen to. He put on Zooropa and I was blown away........the switch went off and the band I couldn't care less knocked me off my feet. Suddenly I understood what the Edge was about.....most fans dismiss Zooropa as an electronic mess, but listen closely what the Edge is doing on this album, you may be pleasantly surprised.

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No dis to Jack White. Jack is great in is own right. The edge sucks. He's as good as, oh i don't know, the guy in Seether, let's say. Straight up wanker. Not really a 'Guitarist', just a guy with a Guitar. If you all have found something great in him, that's wonderful. He will never be a Jimmy Page, Hendrix, B.B. King, Gary Moore, anything like that. Cheers

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I had a bigger problem with The Edge being in the movie than Jack White, to be honest. Of all the guitarists from the 80's-90's era, they chose him?! He's a mediocre guitarist who never did anything that was groundbreaking or different (besides not knowing how to play without using delay for everything), unlike Jimmy Page and Jack White. Why they chose to have him in there alongside the two of them, I have no idea. Maybe he was there for comic relief.

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I thought the movie worked well, all three bands and guitarists have a sorta out of left field aspect to their times. The way they worked within the framework of their bands is similar also. Page had his blues moments, virtuoso moments, punk moments and a lot of heavy riff moments, so he could have fit with other guitarists in a similar documentary. The director has a good idea here and could do it again, with singers, drummers or bass players…maybe for a series on public tv. I could have seen dick dale, jeff beck and eddie van halen working in this format, or bb king, eric clapton and robert cray.

In regards to john frusciante, i think he is a great guitar player. As an aside thought, looking back to the 90s, where i think, record labels and management started to not allow artists out on the road, touring with drug use. Times changed and with insurances and basic caring about the artist took place. Whereas in the 70s, they still thought drugs were safe and just part of the scene. I mention that because from what little I've read, both frusciante and page had some similar drug use going on and its strange to think that these days, most likely jimmy page in 1977, wouldn't even be allowed out on the road touring.

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In a perfect world IMGL should have cast BB King, Jimmy Page, and either John Frusciante or Omar Rodriguez Lopez, IMHO.

IMGL is just fine as it is....Who is Omar Rodriguez Lopez anyway....edit..just googled him.

Edited by JTM
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I'm pretty positive there is a thread around here suggesting what 3 players would be right for a followup..John Frusciante would be be a perfect for It Might Get Loud 2..

For the original .. The Edge does kind of appear as the odd man out but I wouldn't change a thing ... except the Little Jack bit..

I think of Jimmy as the in-between out of the 3 if that makes sense...

Jack White is the young blues "purist"..

The Edge is the "modern" technology driven, not much of a hint of blues player..

Jimmy Page is the "Jack Of All Trades"... as he calls himself "an all arounder"

But for a follow-up I'd vote for

John Frusciante (why not)

Robert Fripp

Billy Gibbons.. so many names running through my head for this...

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  • 3 weeks later...

If they ever did one for bass guitar, john paul jones, geddy lee and flea would be interesting, with that generation theme. Also lemmy, steve harris and dave elefson.

A cool line up would also be Stanley Clarke, JPJ, and Tal Wilkenfeld. Either way, JPJ is non-negotiable :-D

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I realize that the director of IMGL wanted Jimmy Page and two other guitar players from different eras and different backgrounds to counter-balance Mr. Page and his main era (1970's).

I am not a fan of U2 or the Edge. The only song I like by them is, "Bullet the Blue Sky", because it sounds very Zeppelinesque to me.

The only thing I really know about Jack White is because of IMGL and the White Stripes song, "Seven Nation Army", which I like and because of Meg White, his sister or wife or whatever she was/is and because she his semi good-looking.

Even though the director wanted a little variety in the selections of the Edge and Jack White, I think that the Ultimate It Might Get Loud would have been Mr. Jimmy Page, Mr. Joe Perry and Mr. Alex Lifeson. Most of us already know that Joe and Alex are the biggest Jimmy Page fans from back when They first started playing guitar in the late 1960's up to and including this very day.

Now that would have been the Ultimate documentary of three living Legends and the influence of the electric guitar from three of the Greatest Guitar Players of All-Time.

Edited by kingzoso
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I realize that the director of IMGL wanted Jimmy Page and two other guitar players from different eras and different backgrounds to counter-balance Mr. Page and his main era (1970's).

I am not a fan of U2 or the Edge. The only song I like by them is, "Bullet the Blue Sky", because it sounds very Zeppelinesque to me.

The only thing I really know about Jack White is because of IMGL and the White Stripes song, "Seven Nation Army", which I like and because of Meg White, his sister or wife or whatever she was/is and because she his semi good-looking.

Even though the director wanted a little variety in the selections of the Edge and Jack White, I think that the Ultimate It Might Get Loud would have been Mr. Jimmy Page, Mr. Joe Perry and Mr. Alex Lifeson. Most of us already know that Joe and Alex are the biggest Jimmy Page fans from back when They first started playing guitar in the late 1960's up to and including this very day.

Now that would have been the Ultimate documentary of three living Legends and the influence of the electric guitar from three of the Greatest Guitar Players of All-Time.

I respectfully disagree, the point of the movie isn't just to have players from three different eras, it was also guys with three different approaches to the instrument. Jimmy would solo for 20 minutes, Edge was anti long solos and "self-indulgence" and embraced technology. Jack rejects technology for a more "human" approach. The fact that these three found common ground was the point of the whole movie in my opinion.

I like Perry and Lifeson too but what's the point of having Jimmy with two guys who worship and emulate him kissing his ass for 2 hours?

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A cool line up would also be Stanley Clarke, JPJ, and Tal Wilkenfeld. Either way, JPJ is non-negotiable :-D

That would very good, would like to hear jpj and tal wilkenfeld trading bass licks. I have been watching the daryl hall music show, live at daryl's house, its a good show. I could imagine them doing that, along the lines of the movie, it might get loud. Maybe they could do it with just instruments and no singing, all in the same theme, but maybe just the music, without the entire back story of everyone. One of the things thats cool about the daryl hall show, is he does go into a brief history with the guest musicians and its in the form of conversation. The conversation element was a very interesting part of, it might get loud, so of course that would be cool if they included that. Thats why i thought jpj, geddy and flea would very interesting, there would be humor and discussion on music. Ofcourse the jam would be great. They could title that one, it might get loud for elephants.

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I respectfully disagree, the point of the movie isn't just to have players from three different eras, it was also guys with three different approaches to the instrument. Jimmy would solo for 20 minutes, Edge was anti long solos and "self-indulgence" and embraced technology. Jack rejects technology for a more "human" approach. The fact that these three found common ground was the point of the whole movie in my opinion.

I like Perry and Lifeson too but what's the point of having Jimmy with two guys who worship and emulate him kissing his ass for 2 hours?

I completely agree with your take on this JTM.

As far as Frusciante goes, his story is a good one and he would be a fine 1/3 choice for a IMGL2. EVH would also be a good one, IMO.

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Against my better judgment I am going to reply to this. I agree with whoever said the point was to take 3 guitarists who have different approaches and also, who are more or less separated by generations. In addition, since Jimmy is listed as one of the producers, I'm pretty sure he must have approved or perhaps even suggested the other two. It would be important for the three to have chemistry, which they did. I thought the movie worked very well. One of the aspects I thought was the most interesting was the fact that Page is British, The Edge is Irish and Jack White is from the U.S. That gave more diversity to their back stories.

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JP and The Edge are the musical architects of their respective bands - they are part of the main songwriting partnership, and their respective instrumental contribution (plus Pagey's production genius) are hugely important to their bands' signature sound. I don't know that Frusciante has that kind of authority in the Peppers. People usually think of Anthony and Flea as driving that particular bus.

If people think that, it's because of their ignorance on the matter. Not to downplay the importance of Flea or Chad Smith, in a band so locked into a groove, but Frusciante was the sonic architect upon his return with Californication.

I don't think Frusciante would be up for something like IMGL, but he was be a good candidate otherwise.

I think the makes wanted guitarist that put a big sonic stamp on their bands and big creative forces in those bands. They all have a way of being rooted in basic rock and roll and it's simplicity, but approaching it with an eye to the future, each to varying degrees.

I'm not a big U2 fan and say what you will about The Edge's capabilities, but he's instantly identifiable and that's something that 99.9% of guitarists are never able to achieve.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Jack White electric distorted guitar playing makes me disturbed....Which cannot say for others. If you try to compare Frusciante and JW technically and in terms of feeling --both ways You cannot even compare that much Frusciante is advanced comparing to JW !! As said JW guitar playing , specially one with distortion is awful mess, horribly sounding and techically really poor...his only digestable tune is Seventh army or wahtever is called..

I dont know why they put JW on rolling Stone list of best guitarist...

Frusciante, Page , Jimmy Hendrix that is special level of Guitar gods...Have nothing against The Edge, he at least sounds good and you might think his playin is simple, but tell you he is techically very advanced player just he doesnt show off.... Jack White is hidding with his so called primal art rock, but truth raw truth is that he can hardly play guitar.. Just listen to his solos for god sake, can you call this guitar playing.... I respect that some like him, But I cannot stand listening to his playing, and I am just honest here...

Page, The Edge, Frusciante, Hendrix, Gilmour ---this is called Guitar playing.

Must say that Vai and Satriani are also very good, been on their concerts, they gave mi picks, and they kick ass !

I think that Jack White should practice, practice, practice to even start sound like guitar player. No, I was to harsh, I know why JW is popular, he have created his own distinctive sound and original style. He is good guitar player, but if we are very realistic, far from Frusciante, Page, Hendrix, KNohpler Mark, Gilmour -they are both create feeling and they are also technically very advanced. JW creates depressed feeling or disturbed feeling and technically he is average.

Of course Frusciante would be much much much better for IMGL !!!!

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  • 2 months later...

I think Jimmy had a lot of input into who took part in the doc. If u google Jimmys opinion on Jack it's pretty clear that Jimmy really rates him and sees him as one for the future. Personally I can't get excited about JW, his tone is awful at times and his playing really doesn't move me. The clip of him soloing in IMGL with the microphone attached to his guitar just makes me cringe.

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