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Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370


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I'm still holding out for the Sharknado theory. ;)

That area of the Southern Indian Ocean being searched is heavily populated by Great Whites.

They swim between Africa and Australia.

To survive a plane crash without drowning would be difficult enough, let alone dealing with those monsters.

Hopefully the objects spotted will be found and questions are finally answered.

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That area of the Southern Indian Ocean being searched is heavily populated by Great Whites.

They swim between Africa and Australia.

To survive a plane crash without drowning would be difficult enough, let alone dealing with those monsters.

Hopefully the objects spotted will be found and questions are finally answered.

and they said the seas are so rough there

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The seas in that area are supposed to be very rough, and fast moving. Debris you spot three days ago could be miles away by now, or maybe even sunk. The ocean is estimated to be almost 6 miles deep in that area, so if anything sank, it will be pretty difficult to find and recover.

It's a little encouraging to see all sorts of nations working together to try and solve this.

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So now, aside from findinig the wreckage site, the question becomes did the pilot or co-pilot act alone or did they conspire amongst themselves. As I understand it voice recognition analysis of the last voice transmission - "All right, good night" shows that statement was made by the CO-pilot, however at the time it was uttered the plane had already begun to divert from it's approved route.

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