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I'm afraid the time has come for me.


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To my ultimate horror, I find that I have to sell some of my Zeppelin Memorabelia and albums. This really fucks me up as you can imagine, but needs must. I have a few interesting items. 1973 Liverpool Empire ticket stub, programme, and flyer advertising that if the ticket stub is sent off, the recipient will receive a cardboard poster, I have all of the items. This really grieves me, you may not believe it bit it does. Each of these items was purchased by me at the time it was on sale. I have never bought any LZ items second hand. I also have my ticket and programme for the Earls Court concert on May 24 1974. I feel that after this post I will not be worthy of being a member of this forum. I also have LZIII with the hyphoned No on the record sleeve, and the etchings, the cover is in good condition, the record VGC. I also have the original UK fourth album with the etchings and the upside down feather. You may not believe this but this really cuts me to the quick, but I am in desperate need of cash to enable my family to stay in the house we have lived in for 20 years. If anyone is interested please PM me with an offer. This really is a legitimate request. With the best offer (Sorry to sound mercenary) I will give my scrapbook which I have kept from 1971 upwards. Please accept my apologies for this post, and I wish you all the best for the future.

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it's times like this that I wish I were a millionaire .... I would lend you the money, or buy the items and keep them until you could buy them back....

I guess you have exhausted every other avenue?

In the end, they are just possessions, take photos of yourself with them, and you can always look back - you will always have your memories.

Best wishes :)

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before you do this, will it actually help you to stay in the house ? i'm not sure how much you money you need and it says you are in the UK so i'm not that familiar with what assistance you might be able to get there.

but i really think you should look to see if there are other options. not because it makes you any less of a fan or less worthy or anything. but i don't want you to sell the stuff you love and still end up being in a bad position.

also do you have anything like a pawn shop ? those places will give you money for your things but they will hold your stuff for a certain amount of time to allow you to buy it back before they can sell it to others. maybe there might be some private individuals , especially fans who might help you out with this if you don't have the shops.

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Contact the DSS. They used to do interest free Budgeting Loans up to about £1,500. I am not sure if the loans are still available through the DSS, or if you have to apply through your local council, but the number for the DSS section in Wolverhampton that handled the loans is 0345 6088545.

THe DSS also gave Crisis Loans. Both types of loan were available for a number of reasons, and anything pertaining to you staying in your home would be particularly pertinent.

You do not have to be in receipt of benefits to qualify for these.

BTW, if you are obliged to sell your memorabilia, it most certainly does NOT make you any less of a fan. Best of luck, and call the number above.

To my ultimate horror, I find that I have to sell some of my Zeppelin Memorabelia and albums. This really fucks me up as you can imagine, but needs must. I have a few interesting items. 1973 Liverpool Empire ticket stub, programme, and flyer advertising that if the ticket stub is sent off, the recipient will receive a cardboard poster, I have all of the items. This really grieves me, you may not believe it bit it does. Each of these items was purchased by me at the time it was on sale. I have never bought any LZ items second hand. I also have my ticket and programme for the Earls Court concert on May 24 1974. I feel that after this post I will not be worthy of being a member of this forum. I also have LZIII with the hyphoned No on the record sleeve, and the etchings, the cover is in good condition, the record VGC. I also have the original UK fourth album with the etchings and the upside down feather. You may not believe this but this really cuts me to the quick, but I am in desperate need of cash to enable my family to stay in the house we have lived in for 20 years. If anyone is interested please PM me with an offer. This really is a legitimate request. With the best offer (Sorry to sound mercenary) I will give my scrapbook which I have kept from 1971 upwards. Please accept my apologies for this post, and I wish you all the best for the future.

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So sorry to hear this Plantpothead. I also hope something happens for you that will enable you keep what is painful for you to depart with.

reswati is correct. And stz I am with you. You and reswati are amazing as your thoughts are beyond gracious and my admiration goes to you both.

Hi Walter:-)

Plantpothead, I hope you stay a member here because after that post YOU BELONG HERE!!

Let me say, people like you make me proud to be a fan of LZ and a member of this forum :friends:

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Contact the DSS. They used to do interest free Budgeting Loans up to about £1,500. I am not sure if the loans are still available through the DSS, or if you have to apply through your local council, but the number for the DSS section in Wolverhampton that handled the loans is 0345 6088545.

THe DSS also gave Crisis Loans. Both types of loan were available for a number of reasons, and anything pertaining to you staying in your home would be particularly pertinent.

You do not have to be in receipt of benefits to qualify for these.

BTW, if you are obliged to sell your memorabilia, it most certainly does NOT make you any less of a fan. Best of luck, and call the number above.

This sounds like the way to go if possible. I have a custom made target rifle that I've owned since 1979 and it would kill me to ever have to sell it, so I can sympathize. Good luck.

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I agree with the others! See if your government can't help in any way possible. And I wouldn't be embarassed to seek some help, my thought process would be something like "I've paid taxes for xx years, now I need a little help, it's time to use the system I've been paying into". Sounds like the UK members have you covered. Good luck.

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This is heartbreaking to read. I don't know you or your circumstances well enough to tell you what to do. If you have exhausted all other options for getting financial assistance and feel this is your only path, then who am I to say "don't sell!" Obviously your family's needs come first.

But there is one part of your post that I do feel qualified to address, Plantpothead...this:

I feel that after this post I will not be worthy of being a member of this forum.

Don't you believe it...not for a minute. Whether you have Led Zeppelin memorabilia or not is not a prerequisite for being a member of this forum...or even a fan of the band. You don't have to own anything by the band to love their music. You're plenty worthy of this forum and I hope you stick around.

I do know how gutted you feel having to sell your collection. I have had stuff of mine stolen or lost in fire, etc. over the years and some I've never been able to replace. But in the end, it is just stuff. They aren't people. They aren't your family.

Whatever your crisis, I wish you luck in resolving it. Oh, and keep your scrapbook...you deserve at least to keep that.

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This just breaks my heart..I wish I could help you out but the damn Canadian dollar is just tanking against the British pound... I second what everyone else here has said.......you belong here because you love the music like the rest of us.

I am thinking and sending the most positive thoughts for you and your family.

Please keep us in the loop....we do care..

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