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What are you not eating?

Charles J. White

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Excessive sugary stuff, not even light sugary stuff like fruit in "light syrup". No honey. I prefer naturally sweet things like fresh fruits. I do like sweets though, and when I say sweets I mean "sugar free" ice cream and sugar free chocolates and sugar free candies, those are my "sweets" basically because I'm insulin dependent. Once thing I've definitely learned though is how misleading all those "sugar free" items are, those things will jack up my blood sugar to 300 in no time, a normal blood sugar for anyone (including a diabetic) should be around 80-110. The best sugar-free sweets are the ones that taste like shit (have no sweet taste or taste like cardboard), those are best for me. even though I still get the "bad" sugar free stuff a lot, I just try not to overdo it with the portions.

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I can't imagine not eating fruit. Do you not feel undernourished?

No, not at all, my Wife and two Daughters are always on at me, as they eat loads of fruit and veg, I just don't really like it, which I know is weird to everybody except me! Strange because I used to manage a fruit and veg shop for two years. It just doesn't appeal to me.
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Pineapples, oranges etc..basically anything acidic, pate and also mold ripened soft cheese like brie as it makes me sick (it doesn't go hand in hand with DMARD drugs for anyone with RA, Lupus, Crohns etc)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't eaten beef, veal, or lamb for about 10 years. Also avoid anything with caffeine. Sadly, that means no chocolate :(

I can relate to this as I rarely eat red meat. I do like lamb chops and had them for first time in years last month ( in mint jelly). I would not eat Veal. Must have my morning coffee. And as far as chocolate, its actually good for you in moderation. I will tell you one to try. Choceur. Its from Germany. The dark is the best dark I have had. Its fabulous. As I would normally want milk chocolate like with Dove, with Choceur the dark in a red package of 6 small bars, its better.

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