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How can the Chicago Cubs hope to unseat the Saint Louis Cardinals and the other teams in the National League Central if the Chicago Cubs organization cannot even renovate the restrooms at Wrigley Field? I just read in the Sports section in USA Today that fans on Opening Day had to wait in line for 30 minutes or longer just to take a piss (both Male and Female). The Cubs can shell out a 100 million or more dollars on a pitcher that pitches once every 5 days, but cannot input more money (and time) to accommodate the thousands of fans that attend their games when the fans have to relieve themselves. To me, that is beyond ludicrous.

Porta Potties

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I just tuned in the game--I see I was partly right; a lot of runs scored & almost all of 'em by the Jays. ebk must be bumming & I'm sure Rick has let out a few expletives....

The less said about today's game, the better.

Lunch was fab. Dinner is Ledo's pizza. So that's good...

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Now there's a real fan everybody!

I am a "real" Saint Louis Cardinals Baseball Fan. And luckily for me and the Millions of other fans of the Saint Louis Cardinals, I have not and will not and Never feel dejected and give up on the Cardinals. I challenge you to name any other baseball team that has been a major, persistent and dominant Force in Baseball since the beginning of this new Century (2000+). Maybe the San Francisco Giants.

I know and realize that you are more of a negative instigator than a positive contributor to this topic and almost all the topics that you reply to. I said this before and I think that I am correct: You are a miserable person who only reads other peoples posts and you try and do your best to "mock" and try to "belittle" others who you disagree with. You do not give any explanation or reason, you just type your simple words and run and hide.

I am not like that. I say and back-up what I say with fact and truth. I really feel sorry for your wife and children (if you have a wife and children), because it must be even more miserable to live with someone who is persistently negative as YOU are.


Edited to add: What I just posted can and does apply to the seemingly uppity and beyond reproach ebk. Yes, I just typed the letters ebk.

Edited by kingzoso
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^^^Jesus H. Christ, give it a rest. Walter's comment was in no way instigating anything. You said you would quit supporting a team that lost year after year. "Real" fans don't quit on a team, no matter what. That is what Walter and ebk were responding to in your post. And shame on you bringing Walter's wife and children into this. You have a problem with another member, fine...but leave the family out of it. It is in poor taste.

EPIC 19-inning battle between the Red Sox and Yankees! Red Sox won it 6-5 and I bet nobody saw the end except those of us on the West Coast. Kid with the unlikely name of Mookie Betts is the hero! Saturday's game should be interesting...there will be a lot of tired bodies and arms out there.

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EPIC 19-inning battle between the Red Sox and Yankees! Red Sox won it 6-5 and I bet nobody saw the end except those of us on the West Coast. Kid with the unlikely name of Mookie Betts is the hero! Saturday's game should be interesting...there will be a lot of tired bodies and arms out there.

You would lose that bet! I turned the game on about quarter to midnight, thinking I'd watch a bit of MLB Tonight while waiting for Dave to start. I admit I dozed off for a while, but woke up a little after 1 and watched to the end. Quite a game!! Loved Costas asking about how late PJ Clarke's was open. Good thing is was 4 and not 3 because he'd have never make it if if was 3.

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I know the Royals are undefeated so far, but The Tigers seem to be making the point that they are still the big, bad bullies of the Central. I wonder when that first Kansas City/Detroit series is coming up? Should be fun to watch...

And as far as teams coming out of nowhere, the Reds are in first place?!? But, as always, it's early. Still plenty of time for the Reds and the Braves to come crashing back down to Earth...

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I'm seeing what seems to be a lot of instances where pitchers have innings extended because of errors made behind them on the infield. Gee just had that happen to him tonight & Niese got it last night. Mets only down 1-0--but that one run has me kind of baffled--why in the world would you throw Freddie Freeman anything close to the plate....

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^^ I see the O's are doing a lot better tonight--maybe I should turn that game on...

Grand slam!!!

Which can only mean they will lost by a lot tomorrow, since I'll be there. I get the feeling I'm gonna have that kind of season :)

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Chris, Chris, Chris....your reading comprehension has reached an all-time low. Time to go back to 3rd grade. Maybe your daddy could read "The Giving Tree" to you at night to help with inference.

What apparently was obvious to Strider and ebk, but not to you, was the statement you made which basically said if your team didn't win for a long period of time (such as the Cubs), you would look for another team to follow, like a child. That's called being a front runner.

Here's the Reader's Digest version for the dimwitted: It's easy to root for a team who's in it every year, but a true fan sticks with their team regardless. Fan is short for fanatic, and a person who is a fanatic doesn't leave their team if they have a drought in championships.

Loyalty is part of what makes a man's character. Kinda like not bringing in a man's wife in a disagreement. That's being a little bitch.

I am a "real" Saint Louis Cardinals Baseball Fan. And luckily for me and the Millions of other fans of the Saint Louis Cardinals, I have not and will not and Never feel dejected and give up on the Cardinals. I challenge you to name any other baseball team that has been a major, persistent and dominant Force in Baseball since the beginning of this new Century (2000+). Maybe the San Francisco Giants. I know and realize that you are more of a negative instigator than a positive contributor to this topic and almost all the topics that you reply to. I said this before and I think that I am correct: You are a miserable person who only reads other peoples posts and you try and do your best to "mock" and try to "belittle" others who you disagree with. You do not give any explanation or reason, you just type your simple words and run and hide. I am not like that. I say and back-up what I say with fact and truth. I really feel sorry for your wife and children (if you have a wife and children), because it must be even more miserable to live with someone who is persistently negative as YOU are. GO CARDINALS!!!Edited to add: What I just posted can and does apply to the seemingly uppity and beyond reproach ebk. Yes, I just typed the letters ebk.


....as if there was any wonder why you have no one to go to Las Vegas with...

I don't feel sorry for you, Chris, living with your father and working some night shift job, so don't feel bad for me living in a beautiful city, with a wonderful wife, awesome son, and love my job that enhances society as a whole. Livin' the dream over here! :)

As everyone on here knows, you are a returning, banned joke! Glad after 3 pages you finally figured out you were the joke the whole time on the Elivs jamming with Jimmy thread! :rolleyes:

This was my response to your last personal attack against me in this thread. So if you could not comprehend that I have a wife, while you have nobody (for obvious reasons), I understand. I guess that's another example of your deficit in reading comprehension and overall dimwittedness.

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Chris, Chris, Chris....your reading comprehension has reached an all-time low. Time to go back to 3rd grade. Maybe your daddy could read "The Giving Tree" to you at night to help with inference.

What apparently was obvious to Strider and ebk, but not to you, was the statement you made which basically said if your team didn't win for a long period of time (such as the Cubs), you would look for another team to follow, like a child. That's called being a front runner.

Here's the Reader's Digest version for the dimwitted: It's easy to root for a team who's in it every year, but a true fan sticks with their team regardless. Fan is short for fanatic, and a person who is a fanatic doesn't leave their team if they have a drought in championships.

Loyalty is part of what makes a man's character. Kinda like not bringing in a man's wife in a disagreement. That's being a little bitch.


....as if there was any wonder why you have no one to go to Las Vegas with...

This was my response to your last personal attack against me in this thread. So if you could not comprehend that I have a wife, while you have nobody (for obvious reasons), I understand. I guess that's another example of your deficit in reading comprehension and overall dimwittedness.

Sorry to get off topic here but I feel that I have to defend Myself against stupid and ignorant people such as walter.

Does a dimwitted person use a word like "dejected"? I bet some people and perhaps yourself do not even know what the word dejected even means. You probably had to google it to find out the meaning of it. Does a dimwitted person use proper spelling and proper punctuation such as commas etc... in the right places in a sentence? Does a dimwitted person buy a $2 newspaper, the USA TODAY, and read it every day Mondays through Friday? Or read books that are over 1,000 pages in length (A Song of Ice and Fire... the books that the HBO series "Game of Thrones" is based on)? I do not think so. So you can refrain from calling Me dimwitted because I am a very intelligent person. I would imagine that I have way more knowledge of Led Zeppelin and their history then you could possibly have and could not possibly comprehend.

How do know that I do not have a girlfriend? I have had dozens and dozens of girlfriend in My life. I have never been married because that is a personal choice. I would rather have 2 or 3 girlfriends simultaneously than 1 wife. That makes for a better variety of women and not just one woman.

I am going to Las Vegas to see the great band, Rush, on my own because none of my other friends can afford the roughly $1,000 just to go there, not counting the other monies it takes to gamble and have a great time while there, however short a trip. I can afford it because I work hard and do a good job at saving My money.

So, whatever you want to say about me, I could actually care less because you mean nothing to Me. Words are just that, words. Rather harmless unless you are weak enough to let them hurt you and words from an ignorant stranger will never hurt me. I really think that you are, in fact, a very miserable person.

As for ebk, if there was "dislike" button on this site, well...


Especially sorry to Paul Carruthers because I can tell that he is a really decent and honest person (even though I do not know him personally). Thanks Paul!!!

Edited by kingzoso
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I see Nelson Cruz went deep for Seattle yesterday--still have to think his HR production will be cut down some, given his home ballpark; but Nelson is the kind of guy who can jack them out of any park.

And if last night proved anything, it's that the Mets should already be missing Zach Wheeler in that rotation. Nothing personal against Niese or Dillon Gee, but it would be a totally different ballgame if we had Zach as our 2nd or 3rd starter, going back to back with Harvey and then deGrom. Oh well, life goes on...

Edited by paul carruthers
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