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There is a listed punishment for tampering with football pressure in the NFL rule book and it is a fine of $25,000.

Next the footballs were replaced at halftime.What happened then?Oh,28 unanswered points on the ground.

Superbowl?The No Fun League supplies the footballs,...

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They seem to think he is going to get slapped with a 6 game suspension? If so that is huge. Why would you alter the game like this? Why would you do something this stupid? Yes my team has alot to gain by him getting whacked for a bunch of games. But he deserves it for doing something like this. I would like to see them without him for 6 games. Talk about crashing down to Earth. I have to see the schedule, which I am sure is tough. I know we play them once in the first six. A friend of mine who is a New England fan, and don't ask me why as he lives here, thinks if he is suspended he will retire

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...Until that 4 game suspension and the loss of a 4th round pick. :whistling:

In a perfect world, Brady would get suspended for the whole season. However, Goodell doesn't have the balls to do that. What's sad is that Tom Brady and the Patriots as a whole are really, incredibly talented players, but all this ticky-tack shit they get caught doing, if it's not deflating balls or spying on the other team, it's something else....it just looks so juvenile and stupid. You have to wonder what they've done that we don't know about, and how much of an impact its had on their record the last decade or so.

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In a perfect world, Brady would get suspended for the whole season. However, Goodell doesn't have the balls to do that. What's sad is that Tom Brady and the Patriots as a whole are really, incredibly talented players, but all this ticky-tack shit they get caught doing, if it's not deflating balls or spying on the other team, it's something else....it just looks so juvenile and stupid. You have to wonder what they've done that we don't know about, and how much of an impact its had on their record the last decade or so.


Welcome back, Liz. :)

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There is a listed punishment for tampering with football pressure in the NFL rule book and it is a fine of $25,000.

Next the footballs were replaced at halftime.What happened then?Oh,28 unanswered points on the ground.

Superbowl?The No Fun League supplies the footballs,...

I guess it depends on if it violated the league's personal conduct rule. If it is just based on tampering alone, then it's just 11 times 25,000 or $275,000. We will see.

As far as the scoring in the 2nd half goes, if you followed the Colts last year you would've witnessed a team that laid down after being dominated in the 1st half. They did the same thing vs. Dallas 4 weeks prior to that game. Also against you guys and Pittsburgh.

Anyway, whatever happens, happens. They still won the Super Bowl last year and that can't be taken away.

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In a perfect world, Brady would get suspended for the whole season. However, Goodell doesn't have the balls to do that. What's sad is that Tom Brady and the Patriots as a whole are really, incredibly talented players, but all this ticky-tack shit they get caught doing, if it's not deflating balls or spying on the other team, it's something else....it just looks so juvenile and stupid. You have to wonder what they've done that we don't know about, and how much of an impact its had on their record the last decade or so.

OMG!!! I know we rarely got along Liz but good to know you are alive. Hope all is well. I just want the decision made. No doubt an appeal will occur. If he gets a substantial suspension, my Bills will be the favorite in Vegas to win the East

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Well they have zero fan support down there. I am surprised they still have a team given all the black outs. We play them in London. That one had best be a W for us

The worst team in the League. The Jags should have been contracted ages ago...snuffed out of existence. So what does the NFL do? They keep foisting the Jackoffs on to the British...I swear, isn't this like the third year in a row the NFL is sending Jacksonville to London?

If I were a Brit, I would round up me mates and surround Heathrow with wires, chains and clubs and refuse to allow the Jags plane to land. Hey you Limeys! Stop buying inferior NFL product. Boycott the Jaguars game.

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The worst team in the League. The Jags should have been contracted ages ago...snuffed out of existence. So what does the NFL do? They keep foisting the Jackoffs on to the British...I swear, isn't this like the third year in a row the NFL is sending Jacksonville to London?

If I were a Brit, I would round up me mates and surround Heathrow with wires, chains and clubs and refuse to allow the Jags plane to land. Hey you Limeys! Stop buying inferior NFL product. Boycott the Jaguars game.


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The worst team in the League. The Jags should have been contracted ages ago...snuffed out of existence. So what does the NFL do? They keep foisting the Jackoffs on to the British...I swear, isn't this like the third year in a row the NFL is sending Jacksonville to London?

If I were a Brit, I would round up me mates and surround Heathrow with wires, chains and clubs and refuse to allow the Jags plane to land. Hey you Limeys! Stop buying inferior NFL product. Boycott the Jaguars game.

Who knows, the NFL might be trying to build a Jags fan base over there so they can relocate them and be the first international franchise, like God-dell keeps talking about!?!
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In a perfect world, Brady would get suspended for the whole season. However, Goodell doesn't have the balls to do that. What's sad is that Tom Brady and the Patriots as a whole are really, incredibly talented players, but all this ticky-tack shit they get caught doing, if it's not deflating balls or spying on the other team, it's something else....it just looks so juvenile and stupid. You have to wonder what they've done that we don't know about, and how much of an impact its had on their record the last decade or so.

Well stated. Obviously they had better talent to rack up 28 points in the second half with properly inflated footballs. The whole thing reminds me of Richard Nixon running for re-election in 1972. He was going to win hugely, and did, but decided to hire some whackos to break in to DNC headquarters. They got caught, and Nixon wound up resigning two years later. All for something he didn't have to do. just like the Pats in the AFC championship game, you don't need to do this dumb stuff....

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According to all the reports I am reading by most of the media editors at CBS and ESPN he is not going to get a slap on the wrist. This could be a suspension that leads to his walking away from the game? If its more than 6 games, I would not be surprised if he retires. If he were to get an entire year, I think its a certainty he would retire

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Goodell can't do nothing, the league went to a lot of time and expense to come up with the Wells Report. I'm saying 2-4 games, appealed down to 1. In the end, it won't make any difference.

I say he gets 6!!!!!!!

I would give him a week in a Mexican jail with his boy Fernandez

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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I thought i saw ANOTHER player from the draft is out with an ACL tear. Maybe not a first rounder.

Don't these people warm up and stretch before going all out in your first workout? j/k

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Has America lost their cotton-pickin' minds? I already knew this country's math abilities had gone in the toilet, but apparently the ability to think rationally and with reason has flown out the window, too. Everybody calling for a 4, 6, or even season-long suspension of Tom Brady has either not read the Wells report or did not understand the flawed mechanics of its methodology or has been bamboozled by the ESPN-driven narrative hype. Or is blinded by irrational Patriot-hate. Please stay away from sharp objects.

It still boggles my mind that people are still worked up to a froth over this small incident...more people seem genuinely angry over this than the Aaron Hernandez case. Leave it to Rick to equate Tom Brady to a murderer. :rolleyes:

The Wells Report is a sham. It's methodology is flawed, its conclusions drawn from fuzzy math and cherry-picked texts...any evidence that didn't support its pre-ordained conclusion was ignored and tossed out. That is not how an objective-science-based investigation should be carried out.

Ahhhh, but this wasn't meant to be an impartial objective investigation to begin with. From the start, this has been a witch-hunt against the Patriots and Tom Brady. The NFL practically ran their own sting operation. Otherwise, when the Colts first whined to the NFL the NFL would have simply advised all teams to make sure all balls were within the 12.5 to 13.5 measurement. Instead, the NFL said nothing.

The next giveaway that the NFL was railroading Brady and the Pats was the group they chose to do the testing...a group called Exponent, Inc. Whenever a big-money corporate interest is in trouble, they call in these scientists-for-hire to work up a sham report to fit their needs. The tobacco companies, oil companies, big auto...Exponent, Inc. is a profit-driven group. "They're in it for the money, not the science" as Bill Paxton says about Cary Elwes in the movie "Twister".


The NFL themselves could not come up with accurate readings on the balls in question. If you look at the chart in the Wells report on the 11 Patriot balls and 4 Colts balls tested, two different testers resulted in two different set of numbers. If the NFL can't even rely on their own equipment readings, why should the teams be expected to? It's obvious their were control issues with forming a base model for determining how much pressure was lost over the course of the half and the effects of the cold weather.

Also, why 11 Patriot balls and ONLY 4 Colts balls tested? And of those four Colt balls, one reading was clearly wrong...and even the Wells report admitted so. Which means a 25% error in just a 4 ball sample. How many other errors were there that we don't know about? Also, this was the FIRST time the NFL has done this kind of scientific testing on the PSI of its footballs. There is no backlog of data that it can look at to see if the loss of PSI in the balls was a normal rate or not. The statistical sample is simply too small to use the numbers in this report as basis for punishing a player and/or team.

Time and time again when you read the Wells Report, you come across skewed numbers meant to bolster the case against the Patriots and then in the footnotes you find things that are buried that seem to absolve Brady and he Patriots of blame. It is like they were counting on people not bothering to read the footnotes.

One interesting point is that this whole thing started with the Jets-Patriots game in October. In that game, the refs inflated the balls to 16 PSI...clearly way above the 13.5 limit in the rulebook. Is the NFL going to punish those refs responsible for clearly putting illegal balls in play? If not, then that's another sign that the NFL are hypocrites and this whole Deflate-gate is a sham.

After that Jets game, Brady was clearly upset with the brick-like balls and made his preference known to Jestremski that he wanted the balls at the low 12.5 psi limit. There is nothing that has Brady saying deflate the balls below the legal limit. There is nothing in the Jestremski-McNally texts other than casual joking around about Brady...no sinister plot to deflate the balls. It even appears Brady only had contact with Jestremski and not McNally.

Again, this is much ado about nothing. Linemen spray cooking oil on their jerseys so it is hard to grasp, Jerry Rice used "Stickum" for years after it was banned, players do all sorts of things to try to gain an edge. But there is no hard evidence in the Wells report that supports their claim that Brady purposely ordered the balls at the AFC Championship game deflated below the legal limit. Were the balls at the lowest 12.5 limit? Undoubtably...but that is still within the rules. What happens after a half of football played in the rain and cold is immaterial. As long as they were 12.5 at the game's start, Brady and the Patriots are in the clear. And there is nothing in the Wells sham of a report that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Patriot balls were under the limit at game-time.


And before you say it, yes, I know this link is from a New England Patriots fan site, so you can question its bias. But the fact is, there are plenty of other unbiased sites that have poked the same holes in the Wells Report. The fact is, the NFL probably counted on America's mathematic and statistical ineptitude to allow it to claim this report proves Brady's guilt.

Hmmmm...Bill Simmons goes on Dan Patrick's show and rightly castigates Roger Goodell and the NFL for their hypocrisy on domestic violence (Seattle and Dallas both signing players involved in incidents regarding beating up a girlfriend and a murdered girlfriend, respectively), and the next thing you know, ESPN lets Bill Simmons go and the next day the NFL releases the Wells Report and ESPN does its master's bidding and goes into hyperdrive flogging the Deflate-gate story across the board. All of a sudden, the NFL and its stance on domestic violence is swept under the carpet and instead Tom Brady is painted as Public Enemy Number One. If I believed in conspiracy theories, this would be too good to be true.

Shameful. Shameful. Shameful. Everyone from the NFL to ESPN should be ashamed of the smear job they have perpetrated on Tom Brady.

And those of you who have swallowed the Wells Report hook, line, and sinker and are calling for Brady's head? A little reason, please...a little perspective.

Edited by Strider
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According to the AP, Tom Brady has been suspended four games.

I can't say I feel sorry for him.

Involve yourself, no matter how tangentially, to ticky-tack juvenile bullshit like deflating footballs, and you get what you got coming. The Patriots have a well-established history of this kind of crap, and I think it came back to bite him on the ass. In the main, is deflating footballs a big deal? No. However, when your team has shown a penchant for chicanery, it's going to hang around like a bad smell.

A whole lot of little things is just as bad as one big thing.

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