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The Next Jimmy Page Studio Album

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Most feasible would be an acoustic or Roy Harper thing, where Jimmy almost magically sounds right on top of things.

Just like the 77' acoustic set, where did the junkie go ??. The various ideas Jimmy could do are interesting but unless

he really has been practicing, there may well be embarrassed faces and quick goodbyes. And Jimmy did play with the

Stones damn good in 86' ??(One hit to the body). However although Jimmy was still a bit of a shambles drug/alcohol

wise and even playing wise then, he had in fact been practicing quite a bit since the ARMS shows. Maybe not every day

and for hours and hours. But despite my dislike of the Firm's material, there are 85' and 86' shows where Jimmy has

almost invented a new solo style, and some of the solos are really amazing, really wild. Oh well....

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10 hours ago, Charles J. White said:

It doesn't matter, but here are my 5 wishes and I would love for any 1 of the 5 to happen

(1) Page starts up Coverdale Page again which I thought was perfect for a first outing together

(2) Page records and builds 12 individual songs with 12 individual singers so each song is its own project and has its own individual merit

(3) Jason Bonham, John Paul Jones, and Page record an album together without a singer

(4) Page works with Roger Daltrey for a 1 off project and see where it goes from there

(5) Calls up random bands insert band (The Tea Party, Def Leppard it could any anone) and says "I want to record a song with you"



  1.  Not gonna happen.  Unless it's a subtle gambit to get Percy back on board (well, it worked the last time ;) ).
  2. Would be great, but (a) unless these singers approach Page it ain't gonna happen - he's simply not pro-active (look at the bitchy comment he gave about Jonesy & Grohl  getting together for TCV - you can bet your bottom dollar Jones didn't just sit on his arse and wait for the call) and (b) he wouldn't be able to tour on the back of it.  Plus it would mean him committing time to 12 different personaliities - enough time to get a rapport together strong enough to write a song.  So he'd have to put a band together first too (unless it was all acoustic).  I think there are too many excuses for him to make for this scenario to pan out - too many other people to deal with and allocate time to.
  3. Exceptionally unlikely - it didn't happen before, why would it nearly 10 years later?  Plus it'd just be touted as Zep-lite or something else a bit crass.  Plus Jimmy would have to really roll the boat out and dedicate himself to practising to pull off an instrumental album.  I'd love to see him work with Jones especially because he has so many directions to go to and take from, but I don't know if those personalities mesh very well any more.
  4. Really?  Roger Daltrey isn't particularly prolific with the songwriting.  He's written 2 songs by himself?  A handful as a co-writer?  Can't see it.
  5. Most likely scenario... but once again these bands would have to call him I reckon.

It's been a year since he said he's ready to get out there and 'be seen to be playing'.  So we get the BBC session remastered instead.
He's done playing.

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Yeah. I think also some fans etc. don't realize something that his own mother said. That "Jimmy  used to just sort of

glide into situations". Certainly Jimmy made some attempts at other musical projects after Zep till now, but I really

think Jimmy feels very uncomfortable having to chase people down, convince them to be in the band, and also

possibly fight over musical direction. The Firm is a great example: some riffs definetly are Jimmy, but there was for me

a big AHA !! moment when I read some of the generic rhythm stuff came from Paul Rodgers. Like EVH would use Sammy

Hagar riffs ???EVH himself was all toasted, but I think Hagar knew who's boss. Jimmy never was dictatorial, which actually

may have hurt him after Zep.

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Even though Jimmy hasn't put out any 'new music'  in a long time,  or even contributed to
another artist's album - I feel he's still very much involved in the music scene.  I know it
sounds probably silly considering the length of time he's been absent from the stage and
what not,   but with Zep being such a strong force in music,  it  always  feels like  Jimmy's
presence is there in the music world.

There was recently a photo of Jimmy at a record store in London circulating on Twitter with 
a producer - He looked sweet and all smiles,  but his hands in the picture reminded me a bit
of  how my 93yr old Nan holds her hands when her arthritis is flared up.  Or maybe I'm seeing
something that's not there.
:blush:  He's a guitarist so I notice his hands.  

What is with threads like this?  I try and let them die for a few months,  and then several of
you guys post something that piques my interest:lol:.  

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ALWAYS part of the scene. I don't know if other fans have my pathological disturbance, but when I put on a Zep boot, I

actually feel as if the band is actually playing as I listen to it. Well, I think timeless and powerful music can seem as if it

always existed, will always exist and so on. Even Jimmy's smile in that guitar shop , and his sparkling eyes, he looks like

he is full of enthusiasm, not the look of anyone even close to his age. This is what keeps us sentimental fools waiting 

with baited breath for more Jimmy music. I remember Jimmy walking offstage at one of the MSG ARMS 83' shows, his

broomstick arms outstretched as if he had won a prizefight. Well then came the Firm, but regardless, right, Jimmy's

contribution to popular music and entertainment is everywhere. Jimmy is really insecure, I guarantee this is a considerable

factor in his non-emergence.

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Who knows, the whole thing from a selfish music junkie point of view sucks because he isn't that old, and yet I don't understand how the muse to record music seems to have just left him. I wish I could get my hands on the tapes that he, Jones, and Bonham had been working on after the 02 gig those would be so interesting to listen to

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It seems that JP can't accept the fact that LZ is done, and he is an older man.  

Plant has turned down the volume considerably and is doing much more mellow music (so are guitarists like Mark Knopfler and Eric Clapton).  Why can't JP accept his age, and play to the best of his abilities that he is capable of?

And JP can't accept the fact that a new album might only sell a few hundred thousand copies.  And when you tour, you may have to stick to venues that only hold a few thousand.  Plant and the guitarists I mentioned (along with MANY other artists) have all adjusted to these changes.  JP cannot. 

More remasters are probably coming.  After all, it's been a few years and technology has changed a lot, and he found a never before released song under his bed, so that could mean an all new remastered {insert album name} deluxe version for just $100....

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Allow me to put on a tinfoil hat:  Personally I think Jimmy easily has new ideas and  would  
play in much smaller venues.  Physically being able to play the material is where I believe the
burden lies.  You can't do one without the other.

I think  Jimmy's hands will no longer allow him to do what he wants to do.  That wasn't likely
the case (excuse to some) 10 years ago,  but it very well could be now.  He used to
periodically get up and jam here and there.  Never mind performing  a full concert.  I'm
talking about  jumping on stage for a 15 minute encore where musicians are playing a song he
knows how to play.  That has diminished and escaped him all together.  He classified the guitar
an extension of his body and for him to stop playing when he continues to submerge himself
in music does not jive.  If he was dealt a terrible blow health wise  that would be a game
changer,  however this is not a Malcolm Young situation.  Besides a physical ailment with his
hands - what other  reason could there be for him to just stop playing in any capacity?   

If what I'm saying has any truth - what stops him from admitting it to the media?  I won't say
it's dishonest to fans,   because I believe if he lost the thrill and desire he would officially say
he was retired and take himself out of the game.   I  do understand those who have grown
tired of  his 'promises to be seen and heard'  though.   I do hope Jimmy knows  it doesn't
diminish his  achievements in  any  way.  He's forever aligned to one of  thee  most influential
bands of all time.  He helped create and achieve what many musicians can only dream of.  
Addictions to smack and  Jack Daniels  aside -- his name is carved in stone when it comes to
how much he's been an inspiration to other guitarists, song writers and just musicians in
general.  Zep is one of those things that can run eternally with fans. 

Okay now wake the hell up to those I've managed to put to sleep!!  :smack::buttsmack:


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45 minutes ago, KellyGirl said:

Allow me to put on a tinfoil hat:  Personally I think Jimmy easily has new ideas and  would  
play in much smaller venues.  Physically being able to play the material is where I believe the
burden lies.  You can't do one without the other.

I think  Jimmy's hands will no longer allow him to do what he wants to do.  That wasn't likely
the case (excuse to some) 10 years ago,  but it very well could be now.  He used to
periodically get up and jam here and there.  Never mind performing  a full concert.  I'm
talking about  jumping on stage for a 15 minute encore where musicians are playing a song he
knows how to play.  That has diminished and escaped him all together.  He classified the guitar
an extension of his body and for him to stop playing when he continues to submerge himself
in music does not jive.  If he was dealt a terrible blow health wise  that would be a game
changer,  however this is not a Malcolm Young situation.  Besides a physical ailment with his
hands - what other  reason could there be for him to just stop playing in any capacity?   

If what I'm saying has any truth - what stops him from admitting it to the media?  I won't say
it's dishonest to fans,   because I believe if he lost the thrill and desire he would officially say
he was retired and take himself out of the game.   I  do understand those who have grown
tired of  his 'promises to be seen and heard'  though.   I do hope Jimmy knows  it doesn't
diminish his  achievements in  any  way.  He's forever aligned to one of  thee  most influential
bands of all time.  He helped create and achieve what many musicians can only dream of.  
Addictions to smack and  Jack Daniels  aside -- his name is carved in stone when it comes to
how much he's been an inspiration to other guitarists, song writers and just musicians in
general.  Zep is one of those things that can run eternally with fans. 

Okay now wake the hell up to those I've managed to put to sleep!!  :smack::buttsmack:


Well said, I've thought the same thing.  This is a guy you couldn't keep from jumping on stage with anyone, any time.  In the 80's Rolling Stone wrote, "It would take surgery to remove this man from his guitar."  John Paul Jones has said more than once, "Page LIVES to be onstage."

it is undeniably weird and it has to go beyond merely "waiting for Robert," IMO.

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7 hours ago, KellyGirl said:

 Physically being able to play the material is where I believe the
burden lies.  You can't do one without the other.

I think  Jimmy's hands will no longer allow him to do what he wants to do.  That wasn't likely
the case (excuse to some) 10 years ago,  but it very well could be now.




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Hmm when I watch that I tend to think he's favouring his right hand somewhat.  Am I seeing
:unsure:  I would even believe it,  if he said  he had to ice it after the show.  The mobility in his
fingers looks a wee bit sluggish,  and no I'm not chalking it up to age in this case at all.  I left
room for that.   Sigh.....guitar playing isn't always kind and gentle on the  wrists and fingers
for someone whose having aches and pains is it.   I guess Jimmy and a lot people on here
could also fire back and say his hands don't need any T L C and I 'm blabbering about nonsense.    

On a side note.  He sounds good + he looks good in that video,  and it wouldn't  be Jimmy live 
if he wasn't making all those adorably redonk facial expression on stage.  Gahhh
:lol:  o m g
so many gifs and memes. 

Thanks for linking Charles J.  White  :peace:

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9 hours ago, KellyGirl said:

Hmm when I watch that I tend to think he's favouring his right hand somewhat.  Am I seeing
:unsure:  I would even believe it,  if he said  he had to ice it after the show.  The mobility in his
fingers looks a wee bit sluggish,  and no I'm not chalking it up to age in this case at all.  I left
room for that.   Sigh.....guitar playing isn't always kind and gentle on the  wrists and fingers
for someone whose having aches and pains is it.   I guess Jimmy and a lot people on here
could also fire back and say his hands don't need any T L C and I 'm blabbering about nonsense.    

On a side note.  He sounds good + he looks good in that video,  and it wouldn't  be Jimmy live 
if he wasn't making all those adorably redonk facial expression on stage.  Gahhh
:lol:  o m g
so many gifs and memes. 

Thanks for linking Charles J.  White  :peace:

When one listen to his playing on this, you can clearly hear that Jimmy still knows how to play the guitar very very well...There is not a guitar player I have heard who has as many critics as Pagey 


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3 hours ago, Charles J. White said:

When one listen to his playing on this, you can clearly hear that Jimmy still knows how to play the guitar very very well...There is not a guitar player I have heard who has as many critics as Pagey 


Another good point Charles.  We unfortunately are living in an age of groupthink, and a lot of people seem to automatically call him "sloppy" or "overrated" when the topic of his live playing comes up.  I look at some YouTube comments and hope he doesn't read them, he seems to bring out the worst in some judgmental know-nothings.

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^ Absolutely!  I thought his playing was great at the 02 - especially given the fact of:

1) his age

2) not having toured/played live in 6-7 years

3) the level of difficulty of the material he was playing as a solo guitarist

4) the magnitude of the show and all that was expected from it


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As a guitar player, having I guess maybe a little more insight, the hand problem thing could be, but for those saying a

slowdown even at the 02 show, not sure. In some of the songs he clearly has almost all his highest technique, and some

songs the solos are still very good, but a bit sluggish if compared to earlier versions. You can't ignore Jimmy's tremendous

insecurity: fans see Jimmy in the dragon suit stalking the stage like a hungry lion, and assume offstage he must be the 

same, at least to a larger extent. That's part of Jimmy's persona, it's real, but actually offstage he tends to be shy and

retiring, and after Zep he had a lot of trouble assembling bands because although he's certainly ambitious, he's not

socially a big go-getter. Hurting things further is Jimmy, great as he is, is one of those guitarists who needs to be constantly

playing. There are famous guitarists who can not play for a whole month, with little or no decline. Jimmy has actually been

hitting a number of guitar shops in the last 6-9 months, interesting if anybody noticed anything.

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I hate to keep beating a dead horse, but here are some things JP *could* have done since the O2 show:

play on just ONE song on Jeff Becks new album.  Or anyone's album for that matter.

produce, or offer to produce a song or album for a new or established band.

get on stage to play just ONE song with ANY band.

release ONE song from the mysterious *new* music he, ahem, has been working on.  Release it on the JP site.

instead, it's re-releases and remasters and more of the same tripe.  

for those holding out hope for new JP music, I hope you get it and I hope it is awesome.  For a man I consider to be an almost hero to me, it is disappointing to see what he is doing.  My other faves (Beck, Knopfler, Clapton, EVH) continue to put new stuff out, tour, and attempt to stay relevant.  Wish I could say the same for our man.....

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20 hours ago, Mithril46 said:

Jimmy has actually been

hitting a number of guitar shops in the last 6-9 months, interesting if anybody noticed anything.

I wonder if the "No Stairway Rule" applies to Jimmy when he visits?

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Yeah, that's funny. Still, wondering what exactly he's looking for at those guitar shops. The cynical( but deserved mindset)

is that he's trying to fool people that he's started cracking on a serious project. Guitars he certainly doesn't need, but there

have been significant advances in technology even since the 02 show, he might be checking out some advanced pedals

or home recording equipment.. Even if he is actively getting things together, a snails' pace it is. Of course the shop owners

etc. Are probably sworn to secrecy, as so many Page activities seem to be . Of course anyone with a good smartphone

in the store could have recorded/ videod much, but again mysteriously this just doesn't happen to Jimmy.

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Jimmy had his opportunity in 2008 with Jason and JPJ and a couple of notable singers, but decided to not take it forward for some reason.  Perhaps, some sort of apprehension and/or fear musically....I don't know!  Now at 72 as most his age have been retired and not just those who are musicians.  I personally, don't plan on working at that age.  But he had his chance, but needed some inspiration and/or drive from another source or individual to make something happen after the Black Crowes.  I think having good management may have helped, but what do I know?  Just how I see it in away. 

What do you think?

He's just too involved with all the Zep compilations etc and seems to use it as an excuse I suppose to not do something, even though he says he plans to after after one of these is completed with the Zep catalogue, the BBC now, Celebration Day and so on!  When we've heard about these projects, they've pretty much been completed at the time with the exception to a degree with the remastering of the Zep catalogue which was much more of an extentive undertaking!


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10 hours ago, SuperDave said:

Jimmy had his opportunity in 2008 with Jason and JPJ and a couple of notable singers, but decided to not take it forward for some reason.  Perhaps, some sort of apprehension and/or fear musically....I don't know!  Now at 72 as most his age have been retired and not just those who are musicians.  I personally, don't plan on working at that age.  But he had his chance, but needed some inspiration and/or drive from another source or individual to make something happen after the Black Crowes.  I think having good management may have helped, but what do I know?  Just how I see it in away. 

What do you think?

He's just too involved with all the Zep compilations etc and seems to use it as an excuse I suppose to not do something, even though he says he plans to after after one of these is completed with the Zep catalogue, the BBC now, Celebration Day and so on!  When we've heard about these projects, they've pretty much been completed at the time with the exception to a degree with the remastering of the Zep catalogue which was much more of an extentive undertaking!


What do I think?

I think Jimmy may have lost his mojo

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Mojo, sure. Another thing, Jimmy is quite vain, and at the 02 he could still pass for an aging rock star. Don't underestimate

this, Peter Grant and Richard Cole saw this undeniably in the Zep days. Not totally sure about this , but I think Steve A.

Jones could have possibly had some more inside source on Page's playing state, especially since there are other arcane

matters Zep that really he knows which really aren't published. I had an acquaintance with J Bonham's Zep band guitarist

years ago, and he told me some stuff, like Jimmy tends to play 90% acoustic at home. That explains the acoustic competence of the 77' unplugged, and the very together Roy Harper live stuff. All this is so stupid. Everyone knows Page can 

play, why couldn't he buy some great looper( device which expertly records anything you want, mix together with live

guitar) and go on a small club tour. He gets all the dough, no compromises musically. ARRRGGHHH!! Never happen.

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If Page does do something new, I would like to see a studio recording. A revue show, encompassing all the different eras of his career, is not that exciting for me. It would just be a drab facsimile of the past. I feel the same when Plant tries to do the Zep numbers as well. Sure, you can jiggle the pegs around and put squares in round holes, but at the end of the day, it's never going to be as good as the original versions were.

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