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Apologist.. Sure. I'll always defend Page on his bands webpage if I feel the criticism is unwarranted. And I won't apologize for that. It's not unconditional either. He has been guilty of getting sidetracked. But should he have to announce.. "Sorry folks! I know I said I was going to work on a solo album, but I've decided to work on How The West Was Won instead"...? Maybe... but he didnt .  who cares.

 He's talking about getting back out there. Playing in public.. Being seen playing. 2 nights ago was the first step.  Let's see what happens next.. 

Flares. I have a kid in college and another who just graduated. I'm content with my Complete Studio Recordings box set until I get some bills out of the way.. And I would buy a Page solo album the first day it's released.

I just respect Jimmy's priorities.

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I've never understood the anger and scorn aimed at Jimmy Page because he's chosen to do what he's chosen to do with his music.  The creative process belongs to the artist, not to the public.  We get to see or hear the results, but no true artist creates for the public.  An artist creates in response to the demands of his/her own inner muse.  Why should Jimmy Page be any different?  

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I've never understood the anger and scorn aimed at Jimmy Page because he's chosen to do what he's chosen to do with his music.  The creative process belongs to the artist, not to the public.  We get to see or hear the results, but no true artist creates for the public.  An artist creates in response to the demands of his/her own inner muse.  Why should Jimmy Page be any different?  

When I was younger I was an impatient fuck waiting for my fav bands to put out music, as I have gotten older, I don't get worked up about it anymore - why bother? Not worth the headache, there is a ton of music out there to listen to.

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I'm very frustrated with Jimmy too ,but its more possible now ( simply for the fact that maybe he wants to return to the stage again ) I hope. . . . When I heard Jimmy did this I went to Ross Halfins Site to see what he had to say about it, but he was in Australia . That's when it hit me, If Ross was with him he never would have jumped on stage spontaneously. Jimmy gets things done better when hes not with that tool .

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When I heard Jimmy did this I went to Ross Halfins Site to see what he had to say about it, but he was in Australia . That's when it hit me, If Ross was with him he never would have jumped on stage spontaneously. Jimmy gets things done better when hes not with that tool .

Jimmy's accompanied by his girlfriend, Scarlett Sabet, on this trip. No Ross beside him does make moments like this much easier.


Edited by SteveAJones
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Here's a different angle close to stage video close up of Jimmy playing




Thanks for the links, enjoyed them :) 

Apologist.. Sure. I'll always defend Page on his bands webpage if I feel the criticism is unwarranted. And I won't apologize for that. It's not unconditional either. He has been guilty of getting sidetracked. But should he have to announce.. "Sorry folks! I know I said I was going to work on a solo album, but I've decided to work on How The West Was Won instead"...? Maybe... but he didnt .  who cares.

 He's talking about getting back out there. Playing in public.. Being seen playing. 2 nights ago was the first step.  Let's see what happens next.. 

Flares. I have a kid in college and another who just graduated. I'm content with my Complete Studio Recordings box set until I get some bills out of the way.. And I would buy a Page solo album the first day it's released.

I just respect Jimmy's priorities.

Agreed, and kind of ironic you're being called a Page apologist. It seems there are two paths about Jimmy's proclamations of creating new work and playing live again: either he's lying or he's trying to work himself up to it, kind of like repeating a mantra to manifest the intent. And while I too expressed frustration before with his repeated intentions, once I thought of it in these two terms, it's harder to believe that Jimmy is simply lying, and the simpler answer is that he's trying to figure out how to get about doing it.

Also, Jimmy seems like the type of person who as a musician, at least, not so much needs but maybe feels more comfortable with a strong other presence whose role could be in the forefront, sort of like slipstreaming in a peloton. His lead singers weren't exactly the wallflower types. It's not so much only for creative purposes but there seems to be something in that dynamic that makes Jimmy feel more comfortable to create. That's at least a contributing factor, I think...

I've never understood the anger and scorn aimed at Jimmy Page because he's chosen to do what he's chosen to do with his music.  The creative process belongs to the artist, not to the public.  We get to see or hear the results, but no true artist creates for the public.  An artist creates in response to the demands of his/her own inner muse.  Why should Jimmy Page be any different?  

And this is another contributing factor, too. The creative process is not a rote list to follow to get through easily to the other side. It's messy and uncertain and has its own time and rhythm and cycles. It was great to see Jimmy on stage again, however many others it took to get him to feel comfortable to get up there. This and the Roy Harper acoustic pairing effort some years back (which I thought was more interesting to hear) show that he needs to feel the situation fits his musical camaraderie ethos and his signature musical voice is intact. You could actually hear the latter more in the Harper pairing. So even though Jimmy's chops may not be the blazing speed they were before, it's actually far less relevant than making music that expresses Jimmy's unique voice. I'm intrigued about how it'll sound...

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The 'handle' bit stood out and struck me as odd the first time I saw it posted elsewhere. It's a musical instrument. The only way to 'handle' the bloody thing is to play it. There was a Strad special awhile back and the restored violins - hundreds of years old, mind - needed to be played regularly in order for them to maintain their vitality, sort of like vibrations stirring the soul. I suspect it's much the same for musicians. That's not a veiled dig at Jimmy, I can say it directly well enough if I feel it, but it just came across as an unusual phrasing. By the way, I gave Jimmy a hard time about being so hesitant to play the acoustic guitar they handed him in that French interview, but I've since had a second thought about second guessing him. In that Strad special, Itzhak Perlman, on his own instrument, said he did not feel comfortable to just play on the spot (perhaps that means whole pieces, because on his website when he answers questions about playing, he shows what he means in snippets. It's so endearing...). He gave in because it was the interviewer's birthday, but it just goes to show even Perlman, who believe me, if you've never heard live, put near the top of your bucket list, at 68, is the most expressive and technically proficient violinist you'll likely see in your life. Brought me to tears every time I've seen him - vibrations stirring the soul.


Can't find your other post about the vids sorry don't know what's happened! Yeh Jimmy played really well and looked  happy to be up playing Rock n roll up on stage!

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This and the Roy Harper acoustic pairing effort some years back (which I thought was more interesting to hear) show that he needs to feel the situation fits his musical camaraderie ethos and his signature musical voice is intact. You could actually hear the latter more in the Harper pairing. So even though Jimmy's chops may not be the blazing speed they were before, it's actually far less relevant than making music that expresses Jimmy's unique voice. I'm intrigued about how it'll sound...


I'm not a Roy Harper fan, so I have a hard time getting into JP's guitar work with Harper, but I sure agree with the rest of what you said.  

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It seems there are two paths about Jimmy's proclamations of creating new work and playing live again: either he's lying or he's trying to work himself up to it, kind of like repeating a mantra to manifest the intent. And while I too expressed frustration before with his repeated intentions, once I thought of it in these two terms, it's harder to believe that Jimmy is simply lying, and the simpler answer is that he's trying to figure out how to get about doing it.

Also, Jimmy seems like the type of person who as a musician, at least, not so much needs but maybe feels more comfortable with a strong other presence whose role could be in the forefront, sort of like slipstreaming in a peloton. His lead singers weren't exactly the wallflower types. It's not so much only for creative purposes but there seems to be something in that dynamic that makes Jimmy feel more comfortable to create. That's at least a contributing factor, I think...

There is a third path, which is just that he's been interested in other things.  Mr. Page isn't a one-dimensional man.  He's always been into producing, he's good enough to have received awards for it, and it seems to me quite possible that the remastering was not a side-track or a waste of time for him as much as a project he enjoyed sinking his teeth into just as much as he does playing the guitar.

I just read a book about Leonardo da Vinci, considered one of the worlds' greatest painters.  The man would go for years between painting projects.  Decades even.  Not because he was slacking off, but because he was a multi-dimensional man who dove into engineering and scientific research just as much as he was into art.

I say let the genius express itself as it will.  

PS - I very much enjoy your comments, 


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I'm very frustrated with Jimmy too ,but its more possible now ( simply for the fact that maybe he wants to return to the stage again ) I hope. . . . When I heard Jimmy did this I went to Ross Halfins Site to see what he had to say about it, but he was in Australia . That's when it hit me, If Ross was with him he never would have jumped on stage spontaneously. Jimmy gets things done better when hes not with that tool .

I'm not really sure we can blame Ross because Jimmy was busy being involved with the remasters project...Besides Ross has a heart of gold, he loves Jimmy

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Lif and Patrycja,  fascinating discussion . 

The point about finding another presence seems very perceptive.  That's why. like him or not, Roy Harper is very instructive here. The performance with Roy was in another class to this recent showing.  Doesn't mean there isn't lots to celebrate right now.  But a viewing of that 2011 performance tells so much :  a real sense that he did it for Roy , he did it with Roy, and .. just incidentally it happened to be a superb JP acoustic performance.. 

Where oh where is that other musical spur who will get him beyond an onstage jam ?  Let's hope they're out there and that Seattle allowed him to fully renew his ties with so many talented musicians who are on his side. 


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As I watched this "jam" a few more times, even though it was pretty raw, a certain amount of cynicism

started dropping away. Jimmy in fact has never really been too good at surprise jams, or even lightly

rehearsed material. It IS his own material, in this case, but as ridiculously long as this non-playing period

has gone on, my instinct sensed Jimmy won't just disappear back into his mansion for five years.

And Jimmy has serious stage nerves at times. Remember the terrible Atlantic Records debacle, yet

a few months later Page tearing it up on the Outrider tour. Jimmy just seemed to have a look on his

face which became more notable with each viewing. Like, forget the performance, I'm back !!!

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I'm surprised I'm the first to mention this, but where was Chris Cornell? This event was held in his hometown and it would seem to have been a golden opportunity to reconnect with Page, if not perform together. I understand he has been very busy promoting his new album and his tour resumes in New Zealand on Nov 23rd. He must have had prior commitments which made his attendance impossible. 

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Can't find your other post about the vids sorry don't know what's happened! Yeh Jimmy played really well and looked  happy to be up playing Rock n roll up on stage!

It's just a few posts up, but that's ok. A couple of the threads here are overlapping topically rather closely at the moment, so it's easy to get confused. Agreed about Jimmy - sure is great to see him happy and playing. 


There is a third path, which is just that he's been interested in other things.  Mr. Page isn't a one-dimensional man.  He's always been into producing, he's good enough to have received awards for it, and it seems to me quite possible that the remastering was not a side-track or a waste of time for him as much as a project he enjoyed sinking his teeth into just as much as he does playing the guitar.
I just read a book about Leonardo da Vinci, considered one of the worlds' greatest painters.  The man would go for years between painting projects.  Decades even.  Not because he was slacking off, but because he was a multi-dimensional man who dove into engineering and scientific research just as much as he was into art.

I say let the genius express itself as it will.  

PS - I very much enjoy your comments, 


Well that's gracious and kind of you, lif, thank you, I appreciate it. I like your insights, too, and feel we'd benefit from more of them (hint hint... :) ).

Agree completely about other paths, though to clarify, the two I mentioned are the usual responses here to Jimmy's proclamations of playing again. Certainly Jimmy has other interests which we aren't privy to that take his time. There's a fascinating article interviewing Jimmy about art and he was knowledgeable and articulate about the pieces and their contexts, making connections to influences on music, too.

da Vinci was the ultimate Renaissance man, and his accomplishments make him seem a freak of nature: painter, drawer, inventor, cook, athlete, musician, all around discoverer, and ambidextrous. He took life in and took the most out of it. Just staggering achievements and ingenious ways of looking at things. With so many interests, its no wonder he put painting aside, though I had no idea it was for so many years!

Jimmy was such an innovator as a producer and seeker of new sounds that we probably take it for granted because we've been listening to Zep for so long. There's no doubt that he cares deeply for the remastering project; Zep and exacting music production are in his heart and what he's passionate about and brilliant at. Still, we know him as a musician, and given that this is his primary public means of artistic expression, and given his statements, it feels as if he wants to create the conditions for a new path. Undoubtedly, that creative path also has its own ways and agreements with the artist. I just heard a Spanish proverb that seems fitting: "More grows in the garden than the gardener knows he has planted." 


Lif and Patrycja,  fascinating discussion . 

The point about finding another presence seems very perceptive.  That's why. like him or not, Roy Harper is very instructive here. The performance with Roy was in another class to this recent showing.  Doesn't mean there isn't lots to celebrate right now.  But a viewing of that 2011 performance tells so much :  a real sense that he did it for Roy , he did it with Roy, and .. just incidentally it happened to be a superb JP acoustic performance.. 

Where oh where is that other musical spur who will get him beyond an onstage jam ?  Let's hope they're out there and that Seattle allowed him to fully renew his ties with so many talented musicians who are on his side. 

I enjoyed Jimmy's performance with Roy for those exact reasons, truth and beauty. Although Seattle is a good sign, when I watched the 2011 performance again recently, it was striking how comfortable he felt in that context where he was free to really get inside the music and enhance it with his unique touches without the interfering pressure of expectations (different focus - it was Roy's night) and without having to show off chops for expectant Zep crowds. Very insightful and beautifully played moments. 

Edited by Patrycja
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 Don't know if this was mentioned, but in the video, did anyone see the interaction between Jimmy and Paul Rogers?

Considering their history together, I felt that their greeting to each other seemed a little cold. That quick handshake. Did anyone else notice this?

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Don't know if this was mentioned, but in the video, did anyone see the interaction between Jimmy and Paul Rogers?

Considering their history together, I felt that their greeting to each other seemed a little cold. That quick handshake. Did anyone else notice this?

I wouldn't read too much into it. I think the fact Paul was there and performed with and without Jimmy speaks for itself. 

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