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The "what did you get/what did you want for Christmas thread.


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I figured I'd start this early because some people get stuff early. Though for me, Christmas is about giving. Not getting. I love getting stuff people will love. My mom does love Pumpkin bread so I'm going to whip her up a batch at work. That's all I can really afford at this point.

So far, Ive gotten nothing.

What I want is just one thing. Another hard drive for my rig. That's it. But I never actually asked anyone for it.

I know I'll get a lot of clothes, I always do. But I'm not asking for anything this year though. I was in a lot of trouble this year and my family was really there for me, so I don't want/expect anything really. And I can't really afford much for them. They told me they'd be pissed if I did get anything. So I at least bought nice cards for everyone. I did however send some stuff to my 2 year old nephew and my 2 month old niece.

How about you?

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I've been dropping hints for weeks about Mothership, and last night I couldn't stand it anymore so I did the old 'unwrap the present and have a quick look, then carefully wrap it up again so nobody knows trick'. I know it's wrong!, but anyway, I got Mothership and I also got the Robert and Allison Krauss CD. Yay!

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Well there isn't anything I really need. I'm blessed to have all that I could really want; as far as it goes to material things. So I guess will just ask for music. Some good ole fashion RockNRoll, to keep me satisfied for the next year.. haha

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I asked for an ipod nano 2nd generation (they came out with the 3rd generations the day after i got mine.) mothership, tsrts, red high tops, and vinyl.

I got for sure the ipod, and high tops. The rest I'm pretty sure, I just don't know for sure. My dad is a big Zep fan, and that's who I asked for it from and I probably got it.

I just realized that it said what did you get: I had a Christmas party last night and got 2 tube of chapstick, a brown suede purse, a coral long sleeve shirt and a brown vintage-y shirt, an i-tunes card (since I don't have the ipod yet), a Christmas ornament, and I think that's it.

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My mom told me that my 22 year old sister is REALLY proud of the thought and gift selection of what she got me... I'm excited to see what she got me! :cheer:

I have no clue what everyone else's gotten me...not even an inkling. :D

BUT---my neighbor just shoveled the snow in front of our sidewalk! :D

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My mom told me that my 22 year old sister is REALLY proud of the thought and gift selection of what she got me... I'm excited to see what she got me! :cheer:

I have no clue what everyone else's gotten me...not even an inkling. :D

BUT---my neighbor just shoveled the snow in front of our sidewalk! :D

What do you get did you open up your present yet?

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- Two Gallants - The Scenery of Farewell ep :wub:

- CK One perfume :wub:

- Harry Potter/Order of Phoenix dvd

- Lindsey Davis - Saturnalia (latest book from the Falco series)

- some more dvds and books

- a Russian grammar book :blink: (ok, I'd really asked for that one... :unsure: )

- a load of Lindt chocolate :)

...and cause I'd claimed that my Radiohead discbox was a present from me to myself, my dork of a bf wrapped it up in teddy bear wrapping paper and put it under the tree as well... :hysterical: (good thing he told me what it was right away)

Still got to visit the parents. B)

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I'm so happy, my husband finally got me an engagement ring!! :yay:

When we got married last year, we didn't have a lot of money, so I didn't have one. But my wonderful husband sure surprised me this Christmas!! :wub: He even put it on my finger and asked me if I'd marry him :lol:

I can't stop looking at my hand :lol: He also got me a few movies that I wanted :D

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