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Like I said, I doubt he was crazy because he believed in evolution. A lot of times very intelligent or very creative people have a lot of mental problems, but these aren't the result of their work (unless the inhale a bunch of chemicals or something,) it's just how their brains are. I have no idea why that is.

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by the last two questions...I believe in Evolution, if that's what your asking. I also believe in ETs, I just don't think we're decended from them, and I don't think that they really come here and do experiments on us and stuff. But I do think they are out there. Given the size of the universe, it's impossible that they wouldn't be.

you understood my questions... :D

It is dificult speak with a brazilian,qhen she don´t understand or speak a lot english B)

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Would you guys like to hear about the time I saw the Loch Ness Monster? You see, me and this little lady were on this boat, you see, all alone at night. When all of a sudden, this HUGE creature, the giant crustation from the Paleolithic era comes out if the water. And he stood above us looking down with these big red eyes and I yelled, I said, "What do you want from us monster!?!" And the monster bent down and said, "I-I need about tree fiddy." Three dollars and fifty cents! And I said "Damn it monster! I ain't giving you no god damn tree fiddy! Get your own god damn money!" And the little lady gives him a dollar, to make him go away. And of course he aint't going away, if you give him a dollar, hes gonna assume you got more!

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420,000 years ago, astronauts from a rogue planet called Nibiru came to Earth. They sought gold. They took the dna from the upright walking monkey and mixed it with that of their women. This created a hybrid laborer they called Adama. The first human. Later they gave the female the ability to procreate. The one who did this was Enki, whose symbol was the serpent. This was written on clay cylinder seals in Sumer (ancient Mesopotamia) over 6000 years ago. It eventually distilled into the Eden story from Genesis. In 2012, the planet Nibiru, on its 2600 year elliptical orbit will pass by Earth and be rediscovered. This will usher in the next Earth age. Have your towels ready hitchhikers! ;)

And folks, don't forget your purple blankets and shaving kits. Step right up and take a big swig of Kool Aid before you go to bed that night too.

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you understood my questions... :D

It is dificult speak with a brazilian,qhen she don´t understand or speak a lot english B)

LOL, it's OK. It must be hard to come on a forum like this when you don't speak the language very well. B)

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Whenever I want to meet monsters I just log in to ledzeppelin.com and go down into the site's basement forums. :)


Anyway, I don't think aliens come here, but I did see a UFO once. I don't think it was extraterristrial, but it was an Unidentified Flying Object. I was just relaxing outside and watching the sky when I saw a couple of these little things in the air. They were very high up in the sky, and looked like little stars, except it was daytime. As I watched them, I noticed more of them, and eventually I counted 16 or 17 in all. They were just sort of floating through the air, so I watched them until they had all floated away. I have no idea what they were.

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life exists beyond earth and probably has elsewhere in the solar system in the past. it's still a rarity when you calculate how many galaxies are hostile to life. also there's only a narrow band in our own galaxy and other similar galaxies that have conditions conducive to life. too far in towards the center there's not enough of the right mix of metals/elements and stellar explosions keep everything sterilized. and in the "life zone" of a given galaxy, only a handful of sun like stars are formed. a few may develop planets around them. if life develops on one it has to survive many brutal cataclysms. if a life form evolves higher intelligence it then has to survive it's self made cataclysms.

i don't think there are any other man-like beings unless they where here first and engineered us. look at how diverse and alien the lifeforms here on earth are from each other. now try and imagine other human like species evolving elsewhere. it's remotely possible but don't count on it. if they are here in our solar system they likely created

us, and likely travel between hospitable solar systems seeding life or alternatively

they send out probes to do it for them. they themselves were likely created in the same manner as well.

with all this talk of e.t.s and life seeders somewhere in the linage of life i do think consideration of a god or creator must be taken into account. i believe in certain evolutionary processes on small scales. i do not believe it created life.

the dna helix did not come from a mutating rock.

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Like I said, I doubt he was crazy because he believed in evolution. A lot of times very intelligent or very creative people have a lot of mental problems, but these aren't the result of their work (unless the inhale a bunch of chemicals or something,) it's just how their brains are. I have no idea why that is.

Imagine going through life seeing things that are blatantly obvious to you while other people call you insane for believing them. When you try to explain why you believe as you do, their eyes glaze over and they act as if you hadn't even said anything. Either that, or they fly into a rage and start condemning you.

There ain't no use in crying

'Cause it will only ever drive you mad...

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It's naive to think we're the only life in the universe when you look at the size and scale of things.

Why is that?

Any proof?

For life to be sustained on Earth:

Our planted had to be exactly the distance it is from the sun.

Had to have a tilted axis.

Had to capture a moon the exact size as ours.

Had to have all the necessary elements within our planet

... and that is just four of the hundreds, if not thousands of variables needed for there to be life as we know it.

Who is being naive?

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What's this a cross between Darwinism and Creationism? The idea that there is no intelligent life elsewhere in the Universe is even stupider than believing the World Trade Center was destroyed by a bunch of guys with box-cutters.

Edited by Hetware
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"There's life, Jim; but not as we know it".

I believe, that elsewhere in the known universe, there is life. Not necessarily intelligent (our definition), but living organisms all the same.

If, on the other hand, advanced species do exist, I do not believe that they have visited us. My reasoning: If they have traveled the vast distances to get here, why don't they make themselves known (other than to a few people in remote regions)? They would know, from picking up radio and TV transmissions (the big give-away that we're here at all), where the centres of civilisation were. Why not land there, and say "Hi?"

15th century explorers sailed to distant lands: they went ashore and made their presence known. Wouldn't "space men" do the same?

I'm in agreement with Stephen Hawking; if we do get visitors, I don't think we will like the outcome.


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there's a radio show on each evening here (national syndicated) but i'm usually driving at the time cant' recall the host's name....but this show sometimes scares the hay out of me...these people are serious that call in and talk about how we are being populated etc by "aliens" and so forth. I don'l listen that often but i had no idea there were so many that believe in this stuff.

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there's a radio show on each evening here (national syndicated) but i'm usually driving at the time cant' recall the host's name....but this show sometimes scares the hay out of me...these people are serious that call in and talk about how we are being populated etc by "aliens" and so forth. I don'l listen that often but i had no idea there were so many that believe in this stuff.

Coast to Coast with George Noory. I actually enjoy listening to that show when I can pick it up. It always makes me fall asleep.

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