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I have got to share this.


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Anyway, this girl has been in and out of my life for the last 20 years. We sort of dated in high school and it's like we've been passing each other in the night ever since. I moved away in 88 to go to college and had to say goodbye. I consider her one of my true loves. But it always seems that when we hook up, either she's gotten married or had a boyfriend or I've been married or had a girlfriend. She got a hold of me through myspace a while back and we've been in touch. Well, right now we are both unattached. She's coming over tomorrow night to spend New Years Eve with me. I.......am........stoked. What a way to ring in a new year.

And yes, we have if your wondering. So there is a strong bond between us.

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I was going to say not to do anything I'd do...but I meant that in terms of being stupid when you're nervous and making an ass of yourself (which I do when I'm nervous).

I'm never nervous around her. She is one of the few people in the world that actually puts my neurotic self at ease. She's gone back to college majoring in Computer Science. She smart, funny and bitchen hot. And I'm not the only one to say that. My best friend thinks she's all that too.

Here's the full story about her.

We met when I worked at the mall at 16. She worked in the store next to me. We met, talked and sort of dated a little. I had to move when I was 18 to go to college and she went back to her old asshole boyfriend. I lived in Cincinnati for a while and moved back here. 3 friggin days later she found out I was back in town and called me. She was very unhappily married at the time but I just could not let that stand in the way of how I felt about her. So we hooked up for a while. I know her past and all and didn't go too deep with her. Then I met my first fiancee. She actually knew my to be father in law and was at a party he had. My fiancee didn't know anything about our past. But I was getting married and couldn't hook up with her. A few years later, me and the fiancee broke up and I saw her. She was engaged. That was in 2000. 2006 she found me on myspace and we started talking again. I wasn't in the mood for anything because I was going through a nasty divorce. When I was ready we got together just so she could break it to me that she found someone.

Apparently that's over. I can't wait to see how my new year starts. Though I'm staying real and not expecting anything. But just spending time with her is golden in my books.

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Wild. It does sound like a movie,actually. Sort of like "When Harry Met Sally"

The same thing happened to me..almost word for word,Empire.

Long story short,I reunited with a girl I've known on since I literally was an infant. I'd had a crush on her since I was 9 or so. She always had a boyfriend and eventually gotten married. I was devastated to say the least.

I found her one day on Classmates.com and contacted her thru the Net after not having seen or spoken to her in 17 yrs. It turns out she was looking for me through Classmates and even had written me 2 yrs prior but the email never made it to me.

Anyway,she was going thru a divorce at the time and we reunited. I was walking on air and could not believe I'd finally reunited with her. I confessed that I'd loved her all along.

We dated for 2 years and it was a dream come true. Definitely worth pursuing and one of the highlights of my life.

Good luck,Empire. I hope you and her are as enchanted and happy as Laurie and I were.

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Good luck man! I'm waiting to run into some of my old friends but I've had no such luck. Since going off to university we've all lost touch and gone our own ways. There's so many people I think about all the time and wonder what happened to them- esp one of my friends who kept going through sucidal bouts then he moved far away and I lost touch with him.

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I'm never nervous around her. She is one of the few people in the world that actually puts my neurotic self at ease. She's gone back to college majoring in Computer Science. She smart, funny and bitchen hot. And I'm not the only one to say that. My best friend thinks she's all that too.

Here's the full story about her.

We met when I worked at the mall at 16. She worked in the store next to me. We met, talked and sort of dated a little. I had to move when I was 18 to go to college and she went back to her old asshole boyfriend. I lived in Cincinnati for a while and moved back here. 3 friggin days later she found out I was back in town and called me. She was very unhappily married at the time but I just could not let that stand in the way of how I felt about her. So we hooked up for a while. I know her past and all and didn't go too deep with her. Then I met my first fiancee. She actually knew my to be father in law and was at a party he had. My fiancee didn't know anything about our past. But I was getting married and couldn't hook up with her. A few years later, me and the fiancee broke up and I saw her. She was engaged. That was in 2000. 2006 she found me on myspace and we started talking again. I wasn't in the mood for anything because I was going through a nasty divorce. When I was ready we got together just so she could break it to me that she found someone.

Apparently that's over. I can't wait to see how my new year starts. Though I'm staying real and not expecting anything. But just spending time with her is golden in my books.

Okay, i just read all of this. Dude, be careful with women who hook up with bad boys. They like drama. You don't need that. Don't jump into anything.

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