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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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Glad I didn't have the job of editing this movie that had 90,000 cuts. I just don't get these types of movies. 

Edit to say it also had that stupid, trendy, handheld shaky camera work. 😣


Edited by redrum
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57 minutes ago, redrum said:

Glad I didn't have the job of editing this movie that had 90,000 cuts. I just don't get these types of movies. 

Edit to say it also had that stupid, trendy, handheld shaky camera work. 😣


Where's the Dramamine?

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2 hours ago, redrum said:

Glad I didn't have the job of editing this movie that had 90,000 cuts. I just don't get these types of movies. 

Edit to say it also had that stupid, trendy, handheld shaky camera work. 😣


You can blame The Bourne Identity for making it fashionable in the first place. Doug Liman was an indie director and shot a lot of it himself with the camera on his shoulder and edited it a certain way. The problem was with the two sequels, when another (much inferior) director misunderstood what Liman had done and cocked up his attempt to replicate it. The trendy copyists found it easier to imitate the shaky cam of the sequels than what Liman had done in the original - so it was everywhere for a while.   

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1 hour ago, Brigante said:

You can blame The Bourne Identity for making it fashionable in the first place. Doug Liman was an indie director and shot a lot of it himself with the camera on his shoulder and edited it a certain way. The problem was with the two sequels, when another (much inferior) director misunderstood what Liman had done and cocked up his attempt to replicate it. The trendy copyists found it easier to imitate the shaky cam of the sequels than what Liman had done in the original - so it was everywhere for a while.   

Nothing worse than JJ Abrams overuse of lens flare

J.J. Abrams says his wife convinced him to stop with the lens flares -  Polygon

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11 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

After what this appalling Government announced today, we are well and truly fucked. There will be rioting on the streets very soon. Watch this space

The Summer of 2023 is going to be apocalyptic for most of the Western World. It's all collapsing by design.

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6 hours ago, Brigante said:

You can blame The Bourne Identity for making it fashionable in the first place. Doug Liman was an indie director and shot a lot of it himself with the camera on his shoulder and edited it a certain way. The problem was with the two sequels, when another (much inferior) director misunderstood what Liman had done and cocked up his attempt to replicate it. The trendy copyists found it easier to imitate the shaky cam of the sequels than what Liman had done in the original - so it was everywhere for a while.   

Gettin' woozy. 


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On 11/18/2022 at 9:30 AM, hummingbird69 said:


Goddamn, Another round of trump probes!!   I guess not finding anything during the last 6 means they must be close to getting to the truth.

Still waiting for the first round of investigation into the origins of the Wuhan Coronavirus which killed over a million Americans, so that those responsible can be held accountable.

We no longer live in a sober, serious nation.

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On 10/29/2022 at 3:32 PM, shnflacwav said:

I like how they are trying to paint the attacker -  a nudist, hemp selling guy from ultra liberal land Berkeley, CA as some sort of MAGA guy. The whole thing seems fishy.

1. A guy randomly enters the home of the #3 person in line for the top office in the land? They don't have security?

2. Glass is shown on the outside of a patio door/window indicating it was broken from the inside.

3. Two different reports of who called the cops. One report said it was a housekeeper, another (Politico) said Paul told his lov, I mean attacker, that he needed to use the restroom and called the cops from their speaking in code.

4. Cops show up, both are in their underwear holding hammers, and the attacker takes Paul's and starts hitting him as soon as the cops enter??

There's gotta be more going on here, would love it if Nancy was somehow involved. No offense to Paul, hope he recovers; but he does have a documented history of getting hammered.


Edit: One more thing, the Pelosi's have cameras inside their house (see recent video of Paul and Nancy falling down drunk) - let's see the footage!

What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on with the Paul Pelosi story? – HotAir

Good question.

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On 11/20/2022 at 6:59 PM, cryingbluerain said:

Nothing at all, right wing media blogs are making stupid stuff up to fit the conspiracy theory narrative. I am having a blast reading all the trumptards talk about 7 times trying to convict and still nothing. Impeached twice, lost popular vote twice, lost the house and the senate, the senate three times. He is getting his comeuppance. Stealing classified docs and saying he can declassify by just thinking about it is hilarious. If I didn’t know better I would say that the Rino trump, the original Rino is trying to destroy the Republican Party. I mean, he did just switch party affiliation back in 2010, his daughter officially in 2018 I believe. The problem is, that Rino is going to ruin it for an actual Republican in Desantis. That’s a guy a lot of Independents like myself could get behind. If Ron would perhaps be a little more moderate, he has an actual chance. If they run that train wreck Trump he absolutely will lose, and then the house and the Senate will go to the Dems. 

Try reading something that isn’t just force fed from a narrative you want to believe in. Blogs, Breightshit, Faux News, OANN, and NewsMax are not news. That’s like watching RT and expecting to hear something bad about Putin. 

What happened to all of those who said that Russia would roll right over the Ukraine. And what the hell happened to the party of Reagan who would have never backed Russia over anyone in their own country. I remember when John McCain said that Rand Paul was a Russian asset! He was correct. There are just many more in the new Rino Party. 

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On 11/19/2022 at 8:40 PM, cryingbluerain said:

And nothing on Mr. Untouchable..


Don’t be all mad about true Big D energy. Most Libs and Dems have that. While most Trumplicans are dealing with inferior complexes! Let’s look at that no chin p.o.s. Don JR. that kid couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag. Nor his sloppy, talk tough, never been in a fight, or played sport, bone spur, having orange father. Joe and his son would slap the hell out of his weak father and son combo. By the way, he does not and never had a job in his pops administration. On the other hand Jared, Ivanka, and a few others need to start worrying. Let’s take a look at Admins and their indictments.0EA16FC4-FDDE-40BA-89B2-C7A825D85E5C.thumb.png.9d9c5e7bb52d6e17b45ecb42c49aa8ae.png


Edited by Plant77
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49 minutes ago, Plant77 said:

Yes Sir. I admire your dedication and your ability to try new things. We should all take a page out of your book. 

👍 Reaper is a big help. Working on one now called: 'The Fisherman's Song' by Manuel de Falla.

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5 minutes ago, Plant77 said:

Don’t be all mad about true Big D energy. Most Libs and Dems have that. While most Trumplicans are dealing with inferior complexes! Let’s look at that no chin p.o.s. Don JR. that kid couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag. Nor his sloppy, talk tough, never been in a fight, or played sport, bone spur, having orange father. Joe and his son would slap the hell out of his weak father and son combo. By the way, he does not and never had a job in his pops administration. On the other hand Jared, Ivanka, and a few others need to start worrying. Let’s take a look at Admins and their indictments.0EA16FC4-FDDE-40BA-89B2-C7A825D85E5C.thumb.png.9d9c5e7bb52d6e17b45ecb42c49aa8ae.png



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4 hours ago, Plant77 said:

Nothing at all, right wing media blogs are making stupid stuff up to fit the conspiracy theory narrative. I am having a blast reading all the trumptards talk about 7 times trying to convict and still nothing. Impeached twice, lost popular vote twice, lost the house and the senate, the senate three times. He is getting his comeuppance. Stealing classified docs and saying he can declassify by just thinking about it is hilarious. If I didn’t know better I would say that the Rino trump, the original Rino is trying to destroy the Republican Party. I mean, he did just switch party affiliation back in 2010, his daughter officially in 2018 I believe. The problem is, that Rino is going to ruin it for an actual Republican in Desantis. That’s a guy a lot of Independents like myself could get behind. If Ron would perhaps be a little more moderate, he has an actual chance. If they run that train wreck Trump he absolutely will lose, and then the house and the Senate will go to the Dems. 

Try reading something that isn’t just force fed from a narrative you want to believe in. Blogs, Breightshit, Faux News, OANN, and NewsMax are not news. That’s like watching RT and expecting to hear something bad about Putin. 

What happened to all of those who said that Russia would roll right over the Ukraine. And what the hell happened to the party of Reagan who would have never backed Russia over anyone in their own country. I remember when John McCain said that Rand Paul was a Russian asset! He was correct. There are just many more in the new Rino Party. 


3 hours ago, Plant77 said:

Don’t be all mad about true Big D energy. Most Libs and Dems have that. While most Trumplicans are dealing with inferior complexes! Let’s look at that no chin p.o.s. Don JR. that kid couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag. Nor his sloppy, talk tough, never been in a fight, or played sport, bone spur, having orange father. Joe and his son would slap the hell out of his weak father and son combo. By the way, he does not and never had a job in his pops administration. On the other hand Jared, Ivanka, and a few others need to start worrying. Let’s take a look at Admins and their indictments.0EA16FC4-FDDE-40BA-89B2-C7A825D85E5C.thumb.png.9d9c5e7bb52d6e17b45ecb42c49aa8ae.png


There you go again, trying to talk sense and facts here. They'll just ignore it and chant "lock her up, lock her up".

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