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Random Thoughts. The Return.


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On 11/23/2022 at 3:13 AM, Stryder1978 said:

One of the most severe cases of TDS I've seen recently.....please seek professional; help (maybe from Fauci!)

Oh please. I don’t have TDS! And coming from you, who may be an educator I am ashamed and appalled for you. How about this, you seek help. I’m fine. I run a successful business, I have increased our company from 3 people to 19 people and currently I am at the Four Seasons in Maui having a wonderful time. What’s funny is I watched you kiss ass to the woman in the Song Remains The Same Thread. How about this, not one of the band members would agree with your thoughts. “TDS”! You are also laughable. Keep being a Joe Rogan Tool! 

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On 11/22/2022 at 2:07 PM, hummingbird69 said:


Where are we going wrong? Are your simple minded little feelings getting hurt. Keep being a Rino! Anyone who still thinks that the Orange fella was and is good for this country are the biggest Rino’s of all. I hope to god he wins the primary for your party. He will get trounced like he has in all the recent elections. Also, from a supposedly grown man? “ LOLROTF! AGAIN”! What fucking grown man would reply that way? Well, perhaps a simpleton? You clearly are. I’m tired of reading you and your little F boy Cry me a River Blue balls posts! Always with some stupid shit to say! Never anything that is remotely something that others can possibly get behind, unless you are a Rino groomer. So I say to you, get some true balls, look deep and find some self respect, stop the cult behavior. There is help for you and your kind. 

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1 hour ago, SteveAJones said:

The lamestream media provided an inordinate amount of coverage on the gay nightclub shooter's Grandfather and Father, who had nothing whatsoever to do with it, because of their political opinions. When are they going to delve into the family tree of the Walmart shooter? 

We should “delve “ into the background of all mass shooters. I did just watch the video of his father and it explains sooo much. That poor bastard didn’t have a chance coming from that family tree. Their tree looks like a totem pole. Which when I think about it, so much of the south, the Midwest has a tree with very few branches. It explains a ton. I recently saw a tweet where a woman from the right is now suggesting that we raise the voting age to 21. I would love to have an IQ test and a history test before people are allowed to vote. Certainly I know that isn’t realistic, but all these crazy bastards who are allowed to vote on either side is a concern. 

Getting back to the Rightwimg nut job who tweeted that we should raise the voting age to 21, it is interesting to me that certain groups are never about changing their policies or looking at how they can reach people who do not agree with their thoughts and policies. They automatically want to disenfranchise a certain portion of the population. Says a lot about where they are going and what they think of their own party. 

As a side note, the Republican Party has won the popular vote once since 1988. What does that say about our country. Truly interested in your thoughts. 

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On 11/23/2022 at 5:16 AM, hummingbird69 said:

  It's exactly as I said, trump has no convictions and neither do his kids. I'm sure a good investigator could find some crimes if we have him investigate you and all the people you know too so keep on keepin on because your posts are a much needed source of mirth.  Have fun rotting from the head down. BTW  nader also claims ties with the clintons.

Trump doesn’t have any convictions yet. But plenty of people in his administration have several, as well as the right wing party that screams that the left are the party of criminals. Funny thing is, poorest states, all red. Worst crime, all red. Most reliant on welfare, all red. Keep talking about the Clintons, if there are any reliable truths and anyone can show proof other than a blow job, I would say throw the book at them. And rotten from the head down. That may be the dumbest shit I’ve ever read. Keep kissing your cousin. Your uncle/dad and mother/aunt are relying on you to keep the family lineage going. 

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15 hours ago, Plant77 said:

We should “delve “ into the background of all mass shooters. I did just watch the video of his father and it explains sooo much. That poor bastard didn’t have a chance coming from that family tree. Their tree looks like a totem pole. Which when I think about it, so much of the south, the Midwest has a tree with very few branches. It explains a ton. I recently saw a tweet where a woman from the right is now suggesting that we raise the voting age to 21. I would love to have an IQ test and a history test before people are allowed to vote. Certainly I know that isn’t realistic, but all these crazy bastards who are allowed to vote on either side is a concern. 

Getting back to the Rightwimg nut job who tweeted that we should raise the voting age to 21, it is interesting to me that certain groups are never about changing their policies or looking at how they can reach people who do not agree with their thoughts and policies. They automatically want to disenfranchise a certain portion of the population. Says a lot about where they are going and what they think of their own party. 

As a side note, the Republican Party has won the popular vote once since 1988. What does that say about our country. Truly interested in your thoughts. 

I'll bet you dollars to donuts they won't delve into the Walmart shooter's family tree because he was a bastard with no father figure whatsoever in his daily life. We can't have that narrative, because it suggests the role of a Father in a person's life is significant. Oh, hell no -- anything pro-masculinity has got to go!

My thoughts are we no longer live in a sober, serious nation thanks in large part to our feral federal government which sanctions a Hierarchy of Victimhood for all of the so-called disenfranchised groups. There simply aren't enough straight, conservative Caucasian males left to make this country great again. Without them, you no longer have the nuclear family as the basic social unit, which is what American society is founded upon.

I can't support raising the voting age to 21 when one can be drafted at 18. Besides, the broadening of knowledge between 18 and 21 is infinitesimal given civics isn't taught anymore and our public schools, colleges and universities in particular, are little more than indoctrination centers to advance cultural Marxism. 

Toppling statues of our Founding Fathers tells me all I need to know about this country. Popular vote outcomes since 1988 are quite predictable given the cover that the lamestream media and the public schools give for one party over the other. For example, if the Hunter Biden laptop story was not deliberately covered up and dismissed as Russian disinformation, polling shows President Trump would have been reelected.



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1 hour ago, SteveAJones said:

I'll bet you dollars to donuts they won't delve into the Walmart shooter's family tree because he was a bastard with no father figure whatsoever in his daily life. We can't have that narrative, because it suggests the role of a Father in a person's life is significant. Oh, hell no -- anything pro-masculinity has got to go!

My thoughts are we no longer live in a sober, serious nation thanks in large part to our feral federal government which sanctions a Hierarchy of Victimhood for all of the so-called disenfranchised groups. There simply aren't enough straight, conservative Caucasian males left to make this country great again. Without them, you no longer have the nuclear family as the basic social unit, which is what American society is founded upon.

I can't support raising the voting age to 21 when one can be drafted at 18. Besides, the broadening of knowledge between 18 and 21 is infinitesimal given civics isn't taught anymore and our public schools, colleges and universities in particular, are little more than indoctrination centers to advance cultural Marxism. 

Toppling statues of our Founding Fathers tells me all I need to know about this country. Popular vote outcomes since 1988 are quite predictable given the cover that the lamestream media and the public schools give for one party over the other. For example, if the Hunter Biden laptop story was not deliberately covered up and dismissed as Russian disinformation, polling shows President Trump would have been reelected.




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5 hours ago, redrum said:

Roll over Beethoven.

The sheeple merely sit there. Granted, most of the attendees are elderly which is why this event was targeted. As a general rule, no cow with a nose ring is going to lecture me on anything. Why is it the unattractive women men wouldn't poke with a stolen dick add a qualifier to "I always wanted to bring children into this world but..." No, there is no but. You're unattractive. Water is not so scarce that you can't wash your dirty ass.

Edited by SteveAJones
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