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Raising Sand


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You're probably right. Usually I love it when Robert does something radically different from the last thing he did. Hell, I love Raising Sand. :blink:

I'm a Pisces, two fish going in opposite directions, that's what it is!

You may have a completely different reaction to the album after seeing it live :D

I'm not a Pisces but I often feel like I'm going in opposite direction :lol:

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I can understand how you might not like the restraint. But in a way, it's Roberts best recourse. His ability to hit those high notes is only going to get worse, and he'll always have to compete with his younger self. Why not find a new mode of expression?

After all, it's not like he's not still doing his old act every once in a while . . .but you would know that better than I. :P


I didn't say anything about Robert hitting high notes, or how he should sing like in the "old" days.

MS, I have been listening to Robert's solo career since his first release...I'm aware of his versatility. And I know that he has developed a way of singing completely different from his LZ days...I witnessed it with the passing of long years. I actually think he sounds better now than he did as on the P/P days...and even on some of his LZ songs (I never liked that girly vocals that much.... :ph34r: ) and some of his best performances can be found on both Presence and ITTOD (in my opinion), long after he quit the high notes...

well...I love 3 songs on Raising Sand. That's not that bad, is it? I am extremely happy to read the excellent reviews on the album, I am sure their tour will be a success...but I just don't like this work as I liked some of his previous works.

And yes, I know Robert can still do his old act. B)

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I didn't say anything about Robert hitting high notes, or how he should sing like in the "old" days.

MS, I have been listening to Robert's solo career since his first release...I'm aware of his versatility. And I know that he has developed a way of singing completely different from his LZ days...I witnessed it with the passing of long years. I actually think he sounds better now than he did as on the P/P days...and even on some of his LZ songs (I never liked that girly vocals that much.... :ph34r: ) and some of his best performances can be found on both Presence and ITTOD (in my opinion), long after he quit the high notes...

well...I love 3 songs on Raising Sand. That's not that bad, is it? I am extremely happy to read the excellent reviews on the album, I am sure their tour will be a success...but I just don't like this work as I liked some of his previous works.

And yes, I know Robert can still do his old act. B)

You shouldn't feel bad about not totally loving all of Raising Sand. We can't like everything even that of our favorite musicians :D I do love the album but is it my favorite thing he's done? Nope :)

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You shouldn't feel bad about not totally loving all of Raising Sand. We can't like everything even that of our favorite musicians :D I do love the album but is it my favorite thing he's done? Nope :)

I actually don't feel bad about it...it's a weird feeling, I feel like I'm missing something. Every review I read, all you people saying it's an amazing album...well, I'm amazed too. That I just don't like it like most people do. <_<

But you're right....we can't possibly like everything our favorite musician has ever done.

And I certainly DON'T like everything Robert has done.


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I think the fact that he isn't cutting loose is the appeal for me, I have always loved the restrained Zep and solo stuff and RS follows in those footsteps. Its always good to hear his voice in the quieter vein.


Well, there we have it. It's always great to hear his voice in ANY vein, I just like the other veins most, I guess. Maybe next week I'll feel completely differently, fish that I am. :ph34r:

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Well, there we have it. It's always great to hear his voice in ANY vein, I just like the other veins most, I guess. Maybe next week I'll feel completely differently, fish that I am. :ph34r:

I guess you are just a ROCK chick then :D

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I didn't say anything about Robert hitting high notes, or how he should sing like in the "old" days.

MS, I have been listening to Robert's solo career since his first release...I'm aware of his versatility. And I know that he has developed a way of singing completely different from his LZ days...I witnessed it with the passing of long years. I actually think he sounds better now than he did as on the P/P days...and even on some of his LZ songs (I never liked that girly vocals that much.... :ph34r: ) and some of his best performances can be found on both Presence and ITTOD (in my opinion), long after he quit the high notes...

well...I love 3 songs on Raising Sand. That's not that bad, is it? I am extremely happy to read the excellent reviews on the album, I am sure their tour will be a success...but I just don't like this work as I liked some of his previous works.

And yes, I know Robert can still do his old act. B)

I wasn't trying to say that you did, but that's what came to my mind when you agreed with "restraint" as a description. Not a scratchy wail or a "push push" to be found on the whole thing.

But it wouldn't be the first time I jumped to conclusions about someone on the board and had to swim back. I'm still a little vague about just what it is that you don't like . . . maybe you are too! Is it the arrangements? The country influence? Allison Krauss? Not that you have to have a reason, sometimes something just doesn't do it for you.

Three songs is plenty, BTW.

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I wasn't trying to say that you did, but that's what came to my mind when you agreed with "restraint" as a description. Not a scratchy wail or a "push push" to be found on the whole thing.

But it wouldn't be the first time I jumped to conclusions about someone on the board and had to swim back. I'm still a little vague about just what it is that you don't like . . . maybe you are too! Is it the arrangements? The country influence? Allison Krauss? Not that you have to have a reason, sometimes something just doesn't do it for you.

Three songs is plenty, BTW.

It's OK, MS. I wouldn't be the first one to say that Robert can't sing anymore because he can't hit the high notes and :blahblah:^_^

I can't tell exactly what it is...I like some of the arrangements, especially on the song Nothin'. But the country influence...well, it doesn't help me liking the CD better at all. Not a huge fan of country music, on the other hand...

Allison is OK. That's exactly what I think of her. She is OK. Nothing more.

Three songs is not that bad, right? ^_^

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Well , I am finding various levels of enjoyment of this album on this thread , and thats okay . Personally , I really like this collaberation , and I really hope they come to my town on tour (Calgary , Ab , Canada) . I have even convinced my wife to go if they come . She is a fan of Allison , and me of Robert . I find this a different type of music for Robert . I like seeing him do different and exciting new stuff . Just one question - anybody knows what 'Raising Sand' actually means?

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Well , I am finding various levels of enjoyment of this album on this thread , and thats okay . Personally , I really like this collaberation , and I really hope they come to my town on tour (Calgary , Ab , Canada) . I have even convinced my wife to go if they come . She is a fan of Allison , and me of Robert . I find this a different type of music for Robert . I like seeing him do different and exciting new stuff . Just one question - anybody knows what 'Raising Sand' actually means?

It means the word 'collaboration' will be used more times than I can count.

Edited by eternal light
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Love it. But then, I have a genuine appreciations for the roots and history of music in general. Maybe THAT is why Raising Sand appeals to me on so many levels. It's honest, heartfelt , and real, imo. And I don't think Robert has ever sounded more ethereal. The quality of his voice on this cd is both beautiful and heartbreaking.

To steal from Will Farrell doing James Lipton: "It's scrumtrulescent!"

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I just ordered this CD and cannot wait until it comes!! I like alot of different types of music and I think it is cool that Robert stepped out of his rock and roll "element" for this. I hope they play the states and come to my area, I would certainly love to check them out! I wonder how ticket sales are going in the UK?

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Lots of people spending their Xmas money/tokens and following those "Albums of the Year" lists. They won't be disappointed.

Apparently the same thing occurred in Norway with rave reviews at the end of year and now the album is number 1.

Now imagine if Oprah were to mention Raising Sand on her program.

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Me too.

Well, not the UK shows.

Well, not 3 of them.

But 3 shows, anyway.

Never mind.

(But this proves I really do love the album, whether I actually play it or not. :wacko: )

well I guess we will just have to go to one show together then. :D

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