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Actor Heath Ledger Dies

The Pagemeister

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yeah, Chris Farley was "accidental", too...if you pound on the gates of Heaven long enough, someone is gonna open the door...did you feel sorry for Kurt Cobain too? How 'bout brad delp? How about anna nicole smith? Jim Morrison, Jimi, janis? These brilliant people KILLED themselves, whether it was direct or indirect, what's the difference? They put the so called "gun" to their heads....and I'm supposed to feel sorry for them?

You obviously have no clue what i have experienced when it comes to stress, living, dying or whatever...you know NOTHING about what i have gone thru in my life...i feel for the living, not the people who threw in the towel...

You sound angry.

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I'm still very upset about this. I don't know what would be worse: accidental overdose or suicide. Both are horrible in their own manner.

Heath Ledger was a wonderful actor. Mona--I also loved him in 10 Things I Hate About You. I may have even had a crush on him... ;)

It's too bad it had to end this soon. :'(

RIP Heath.

This is troubling news; he was so young. God bless his soul.

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I'm still very upset about this. I don't know what would be worse: accidental overdose or suicide. Both are horrible in their own manner.

Heath Ledger was a wonderful actor. Mona--I also loved him in 10 Things I Hate About You. I may have even had a crush on him... ;)

It's too bad it had to end this soon. :'(

RIP Heath.

Me too...I think I'm actually more stunned now than I was when I first read about it. It hadn't set in then, you know? I guess I thought it was a joke or something...but it's starting to sink in now, and it is really depressing me.

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yeah, Chris Farley was "accidental", too...if you pound on the gates of Heaven long enough, someone is gonna open the door...did you feel sorry for Kurt Cobain too? How 'bout brad delp? How about anna nicole smith? Jim Morrison, Jimi, janis? These brilliant people KILLED themselves, whether it was direct or indirect, what's the difference? They put the so called "gun" to their heads....and I'm supposed to feel sorry for them?

You obviously have no clue what i have experienced when it comes to stress, living, dying or whatever...you know NOTHING about what i have gone thru in my life...i feel for the living, not the people who threw in the towel...

Obviously, you have never had a problem with an addiction. Good for you. But you shouldn't really judge someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes...............Not saying I'm perfect, or that I haven't been too hard on people sometimes, but I'm at least trying.

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"and I'm supposed to feel sorry for them?"

Yes. You are. It's called compassion. Whether these incidents are accidents or deliberate, they don't happen because the person in question is enjoying him/herself so much, but because they're suffering in some way.

When you're suffering, I hope there is somebody there for you, stonefreelee, who is a better human being than you are yourself. And I don't give a shit how sanctimonious that sounds, it's true.

Mona got it right. I hope you do fuck off.

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i tried to say it earlier, i liked the guy as an actor, obviously thats the only way any of us knew him so why dont we try to talk about his movies and what we liked and what we loved and we'll just ignore any negative commentary, are you with me here, here we go, i absolutely loved Fisrt Night " one of my friends said you gotta see this, its hilarious. Well i did, and it was, i laughed my ass off. It was one of the better movies that i had seen in along time. And thats what gave me alot of appreiciation for heath, i was really impressed with his comeidic timing and what not! All right its your turn make it good but most importantly make it positive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i tried to say it earlier, i liked the guy as an actor, obviously thats the only way any of us knew him so why dont we try to talk about his movies and what we liked and what we loved and we'll just ignore any negative commentary, are you with me here, here we go, i absolutely loved Fisrt Night " one of my friends said you gotta see this, its hilarious. Well i did, and it was, i laughed my ass off. It was one of the better movies that i had seen in along time. And thats what gave me alot of appreiciation for heath, i was really impressed with his comeidic timing and what not! All right its your turn make it good but most importantly make it positive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, good idea Steve--well, I haven't seen that many of his movies but I did think he was a lot of fun in "A Knight's Tale" (plus I liked the music in that one :D ). Also most of my students saw it and fell in love with him, or fell in lust at least!

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OK, good idea Steve--well, I haven't seen that many of his movies but I did think he was a lot of fun in "A Knight's Tale" (plus I liked the music in that one :D ). Also most of my students saw it and fell in love with him, or fell in lust at least!

i knew i had the title wrong but that doesnt make me wrong thanx for keepin it positive!!!!!

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i tried to say it earlier, i liked the guy as an actor, obviously thats the only way any of us knew him so why dont we try to talk about his movies and what we liked and what we loved and we'll just ignore any negative commentary, are you with me here, here we go, i absolutely loved Fisrt Night " one of my friends said you gotta see this, its hilarious. Well i did, and it was, i laughed my ass off. It was one of the better movies that i had seen in along time. And thats what gave me alot of appreiciation for heath, i was really impressed with his comeidic timing and what not! All right its your turn make it good but most importantly make it positive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Knights Tale was what turned me onto him. I love that film...Heath's acting, the music, and Paul Bettany...LOL. And regardless of what you think about the film itself, you can't deny Heath was amazing in Brokeback Mountain. :wub:

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i havent got to see that broke back mountain but i would like to! but thanx 4 keeping it positive, lets make this thread a celebration of his life and his accomplishments. And when i type period i mean ..........

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:'( I still can't believe it. I keep seeing "Heath Ledger Dead at 28" and it just doesn't seem real to me. I hate all the negative things being said about him already. It just doesn't seem fair really and all these River Phoenix references are lame imho. I love River, but there's no comparison. Everyone knew River had a drug problem. I personally don't believe Heath had an "addiction" problem. It's beyond sad either way. I've liked Heath for a very long time. I own just about all his movies and have been really excited about the new Batman movie. Do any of you remember him that sci-fi show Roar? :lol: That was some cheesy good stuff .. He was great..


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no chell i never saw that movie but i like no i love what you had to say and did it in a positive manner what were gonna do here in this thread is not let the media or anyone else take away from him what he did best and thats make movies and entertain us! Fuck the media and there comparisons! ;)

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First thing I heard on the radio this morning. How immensely sad.

He was brilliant on Monsters Ball too....I'm lost for words.

yeah, Chris Farley was "accidental", too...if you pound on the gates of Heaven long enough, someone is gonna open the door...did you feel sorry for Kurt Cobain too? How 'bout brad delp? How about anna nicole smith? Jim Morrison, Jimi, janis? These brilliant people KILLED themselves, whether it was direct or indirect, what's the difference? They put the so called "gun" to their heads....and I'm supposed to feel sorry for them? You obviously have no clue what i have experienced when it comes to stress, living, dying or whatever...you know NOTHING about what i have gone thru in my life...i feel for the living, not the people who threw in the towel...

No, but you're supposed to respect other posters on this board and their feelings, especially in a situation like this - and not act like a completely tactless ass.

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I have no apology to offer. I am sick to death of individuals offing themselves...Haven't we seen enough of this throughout the ages? I'm tired of feeling sorry for these "Phoneix" types...awww, poor baby, couldn't handle being a celebrity...I care about real people who are suffering and who want to LIVE. This "man" had a daughter...how could anyone do that to their own child? What a loser...

Listen you fucking idiot. You don't know what happened, so stop rushing to judgement so soon. I would happily trade a talented man like Heath, over a piece of shit like you any day. Why don't you beat the next talented soul to it, and blow your fucking brains out. You worthless little sack of shit.

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I'm still shocked and saddened by this. I watched The Patriot earlier, and I still can't believe that he's dead. I know it's silly in a way to be affected like that, I never met him and don't know him.....but it's just so out of the clear blue. And I still can't help but feel immense sorrow for Michelle Williams and their daughter Matilda.

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Now, getting back to my original post. It's a damn shame. Plus, I saw the trailer for "The Dark Knight". He looked like he was taking the role to a whole new level. Too bad he won't be here to revel in the success of this film. I guarantee that his role as The Joker would have sent his status in the Movie biz through the roof.

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First thing I heard on the radio this morning. How immensely sad.

He was brilliant on Monsters Ball too....I'm lost for words.

No, but you're supposed to respect other posters on this board and their feelings, especially in a situation like this - and not act like a completely tactless ass.

I don't think he was "acting".


RIP Heath... you will be missed.

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Listen you fucking idiot. You don't know what happened, so stop rushing to judgement so soon. I would happily trade a talented man like Heath, over a piece of shit like you any day. Why don't you beat the next talented soul to it, and blow your fucking brains out. You worthless little sack of shit.


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Well, I really liked him in Casanova. I thought it was a very fun movie because of him. Anyone seen it?

I have and I loved it--he did such a fabulous job of playing every aspect of that character. I really enjoyed the sweetness he brought to the role, and his comic timing is brilliant throughout.

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