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Led Zeppelin - Straight from Hell!

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David J. Stewart is the webmaster of jesusissavior.com; he also has commented on the purpose of hell on the independent-baptists.org website.

The Purpose of Hell-By David J. Stewart

Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, PREPARED FOR THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGELS (Matthew 25:41).


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I just read farther down the page, it says the New King James Version of the bible is Satanic too. My bible is New King James Version, and I think the ones at my church are too. I guess we're all going to hell now, maybe Satan will give us turntables and we can listen to Stairway backwards.


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I just read farther down the page, it says the New King James Version of the bible is Satanic too. My bible is New King James Version, and I think the ones at my church are too. I guess we're all going to hell now, maybe Satan will give us turntables and we can listen to Stairway backwards.


No, Jesus Christ is our Redeemer.

Thank goodness he quotes Hammer of the Gods, so we know it's true. :lol:

I LOVE that ominous music . . .


Edited by eternal light
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OH BOY,confusion city.. It might be a good idea to look up the lyrics : that song says Jesus,(then at one point he says : I am gonna make up somebody---he also has a song : called Black Dog,one of the lines in that song are Big legged Woman anit got no soul....So ,E-light you have made comments on a few different post about Hotel rooms & Robert Plant,as if you were there with him personaly?Now your here to Evangelize? :blink:

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OH BOY,confusion city.. It might be a good idea to look up the lyrics : that song says Jesus,(then at one point he says : I am gonna make up somebody---he also has a song : called Black Dog,one of the lines in that song are Big legged Woman anit got no soul....So ,E-light you have made comments on a few different post about Hotel rooms & Robert Plant,as if you were there with him personaly?Now your here to Evangelize? :blink:

And it was not all bad but that would take us off-topic.

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And it was not all bad but that would take us off-topic.

? Bad as in naughty,naughty ? Or as in poor quality? but well it would be hell if quality wasn`t there,I`ll just have to ask Robert. Also, I would NOT say that he has now become a christian since he`s worked on this Raising Sand Project---and who nows about Alison, perhaps the guy she is in a relationship in the good ole USA will let everyone know if they are still going that baptist Church--funny I seen an article from Nashville that said we pray God she will not sing that song "Stairway to Heaven" with that guy from Led Zeppelin. Which is All so very weird ,considering the truth around that song .And what many in the Nashville as well as a lot of folks in the entertainment industry in the USA know who the song is about ,which has nothing to do with Krauss.But really as Robert said Friday night Jan.25,08 __KASHMIR !

Edited by lajoie
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? Bad as in naughty,naughty ? Or as in poor quality? but well it would be hell if quality wasn`t there,I`ll just have to ask Robert. Also, I would NOT say that he has now become a christian since he`s worked on this Raising Sand Project---and who nows about Alison, perhaps the guy she is in a relationship in the good ole USA will let everyone know if they are still going that baptist Church--funny I seen an article from Nashville that said we pray God she will not sing that song "Stairway to Heaven" with that guy from Led Zeppelin. Which is All so very weird ,considering the truth around that song .And what many in the Nashville as well as a lot of folks in the entertainment industry in the USA know who the song is about ,which has nothing to do with Krauss.But really as Robert said Friday night Jan.25,08 __KASHMIR !

I love Kashmir.

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YAY! You are here, I sent you a message in chatter.

I used to get really mad about these things, but I just take them as the people writing them have too much time on their hands.

You know, I used to get mad about that stuff too, when I was a teenager...but then I just felt the way you do. Now that I have a teenager of my own, it makes me mad all over again. I remember way back when, when I first heard the term, "moral majority," and it sent chills up my spine. I thought, what the hell does that make me and my family? I bought a button for my jacket that said, "Immoral Minority." I wore it to school, but nobody got the joke. When my daughter was in middle school, she was into the whole goth look, and some minivan mom asked me if my kid and her friends were satanists!! This is my precious child, who is a good kid. It just makes you sick. Oh well, thanks for letting me rant. :P

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Love the scary music! :lol: What a crock o' crap...but its old news for all of us veteran Led Heads. I remember when all that garbage was at it's height among ultra religious types in the early 80's .But that sort of slander is not reserved to a specific group. I never told this story here before, but I had an encounter with a woman who claims to have traveled with the boys in the 70's and that all the Beelzebub business was true : DISCLAIMER ( I am only recounting a story, I do not believe any of it ! ) It was 1991; my wife, myself and some friends had spent the day hiking Point Reyes, in Northern California. We got a room for the evening and found ourselves a nice little bar that had great seafood, good ale and a big, roaring fireplace. We all noticed an older woman who was staring at us from across the room, we were all happy to be out of the January cold and a bit loud, but no louder than anyone else in the bar. It was making us all a tad uneasy because it was so obvious, but being drunken idiots we all decided the only course of action was to stare back. She got up , approached the table and introduced herself as "Butterfly"... (bear with me folks; this is Northern California after all.) She had long, obviously dyed black hair and a lot of make up. She was dressed in that “New Age Hippy” style that was popular in the early 90’s. She said the reason she had been staring was the Led Zeppelin t-shirt I was wearing, she also said that she knew the boys personally. I invited her to sit down, much to the horror of my wife and friends, I'm always engaging weird folks in conversation, something everyone who knows me HATES . She proceeded to tell us that she was a prominent witch in a large coven in Marin County and met Jimmy in the late 60's. She also said that Jimmy had invited her to travel with Zeppelin on two occasions, and she knew first hand that the pact with Satan was in fact true, they had all, including Jonesy sold their souls. She went on to tell us that Robert was able to escape the contract because he had traveled the world and sought the protection of various shaman, holy men and the like....AND because he had the "purest" soul in the band. By this time we’re all rolling our eyes, and it was at this point I told her, while I appreciated the entertainment, I thought she was full of shit. Needless to say that comment upset her a bit and said that she should have known better than to open up to a “ bunch of fools”. She was obviously crazy, to put it mildly, with that she got up, walked over to the bar and had a couple more drinks before leaving. Everyone at the table was happy to see her go and asked me to please have any future conversations with psychopaths far away from them. Again, I never believed a word she said, just thought it would be a funny story to share with you all here. I’ve always believed that Zeppelin made some of the most “spiritual” , positive music ever. I’ll have to dig up my “Zep Prayer” and re-post it , I tied together some lyrics to show just how positive and beautiful their music is.

Edited by Bilbo the Rover
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:lol: :lol: Great story Bilbo! I don't know how you managed to sit through her entire ramblings with a straight face!
It was tough, being a bit buzzed helped ! there was much more that I didn't post, she also told me that she had been abducted by a UFO. To call her crazy would be an understatment, anything is possible, but you can always tell when someone is nuts..... :lol:
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It was tough, being a bit buzzed helped ! there was much more that I didn't post, she also told me that she had been abducted by a UFO. To call her crazy would be an understatment, anything is possible, but you can always tell when someone is nuts..... :lol:

:blink: By that point I'm not sure if I'd have held it together, alcohol or not :lol:

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