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My Acoustic 'When the Levee Breaks'...let me know what you think

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Beautiful Todd!!! I'll be downloading it after it finishes! Did you play the harp too?? Killer! :beer:

Cool that you paid the boys their licensing fees so you could keep it out there!! B)

Just caught that little mandolin lick at the end. Was that a nod to the end of In My Time of Dying?

Edited by Evster2012
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Hi Everyone,

I did a 'when the levee breaks' cover....my band and I play it out quite a bit and thought hey why not record it .....so here it is.

pretty much though this is me with a perc. player.....did some tracking you know....anyway let me know what you think.




hey, todd

i dug that!

ev's right: great harp, and the mandy lick.

tasty, man....

keep up the good work!

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Somebody should start a B.Y.O.Z thread. Be your own Zeppelin. Maybe Samo would come back.

I'll listen to your Levee cover when I get off work (which is what I ought to be doing right now).

I'll never get on Angi's List at this rate.

Edited by rokarolla
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Beautiful Todd!!! I'll be downloading it after it finishes! Did you play the harp too?? Killer! :beer:

Cool that you paid the boys their licensing fees so you could keep it out there!! B)

Just caught that little mandolin lick at the end. Was that a nod to the end of In My Time of Dying?

Hey way cool....somebody finally got that end thing. and yeah I did that harp thing....with a slight lesly amp thing on there.....cheers T

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Ok...got it now (was clicking on the big title on top)...WOW...this sounds great....thanks Evster!


Happy to be of service my friend! BTW, when they shoot you in the first scene of TSRTS, what is that white powder that bursts from your chest? ;):lol:

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Excellent Cover... Musically I like it a lot... I had the Les in my hands when I clicked on it and I don't even know the song but found myself playing right along ( Don't worry it wasn't plugged in <g>) ...

I know we should judge a song by the totality of the product which it was really good.. but I wasn't crazy about the second set of vocals ( the higher octave) ... I'm more into a Deep Blues version but then again I can't sing a lick ...

But other than that excellent job.. I really enjoyed it.

Have a great year.


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Excellent Cover... Musically I like it a lot... I had the Les in my hands when I clicked on it and I don't even know the song but found myself playing right along ( Don't worry it wasn't plugged in <g>) ...

I know we should judge a song by the totality of the product which it was really good.. but I wasn't crazy about the second set of vocals ( the higher octave) ... I'm more into a Deep Blues version but then again I can't sing a lick ...

But other than that excellent job.. I really enjoyed it.

Have a great year.


I think i do agree with you on that one......that high part was so hard to hit that is was uncool....had to record it over and over and over the coarse of some days........and in the end had to bring it down a bit because my falsetto is not strong enough to drive it right there....thanks for the listen....cheers T

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