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Pet Peeves


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MEN and their way of shopping for food! :rolleyes: Tell them to bring home a pound of selfraising flour, fresh vegetables and some cottage cheese and what do they bring home? Half a cow cut up in steaks and 5 pounds of bacon. Make a list of all the things they need to buy, stick it to their forehead - and what do they bring home? Half a cow cut up in steaks and 5 pounds of bacon!


so?..what else do you need?

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MEN and their way of shopping for food! :rolleyes: Tell them to bring home a pound of selfraising flour, fresh vegetables and some cottage cheese and what do they bring home? Half a cow cut up in steaks and 5 pounds of bacon. Make a list of all the things they need to buy, stick it to their forehead - and what do they bring home? Half a cow cut up in steaks and 5 pounds of bacon!


Yeah, we know the stuff women put on the shopping list.

Cotton balls

Fabric softener


Baby leaf lettuce

Camomille Tea

Basically shit that have no function in basic survival.

Bacon, steaks and frozen burritos are necessary to the survival of the species.

It's a proven scientific fact.

and I didn't even mention all the crap on the feminine aisle... a virtual no man's land.


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Ha, in the 36 years my parents have been married, my mother has never asked my dad to buy her feminine products. He wouldn't do it anyway, but that's beside the point. Hell, I can't imagine asking him to buy mine!

Going back to what was said originally about men and shopping lists, my dad does the grocery shopping for the house and he's really good about buying only what's on the list. He might throw a couple odds and ends in there somewhere, but he can go shopping without an issue.

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Yeah i absolutely love goin to the store to buy tampons only or better yet tampons and beer then again that one explains itself to anyone whos married or in a long term relationship! :D

yeah, especially at odd hours.. like very late at night.. wearing your pj's.

tampons.. and beer.

you act casual enough.. and yet you know full well that the clerk

knows full well that you've been sent on a menstrual crisis mission.


I like to act casual and yet also particularly

proud and confident in those situations.

"damn straight I'm man enough to buy my

woman some tampons in her time of need. :beer: "


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Yeah, we know the stuff women put on the shopping list.

Cotton balls

Fabric softener


Baby leaf lettuce

Camomille Tea

I asked the bf to buy tofu once....made the mistake of explaining to him that tofu is some kind of soy curd.

He couldn't find the tofu so he brought home normal curd instead. :rolleyes:

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yeah, especially at odd hours.. like very late at night.. wearing your pj's.

tampons.. and beer.

you act casual enough.. and yet you know full well that the clerk

knows full well that you've been sent on a menstrual crisis mission.


I like to act casual and yet also particularly

proud and confident in those situations.

"damn straight I'm man enough to buy my

woman some tampons in her time of need. :beer: "


Fuckin Right and it does take a real man i think, besides you should see some of the shit i've went to the store in, my wife is like your goin like that, and im like im married i dont give a fuck im not lookin for a date plus its walmart so im still in the top 10 of best lookin guys there and trust me if you were ever in the wally worlds here that is so not a conceded comment!!

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yeah, especially at odd hours.. like very late at night.. wearing your pj's.

tampons.. and beer.

you act casual enough.. and yet you know full well that the clerk

knows full well that you've been sent on a menstrual crisis mission.


I like to act casual and yet also particularly

proud and confident in those situations.

"damn straight I'm man enough to buy my

woman some tampons in her time of need. :beer: "


buy em & smile...she's not pregnant

Exactly. LOL

But seriously--I never think twice about it when a man comes in and buys tampons. I did see a man come into the store with his 5-year old daughter once and make HER buy the tampons.

Now that's just freakin' pathetic. :rolleyes:

I do not think I've ever asked a man to buy my femninine products. I think Dave may have bought them for me once, but I"m not sure. It's not like he's going to go home to use them himself. To stick them up his nose or somthing. :huh:

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But seriously--I never think twice about it when a man comes in and buys tampons. I did see a man come into the store with his 5-year old daughter once and make HER buy the tampons.

Now that's just freakin' pathetic. :rolleyes:

I never bought those things for my wife even when I worked in grocery store. She actually knew better than to even ask me to pick up tampons, emery boards, Q-tips or any other such crap.

Do I ever ask her to pick me up a 20lb. bag of Scotts Lawn Fertilizer with Crabgrass Preventer, or a case of 5W-30 motor oil?

HELL NO I DON'T! And it's not as if those items aren't just as neccesary.

Women need to take care of their own responsibilites in a relationship the same way that men do. Asking a man to pick up tampons is just plain lazy on the woman's part. She should have 50 cases of those damn things stored up in the house! It's not like she isn't going to need them ever again for crap sake!

Pet Peeve: women who run out of tampons and peanut butter.


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Tampons and peanut butter, eh? :unsure:

Please don't explain. I'm already pretty freaked out by that combination.

Del--FYI--I pick up motor oil, fertilizer, grass seed, crap at Home Depot ALL THE TIME!


Yeah. I do it a lot.

I hate it when women talk about driving a manual transmission car like it's a huge feat like they're the first woman in the world to do it...

...and I hate it even more when they think they can drive one but can't.

You guessed it. Sat behind one through two different stoplight cycles in traffic. Dumb ass couldn't get the car to move. I feel sorry for whoever's going to be responsible for replacing that burnt-out clutch. :rolleyes:

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Bleh. I think one of my pet peeves would be having to drive in these blizzards at all haha. I can't even walk in them.

Kudos to you. I'm very glad that I live, work, eat, and go to school on campus. I have everything I need here! Except for entertainment that is not provided by stupid residents blatantly breaking the rules and thinking no one will catch them. :P

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It's not like she isn't going to need them ever again for crap sake!

Hold on there, Del..

erm,.. I mean..

"pause" *cough*meno*cough* for a moment

there, Delbro, and reconsider that statement.


what the hell are you gonna do with 300 cases

of tampons when The Mrs no longer needs em?

..use em as miniature mops for spills on your garage workbench?

..use em for nosebleeds?

..use em for..umm.. loose "crap sake"?

..or what? huh.gif


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