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Pet Peeves


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Well, it is helping if you give the extra bit of change along with the note or whatever, I have no problem with that.

It's when they give the bit of change after the money has already been rung through the till that's the killer. Argh.

Yeah but I do that. So on behalf of us slowcoaches - sorry. I'll try to pull my socks up. :D

Did you look at my new Facebook pics? You're on there!

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Here comes the calvery !

I do have friends here who have been lambasted. I haven't personally defended them ON the board....but in general terms...I've pointed out the bias in the fights.

New People who get pounced on...then come back and get nasty or match nastiness hurled their way....don't have a contingent to defend them....so the dawgs just chew them up...

You're making the assumption that we ALL must PM each other and organise to post something in response to a comment that upsets us. That's ridiculous. We all don't constantly respond to things unless we as individuals choose to.

When I was a new member, I took the time to "lurk" for a good long while to get the feel of the board. I started posting only sometimes because to me, I felt like I had walked into a party where I didn't know anyone. It takes time to settle in. I never felt like there was some "clique" or whatnot. I assumed that some of the members had been on the board a long time and had the chance to develop friendships. It's nothing more than that. But some of these newbies come on with a vengeance and an agenda against people who have been around the board (regardless of it now being "official") a while.

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Pathetic. This perpetuates the notion that people can't have the same opinions and want to speak up without there being some kind of organised brigade that tips each-other the wink when help is needed. I have been away from the computer for a while Joel, and returned to Nine's post and then yours. Is there somehow a fault with Nine choosing to post there? Are you proposing a new forum guideline that no friends are allowed to post on the same page as each-other?

OH yes...it is pathetic....I mispelled it....sorry....


As far as the other point of your speculation.....you're putting words in my mouth.

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Its not worth carrying this on - we've both made our positions clear. But I'll say that it would be lovely to come on here and NOT see another shit-stirring post from you accusing people of being"cliques" who "pounce" on newbies etc - it seems a daily event at the moment.

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Yeah....you're right KB...

It even be nicer to not have an already 'shit-stirred' thread, as they've been...to comment on...

We can both just leave it to the mods to delete them, as they have. Ultimately the comments and posts are gone....so why bother on either side, ehh ? We keep going around and around about stuff that's vanished into cyberspace anyway...

The brawls are neutered.

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Pet peeve

People who feel the need to dictate the content of other peoples posts


Yeah....you're right KB...

It even be nicer to not have an already 'shit-stirred' thread, as they've been...to comment on...

We can both just leave it to the mods to delete them, as they have. Ultimately the comments and posts are gone....so why bother on either side, ehh ? We keep going around and around about stuff that's vanished into cyberspace anyway...

The brawls are neutered.

Well, until somebody brings them up... again. :rolleyes:

I prefer the word neutralized myself, although the threads may seem neutered when the brawling posts are neutered.

I hadn't realized just how long it had been since I came to this thread... after reading the last few pages, I guess I could consider this thread a pet peeve all by itself.

edited again to fix a grammatical lapse.

Edited by Lake of Shadows
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Well, it is helping if you give the extra bit of change along with the note or whatever, I have no problem with that.

It's when they give the bit of change after the money has already been rung through the till that's the killer. Argh.

At work, when that happens, I have to come up and unlock the change tower for people. LOL We have our stuff set up so the actual change is dispensed, and the checkers don't touch it unless someone gives them change. It's a little bit faster to give someone their change because it only takes a split second to spit the coins out, but it has also created a bunch of people who cannot count back loose change. :lol:

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Dave does this thing that drives me wacko. He will be watching TV downstairs, in the basement, and he'll come upstairs for something or another, and he'll turn on the radio to a classical music station and then go back downstairs. :wacko: I don't mind classical music, but if I had the radio off up here, LEAVE IT OFF! Now I have the Brandenburg Concertos playing on top of all the noise the Star Trek Enterprise episode's making. I think it sounds like someone's launching missiles on the Munich Philharmonic!

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