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Pet Peeves


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Let's be honest, spats. Why, exactly, do men need to be catered to? Especially white men? We still make the most money, we still run more corporations, there still isn't going to be a woman President (after all... Hillary's done), more men are CEO's then women, men are always on top (metaphorically... my girlfriend was always on top). In fact, the only thing women really control in this life is the home. Men have been top of the food chain forever. It an unfortunate truth, but a truth nonetheless. So... why is it we need to be catered to? It's not like we have it so bad.

Don't get me wrong: commercials that show men as stupid, lazy, heartless idiots piss me the fuck off, especially when those commercials are okay but any commercial showing a man in a good light is somehow sexist :blink: ... but we have it good, spats.

So I guess I don't understand why you think men should be catered to?

You know why you don't see a lot of catering to men? Because we cater to ourselves. If I want a beer, I don't expect my girl to go and get me one... I'll get it myself. If I want to watch TV, I grab the remote and work my thumb, damnit! And my thumb gets tired, but my thumb is strong! You don't want to get in a fight with my thumb... it'll kick your ass. You may put me in the hospital, but my thumb will reign supreme!

Don't mess with the thumb!


(Hey... you know what? Can one of the graphics-gurus here make a pic of like a super thumb or a rambo-thumb or a wrestler thumb with a utility belt that has a TV Remote control in it... and the caption says "don't mess with the thumb"? I'd really appreciate it. :D)

All I would ask from my girl is to let me be me and independant and drink my beer and watch my comedy and play my music, and satisfy me every now and then (;))... and in return, I'll dote on her, buy her a few gifts every now and then (nothing really expensive, but just stuff to show her I love), pull out her chair and hold open the door for her (but not all the time, just on special occasions like Valentine's Day, our anniversary, her birthday, etc). And also, I'll remember Valentine's Day, I'll remember our anniversary, and I'll remember her birthday, because the stereotype about guys always forgetting isn't true for all guys. And believe me... what I get in return is completely worth it. Oh man, is it worth it. :D

It's not worth it to me.

I am not saying that men should be ones catered too. Just that's it's totally lopsided. Almost Everything is aimed at putting women before men.

You rarely find women who will let a guy be independant or be himself. Women are always trying to change their boyfriends or husbands. We have some women here talking about trying to train the men to be neater.

I can do everything for myself too. I don't need any woman waiting on me. There is no one more independant than me. So why should men be waiting on women?

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To me, this right here IS being catered to. Nathan said it pretty well.

Think about this one, Spats-If a man and a woman with the exact same experience, education, and skills apply for the same job opening, who do think will get the job? Unless the company doesn't have it's equal opportunity quota met, the one who will get hired is always going to be the guy. You don't call THAT catering, spats??

I am not saying that men don't benefit at all. But the catering to women is overwhelming. I listed a bunch of examples.

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Bitter about what?

I don't hate Mothers day. I hate the fact it gets promoted more than Fathers day.

I do look for faults in women but it's because i want to see what i can put up with and what i can't. And that are some faults or behavior i just can't get around.

Seriously Bonnie. Society does cater to women. Go back and look at my examples. People here even give examples by saying .."Men should be opening doors for women" yadda, yadda. Another one is how on our transit system women are allowed to get off anytime they want if it's closer to their home. Guys are not allowed to do that. Valentines day is also catered to women. All over the radio you hear ad's telling men to go out and get something special for your girlfriend or wife, and on and on. Not the other way around.

Thats exactly right. It was me, however I said MEN

Pay attention son.

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Thats exactly right. It was me, however I said MEN

Pay attention son.

I am all man. But where i come from the definition of a man is not doing all that door opening,etc. We have different ideas of what a man is i guess.

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I am all man. But where i come from the definition of a man is not doing all that door opening,etc. We have different ideas of what a man is i guess.

Then explain it so it makes some sort of sense instead of wishy washy psychobabble, chuckles.

Definately different definitions. Lead, follow or get Trampled Underfoot.

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I like it when women are catered to. They should be.

All this trying to blend the sexes is wrong. Defined roles are important and to me, necessary.

If you're going to be married and have a family, hopefully the man will be able to provide and have the woman be a stay at home mom with the kids. Tradition is vital in that sense and the man should do all he can to make the provisions to accomodate a nice home. And don't forget the flowers and to leave the toilet seat down. Yes, cater to the ladies and keep them as the fairer sex, none of this macho woman stuff.

I am exactly the opposite. Completely the opposite. I don't have an old fashioned bone in my body and don't want an old fashioned woman. defined roles are not needed anymore. It's Stone age stuff. 1950's, etc. Things have to progress. Both the man and the woman provide these days. And that's the way it should be. Not just one. And they can put the seat down themselves. It's not rocket science, it's laziness.

A woman does not have to be macho to still be a modern woman.

I am never having a wife and a family so i don't have to take care of anyone.

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I am exactly the opposite. Completely the opposite. I don't have an old fashioned bone in my body and don't want an old fashioned woman. defined roles are not needed anymore. It's Stone age stuff. 1950's, etc. Things have to progress. Both the man and the woman provide these days. And that's the way it should be. Not just one. And they can put the seat down themselves. It's not rocket science, it's laziness.

A woman does not have to be macho to still be a modern woman.

I am never having a wife and a family so i don't have to take care of anyone.

The seat needs to be lowered alright, with your head against the rim. Make up with some of these babes here Spats and quit giving them a hard time.

Your here, your having fun. Or at least I am. Had a groovy day, real hot and sweaty but my girl doesn't mind sweat.

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The seat needs to be lowered alright, with your head against the rim. Make up with some of these babes here Spats and quit giving them a hard time.

Your here, your having fun. Or at least I am. Had a groovy day, real hot and sweaty but my girl doesn't mind sweat.

I am not giving anyone a hard time. There is nothing to make up with anyone about. Just telling how i am and my thoughts on it like everyone else.

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oh yeah, well i'm in one of these modern day romances, and let me tell you, at one point I was working full time, and completely caring for the kids and house (meals, shopping, cleaning, up at night with the kids...you name it), and do you know what i felt like? a jackass, for doing EVERYTHING. i was angry about it. so, now i just take care of the kids and house full time...and that's enough to make you want to shave your head (in a brittany kind of way).

i am all for equality....but only when it is truly EQUAL, and the man scrubs toilets, too.

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Pet peeve is when you are feeling rotten (sinus infection) and the pharmacy screws up your prescription. <_< I never did get to the bottom of it; I gave up b/c I had to pick the kids up from swim practice. One of the 2 prescriptions got filled but I have no idea about the other one. This happened to me once before at another pharmacy when I had strep. :(

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It's not worth it to me.

I am not saying that men should be ones catered too. Just that's it's totally lopsided. Almost Everything is aimed at putting women before men.

You rarely find women who will let a guy be independant or be himself. Women are always trying to change their boyfriends or husbands. We have some women here talking about trying to train the men to be neater.

I can do everything for myself too. I don't need any woman waiting on me. There is no one more independant than me. So why should men be waiting on women?

Are you like a robot or something?

Change his program somebody!

Please? :rolleyes:

Edited by Hickory Man
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Oh, the irony!! First you ask me a series of questions and then you beg me not to enctice you to speak to me again, :hysterical:

Um...I'm not worrying....and that's funny..you've defined 'right peeps' hum...wow! Lucky me, I just stumbled upon them so quickly...I do believe that like minded individuals find each other quickly, glad to hear by your own definition that I'm in with the 'in' crowd.

And um.....I'm no mathemetition but...yer member #8655 and I'm sure several have joined after you so to say 7,592 registered users at this moment just seems a little out of range....but hey, that does seem to be your M.O from the little I've read of your blase posts.

Also, 'already befriended' indicates a presumption (as seems to be your habit) that I've not been on this board very long....wrong again my Dear!!

Ya know...I'm not a bitch but guess what...? You bring out the bitch in me....must be purely instinctive on my part....or a faulty sensory condition :lol: however last time I checked...it was working rather well.

Also, I'd just like to add that I don't get what 'choice of adjectives' are used has anything to do with 'high and mighty' attitude. I am quite humble actually but won't sit still and take a blatant attack from ANYBODY! I don't care if it IS a mod...I'll just leave the board then, I have plenty of other places to hang my hat...I just happen to like a FEW of the people that post here!

Now, I'm honestly not a trouble maker....however you insulted me at the very first post I made on this thread and I am a person who will stand up for herself and others in the name of justice (maybe you can check out my birth date too in order to get a little more insight as to what drives me) I have responded....I hope that I haven't enticed you to come out of your self imposed distaste for me by responding to my comments.

Shanti, Shanti, Shanti.....

I have never been accused of bringing out the bitch in anyone before, shocking to me. I guess i don't give myself enough credit. Really i don't believe i brought out something in you, you don't already possess. The initial post i responded to is a good example. The one i "misinterpreted" you on. Again i apologize for that. Sure brought on alot of sensitivity.

Seems strange you are so concerned about knowing the mods so you don't get thrown off the board. If you are so peaceful why would that be a worry?

Anyway i've never been called a "wanker" before or been accused of having "big balls" (maybe big tits, but i don't think so either). So much for your idea of peace.

I am sorry i caused you so much distress. Wasn't my intention. I have said my peace.

Edited by ~tangerine~
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Hey Tang, why the quote with no comment? I'm confused. Was that an endorsement of what she said? :lol:

That was me hitting the delete on my response by accident. Shit happens.

Edit: have a field day with that response, lol.

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oh yeah, well i'm in one of these modern day romances, and let me tell you, at one point I was working full time, and completely caring for the kids and house (meals, shopping, cleaning, up at night with the kids...you name it), and do you know what i felt like? a jackass, for doing EVERYTHING. i was angry about it. so, now i just take care of the kids and house full time...and that's enough to make you want to shave your head (in a brittany kind of way).

i am all for equality....but only when it is truly EQUAL, and the man scrubs toilets, too.


It's different in my home right now because I am NOT pulling my weight in the money-financial realm, but when I worked a full-time job, it was much different.

Let me tell you a little story, but first I want to mention that there are no children involved here, so I am not taking care of children on top of all of this.

I am a woman who has been raised to NOT be dependant on a man. I worked full-time and went to school full-time, and in my (very rare) time at home where I'm not doing homework or if I'm home at a decent hour after work, while my partner sits downstairs and takes a nap or watched television, I am usually doing the dishes, picking up the house, cooking dinner, doing laundry or doing yard work.

Even as a woman in a household without children, I do more work at home.

This is not true in every household, but the majority of women do more work at home than men--whether they have children or NOT.

(I'm not arguing your point, I'm giving it support.)

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I am never having a wife and a family so i don't have to take care of anyone.

You'll probably not be having sex again either, unless you change your damn attitude....

Edit: I just wanna say this---If there is such a thing as reincarnation, I seriously hope that in your next life you come back as a girl. I hope you have horrible menstruation problems, and that you have lots of kids. I hope your girl self is not at all good looking. And I hope that the only guys that ever date you treat you badly, and you have to find out exactly what women's shelters are for.

Edited by ~Bonnie~
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You'll probably not be having sex again either, unless you change your damn attitude....

Edit: I just wanna say this---If there is such a thing as reincarnation, I seriously hope that in your next life you come back as a girl. I hope you have horrible menstruation problems, and that you have lots of kids. I hope your girl self is not at all good looking. And I hope that the only guys that ever date you treat you badly, and you have to find out exactly what women's shelters are for.

Don't fuel spats TCMH. It's pointless. I don't even believe he's a real person. If he is, he needs serious therapy. More likely, in my estimation, he's a baiter, playing a role and feeding off the attention. :rolleyes:

In fact, he's probably a chronic "master" baiter. :lol:

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Don't fuel spats TCMH. It's pointless. I don't even believe he's a real person. If he is, he needs serious therapy. More likely, in my estimation, he's a baiter, playing a role and feeding off the attention. :rolleyes:

In fact, he's probably a chronic "master" baiter. :lol:

Here you go Ev...here's the "official" sign.



(spats, it's just something I MUST do...I'm not trying to pick on your or anything, it's just my new motto I guess...plus, I get to show off my mad PhotoShop skills...LOL)

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