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Pet Peeves


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They are fans of the band. If a girl was doing that for you, it'd be different. The girks are just letting them know that they like them. Just like you want them to do to you.

Exactly. It's harmless. They like the guys, think they're cute....whatever. So they scream and yell and wave signs and all that stuff. When NSYNC was all the rage, I was right along with the girls, screaming and acting like a fool. Why? I was a teenager, teenage girls do those things sometimes.

When my mom was a teenager, it was Beatles, Beatles, Beatles. She wanted to marry Paul McCartney, and had his picture taped all over her walls. She begged my grandparents to let her stay up and watch them on Ed Sullivan and rather than listening to her cry, they relented.

There was nothing wrong with my mom, and there's nothing wrong with those girls. Hell, I've seen teenage boys go apeshit over Britney Spears back in the day. You know, when she was actually attractive and had a career.

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Latest pet ppeve is friends who let you down.

Me and some buddies went to Harbourfront centre to hang out, eat and watch some live music. To get away from the dating scene and women. We were having a great time and then a couple of my friends start chatting up some women that were there. :o Then it was back to normal. And one of my friends even exhanged numbers with a woman later on. :o It ruined the whole night because i was left on my own again while they socialized and they ruined the whole purpose of the night.

There was a hottie i spotted there but she had purple hair and i can't imagine hooking up with a girl with purple hair.

But overall the night was nowhere near as fun as it could have been thanks to a couple of my friends.

Hopefully tonight will be better.

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Latest pet ppeve is friends who let you down.

Me and some buddies went to Harbourfront centre to hang out, eat and watch some live music. To get away from the dating scene and women. We were having a great time and then a couple of my friends start chatting up some women that were there. :o Then it was back to normal. And one of my friends even exhanged numbers with a woman later on. :o It ruined the whole night because i was left on my own again while they socialized and they ruined the whole purpose of the night.

There was a hottie i spotted there but she had purple hair and i can't imagine hooking up with a girl with purple hair.

But overall the night was nowhere near as fun as it could have been thanks to a couple of my friends.

Hopefully tonight will be better.

God bless ya spats.You kill me. :lol:

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Yeah but i would hope that any teenage guy who was waiting for them weren't shouting, singing and crying. Ugh. :o


Two words, spats: GENDER DIFFERENCES

You know, men and women.....are DIFFERENT. Men have stronger muscles, women have percentually more body fat; men have difficulty with concentrating on more than one thing at the same time, women can't read maps; men have hairy faces, women menstruate, etc... Ever heard of estrogen and testosterone? They are hormones. They affect the way we look like and behave.

Get it? I guess not.

I also don't understand how my dad can spend hours and hours watching football on tv, or why my bf is so fascinated by cars....BUT, is that my pet peeve? Hell no.


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Two words, spats: GENDER DIFFERENCES

You know, men and women.....are DIFFERENT. Men have stronger muscles, women have percentually more body fat; men have difficulty with concentrating on more than one thing at the same time, women can't read maps; men have hairy faces, women menstruate, etc... Ever heard of estrogen and testosterone? They are hormones. They affect the way we look like and behave.

Get it? I guess not.

I also don't understand how my dad can spend hours and hours watching football on tv, or why my bf is so fascinated by cars....BUT, is that my pet peeve? Hell no.


Yeah, we have 'stereotypical' traits for men and women. Why do I get the feeling Spats would have no problem with a wife that met him at the door with cocktail when he got home, plumped the pillows and put his slippers on for him, gave him the TV clicker to surf while she prepared a four course meal in her apron and then did the dishes and slipped into something more comfy....oh, but no oral B)

Just bustin on ya Spats :) See! Look how your friends took advantage of an 'opportunity'! I think you need to let loose a little, go with the flow, see where the night takes you. Don't have 'date' night...this is the night we're looking for girls...sometimes the harder you search for something the more it alludes you....sometimes it's right under yer nose and you look right over it....thanks for your continued updates though...we're all dying to see wedding pics one day :)

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Latest pet ppeve is friends who let you down.

Me and some buddies went to Harbourfront centre to hang out, eat and watch some live music. To get away from the dating scene and women. We were having a great time and then a couple of my friends start chatting up some women that were there. :o Then it was back to normal. And one of my friends even exhanged numbers with a woman later on. :o It ruined the whole night because i was left on my own again while they socialized and they ruined the whole purpose of the night.

There was a hottie i spotted there but she had purple hair and i can't imagine hooking up with a girl with purple hair.

But overall the night was nowhere near as fun as it could have been thanks to a couple of my friends.

Hopefully tonight will be better.

What are you going to do if a chick starts to hit on you ? Will you say, " sorry but I'm just out with the boy's for some fun " Fuck :D Better wear a wetsuit

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Pretty close. I never watched the Wayne's World films. My point for "Spats?" From all I've heard after your married sex stops...

So have your fun now Spats :blink:

But that's the beauty of it....Spats isn't gettin' it NOW! :D

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Yeah, we have 'stereotypical' traits for men and women.

Sure these are stereotypical (I enjoy watching hockey matches sometimes, for a change), but they just prove my point.

I don't understand how one can be so preoccupied with gender differences and gender roles. They are there. Good. Not everyone behaves and acts accordingly to them. Also good.

Why do I get the feeling Spats would have no problem with a wife that met him at the door with cocktail when he got home, plumped the pillows and put his slippers on for him, gave him the TV clicker to surf while she prepared a four course meal in her apron and then did the dishes and slipped into something more comfy....oh, but no oral B)

Well, he's been claiming that he wants an independent, easygoing woman who wouldn't be his "mommy" (probably because he doen't have balls to be her "daddy" :shifty: ).

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Sure these are stereotypical (I enjoy watching hockey matches sometimes, for a change), but they just prove my point.

I don't understand how one can be so preoccupied with gender differences and gender roles. They are there. Good. Not everyone behaves and acts accordingly to them. Also good.

Well, he's been claiming that he wants an independent, easygoing woman who wouldn't be his "mommy" (probably because he doen't have balls to be her "daddy" :shifty: ).

Quite agreed! You'll never catch me sewing a button but give me a hammer or screwdriver or wrench and I'm pretty handy. I am a great cook but my husband loooves to cook, it's theraputic for him so he cooks, I usually do the dishes. We are both responsible for our own laundry though we do favors and mix the others in when there's room or they go together. (He works outdoors, me in an office so rarely does our laundry 'go together' LOL!) He shops, I clean the basement. Everyone has to work their own individual talents into their relationships.

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Katuschka - I like your sig... perhaps Robert should have a "Just Push Play" button installed on him for some people. lol


I think he's got his hand on that button in YOUR sig pic Roxie! (which is very hot BTW) :D

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Katuschka - I like your sig... perhaps Robert should have a "Just Push Play" button installed on him for some people. lol

Hey, me too! Didn't notice that sig before. Perfectly said, Katuschka.

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My point for "Spats?" From all I've heard after your married sex stops...

So have your fun now Spats :blink:

Sounds like a generalization to me. Maybe years down the road, but why should your present sex life change just because of a wedding ceremony?

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Quite agreed! You'll never catch me sewing a button but give me a hammer or screwdriver or wrench and I'm pretty handy. I am a great cook but my husband loooves to cook, it's theraputic for him so he cooks, I usually do the dishes. We are both responsible for our own laundry though we do favors and mix the others in when there's room or they go together. (He works outdoors, me in an office so rarely does our laundry 'go together' LOL!) He shops, I clean the basement. Everyone has to work their own individual talents into their relationships.

Personally, I hate cooking. For me it's a waste of my valuable time. I'm generally a very impractical person, so I'm lucky to have a very practical and obliging boyfriend. :lol:

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I'm trying to change my email address from one my internet service provider provides to a google one.

I'm using the same user name, just changing the domain.

I try to change my email address on ebay.

It won't allow me because my username on ebay and my email address are the same.

My username on ebay and my OLD email address were the same--just a different domain. WTF?

So now ebay won't let me change my email address? That is really stupid--both accounts have been existence for years. :rolleyes:

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