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Sorry to hear that Lucy. Did you make your intentions known?? Did you go after him or did you do what i have been saying women like to do....wait for him to do something.

The thing was that he was in love with him while I was unhappy in love with another guy (story of my life). But after I looked at him properly and saw him really, I made my interest pretty clear. I didn't say it, but I was sure he had to see it. I mean, what am I but a pretty shy, 16 years old hippie outsider with no experience with boys?

And now...

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The thing was that he was in love with him while I was unhappy in love with another guy (story of my life). But after I looked at him properly and saw him really, I made my interest pretty clear. I didn't say it, but I was sure he had to see it. I mean, what am I but a pretty shy, 16 years old hippie outsider with no experience with boys?

And now...

Well as i have been saying. Women think they are being clear but the guys can't tell if the women are interested. Women need to come right out and say it. Guys love that. I would love it. For whatever reason women won't do it. If women were upfront and honest about this stuff i think so many people would happier.

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This lady I was sitting beside with on the train home was scooping stuff from her ears (both ears) with her long nails (both hands) and was flicking them all over the place. I mean if you choose to be gross do it at the private leisure of a "no one gets grossed out" place. It was all I could do not to hurl projectiles at the stuff flicking about.

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This lady I was sitting beside with on the train home was scooping stuff from her ears (both ears) with her long nails (both hands) and was flicking them all over the place. I mean if you choose to be gross do it at the private leisure of a "no one gets grossed out" place. It was all I could do not to hurl projectiles at the stuff flicking about.

Sometimes they look at it too before flicking it off. :blink:

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This lady I was sitting beside with on the train home was scooping stuff from her ears (both ears) with her long nails (both hands) and was flicking them all over the place. I mean if you choose to be gross do it at the private leisure of a "no one gets grossed out" place. It was all I could do not to hurl projectiles at the stuff flicking about.

It'd have been better if she just ate her scoopings, like some eat their buggers. At least they're containing their foul activity. It's unpleasing to the eye, but there's no consequence to the onlooker. Only consequence is those around you after you've puked on them from being disgusted.

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Women don't want to be percieved as being loose and easy. So you can't blame them for having a bit of class. But you are probably talking about girls and not women. Youngsters. But it pertains to them also. There isn't an old fashioned bone in your body is there?

Totally disagree with you. Women should be just as forward as men are if they are interested in a guy. I have always been, even at age 10. I have never considered myself to be "loose" or "easy", and friends/family have never told me i am. I have to have true feelings for a guy to be intimate. I take the time to get to know someone. Being the one asking to get to know someone doesn't mean you will jump into bed with them any faster than the girls who the first move is made on. This sounds to me like a perception that is from the "olden days"...lol. In reality, many woman do make the first move. Granted, it is nicer if a guy you like approaches you first, but no reason to let someone slip away, either.

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That happened in my hometown a few months ago with the NBC affiliate. No NBC for a month! But, the channel aired "Starz" so it wasn't such a bad deal. Then Time Warner Cable worked out an agreement with the NBC affiliate and everyone was happy and we got NBC again.

But it is SUPER annoying, to say the least!

Thanks for the show of support Goldilocks! Love that name, might it be a nod to our all-time favorite golden-maned Rock God? :D

Well, we've been without ABC for a month now and it looks like it's becoming a permanent thing so I will have to get my LOST fix online from ABC.com. Hopefully my 13 year old can teach me how to torrent the show so I don't go insane with all that buffering schtuff!

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I have my wedding ring on and I was in the produce section of a local grocery and this hot woman gave me the eye and the wink. She was smokin. Definatley had trouble written all over her. I got the hell out of there. :run:

In 'produce' huh ?

Last time I was in there I met this woman, is she the same one?


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Women don't want to be percieved as being loose and easy. So you can't blame them for having a bit of class. But you are probably talking about girls and not women. Youngsters. But it pertains to them also. There isn't an old fashioned bone in your body is there?

Isn't it funny how i have been told that i shouldn't pay attetnion to what other people thing. Don''t let it influence me. But if women don't approach because others will think they are easy then they are doing the same thing. It's hypcritical.

No, i am not old fashioned at all. Not in the slightest.

In 2009 there is no room for it. How is society and the world going to progress and move forward if it's old fashioned? It's funny how women like things old fashioned in some respects but not others. There is a doublestandard there. Women should be out there doing what men are doing. Women should be asking out, making the first move, proposing marriage. What happened to wanting equality? :blink:

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Totally disagree with you. Women should be just as forward as men are if they are interested in a guy. I have always been, even at age 10. I have never considered myself to be "loose" or "easy", and friends/family have never told me i am. I have to have true feelings for a guy to be intimate. I take the time to get to know someone. Being the one asking to get to know someone doesn't mean you will jump into bed with them any faster than the girls who the first move is made on. This sounds to me like a perception that is from the "olden days"...lol. In reality, many woman do make the first move. Granted, it is nicer if a guy you like approaches you first, but no reason to let someone slip away, either.

Amen. :D There needs to be more women out there that think like you.

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Amen. :D There needs to be more women out there that think like you.

Correct me if I am out of line here, but I have noticed something...It seems like there is pretty good connection between you and tangerine.

Am I right, tangerine?

I personally think you guys should give each other a call**Being totally serious here**I think there might be something to explore there. I bet anything my dear Spatsikins that if you just gave her your number via PM, I bet she would call you. Do it for me, will you? Pleeaaaaasssseee? :D

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Isn't it funny how i have been told that i shouldn't pay attetnion to what other people thing. Don''t let it influence me. But if women don't approach because others will think they are easy then they are doing the same thing. It's hypcritical.

No, i am not old fashioned at all. Not in the slightest.

In 2009 there is no room for it. How is society and the world going to progress and move forward if it's old fashioned? It's funny how women like things old fashioned in some respects but not others. There is a doublestandard there. Women should be out there doing what men are doing. Women should be asking out, making the first move, proposing marriage. What happened to wanting equality? :blink:

Spats you may need a change of location. When I was out on the scene, women did approach me and visa versa. Some times I was not too pleasantly rejected and sometimes I said no thanks.

You need to exude some confidence. Stand with your chest out, shoulders back and chin up, smile! don't slouch and appear timid.

Women love a man with confidence and can smell fear a mile away. You fall off your horse get back up and try again and again.

Don't give me the handsome, rich, popular, movie star bull shit! I'm no Brad Pitt myself and I've never had any problem approaching women, I may not have them smothering me either but many have approached me.

Just have some confidence in yourself. :slapface:

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Doctors and PE teachers.

we had to run 25 pacers in PE. The teacher forced it, and you run to a cd. You don't get a break, and the first time you missed you get a B, twice C, third D and forth F. Afterwards, my throat swelled up, my lungs tightened and I quit breathing. It happened that night when I was at home. My parents had to take me to the ER, and the doctor that I was wasn't great. He said I had a cold air spasm. Which makes so much sense because I was in a house when it happened that the heat was up to 70. Then he wasn't going to write me a note for PE. He didn't write a note so I could take an inhaler to school because he said I wouldn't need it. Then the next day it happened again, and I was at school. So while I wasn't breathing the school had to contact a bunch of people to find someone who could get me to get me home for my inhaler. The PE teacher is also the PE coach and thinks he is God. I heard him say yesterday, "Those kids are like slaves, and I run them hard." He also told a larger kid that if it made it any easier he'd line twinkies up for the kid to chase. Not everyone can run the same speed, and that much. It isn't fair.

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Sometimes they look at it too before flicking it off. :blink:

She did! :D:angry::D

The wretched woman! She examined her by-products like a piece of art and watched them gingeringly each time she flicked them away.

punka she was lucky I didnt just had hot chocolate which would have voluntarily regurgitated at her at the very moment i stood up and vacated my seat.

i could have slapped her in the head before moving away to wake her from her orgasmic stupor and remind her she was in public.

as heavily made up she was you'd think if she had time to put on her fake lashes she'd have time to clean her ears.

ew ew ew. off to next post please lol.

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She did! :D:angry::D

The wretched woman! She examined her by-products like a piece of art and watched them gingeringly each time she flicked them away.

punka she was lucky I didnt just had hot chocolate which would have voluntarily regurgitated at her at the very moment i stood up and vacated my seat.

i could have slapped her in the head before moving away to wake her from her orgasmic stupor and remind her she was in public.

as heavily made up she was you'd think if she had time to put on her fake lashes she'd have time to clean her ears.

ew ew ew. off to next post please lol.

But yet you continued to watch! :huh::lol:

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Spats you may need a change of location. When I was out on the scene, women did approach me and visa versa. Some times I was not too pleasantly rejected and sometimes I said no thanks.

You need to exude some confidence. Stand with your chest out, shoulders back and chin up, smile! don't slouch and appear timid.

Women love a man with confidence and can smell fear a mile away. You fall off your horse get back up and try again and again.

Don't give me the handsome, rich, popular, movie star bull shit! I'm no Brad Pitt myself and I've never had any problem approaching women, I may not have them smothering me either but many have approached me.

Just have some confidence in yourself. :slapface:

I agree i need a change of location. Toronto is a nothing happening city.

Women are not good at detecting that stuff. If they were they would not make bad descions on guys they choose. They don't have radar for that stuff.

A person will only have confidence in themselves if they are successful. if they keep failing they won't. Things will just get worse.

I don't know what you look like but looks do matter dude. If a guy does not think he is good looking then there is no way he will feel he can approach women. But i don't know how a guy goes about convincing himself he is good looking. Like you say smile more, but i have a gummy smile (you see to much gum when i smile) and it does not look good.

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I guess Im a bit old school. The man should pay for the meal (hear that Spatsarooni?) and should make the first move. What is it that women see in married men? Is it the challenge of the conquest? I have my wedding ring on and I was in the produce section of a local grocery and this hot woman gave me the eye and the wink. She was smokin. Definatley had trouble written all over her. I got the hell out of there. :run:

Even my father who is over 70 and has been "old fashioned" all my life, has gotten past thinking anything of his daughter's (all three of us) asking guys out. It's not a big deal. Letting someone know you are interested in them if they don't do it first at least keeps you from missing out on a guy that may be afraid to approach you, for whatever reason (see spats for some examples, lol).

As for this woman, or others like her...i would say maybe she is looking for a fling with no strings attached :)

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